• Title/Summary/Keyword: Drained

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A Case of Surgical Treatment for Chylothorax with Cyhlopericardium (Chylopericardium을 동반한 chylothorax의 외과적 치험 1례 보고)

  • Jeong, Jeong-Gi;Kim, Sang-Hyeong;Lee, Dong-Jun
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.24 no.10
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    • pp.1028-1032
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    • 1991
  • A 17-year-old man was admitted for chronic anterior chest pain and dyspnea. He was undergone pericardiocentesis for chylopericardium and thoracostomy tube drainage for right sided chylothorax. Approximately 2000ml per day from right chest tube was drained during 20 days Supradiaphragmatic ligation of thoracic duct was performed and there was no drainage postoperatively and immediately antituberculous medication was done.

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The Strength and Deformation Characteristics of Jumunjin Sand under Low Confining Stresses (낮은 구속응력에 대한 주문진 표준사의 강도 및 변형 특성)

  • Han, Young-Chul;Lim, Hyun-Sung;Jeong, Sang-Seom
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.30 no.2
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    • pp.33-42
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    • 2014
  • The shear strength and deformation characteristics of granular soils at low confining stresses differ from those with high confining stresses. Thus, the clear understanding of geotechnical problems related to the low confining stress state such as the stability of shallow foundations, embankments, slope failure, debris flow characteristics and liquefaction as well as the various laboratory model tests is needed. In this study, drained triaxial compression tests with the cell pressures from 5 kPa to 300 kPa were performed on dry Jumunjin sand. The results show that the internal friction angle and deformation modulus are dependent on the confining stress. Also, the correlations between them on the dense and loose sand were established.

Characteristics of Soil Parameter for Lade's Single Work-Hardening Constitutive Model with Relative Density of Bottom ash (석탄회의 상대밀도에 따른 Lade 단일항복면 구성모델의 토질매개변수 특성)

  • Kim, Chan-Kee;Lee, Jong-Cheon
    • Journal of the Korean Geosynthetics Society
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.87-98
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    • 2013
  • This study was performed a series of the isotropic compression-expansion tests and the drained triaxial tests with various the relative densities 40%, 60%, 80% and 95% for bottom ash. Using the tests results the characteristic of the parameters of Lade's single hardening constitutive model were investigated. The soil parameters Kur and n representing elastic behavior are not much affected by the change of the relative density. The other parameters such as failure criterion(m, ${\eta}_1$), hardening function(c, p) and plastic potential(${\psi}_2$, ${\mu}$) are in a positive linear relationship with the relative density. Since the soil parameters h and ${\alpha}$ representing yield function do not change much to the change of relative density and also closely related to failure criterion, they can be replaced by failure criterion ${\eta}_1$. We also observed that predicted values from the Lade's single hardening constitutive model were well consistent with the observed data.

Large Deformation Analysis Using an Anistropic Hardening Constitutive Model : II. Analysis (비등방경화 구성모델을 이용한 대변형 해석 :II. 해석)

  • 전병곤;한성수;오세붕
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.215-228
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    • 2002
  • In a companion paper. (Oh, 2002), the constitutive model, called GUX model, was implemented as a user subroutine in ABAQUS code, where the GUX model could describe the behavior of overall strain range. An accuracy analysis verified that the implicit stress integration maintained the accuracy of solutions successfully. Since the GUX model is an anistropic hardening elasto-plastic constitutive model based on total stress concept, geotechnical problems under fully drained or undrained condition can be analyzed after acquisition of stress-strain relationships from drained or undrained triaxial tests. This study includes the analyses of the stability of embankments on soft clays and weathered soils and the example of axially loaded soil-pile system. In the large deformation analyses, geometric nonlinearity was considered and the result of analyses with GUX model was compared with that of Mises model for the overall strain range behavior.

The Effect of LiBr Concentration on Corrosion of Absorption Refrigeration Systems Using $LiBr-H_2O$ Working Fluids ($LiBr-H_2O$계 흡수식냉동기의 부식에 미치는 LiBr 농도의 영향)

  • Lim Uh Joh;Jeong Ki Cheol
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Gas
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    • v.5 no.4 s.16
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    • pp.33-39
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    • 2001
  • This paper was studied on corrosion behavior of absorption refrigeration systems using $LiBr-H_2O$ working fluids. In the various concentration of lithium bromide solution, polarization test of SS 400, Cu(C1220T-OL) and Al-Ni bronze is carried out. And the corrosion behavior of materials forming absorption refrigeration systems is investigated. The main results are as following: 1) As concentration of lithium bromide solution increases, polarization resistance of materials of each kinds is low. And open circuit potential becomes less noble, the corrosion current density is high drained 2) Open circuit potential of SS 400 is less noble than that of Cu and Al-Ni bronze, corrosion current density of SS5 400 is high drained than that of Cu and Al-Ni bronze. 3) Anodic polarization of Cu and Al-Ni bronze in $62\%$ LiBr solution continues the active state. that of Cu and Al-Ni bronze in the natural sea water maintains the active state and the critical current for passivation appears.

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A Study on Judangye's Theory of Sasang(four harms) -with a Focus on Gyeokchiyeoron and Geumgweguhyeon - (주단계(朱丹溪)의 사상(四傷)(기혈담울(氣血痰鬱))학설(學說)에 관한 연구(硏究) - 『격치여론(格致餘論)』과 『금궤구현(金匱鉤玄)』을 중심으로 -)

  • Yoon, Young-Heum;Yun, Chang-Yeol
    • Journal of Korean Medical classics
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    • v.27 no.3
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    • pp.123-140
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    • 2014
  • Objectives : As there was no sufficient research done on Sasang (four harms: 氣[qi], 血[blood], 痰[phlegm], and 鬱[congestion]), which serves as a precept in treatment of miscellaneous diseases, in contrast with 'Yang is always teeming whereas Yin is always scarce' and 'Sanghwa-ron', which are Judangye's major theories, I have come to work on it. I expect that with this, we can understand Judangye's medical theory and therapy for a variety of diseases. Methods : To begin with, I take a look at the definition of Sasang. And then, I make selections of theories and therapy related to Sasang from Gyeokchiyeoron(格致餘論) and Geumgweguhyeon(金匱鉤玄), which are Judangye's writings. My study follows the order of energy, blood, phlegm, and congestion. Results : Through Gyeokchiyeoron, I have learned more about Judangye's theory on how energy, blood, phlegm, and congestion cause diseases. And as for therapy, I have tapped into Geumgweguhyeon to use sagunja-tang(四君子湯) for drained energy, samul-tang(四物湯) for drained blood, ijin-tang(二陳湯) for phlegm, and wolguk-hwan(越鞠丸) for congestion, thus verifying the originality of Judangye's theory. Conclusions : "Judangye for miscellaneous diseases" was confirmed through his treatments for energy, blood, phlegm, and congestion. And his idea of Yang-eum(養陰 'nurturing yin') is now reflected in therapy for miscellaneous diseases, now serving as a study that provides a comprehensive understanding of Judangye's medical theories.

Evaluation of Fishmeal Supplement with Net Nitrogen Flux by the Portal-drained Viscera and the Liver in Mature Sheep

  • Fukuma, T.;Taniguchi, K.;Obitsu, T.
    • Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences
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    • v.18 no.9
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    • pp.1255-1261
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    • 2005
  • The objective of this study was to evaluate the net flux response of nitrogen compounds (alpha-amino N, ammonia N, urea N, essential amino acids) across the portal-drained viscera (PDV), liver and total splanchnic tissues of mature wethers to increasing level of dietary fishmeal (FM) supplementation. Four wethers (average body weight, 64 kg) with chronic indwelling catheters into the portal, hepatic and mesenteric veins and the abdominal aorta were used in a 4${\times}$4 Latin square design. A basal diet consisting of 0.7 hay and 0.3 concentrate was fed twice daily with a fixed amount at 1.4 times maintenance energy (1.3 kg/day on a dry matter basis). The supplementation proportion of FM as treatment was 0, 0.03, 0.06 and 0.09 to the amount of the basal diet to contain 119, 137, 154 and 170 g crude protein per kg dietary dry matter, respectively. Blood flows through PDV and liver did not differ (p>0.05) among the treatments. Both net PDV release and hepatic uptake of alpha amino acid N increased linearly (p<0.05) in response to increased dietary FM, which resulted in similar total splanchnic release of alpha-amino N among the treatments. Similarly, increased dietary FM increased net PDV absorption and hepatic removal of ammonia N linearly (p<0.05). Hepatic synthesis and total splanchnic release of urea N increased linearly (p<0.01) with increased dietary FM, but PDV uptake of urea N did not respond to increased dietary FM. Linear regression equations between the increases in FM N intake and PDV net flux indicated that 0.34 and 0.30 of FM N was absorbed in the form of alpha-amino N and ammonia N, respectively. The results demonstrated that FM supplementation provides more alpha-amino N than ammonia N to the liver, but the alpha-amino acid N absorption is less than the expected metabolizable protein N from FM supplementation.

Experimental Characteristic of Drain Control to Cherepnov Water Lifter (Cherepnov 송수기에 대한 배수제어방식의 실험적 특성)

  • 박성천;이강일
    • Magazine of the Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers
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    • v.39 no.6
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    • pp.67-79
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    • 1997
  • The perpose of this study was to suggest the experimental characteristic of the Cherepnov Water Lifter following the drain mode. The Cherepnov Water Lifter(CWL), which is powered by the potential energy of water, can be set to operate automatically when the water m a tank is drained. In this study, a CWL is constructed in the valve drain controlling mode(VCM) and the siphon drain controlling mode(SCM), and a pressure transducer is installed. It was found that, in the VCM, intake flow volume is proportional to both delivery flow volume and drain flow volume. In the SCM, intake flow volume is proportional to drain flow volume, and the average delivery rate is proportional to both efficiency and the water utilization ratio. Also, in the VCM, the water utilization ratio is 35~49%, efficiency is 62~9O%, average delivery rate is 12.8~81.2$cm^3$/s, and the average drain rate is 14.O~91.5c$cm^3$/s. On the contrary in the SCM, the water utilization ratio is 1.7~38%, efficiency is 3~58%, average delivery rate is 3.1 ~69.2$cm^3$/s, and the average drain rate is shown as 114.5~ 183$cm^3$/s. As a result of the water utilization ratio, efficiency, average delivery rate, and average drain rate are compared, the VCM is found to be superior and the more economical mode. However, the VCM requires manpower and electricity to operate the electronic machinery involved, while the SCM requires no manpower or electricity at all. An economic evaluation of these differences will be necessary in the future. Also, in the SCM, studies to improve water utilization ratio and efficiency, to find the optimum height of the siphon for decreasing the average drain rate, and to determine the radius of curvature of throat have to be conducted in advance, since a large flow rate is drained during the priming action of the siphon.

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Effect of Mole Drainage on Soybean Growth in Paddy Field(Jeonbug Series, Aeric Halaquepts) (논의 두더지 배수(排水) 효과(效果)와 콩 재배(栽培))

  • Jun, Jang-Hyeop;Yang, Chang-Hyu;Lee, Kyung-Bo;Nam, Jeong-Kwon
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.27 no.4
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    • pp.296-302
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    • 1994
  • To alter the paddy field to upland, mole drainages were constructed under 30cm of the surface of(Jeon buk silt loam) which is not appropriate for cultivation of upland crops. Intervals of the moles were 50cm, 100cm and 150cm and diverted to upland for soybean cultivation. By construction of the mole drainage, about 75% to 45% of the rainfall was drained and the ground water level was maintained below 40cm. After a year of drainage, the blocky surface was changed to granular or nutty structure which is common in upland fields. Oxidation was progressed to the deep layer because of soil dryness. Soybean yield were increased by 11% to 22% in the mole drained plots, but wet injury was occurred in the nontreated check plot with relatively poor growth status.

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