• Title/Summary/Keyword: Demand-side management program

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Determination of Incentive Level of Direct Load Control Program Based on California lest (캘리포니아 테스트에 기초한 직접부하제어 프로그램의 적정 인센티브 산정)

  • 박종배;김민수;신중린;전영환
    • Journal of Energy Engineering
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    • v.11 no.4
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    • pp.342-349
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    • 2002
  • This paper presents the determination of incentive level of Direct Load Control (DLC) program based on California Test. In the most of the Demand-Side Management (DSM) program, the variables art given by constant value during the DSM program's life time. But, in the case of DLC, variables are depen-dent on the executing number and time of the DLC per year. Therefore, we formulate a newly designed Cal-ifornia Test technique to overcome these problems and to apply effectively to the determination of incentive level of the DLC program. We perform case studies for various scenarios using a proposed formulation and review incentive level of the current DLC program. And we propose a plan to activate the DLC program in the competitive electricity market.

A Modified EGEAS Model with Avoided Cost and the Optimization of Generation Expansion Plan (회피비용을 고려한 EGEAS 모형 개발과 전원개발계획의 최적화)

  • 이재관;홍성의
    • Korean Management Science Review
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.117-134
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    • 2000
  • Pubilc utility industries including the electric utility industry are facing a new stream of privatization com-petition with the private sector and deregulation. The necewssity to solve now and in the future power supply and demand problems has been increasing through the sophisticated generation expansion plan(GEP) approach con-sidering not only KEPCo's supply-side resources but also outside resources such as non-utility generation(NUG) demand-side management (DSM). Under the environmental situation in the current electric utility industry a new approach is needed to acquire multiple resources competitively. This study presents the development of a modified electric generation expansion analysis system(EGEAS) model with avoided cost based on the existing EGEAS model which is a dynamic program to develope an optimal generation expansion plan for the electric utility. We are trying to find optimal GEP in Korea's case using our modified model and observe the difference for the level of reliabilities such as the reserve margin(RM) loss of load probability(LOLP) and expected unserved energy percent(EUEP) between the existing EGEAS model and our model. In addition we are trying to calculate avoided cost for NUG resources which is a criterion to evaluate herem and test possibility of connection calculation of avoided cost with GEP implementation using our modified model. The results of our case study are as follows. First we were able to find that the generation expansion plan and reliability measures were largely influenced by capacity size and loading status of NUG resources, Second we were able to find that avoided cost which are criteria to evaluate NUG resources could be calculated by using our modified EGEAS model with avoided cost. We also note that avoided costs were calculated by our model in connection with generation expansion plans.

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A Study on Determination of Optimal Incentives of DSM Programs by Linear Programming (선형계획법에 의한 수요관리 프로그램의 최적 지원금 결정에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Byung-Ha;Kim, Jung-Hoon
    • The Transactions of The Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers
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    • v.60 no.3
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    • pp.517-523
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    • 2011
  • A lot of DSM (Demand Side Management) programs have been implemented to promote the effective utilization of resources and the rational development of power industry, and various economic analyses and policy-based studies on DSM have been executed to determine effective subsidy budget. In this paper, a new objective function for deciding an optimal incentive allocation among various programs is presented by introducing the maximization of the total saving power of the programs. For simplicity, the objective function and the constraints is linearized to apply LP(Linear Programming) method. LP program based on Simplex Method was developed by MATLAB. An optimal incentive allocation of 4 DSM programs is presented by the use of the developed MATLAB program.

A Study on Control system design for Automated Cultivation of product (농작물 재배 자동화를 위한 제어시스템 설계에 관한 연구)

  • Cho, Young Seok
    • Journal of Korea Society of Digital Industry and Information Management
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.55-60
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    • 2014
  • Today, there is increasing the elderly population in rural community, and people of returning from the urban to the rural community are demand to be of high value-added agriculture. In this time, there are required to regularization, standardization, automation, for getting of production of high value crops. In this paper, we are study for automation cultivation control system design for produce high-value crops. this system were designed of two parts that one part is measure and control unit, another part is server part for database and server side control. the main controller for measurement and control is used MC9S08AW60, server for Database and server-side control was using MySQL with CentOS. The source code of control program was coding C and compile with GCC. the functions of measurement and control unit are digital input and output each 8channels and can be scan-able of 20 Bit with 2CH/Sec. Analog Output were designed that can be output of 4-20mA or 0-5V on 4channel. The Digital input and output part were designed 8-channel, and using the high speed photo coupler and relays. We showed that system is possible to measure a 20bit data width, 2Ch/sec as 8 channel analog signals.

Direct Load Control Algorithm Based Locational and Electric Load Characteristics (지역적 특성과 부하특성을 고려한 직접부하제어 알고리즘)

  • Shin, Ho-Sung;Song, Kyung-Bin;Moon, Jong-Fil;Kim, Jae-Chul;Nam, Bong-Woo
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 2006.07a
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    • pp.264-265
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    • 2006
  • This paper presents direct load control algorithm based locational and electric load characteristics. Direct load control is defined that demand-side management program activities that can interrupt consumer load at the time of annual peak load by direct control of the utility system operator by interruption power supply to individual appliances or equipment on consumer premises. Korean power system is divided into 14-areas considering branches operating in KEPCO, and electric loads are classified into 19 load groups considering interruption costs in this paper. The purpose of proposed method is to decrease social losses by controlling electric loads mainly whose interruption costs are low. It is expected that the proposed algorithm can be used as the countermeasure for the emergency state of the electric power dispatch in a operation point of view.

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A Study on the Limit Analysis of the LED Lighting Subsidy Program Considering the Perspective of Individual Building Clients (건축주 입장을 고려한 LED조명 프로그램의 한계 분석 연구)

  • Hwang, Sung-Wook;Park, Jung-Sung;Chae, Woo-Kyu;Lee, Hak-Ju;Song, Il-Keun;Kim, Jung-Hoon
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Illuminating and Electrical Installation Engineers
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    • v.27 no.5
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    • pp.18-25
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    • 2013
  • Various DSM (Demand Side Management) programs have been developed and carried out to use the limited energy resources of human-beings reasonably. LED lighting is one of essential DSM programs and the development of technologies is ongoing vigorously. Recently, one-person households have been increased and the electricity consumption pattern is different with conventional households because residents live as a single. On the other hand, owners of the one-person households tend to not prefer to install high efficient appliances due to the cost increasement. Therefore, the existing DSM subsidy programs should be revaluated so that the owners decide to install high efficient appliances.

A Study on Forecast of Penetration Amount of High-Efficiency Appliance Using Diffusion Models (확산 모형을 이용한 고효율기기의 보급량 예측에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Jong-Jin;So, Chol-Ho;Kim, Jin-O
    • Journal of Energy Engineering
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.31-37
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    • 2008
  • At present, the target amount of demand-side management and investment cost of EE (Energy Efficiency) program, which consists of high-efficiency appliances, has been estimated simply by the diffusion function based on the real historical data in the past or last year. In the internal and external condition, the penetration amount of each appliance has been estimated by Bass diffusion model which is expressed by time and three coefficients. And enough acquisition of real historical data is necessary for reasonable estimation of coefficients. In energy efficiency, to estimate the target amount of demand-side management, the penetration amount of each appliance should be primarily forecasted by Bass diffusion model in Korea. On going programs, however, lightings, inverters, vending machine and motors have a insufficient real historical data which is a essential condition to forecast the penetration amount using a Bass diffusion model due to the short period of program progress. In other words, the forecast of penetration amount may not be exact, so that it is necessary for the method of forecast to apply improvement of method. In this paper, the penetration amount of high-efficiency appliances is forecasted by Bass, virtual Bass, Logistic and Lawrence & Lawton diffusion models to analyze the diffusion progress. And also, by statistic standards, each penetration is compared with historical data for model suitability by characteristic of each appliance. Based on the these result, in the forecast of penetration amount by diffusion model, the reason for error occurrence caused by simple application of diffusion model and preferences of each diffusion model far a characteristic of data are analyzed.

Stakeholder's Demand for School Breakfast Programs in High School at Chungcheong Areas (충청지역 고등학교 학교급식 관계자의 아침급식 요구도)

  • Ji, Myoung-Soon;Kim, Jung-Eun
    • Journal of the Korean Dietetic Association
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.141-158
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this study is to observe students' eating habits and to evaluate the necessity of high school breakfast service by surveying concerned persons such as high school dietitians, parents, and students to find practical solutions to decrease the breakfast-skipping rate of the high school students in Chungcheong. The data were collected from 75 dietitians, 584 students, and 420 parents. Parents and students participated the survey more positively, and the more monthly income participants' families had, the probability of participation increased by 1.5 times (OR=1.452). Parents suggested that breakfast should be offered at a lower price (1,000~2,000 won) than school lunch, and for the school breakfast cost, they preferred to bear the expense together with schools. For the type of breakfast, the dietitians preferred convenient foodservice (40.0%), the students preferred simple meals such as bread, milk, fruit and salad (3.97), and Kimbap, Joomukbap et al (3.93) rather than Korean traditional foods (3.76) such as rice, soup and side dish. The dietitians answered 'needed' and 'very much needed' to the necessity of breakfast relatively low by 30.7%. As the result of the study, the researchers suggest the execution of school breakfast program should start first for the students who cannot have breakfast at home. Moreover, more studies should be conducted to reduce the constantly increasing rate of breakfast-skipping rate of high school students.

Current Status and Issues on Public-Private Partnership of Global Health (국제보건 분야의 공공-민간 파트너십 현황과 과제)

  • Lee, Hyun-Sook;Kim, Chun-Bae
    • Health Policy and Management
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.4-12
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    • 2014
  • Background: The purpose of this study is to investigate current status and investigation of government agencies, communities, corporates, hospitals, non-governmental organization, non-profit organization, and so on which performed Corporate Social Responsibility to global health issues. Methods: This paper focuses on analyzing definition and principle of public-private partnership (PPP), types of PPP, challenge of PPP through delphi survey and interview which need to be discussed by professional groups such as private groups, universities and researches, government decision makers, corporates, and hospitals for successful PPP. Results: Based on this analysis on global health issues of 237 groups, the results were shown that main global health issues of many hospitals were aids of the developing countries (48%). Main program was activities of overseas volunteers (30%) and most 152 groups (42%) supported Asia. Also, this paper gives a definition of PPP that is the growth together in PPPs as a way of fulfilling public tasks in partnership between the state administration and private enterprises to apply both strengths behind transparency, accountability. Conclusion: In conclusion, from the results of analysis, we suggest as prior setting of global issues for both demand and supply side and are served as the effective way by PPP on global health issues. Moreover, this study will be expanded on the sections of findings, multiple researches, discussion, and policy recommendations.

A Modified EGEAS Model with Avoided Cost and the Optimization of Generation Expansion Plan (회피비용을 고려한 EGEAS 모형 개발과 전원개발계획의 최적화)

  • 이재관;홍성의
    • Journal of the Korean Operations Research and Management Science Society
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.117-117
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    • 1992
  • Pubilc utility industries including the electric utility industry are facing a new stream of privatization com-petition with the private sector and deregulation. The necewssity to solve now and in the future power supply and demand problems has been increasing through the sophisticated generation expansion plan(GEP) approach con-sidering not only KEPCo's supply-side resources but also outside resources such as non-utility generation(NUG) demand-side management (DSM). Under the environmental situation in the current electric utility industry a new approach is needed to acquire multiple resources competitively. This study presents the development of a modified electric generation expansion analysis system(EGEAS) model with avoided cost based on the existing EGEAS model which is a dynamic program to develope an optimal generation expansion plan for the electric utility. We are trying to find optimal GEP in Korea's case using our modified model and observe the difference for the level of reliabilities such as the reserve margin(RM) loss of load probability(LOLP) and expected unserved energy percent(EUEP) between the existing EGEAS model and our model. In addition we are trying to calculate avoided cost for NUG resources which is a criterion to evaluate herem and test possibility of connection calculation of avoided cost with GEP implementation using our modified model. The results of our case study are as follows. First we were able to find that the generation expansion plan and reliability measures were largely influenced by capacity size and loading status of NUG resources, Second we were able to find that avoided cost which are criteria to evaluate NUG resources could be calculated by using our modified EGEAS model with avoided cost. We also note that avoided costs were calculated by our model in connection with generation expansion plans.