• Title/Summary/Keyword: Disaster-Experience

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Analysis of Occupational Accident Types in the Apartment Construction Sites using Multiple Correspondence Analysis (다중 상응 분석을 통한 아파트 건설현장 업무상 재해 유형 분석)

  • Ryu, Han-Guk;Son, Seunghyun
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Building Construction
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.269-278
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    • 2020
  • In this study, we analyzed the safety accidents that occurred in the apartment construction site and the correlations between the victims according to the type of work accidents through multiple correspondence analysis. There is a lack of disaster-related studies on apartment construction sites, the third most frequent building type in Korea, and most of them have used survey techniques. Therefore, the exploratory data analysis was conducted in industrial accident cause data, and derived the correlation analysis between each disaster victim through multiple correspondence analysis. The results of the study are summarized in two as follows. First, as the number of heights increased due to the high rise and complexity of apartments, the fall rate and mortality rate were high. In addition, deaths are mostly caused by very few experienced workers or those with more than 10 years of experience, resulting from safety training, lack of experience, and insensitivity to safety. Second, multi-correspondence analysis showed that most safety accidents can be prevented by wearing safety equipment, and following proper work process and its safety action. The key factors derived from this study can be used for safety education, supervision, and management in apartment construction sites.

The Study of a Strategic Plan for Building Experience-Space Facilities for a National Safety System (국민안전의식 체계화를 위한 체험공간 시설확보 방안에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Tae-Hwan
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Hazard Mitigation
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    • v.3 no.1 s.8
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    • pp.149-155
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    • 2003
  • The reason of source for a tragic death by the occurrence of an event is $\ulcorner$unobservant of safety rule,$\lrcorner$ $\ulcorner$negligence of staff,$\lrcorner$ $\ulcorner$deficiency of responsibility$\lrcorner$ and $\ulcorner$deficiency of safety value$\lrcorner$ and for certain reason that is insufficiency of space for safety education also think little of a people, unobservant of safety rule, selfishness and so on. It makes new and specific plan that is simulation room before I compare the inside and outside of the country for a nation the reform of consciousness. Next, go ahead with a plan for about safety-simulation room. The Government can support to plan if it make a proposal to center of Government. It should be make a people of safety system, and it build the safety-simulation room $1{\sim}2$ in the city or county. And, the city cannot build the big safety-simulation room the reason are size of building and money. Accordingly, it will be make a system and installation for different type of safety-simulation room for about calamity, disaster and different type of accident in Korea. It must be build the building of space that should be make a space of knowledge and information by many books and media, develop of education program from life-safety.

The Process of Occupational Socialization of the Court Security Team (법원경비관리대의 직업사회화 과정 분석)

  • Park, Ok-Cheol;Kwon, Tae-Il
    • Journal of the Society of Disaster Information
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    • v.8 no.3
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    • pp.276-286
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    • 2012
  • The purposes of this study are to investigate various experience factors of the court security team's occupational socialization process and suggest basic materials which are necessary to establish educational service strategies of preliminary court security and guard. Therefore, in-depth interview and ethnographic study were conducted for 4 court securities whose career is more than 3 years. As the result, the process of occupational socialization process of the court security was divided into preparation period, adaptation period, conflict period and maturity period. In the preparation period, vision of university departments, acquisition of certificates and information of the court security team are the factors of basic stage for becoming court securities. In the adaptation period, they adapt themselves for playing their own roles sincerely and become professional manpower after being court securities, through the university educational program useful for practical duties, certificates for practical duties and occupational satisfaction. In the conflict period, they aware conflicts of the company and job stress, that court securities should experience, and endure them. In the maturity period, they are grown by one more step as court securities, through the motivation, job professionalism, occupational prospect and efforts of self-development.

Behavioral Change of Workers who completed Experiential Safety Training (체험식 안전교육 이수 근로자의 행동 변화 연구)

  • Choonhwan, Cho
    • Journal of the Society of Disaster Information
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.161-172
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    • 2023
  • Safety education delivered to construction workers in a lecture manner has limitations in concentration and immersion, so delivery power and interest are low. In order to improve unstable behavior through education and prevent safety accidents, it is necessary to change the paradigm to hands-on education. Purpose: Experiential safety education aims to contribute to preventing accidents for construction workers by quickly recognizing risks, improving emergency response skills, and verifying the effectiveness of pre- and post-learning. Method: Based on a survey of workers who experienced the same work environment as the actual construction site, an opinion survey on the pre- and post-safety experience education and a variable measurement tool were planned, and a research hypothesis was established. Results: The Bayesian theory and MC simulation analysis were used to analyze the structural equation model, and the change in construction worker behavior was confirmed through the intended safety (A), non-experiential education in the sub-area of anxiety (B), average, standard deviation, and minimum and maximum values. Conclusion: The effect of education and industrial accidents are reduced only when construction workers are motivated to participate.

Disaster and Artistic Measures: Hermann Josef Hack's Project of World Climate Refugee Camp (재난과 미술적 대응: 헤르만 조셉 하크(Hermann Josef Hack)의 기후난민 프로젝트)

  • Kim, Hyang-Sook
    • The Journal of Art Theory & Practice
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    • no.14
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    • pp.53-83
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    • 2012
  • This thesis is a study of artistic measures and climate refugees, based on Hack's World Climate Refugee Camp project. According to Hack, climate refugees appeared with the process of globalization. Hack claimed that the people who put climate refugees in danger are the industrialized nations, and therefore, their rejection of refugees is nonsense. He also stated that the fundamental solution would be the active participation of such nations. Thus, he travels around the world, encouraging participants and globalizing his project. Interestingly, the practical participation method of his climate calamity project is divided into four methods, which are all related to realizing the danger and presenting various solutions. First, the aesthetic of survival: the reason Hack focused on the warming trend and claimed that we have to accept the climate refugees as refugees comes from the thought that we are all potential refugees, and the anxiety that climate refugees may cause war in the end. The solution Hack found for surviving in such a world is to create "refugee camps" to notify people about the seriousness of climate change, and to put the "aesthetic for survival" in action. Second, a relation-oriented relationship: communication between Hack and the participants was done in various ways. They are experiencing a bond and emotions of an interrelationship through their actions in the experimental field, experiencing a new form of art, which they were not able to experience in a museum. Third, a utopian measure: Hack's utopian measure started from the fear of dystopia but Hack still believes that it is not only a dream, but that it can be realized. He claims that even though the start may be feeble, it is possible to rescue children from starvation and to treat climate refugees as proper human in the end, when communication and cooperation is done the right way and properly. Fourth, the aesthetic of global relation, the internet: the new solution Hack is trying on the internet is to make more people participate in his project. It is fate that "human are the wrongdoer and the victim at the same time", but according to Hack's opinion, social disaster can be avoided through effort and it is optimistic that we can give form to the culture revolution we are experiencing now. Hack's project illustrated the importance of daily life, compared to art inside a museum, through active participation of the people and opened up a new method of art through realistic responses to disasters. This is distinctive from the past exhibitions, where artists gave shape and form to ideals and an imaginary world, in that it shows that the artist and audience aim for creating a community-like structure, just like Bourriaud's art method. Hack's project of climate calamity illustrates that installation and action art is not only an art genre which shows installation and activities, but that it can include social and political issues and that it can be completed with the help of participants, consequently becoming a genre of modern art. Hack raises a question about art's identity through various descriptions. Artists as planners, who base their artworks on their subjectivity or the characteristics of a specific period, the people as participants, the duet of art work and play, human and human, and further, human and nature. The practical participation method, as a measure for "disaster", reveals the new art of the 21st century within Hack's artworks. Even though there are several problems with Hack's usage of art as a measure for disaster, it will actively open up a new page for the 21st century's art with the theme of disaster.

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Study on Stagnation Factors Analysis and Improvement Methods through an Evacuation Experiment (피난실험을 통한 피난시간 지연요인 분석과 개선방안에 관한 연구)

  • Han, Woon-Hee
    • Fire Science and Engineering
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    • v.32 no.2
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    • pp.57-66
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    • 2018
  • The most urgent requirement in the event of disaster and fire in a skyscraper is to establish a system that enables people inside to evacuate safely. Hence, a practical direction needs to give evacuees confidence in the evacuation by reducing the psychological anxiety caused by the relatively large number of people inside and at the same time, the physically prolonged evacuation travel line. Evacuation tests with large numbers of people were conducted three times to solve these challenges and identify phenomena and issues that occurred during the experiment. The results revealed the factors that could cause a delay in evacuation and suggested improvements. The study results of this paper are as follows. First, a recent fire at a multipurpose high-rise resulted in a number of casualties due to a lack of experience with the disaster prevention system. To prevent such cases from occurring in advance, adaptability was achieved by conducting evacuation tests. Second, the data collected in the evacuation simulation statistics and the actual escape drills were compared and analyzed. Third, in the evacuation experiment, a large number of people could not participate in the experiment. The reasons for not participating were analyzed and their impact on the actual evacuation time was confirmed. Fourth, equipment aids were purchased to establish the optimal response measure to the causes of a delay in escape time and the standards for ensuring the safety of the evacuee were specified by developing improvements to minimize the evacuation delay time through comparative before and after analysis of the experiment. These results can be used for fire safety control of skyscrapers to improve the efficiency of evacuation.

From Hiroshima to Fukushima: Nuclear and Artist Response in Japan (히로시마에서 후쿠시마까지, 핵과 미술가의 대응)

  • Choi, Tae Man
    • The Journal of Art Theory & Practice
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    • no.13
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    • pp.35-71
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    • 2012
  • The purpose of this essay is to examine the responses of artists on nuclear experiences through an analysis of the nuclear images represented in contemporary Japanese art. Japan has previously as twice experienced nuclear disaster in 20th century. The first atomic bombs were dropped in 1945 as well as the 5th Fukuryumaru, Japanese pelagic fishing boat, exposed by hydrogen bomb test operated by the US in 1954 nearby Bikini atoll. Due to Tsunami taken place by the great earthquake that caused the meltdown of Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant in March 2010, Japan is being experienced a nuclear disaster again. Despite practical experiences, comtemporary Japanese art has avoided the subject of nuclear disasters since the end of the Asia-Pacific War for a variety of reasons. Firstly, GHQ prohibited to record or depict the terrible effect of atomic bomb until 1946. Secondly, Japanese government has tried to sweep the affair under the carpet quite a while a fact of nuclear damage to their people. Because Japan has produced numerous war record paintings during the Second World War, in the aftermath of the defeated war, most of Japanese artists thought that dealing with politics, economics, and social subject was irrelevant to art as well as style of amateur in order to erase their melancholic memory on it. In addition, silence that was intended to inhibit victims of nuclear disasters from being provoked psychologically has continued the oblivion on nuclear disasters. For these reasons, to speak on nuclear bombs has been a kind of taboo in Japan. However, shortly after the atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima, the artist couple Iri and Toshi Maruki visited to ruin site as a volunteer for Victim Relief. They portrayed the horrible scenes of the legacy of nuclear bomb since 1950 based on their observation. Under the condition of rapid economical growth in 1960s and 1970s, Japanese subculture such as comics, TV animations, plastic model, and games produced a variety of post apocalyptic images recalling the war between the USA and Japanese militarism, and battle simulation based on nuclear energy. While having grown up watching subculture emerged as Japan Neo-Pop in 1990s, New generation appreciate atomic images such as mushroom cloud which symbolizes atomic bomb of Hiroshima. Takashi Murakami and other Neo-Pop artists appropriate mushroom cloud image in their work. Murakami curated three exhibitions including and persists in superflat and infantilism as an evidence in order to analyze contemporary Japanese society. However, his concept, which is based on atomic bomb radiation exposure experience only claimed on damage and sacrifice, does not reflect Japan as the harmer. Japan has been constructing nuclear power plants since 1954 in the same year when the 5th Fukuryumaru has exposed until the meltdown of Fukushima Nuclear Plant although took place of nuclear radiation exposures of Three Mile and Chernobyl. Due to the exploding of Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant, Japan reconsiders the danger of nuclear disaster. In conclusion, the purpose of this paper may be found that the sense of victim which flowed in contemporary art is able to inquire into the response of artist on the subject of nuclear as well as the relationship between society, politics, culture, and modern history of Japan and international political situation.

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Subjectivity Study on Decision Making Elements for Firefighting of Firefighters: An Investigation Utilizing Q Methodology (소방관의 화재대응의사결정요인에 관한 주관성 연구: Q방법론을 활용한 조사를 중심으로)

  • Junghoon Kim;Seung Hoon Ryu;Dongkyu Lee
    • Knowledge Management Research
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.23-42
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    • 2023
  • This study originated from recognition of importance of firefighters' decision-making in fire response, coupled with existing gap in research. By utilizing Q-methodology, the study aimed to categorize firefighters' subjectivity in fire response decision-making. Through this categorization, the study sought to highlight insights into the current technological and data limitations, as well as potential directions for future R&D in the field of firefighting. The findings of the study revealed that firefighters' subjectivity could be classified into three factors: "emphasis on direct information related to rescue," "emphasis on information related to the target property," and "emphasis on information related to command and coordination." The study theoretically confirmed that the subjectivity of firefighters' decision-making in fire response is partially influenced by their experiences and job. Additionally, the study's significance lay in its approach of collecting specific decision-making factors in fire response, moving beyond general theoretical models. Furthermore, from a policy perspective, the typification of decision-making factors contributed to connecting the identified data-based administrative needs from prior studies. Insights from the study emphasized the importance of leveraging on-site experience in Korea to aid decision-making, calling for the development of equipment and data collection methods that can rapidly and accurately assess on-site conditions.

Comparative study on the role of the public sector in the health care system -Comparison of the United States and Korea in social risk situations- (의료보장 체계에서의 공공 부분의 역할 비교연구 -사회적 위험 상황 속의 미국과 한국의 비교-)

  • Kim Jong Hwi;Hyun-Seung Park
    • Industry Promotion Research
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.95-102
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    • 2024
  • This study aims to compare the role of the public sector in the U.S. and Korean medical security systems and study response measures in the social risk situation of the COVID-19 virus. The COVID-19 pandemic was a typical case of a 'disaster' that spread across the world across borders in a short period of time and caused serious social welfare losses by increasing the annual number of deaths by approximately 4% in 2020. Threats to health security, such as changes in social order, unpredictable endings, prolonged control of daily life, and deepening inequality, affected the economy, politics, and environment as a whole, and people had to experience anxiety and confusion due to mental and physical stress. Furthermore, developed countries failed to provide help to low-income countries in the face of global disasters. In this situation, the country's disaster management capacity to minimize harm and secure resilience, especially disaster response capacity in the health and medical field, is inevitably very important. Therefore, this study compares how the health insurance system, which is a system to guarantee citizens' right to life, differs from the United States, a liberal health care country, and raises the need to strengthen the role of the public sector.

A Fundamental Study on the Criteria of Basic Parameters for Planning Rock Grouting (암반 그라우팅 주요 계획인자의 기준값에 관한 기초연구)

  • Kim, Jongmin;Lee, Eung Ki
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.38 no.2
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    • pp.15-27
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    • 2022
  • Despite the increasing applicability of rock grouting as a method for strengthening or disaster prevention by improving the stability of ground, criteria for planning parameters which can be used as minimum guideline are required since the current practice is mainly dependent on experience. In this study, the fundamental criteria for important parameters of rock grouting in terms of injection conditions such as water-cement ratio, injecting pressure, cement take and resulting effects such as deformation modulus and permeability are proposed. Those criteria are the results of analyses of a series of hydraulic fracturing tests and Lugeon tests, in-situ grouting tests at 17 sites in Korea and other countries, combined with the literature analyses of standards and previous research. In addition, the method for modifying proposed criteria according to water-cement ratio is also addressed since that in Korean practice is too high and therefore, should be adjusted to satisfy the conditions of balanced stable grouting. The results of this study can be used as a fundamental reference for more refined research in the future although they are still somewhat experience-dependent.