• Title/Summary/Keyword: Depth frame

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Understanding of I-Ching at a Viewpoint of Analytic Psychology - In a Basis at Ch'ien(乾) and K'on(坤) - (『주역(周易)』의 분석심리학적 이해 - 건괘(乾卦)·곤괘(坤卦)를 중심으로 -)

  • Shin, Sung-soo;Lee, Hyeon-gu
    • Cross-Cultural Studies
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    • v.31
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    • pp.119-153
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    • 2013
  • There is the commonness between I-Ching of Asian scriptures and Analytic Psychology of C. G. Jung as the conjunction of opposites of yin and yang. I-Ching has the base of the Great Absolute(太極) as yin and yang. Jung's psychology has the basic structure of opposite contents of psyche. The former wants to find the proper answer for the situation as fortune book, the latter realization of personal psyche. At this basis to approach I-Ching through the Analytic Psychology can be connected with the screening its inner system and structure in the frame of depth psychology. Basically I-Ching is the scripture about the good or ill luck, regret and stinginess. All of them are related with the psychology of human beings practically. I-Ching as the main scripture of Asia has the core theme concept of the mean (中). Previously mentioned the good or ill luck, regret and stinginess are included into this as the large view point. The best decision between the given situation and the fortune teller pursues the mean(中) path of both. Jung's psychology also attaches importance to the proper balance among personal conscious, unconscious and his surrounded situations. Goodness is relied on the mean, healthy psyche the harmony with the psychological and real situations of a person. But this balance and mean cannot be achieved without any reason but by the result of the conjunction of opposites. The opposites are the Ch'ien(乾, the Creative, Heaven) and K'un(坤, the Receptive, Earth) as yin and yang in I-Ching and the conscious and unconscious in Jung's psychology. These can be opened to masculine and feminine, psyche and matter, transcendent and existence and casuality and acausal synchronicity. Conjunction of these opposites can develope and create the new conscious and creative situation. Finally yin and yang from the Great Absolute and conscious and unconscious from Self become the opposites and go through necessary step of separation and sublimation for the creation of new level. In the Great Absolute there are yin and yang and yin the latter contains the cyclic process which can make the former renew. Conjunction of opposite in Jung's psychology also go through the similar process as the Great Absolute of yin and yang.

A Qualitative Study on the Experience of Flexible work arrangements: Focusing on Double-Income Couples with Preschool Children (유연근무제 경험에 관한 질적연구: 미취학 자녀를 둔 맞벌이 부부 중심으로)

  • Kim, Kyurang
    • Journal of Family Resource Management and Policy Review
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.1-14
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    • 2021
  • This study was conducted to examine the realistic problems of flexible work arrangements, which was a representative policy for work-family balance, based on a review of its effect and influence on double-income couples who were actual users of the system. In this study, an in-depth interview with three double-income couples, totaling 6 parents, with preschool children was conducted on the experience of their flexible work arrangements, and the purposes of the study were to figure out their experienced positive effectiveness and the problems with the difficulty of using the system and to look for their solutions. For the data analysis of the study, it was organized into three high categories and nine low ones by reviewing the entire data on the basis of the frame structured in the derived data through the interview and categorizing the subjects by area. The derived analysis results were changes in households, social and cultural perspectives, and demand for policy and social economic changes. This study is significant in the sense that the perspectives and voice of the actual users of flexible work arrangements have been reflected in the study, and in the future, we expect that it will provide justification and persuasive power for the improvement of flexible work arrangements and serve as basic data for establishing policy directions and support.

Analysis of Science Lesson Plan of Pre-Service Elementary Teachers about Condensation (초등 예비교사의 응결 차시에 대한 과학 수업 설계 분석)

  • Sung, SeungMin;Yeo, Sang-Ihn
    • Journal of Science Education
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    • v.45 no.2
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    • pp.172-186
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    • 2021
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze the science lesson plan of pre-service elementary teachers about condensation. Pre-service elementary school teachers in A national university of education was included in this study. Through the analysis of prior research and expert review, a framework for analysis of science lesson plan of pre-service elementary teachers was derived. The results of the using the analysis frame are as follows: First, the ability to apply the instructional model in the science lesson plan about condensation differences in pre-service elementary teachers need to be enhanced due to deviations, and teaching on the exact understanding of condensation-related concepts of pre-service elementary teachers is also needed. Second, there is also a deviation of pre-service elementary teachers in the beginning, development, and finishing composition of lesson course, so feedback should be supplemented. Third, in the sub-domain of lesson environment, there was a demand for specific know-how on the lesson environment. Therefore, support is needed for related PCK growth. Fourth, the sub-domain of lesson evaluation have a variety of perspectives on timing and subjects, and some missing about learning objectives in the composition of evaluation content are found to require complementary teaching. In order to improve this situation, it was found that there was a need to prepare conditions for improving science teaching professionalism of pre-service elementary teachers through in-depth discussions on the teaching methods and organization related to science education in the university of education course.

Consumers' Perception of Intelligent Vehicle (지능형 자동차에 대한 소비자의 인식 유형 연구)

  • Kim, Gibum;Lee, Hyejung;Lee, Jungwoo
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.18 no.12
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    • pp.405-420
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    • 2018
  • As the intelligent vehicle market continues to develop relevant technologies and services for consumers, it is necessary to understand the characteristics of potential consumers. The purpose of this study is to identify and understand the types of potential consumers of intelligent vehicle using the Q-methodology. A Q-frame was constructed using thirty six statements from intelligent vehicle related literature concerning core technology, technology acceptance and personal consumption value, legal system and policy and social awareness. Q-sorting and in-depth interviews were conducted using thirty nine P-samples snowballed. Analysis produced four types of potential consumers for intelligent vehicle: Smart Car Consumer, Reasonable Consumer, Safety Car Consumer, and Smart Device Consumer. Smart Car Consumer value the vehicle capability of intelligent vehicle as most important while Reasonable Consumer focus upon the economics of intelligent vehicle. Safety Car Consumer recognize the safety of intelligent vehicle as most important while Smart Device Consumer highly value the IT functions provided by intelligent vehicles. Across these four different types of consumers, preventing injuries of intelligent vehicle drivers turned out to be the most common critical factor in assessing intelligent vehicle. Implications for the intelligent vehicle market is discussed at the end with further studies needed.

Development of Robot Platform for Autonomous Underwater Intervention (수중 자율작업용 로봇 플랫폼 개발)

  • Yeu, Taekyeong;Choi, Hyun Taek;Lee, Yoongeon;Chae, Junbo;Lee, Yeongjun;Kim, Seong Soon;Park, Sanghyun;Lee, Tae Hee
    • Journal of Ocean Engineering and Technology
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    • v.33 no.2
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    • pp.168-177
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    • 2019
  • KRISO (Korea Research Institute of Ship & Ocean Engineering) started a project to develop the core algorithms for autonomous intervention using an underwater robot in 2017. This paper introduces the development of the robot platform for the core algorithms, which is an ROV (Remotely Operated Vehicle) type with one 7-function manipulator. Before the detailed design of the robot platform, the 7E-MINI arm of the ECA Group was selected as the manipulator. It is an electrical type, with a weight of 51 kg in air (30 kg in water) and a full reach of 1.4 m. To design a platform with a small size and light weight to fit in a water tank, the medium-size manipulator was placed on the center of platform, and the structural analysis of the body frame was conducted by ABAQUS. The robot had an IMU (Inertial Measurement Unit), a DVL (Doppler Velocity Log), and a depth sensor for measuring the underwater position and attitude. To control the robot motion, eight thrusters were installed, four for vertical and the rest for horizontal motion. The operation system was composed of an on-board control station and operation S/W. The former included devices such as a 300 VDC power supplier, Fiber-Optic (F/O) to Ethernet communication converter, and main control PC. The latter was developed using an ROS (Robot Operation System) based on Linux. The basic performance of the manufactured robot platform was verified through a water tank test, where the robot was manually operated using a joystick, and the robot motion and attitude variation that resulted from the manipulator movement were closely observed.

A Basic Analysis on the Operation of the Cultural Heritage Committee (부록 1. 문화재위원회의 역할에 관한 기초적 분석)

  • Kim, Hong-real
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.38
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    • pp.421-474
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    • 2005
  • The Cultural Heritage Committee is an advisory committee established under the Cultural Heritage Administration with the aim of carrying out examination and deliberation on preservation, management and use of cultural properties. The Cultural Heritage Administration is responsible for Korean cultural properties. It was found to produce and execute policies on cultural properties, which involves in-depth investigation and consultation of experts in the fields of cultural properties. In here the Cultural Heritage Committee plays an important role in policy-making on Korean cultural properties. Governmental committees in Korea are largely divided into consultation committees and administrative commissions. Consultation committees are subdivided into consultation, deliberation and legislative committees. The Korean government established the Bureau of Cultural Properties in October 1961, and enacted provisions (as a presidential decree) on March 27, 1962, by the Cultural Properties Act, January 10, 1962. The Cultural Heritage Committee was opened as a deliberation committee which covers the entirety of cultural properties, including designation and cancellation of cultural properties, on which currently 120 members serve in 9 subcommittees. The committee member hold two years membership. This analysis contains a frame and scheme of the committee, function and statue of the current operation and study on role of a deliberation committee.

A Study on Chinese K-pop Fandom from the Perspective of the Audience and Consumers (관객과 소비자 관점에서의 중국 K-pop 팬덤에 대한 연구)

  • Su, Xiameizi;Chang, Woong-Jo
    • Journal of Korea Entertainment Industry Association
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.51-64
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    • 2021
  • Among global K-pop fandoms Chinese fandom is a longtime and very strong consumer power in the K-pop industry due to its adjacent geographical location and low cultural barriers. Yet, there is a significant lack of research on Chinese K-pop fandom; most of what is available is from the producers' points of view. Research that explores the position and experience of Chinese fans, who are both mass audience and consumers, is slow to emerge. Thus, there is a need for systematic and careful study of Chinese K-pop fandom. In this research, we conducted a phenomenological study of the experience of Chinese fans of K-pop culture. We conducted participatory observation and in-depth interviews (including a FGI) with Chinese superintendents and active participants in Chinese K-pop fan clubs and fan pages. We then coded the data, following the theory of fandom developed by scholars such as Fiske (1992), and analyzed the phenomenon of Chinese K-pop fandom from the frame of the overall societal environment. We considered the psychological and behavioral characteristics of Chinese fans and the influences they receive from their turbulent social environments. We also considered the expectations of and opinions on the development of K-pop culture from their perspective. Based on our findings, the significant role and influence of independent fans and interdependent fandom in the development of K-pop culture and industry are identified. Finally, we emphasize that the role as facilitators of K-pop agencies is critical in the establishment of communication and trust between fans, K-pop artists, and the agencies.

A Study on the Response of Visitors Who Experienced Art Museum Docent Guide: Based on the Phenomenological Methodology of Giorgi (미술관 도슨트 안내를 경험한 관람객 반응 연구 - 지오르기(Giorgi) 현상학적 방법론을 사용하여 -)

  • Park, Sujin;Ko, jeongmin
    • Korean Association of Arts Management
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    • no.57
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    • pp.5-32
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    • 2021
  • The purpose of this study is to find out what kind of experience docent programs provide to visitors in museums by means of Giorgi's phenomenological method. In-depth interview was conducted with 6 visitors who had experienced firsthand. As a result of the coding based upon Giorgi's method, it was divided into 6 categories and 21 subcategories, and the following results were obtained. First, the reason that the subjects of the study participated in the docent program was due to factors such as information, coincidence, induction of companions, and habits. Second, from participating in the docent guide, they felt that the docent led them to actively visit the exhibition, get the educational effect, and generate interest and curiosity. Third, looking at the reaction after participating in the docent guide, in addition to the positive influence, the docent's reading-like explanation and the problem of the microphone facility were negative experiences. Through this study, it was confirmed that there were many visitors who recognized that the docent guide was helpful in viewing the exhibition and experienced positive reactions. In addition, in the evaluation of the commentary of docent, there was a difference of views between art-related majors and non-majors. In addition, as a result of analyzing the participants' experiences according to Holt's frame of experiential consumption, it was found that the docent experience was a comprehensive consumption behavior appearing in all four fields.

A Grounded Theory Approach on the Experience of Foster Care Child's Biological Parents (가정위탁아동 친부모의 경험에 대한 근거이론접근)

  • Kim, Jin-Sook;Lee, Keun-Moo
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare Studies
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    • v.42 no.3
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    • pp.85-119
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    • 2011
  • This Study was to explore the experience of foster care child's biological parents and proposed the practical discuss and method for support their returning home. We approached grounded theory to subject. Twenty biological parent's of foster child participated this research. The Data were collected by in depth-interview and documents. The authors analyzed the data according to frame that proposed Strauss and Corbin(1998). The results as follows: In open coding 143 concepts, 34 subcategory, 13 category. In axial coding the causal conditions were 「self-devaluation」, 「self-stigma」, 「social prejudice」. and the phenomenon were 「life as surplus being」, 「revolving around the world」, and the contextual conditions were 「collapse of life base」, 「rustical fatalism」. The intervention conditions were 「operation of support system」, 「instinct of maternity」. The action/interception strategy were 「closing of single eye」, 「pussling of scattered piece」. The consequence were 「fixations of abandonment」. 「resoaring to the world」 The authors proposed the core category as 「go over the wall of world burdening liabilities of being」. The authors classified patricians life type as 「challenging type」, 「status quo type」, 「escaping type」, Finally, we proposed the practical method for support restoring family the world」, foster care child's biological parents.

A Study on the Publicness of Brooklyn Navy Yard Industrial Business Zone - Focus on Policy, Managerial Responses - (브루클린 네이비 야드 산업단지의 공공성에 대한 연구- 정책·운영적 대응을 중심으로 -)

  • Yun, Jun-hyuk;Lee, Kang-jun
    • Journal of Urban Science
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.49-57
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    • 2022
  • Semi-industrial zone is the area where manufacturing, residential, commercial zones are mixed. Despite of their potentials in that proximity to city and convenient transportation infrastructure, a lot of semi-industrial zones in Korea have converted to other uses due to many issues such as change of industry, increasing land price, real estate speculations. Recently, local government is trying to solve their existing issues and develop them through a restoration of publicness. Now publicness is thought of as a key factor of regeneration in semi-industrial areas. In this regard, this study aims to examine the way of restoring publicness revealed in Brooklyn Navy Yard mainly focus on their urban contexts and architectural ways. Brooklyn Navy Yard, an exemplary case, is an industrial complex that has grown economically, socially and culturally through emphasizing publicness and it is evaluated as an advanced example of public industrial complex. Through the analysis of Navy Yard, this study was trying to emphasize the importance of publicness in the regeneration of semi-industrial areas and to provide implications for the Seoul Government's solutions, which are still in the conceptual stage. To analyze the publicness of the study subjects, framework and elements were derived by examining related theories and prior researches. Depending on this frame, the results of the publicness of the Navy Yard were as follows. First of all, the 'Publicness as an officiality' was identified at the characteristic of the site and Navy Yard development corporation. Second, the 'Publicness as a public interest' of the Navy Yard Development Corporation was identified in various ways of its operation methods. Finally, the 'Publicness as an accessibility' was identified in the opening of urban and architectural spaces in Navy Yard. These publicness were analyzed with seven Navy Yard's success factors. Thus, it can be interpreted that the publicness of the semi-industrial areas can contribute significantly to their success. The publicness restoring methods of Navy Yard could be used as a basic data in semi-industrial areas in the future in Korea. However they are limited to be applied directly, so extensive and in-depth research in terms of their applicability should be conducted.