• Title/Summary/Keyword: Decision-making processes

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A Study on Considerations of Ship Evacuation Route for Goldentime - Based on Ship Operators Perspective - (골든타임 확보를 위한 선박 대피항로 선정 시 고려사항에 관한 연구 - 선박운항자 관점에서 -)

  • Park, Sang-Won;Park, Young-Soo;Lee, Myoung-ki
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment & Safety
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    • v.23 no.6
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    • pp.620-627
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    • 2017
  • The importance of "Golden time", the early hours for saving lives in case of an accident, is being increasingly recognized day by day. Especially for marine accidents, it may take several hours for a rescue team to arrive, depending on location. Therefore, captains should always be prepared to handle situations independently. In this paper, in order to make better use of Golden Time in an emergency, we determined what the first consideration should be when selecting a ship evacuation route from perspective of the ship operator. To achieve this, we used maritime accident judgments and ship emergency response manual to identify ship evacuation priorities. AHP analysis (decision-making hierarchy analysis) was conducted for ship operators to determine consideration priorities. As a result, it was found that ship operator consider the safety of people about 6 times more important than that of the actual ship. In order to select an evacuation route, the location of coast guard ships, port of refuge, emergency anchorage, surrounding vessels, drifting and beaching factor are taken into consideration. By using these priority considerations, the decision-making processes of ship operators in emergency situations can be improved.

Elicitation of drought alternatives based on Water Policy Council and the role of Shared Vision Model (협의체 기반 가뭄 대응 대안 도출과 비전공유모형의 역할)

  • Kim, Gi Joo;Seo, Seung Beom;Kim, Young-Oh
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.52 no.6
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    • pp.429-440
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    • 2019
  • The numbers of multi-year droughts due to climate change are increasing worldwide. Boryeong Dam, located in Chungcheongnam-do, South Korea, was also affected by a 4-year drought from 2014 to 2017. Since traditional unilateral decision making processes to alleviate drought damage have, until now, resulted in conflicts between many of the involved groups, the need for active participation from both stakeholders and policymakers is greater than before. This study introduced Shared Vision Planning, a collaborative decision making process that involves participation from various groups of stakeholders, by organizing Water Policy Council for Climate Change Adaptation in Chungcheongnam-do. A Shared Vision Planning Model was then developed with a system dynamics software by working together with relevant stakeholders to actively reflect their requests through three council meetings. Multiple simulations that included various future climate change scenarios were conducted, and future drought vulnerability analysis results of Boryeong Dam and districts, in terms of frequency, length, and magnitude, were arrived at. It was concluded that Boryeong Dam was more vulnerable to future droughts than the eight districts. While the total water deficit in the eight districts was not so significant, their water deficit in terms of spatial discordance was proved to be more problematic. In the future, possible alternatives to the model will be implemented so that stakeholders can use it to agree on a policy for possible conflict resolutions.

Analysis of Science-Class Research into Socio-Scientific Issues (과학관련 사회적 쟁점 기반 과학 수업 연구의 특징 분석)

  • Lee, Yoonjeong;Jang, Shinho
    • Journal of Korean Elementary Science Education
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    • v.42 no.1
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    • pp.127-148
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    • 2023
  • In this study, we used an analysis of the literature on socio-scientific issues (SSI) classes to examine domestic SSI class research and to determine the characteristics of SSI class research for each subject. A search for papers related to SSI classes published in Korea Citation Index-listed journals and candidate journals of the Korea Research Foundation found 95 relevant papers, which were then categorized according to participants and topics. Studies with both pre-service and experienced teachers attempted to investigate SSI-related perceptions. Studies of pre-service teachers tended to examine the level and development pattern of argumentation or to analyze decision-making characteristics and informal reasoning. Studies of experienced teachers tended to analyze instructional expertise in SSI teaching activities, focusing on teachers with substantial SSI teaching experience. Middle and high school students-related studies examined student decision-making and reasoning processes in SSI learning activities, developed SSI class programs, and analyzed educational effects. Examining the characteristics of SSI classes for elementary school students was difficult because few such studies have been published. However, the characteristics that elementary school students show in SSI learning situations could be inferred. A plan to revitalize SSI classes in the elementary science education field from the perspective of teacher education and class research is suggested.

Effects of Organizational Justice on Emotions, Job Satisfaction, and Turnover Intention in Franchise Industry (조직공정성이 감정, 직무만족 그리고 이직의도에 미치는 영향)

  • Han, Sang-Ho;Lee, Yong-Ki;Lee, Jae-Gyu
    • The Korean Journal of Franchise Management
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.7-16
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    • 2018
  • Purpose - Turnover Intention in the franchise industry is becoming a very important issue. This study examines the structural relationships between organizational justice, emotion, job satisfaction, and turnover intention in the franchise industry. In this model, emotion was classified into two sub-dimensions such as positive and negative emotion. Research design, data, methodology - The sample of this study collected from employees of a food-service franchise company is representative. Copies of the questionnaire along with a cover letter were delivered by a research assistant to the human resources manager or the general manager of the selected food-service franchise firms after they agreed to participate in the study. In order to increase the response rate of the respondents, a small gift was provided to the respondents who completed the questionnaire. A total of 300 questionnaires were distributed and 285 returned responses, 9 responses were not usable due to missing information. Thus, a total of 276 responses were used using structural equation modeling with Smartpls 3.0. Results - The results showed that organizational justice had positive significant effects on positive emotion and job satisfaction. Job satisfaction had negative a significant effect on turnover intention. And negative emotion had positive significant effect on turnover intention. Conclusions - The results of this study provide some implications. If employees feel that the franchise headquarters is fair about the methods and procedures of decision making, resource allocation, information sharing, etc., it means that employees feel better. If the franchise's decision-making processes and methods and results are transparently disclosed and processed in accordance with the internal rules of the company, the employees will be able to fully understand and accept them. The results of this study also show that positive and negative emotions of service-based franchise employees have different effects on job attitude and organizational behavior. In particular, when negative emotions of employees are passed on to others and the results are negative, employees may feel that they are disoriented or wrong. Therefore, the franchise headquarters should try to inspire employees' sense of organizational community, and should pay attention to how to relieve the job stress and the fair distribution of work and rewards.

Enhancing Leadership Skills of Construction Students Through Conversational AI-Based Virtual Platform

  • Rahat HUSSAIN;Akeem PEDRO;Mehrtash SOLTANI;Si Van Tien TRAN;Syed Farhan Alam ZAIDI;Chansik PARK;Doyeop LEE
    • International conference on construction engineering and project management
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    • 2024.07a
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    • pp.1326-1327
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    • 2024
  • The construction industry is renowned for its dynamic and intricate characteristics, which demand proficient leadership skills for successful project management. However, the existing training platforms within this sector often overlook the significance of soft skills in leadership development. These platforms primarily focus on safety, work processes, and technical modules, leaving a noticeable gap in preparing future leaders, especially students in the construction domain, for the complex challenges they will encounter in their professional careers. It is crucial to recognize that effective leadership in construction projects requires not only technical expertise but also the ability to communicate effectively, collaborate with diverse stakeholders, and navigate complex relationships. These soft skills are critical for managing teams, resolving conflicts, and driving successful project outcomes. In addition, the construction sector has been slow in adopting and harnessing the potential of advanced emerging technologies such as virtual reality, artificial intelligence, to enhance the soft skills of future leaders. Therefore, there is a need for a platform where students can practice complex situations and conversations in a safe and repeatable training environment. To address these challenges, this study proposes a pioneering approach by integrating conversational AI techniques using large language models (LLMs) within virtual worlds. Although LLMs like ChatGPT possess extensive knowledge across various domains, their responses may lack relevance in specific contexts. Prompt engineering techniques are utilized to ensure more accurate and effective responses, tailored to the specific requirements of the targeted users. This involves designing and refining the input prompts given to the language model to guide its response generation. By carefully crafting the prompts and providing context-specific instructions, the model can generate responses that are more relevant and aligned with the desired outcomes of the training program. The proposed system offers interactive engagement to students by simulating diverse construction site roles through conversational AI based agents. Students can face realistic challenges that test and enhance their soft skills in a practical context. They can engage in conversations with AI-based avatars representing different construction site roles, such as machine operators, laborers, and site managers. These avatars are equipped with AI capabilities to respond dynamically to user interactions, allowing students to practice their communication and negotiation skills in realistic scenarios. Additionally, the introduction of AI instructors can provide guidance, feedback, and coaching tailored to the individual needs of each student, enhancing the effectiveness of the training program. The AI instructors can provide immediate feedback and guidance, helping students improve their decision-making and problem-solving abilities. The proposed immersive learning environment is expected to significantly enhance leadership competencies of students, such as communication, decision-making and conflict resolution in the practical context. This study highlights the benefits of utilizing conversational AI in educational settings to prepare construction students for real-world leadership roles. By providing hands-on, practical experience in dealing with site-specific challenges, students can develop the necessary skills and confidence to excel in their future roles.

A Study on the Performance-Based Asset Valuation Method for Road Tunnels (도로 터널의 성능기반 자산가치 평가 방법에 관한 연구)

  • Yong-Jun Lee;Kyung-Hoon Park;Jong-Wan Sun
    • Journal of the Korea institute for structural maintenance and inspection
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    • v.28 no.6
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    • pp.127-134
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    • 2024
  • The asset value of social infrastructure must be accurately evaluated, as it is an essential element for rational decision-making processes aimed at efficient asset management. Current domestic accounting guidelines stipulate that the asset value of social infrastructure should be evaluated based on the depreciated replacement cost using the straight-line method. However, while these guidelines state that the remaining service life and useful life should be estimated by a reasonable method, they do not provide specific methods for estimation. In this paper, a performance deterioration model for road tunnels was developed using safety grade information collected through inspections and diagnoses, and formulas for estimating the remaining service life and useful life based on this model were proposed. The Performance and Service Life Based Depreciation (PSLBD) method proposed in this paper is easy to apply as it conforms to the depreciated replacement cost evaluation formula of the existing domestic accounting guidelines. Moreover, since the performance improvements from maintenance actions such as repairs and reinforcements are reflected in the asset value, it is expected that the asset value can be used as a factor in decision-making. Additionally, the proposed valuation method is considered to provide more objective and realistic results compared to existing methods, as it takes into account the performance of tunnels.

A Case Study of Japanese Local Self-Governments Universal Design Policy (일본 자치체의 유니버설디자인 정책 사례연구)

  • Lee, Ho-Soong
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.19 no.1 s.63
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    • pp.27-38
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    • 2006
  • Recently, in each local self-governments Japan, the importation of universal design policy is actively being expanded as a plan to maximize living satisfaction of.citizens within the region. This research investigates the background on how the local self-governments ended up importing the universal design administrative policy, investigates the policies which each self governing bodies have been promoting and presents necessary stipulations following those policies. When we sum up the necessity of promoting universal design by local self-governments, although the we carry various problems in the promoting process in the settlement of provincial era and promoting substantiality of it, we can point out the low birth rate phenomenon, progression of aged people's society, diversification of values as a result of social and economic maturity, etc. as social and economic background. For people's values, as they escape from the economic they attach great importance to economic supremacy, they respect culture, environment, etc. with higher level than economic aspect and the improvement of life's quality is becoming important. Meanwhile, the universal design which is known to many users as a usable design concept as reach to a point where it is getting attention as a basic concept of 21st century design. Today, each of local self-governments in Japan are making various efforts for unperturbed importation and application of universal design to local communities through homepage, universal design guideline or report, various workshops, etc. Especially, there are universal design policies of public areas, facilities, manufacture of other products and information for the contents of the policy. The enforcement of universal design policy puts importance in 1) the process of planning, alteration, policy scheme and decision making 2) the process of policy's enforcement 3) the probation process of all processes and I could find out that equal participation of roles by local citizens, citizen's organizations, companies with the administration hasn't been adopted for each of these processes.

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Consumer Purchase Decision in a Mobile Shopping Mall: An Integrative View of Trust and Theory of Planned Behavior (모바일 쇼핑몰 고객들의 구매 의사 결정에 관한 연구: TPB와 신뢰의 통합적 관점에서)

  • Hong, Seil;Li, Bin;Kim, Byoungsoo
    • Information Systems Review
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.151-171
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    • 2016
  • With the widespread adoption of mobile devices, such as smart phones and smart pads, as well as the rapid growth of mobile technologies, consumer shopping patterns are changing. This study investigates key factors of consumer purchasing intention in a mobile shopping mall context by incorporating trust belief into the theory of planned behavior. We posit perceived usefulness, perceived enjoyment, perceived ease of use, and trust belief as antecedents of behavioral attitude toward mobile shopping malls. Moreover, social influence and security are identified as key enablers of trust belief on mobile shopping malls. Data collected from 154 consumers with purchasing experience in mobile shopping malls are empirically tested against a research model using partial least squares. Analysis results show that behavioral attitude and perceived behavioral control significantly influence purchasing intention. Moreover, this study reveals the significant effects of perceived usefulness and perceived enjoyment on behavioral attitude. Trust belief indirectly influences purchasing intention through behavioral attitude and is significantly affected by social influence. Understanding consumer purchasing decision-making processes in mobile shopping malls can help service providers to develop effective marketing and operation strategies and campaigns.

Introduction Scheme of Health Impact Assessment in Korea (한국에서의 건강영향평가 도입 방안)

  • Kim, Im-Soon;Han, Young-Han;Han, Sang-Wook
    • Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment
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    • v.16 no.6
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    • pp.511-524
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    • 2007
  • Korea has 30 years of experiences in environmental impact assessment (EIA). Although EIA includes sanitation-public health factor, considering health impacts, among 74 unit projects of 17 sections, health impacts haven't been properly considered or have been ignored in many cases. The increasing awareness on the importance of health impacts has triggered this study to seek an optimal introduction scheme of health impact assessment (HIA). The processes of EIA already include screening, scoping, analysis, impact assessment, consultation, document review, decision making and monitoring, in which they would be the essential parts of HIA. In this context, integrating HIA into the existing EIA process could be the most effective way to use the benefits in both legal and procedural processes existed and to avoid the confusion and overlapping since the close relationships between environment and health impacts might be. Furthermore, it is desirable that the existing sanitation-public health factor should be substituted by and extended to environment-health factor with sufficient determinants to properly consider health impacts. When considering the first step of HIA, the prospective and qualitative approach is suitable more than the retrospective and quantitative one due to the lack of database accumulated. Similarly, an approach based on epidemiology and toxicology could analyze the limited evidences and impacts related to human disease, whereas one based on socio-science and psychology could provide the effective means available for predicting how the people and community will act by the change of surroundings. Checklist approach with various and comprehensive health determinants focused on prospective and qualitative methods will be very useful for more convenient and progressive dissemination of HIA. Various checklist approaches of toolkits could be found from HIA documents elsewhere, for example Westminster Toolkit, and they would be helpful to figure out how to develop common procedures and health determinants for checklist, in which the unique characteristics on korean cultural and political context compared to abroad should be carefully considered since checklist would be the most basic and essential part of HIA. After the establishment of checklist and procedural processes, the pilot projects should be conducted. Main purpose of pilot projects is to apparently prove the effectiveness and profitability of HIA. Pilot projects should be implemented to decide the effectiveness and suitability of HIA for future projects, programs and policies, and should be provided as the positive cases that can be achieved through the proper implementation and progress.

A Study on Patent Indexes for Characteristics Analysis of IP Portfolios (IP포트폴리오의 특성분석을 위한 특허지표 개발에 대한 연구)

  • Yoon, Jeong-Yoen;Ryu, Tae-Kyu;Yoon, Jang-Hyeok
    • Journal of Information Management
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    • v.43 no.2
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    • pp.67-83
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    • 2012
  • Patents are the sources reflecting technology development by research and development(R&D) as well as the tools to secure economic benefits in the market, so using patent information is crucial for decision making processes in formulating technology development strategies. Intellectual property(IP) portfolios including a set of patents related to products and individual technologies are the basic unit that has the economic meaning in making national policies and technology strategies. Therefore, this research develops a total of 69 measures to identify the collective characteristics for IP portfolios("characteristics index"), by incorporating the patent indexes that have been widely used and the patent indexes that developed recently, and applying the concepts to patent analysis that have been used in interdisciplinary studies including economics and library and information science. The results of this research produced a characteristics index manual which helps experts to identify characteristics of technological innovation systems from various dimensions. We expect that the characteristics indexes can be used as a supportive tool for comparative analysis among IP portfolios in the technology policy making process.