• Title/Summary/Keyword: Data ming

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Clarifying Warhead Separation from the Reentry Vehicle Using a Novel Tracking Algorithm

  • Liu Cheng-Yu;Sung Yu-Ming
    • International Journal of Control, Automation, and Systems
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    • v.4 no.5
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    • pp.529-538
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    • 2006
  • Separating a reentry vehicle into warhead and body is a conventional and efficient means of producing a huge decoy and increasing the kinetic energy of the warhead. This procedure causes the radar to track the body, whose radar cross section is larger, and ignore the warhead, which is the most important part of the reentry vehicle. However, the procedure is difficult to perform using standard tracking criteria. This study presents a novel tracking algorithm by integrating input estimation and modified probabilistic data association filter to solve this difficulty in a clear environment. The proposed algorithm with a new defined association probability in this filter provides a good tracking capability for the warhead ignoring the radar cross section. The simulation results indicate that the errors between the estimated and the warhead trajectories are reduced to a small interval in a short time. Therefore, the radar can produce a beam to illuminate to the right area and keep tracking the warhead all the way. In conclusion, this algorithm is worthy of further study and application.

A study on the construction and urban space of Xuzhou(徐州) Castle during the Ming and Qing Dynasties (명청시기 서주성(徐州城)의 건설과 도시공간 연구)

  • Wu, Tian-QI;Han, Dong-Soo
    • Journal of architectural history
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    • v.31 no.2
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    • pp.51-65
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    • 2022
  • Seoju is one of the nine weeks of the ancient period, and according to literature records, the construction of Seojuseong Fortress has a long history of 2573. This is the land of Oseongtong-gu, a political and military hub, and flood disasters have frequently led to frequent reconstruction of fortresses. In particular, it is also an important place to show that the function of the fortress is defensive and has a function of preventing floods. This study analyzed the shape of Seojuseong Fortress and the characteristics of urban spaces in the Myeongcheong period through excavation data and literature data.

An Analysis of the Image Factor and Combination of Xi'an Castle Park in China (중국 서안시 성곽공원의 이미지 요인 및 조화도 분석)

  • Kim, Dong-Chan;Ma, Yuan
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.28 no.4
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    • pp.105-111
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    • 2010
  • This research aims to grasp the main factors of the image of Xi'an Ming City Wall Park and the harmony level with city walls and moat based on citizen's consciousness to improve the future design, field survey and the POE method are employed to analyze the image factor and harmony level of the Xi'an Ming City Wall Park. In the literature survey, the related materials were collected to obtain the most useful information for references, POE study of the Xi'an Ming City Wall Park were conducted. The instrument for survey is a questionnaire that includes a portion of questions regarding Xi'an Ming City Wall Park and the design intention of the surroundings of city wall. Data were analyzed using the Statistical Package for the Social Science (SPSS17.0 for Windows). Multiple regression analysis, and correlation analysis were employed along with the use of general descriptive data analysis. The factor analysis of the image of Xi'an Ming City Wall Park identified three factors, "environment" factor, "convenience" factor, "cultural aesthetics" factor, and the most important factor is "environment" factor. Among 14 landscape elements, paving, garden architectures and entrance spaces were identified as important variables which significantly affect the overall level of harmony with the city wall, and the space for rest; waterscape and paving were identified as important variables which significantly affect the overall level of harmony with the moat.

The Ming Castle Conservation Policy and the Creation of Historical and Cultural Environments (중국 '난징(南京) 명성곽(明城郭)'의 보존정책과 역사문화환경 조성)

  • Ryu, Ho Cheol
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.46 no.1
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    • pp.346-361
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    • 2013
  • Since the Ming Castle located in Nanjing was designated by the Government of China as a cultural property in 1988, the Nanjing city government has been conserving the castle according to its plan and thus restoring the historical and cultural values of Nanjing. The project is still in progress, and in this regard, a series of logistics have formulated and a lot of discussions have taken place. Likewise, Korea has been carrying out multidirectional policies to conserve and utilize castles lying throughout the country, appreciating the historical and cultural resources of castles lying throughout the country, and at the same time gets down to designation as the World Heritage. This study focused on how Nanjing, not only a castle city but also a historical city, had established a principle and legal foundation regarding the protection of the Ming Castle, especially on how the problems, which might continually arise in a process where a scheme reached a working stage, had been solved. The problem-solving process is expected to have great implications for Korea in a similar situation. Hereat, this study analyzed the project plans formulated seasonally and gathered data on practical operation by conducting interviews with hands-on workers. The results showed that Nanjing had carried out policies to utilize the castles as tourism resources by harmonizing cityscape and ecological environment, but that it well conserved castles without damaging cultural assets. The stereoscopic protection system for the Ming Castle, based on the consideration of historical and cultural environments, may provide practical and useful data for Korea's administration mapping out for a castle conservation policy and designation as the UNESCO World Heritage.

An experimental study on search speed and error rate according to Korean letter size and font on search task with VDT (VDT 화면에서 한글의 글자크기와 서체에 따른 탐색속도와 오류율에 관한 실험적 연구)

  • 황우상;이동춘;이상도;이진호
    • Journal of the Ergonomics Society of Korea
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.29-38
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    • 1997
  • The research on the factors which effect on legibility is mainly utilized as the basic data of selecting the standard guideline of VDT screen. But the research on Korean is scarcer than that of English. Furthermore, it is unreasonable to apply the results of the foreign language to Korean, beause of the difference between the typography of English and that of Korean. Therefore, more systematic and ergonomic research of the Korean typography on VDT screen is needed. In this paper, an experimental study on search speed and error rate is designed and performed according to different Korean letter size and font on search task with VDT. The experimental screen based on popular Ming and Gothic style is made up of total 12 artificial screens, each 6 different font size. As the criteria of the performance, searching speed(s.s.) and error rate (e) are selected, and CFF value is measured to evaluate user's visual fatigue. The results of experiment in font show that the Korean Gothic style is superior to the Korean Ming style in user's visual performance. The letter size that gives user the optimal performance ranges from the visual angle 39.8' to 55.5' in Ming style, from the visual angle 39.8' to 52.6' in Gothic systle. In visual fatigue experiment, the better performance of letter size is, the less tired user feels. And the smaller letter size is, the more tired user feels. There is no relationship between font and user's visual fatigue.

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An intelligent semi-active isolation system based on ground motion characteristic prediction

  • Lin, Tzu-Kang;Lu, Lyan-Ywan;Hsiao, Chia-En;Lee, Dong-You
    • Earthquakes and Structures
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.53-64
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    • 2022
  • This study proposes an intelligent semi-active isolation system combining a variable-stiffness control device and ground motion characteristic prediction. To determine the optimal control parameter in real-time, a genetic algorithm (GA)-fuzzy control law was developed in this study. Data on various types of ground motions were collected, and the ground motion characteristics were quantified to derive a near-fault (NF) characteristic ratio by employing an on-site earthquake early warning system. On the basis of the peak ground acceleration (PGA) and the derived NF ratio, a fuzzy inference system (FIS) was developed. The control parameters were optimized using a GA. To support continuity under near-fault and far-field ground motions, the optimal control parameter was linked with the predicted PGA and NF ratio through the FIS. The GA-fuzzy law was then compared with other control laws to verify its effectiveness. The results revealed that the GA-fuzzy control law could reliably predict different ground motion characteristics for real-time control because of the high sensitivity of its control parameter to the ground motion characteristics. Even under near-fault and far-field ground motions, the GA-fuzzy control law outperformed the FPEEA control law in terms of controlling the isolation layer displacement and the superstructure acceleration.

A Study on the Ritual Process and Costume for a Coming-of-age Ceremony of Imperial Court in the Ming Dynasty -Incidentally Mentioning about 'Yishanguan-Jiangshapao' of Joseon Dynasty- (명대(明代) 황실 관례(冠禮)의 행례(行禮) 특성 및 신분별 관례복(冠禮服) 연구 -조선(朝鮮)의 '익선관강사포(翼善冠絳紗袍)'에 대한 논의를 겸하여-)

  • Wen, Shao Hua;Choi, Yeon Woo
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.45 no.2
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    • pp.233-252
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    • 2021
  • The Gwan ceremony (冠禮) is a coming-of-age ceremony that takes place through traditional Gwan (冠: the hat) and clothes in the traditional era. The rite is performed by wearing hats and clothes three consecutive times (三加禮). It was an important rite which meant that underage children were formally recognized as members of society. This study examined costumes of people who participated in various coming-of-age ceremony rites in the Ming dynasty imperial court of China. For the research data, this study mainly used authentic chronicles (正史), codes of law and books on Ming dynasty rituals. This study examined the costumes used in the coming-of-age ceremony for the emperor, Prince Imperial, Emperor's eldest grandson, and emperor's sons. The results of this study were divided into an analysis of the document structure, institutional changes by time, characteristics of costumes, and characteristics of the rite. Of particular note in their ceremony, the emperor is presupposed to be a 'human already full-equipped with virtue', which means that the costume is worn only once. It is a case in which the emperor's absolute identity is revealed through the rite and costume.

Viewing the Social Thought of Chinese People in Ming Dynasty Via Piaohailu (由《漂海録》看明代中国人的社会思想)

  • Choi, Chang-Won
    • Industry Promotion Research
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.151-157
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    • 2016
  • Nowadays Chinese society advocates a kind of principal thinking, which Chinese call it "harmony". The entire Chinese society is trying to build a so-called "harmonious society", that is, people live in harmony with the natural environment and carry out sustainable development; people live in harmony with others and build harmonious social relationships; people live in harmony with themselves and cultivate self-morality and enhance national self-quality. It can be seen that the word "harmony" runs through this thinking all the time. This paper aims at viewing Chinese people's philosophy in Ming Dynasty from the Piaohailu. Likewise, the starting points of the paper are also these three aspects which are people's relationships with nature, others and themselves. Based on this angle, it tries to conduct a simple analysis and study by taking Korean official Cui Pu's Piaohailu as the main historical data.

A New Stilbene Glucoside from the Roots of Polygonum multiflorum Thunb.

  • Xu, Ming-Lu;Zheng, Ming Shan;Lee, Yeon-Kyong;Moon, Dong-Cheol;Lee, Chong-Soon;Woo, Mi-Hee;Jeong, Byeong-Seon;Lee, Eung-Seok;Jahng, Yurng-Dong;Chang, Hyeun-Wook;Lee, Seung-Ho;Son, Jong-Keun
    • Archives of Pharmacal Research
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    • v.29 no.11
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    • pp.946-951
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    • 2006
  • One new stilbene glucoside (6), along with five known compounds (1-5), were isolated from the roots of Polygonum multiflorum Thumb., and their chemical structures established based on physicochemical and spectroscopic data. Of the compounds, compound 3 showed DNA topoisomerase I and II inhibitory activities.

Analytical solutions for vibrations of rectangular functionally graded Mindlin plates with vertical cracks

  • Chiung-Shiann Huang;Yun-En Lu
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • v.86 no.1
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    • pp.69-83
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    • 2023
  • Analytical solutions to problems are crucial because they provide high-quality comparison data for assessing the accuracy of numerical solutions. Benchmark analytical solutions for the vibrations of cracked functionally graded material (FGM) plates are not available in the literature because of the high level of complexity of such solutions. On the basis of first-order shear deformation plate theory (FSDT), this study proposes analytical series solutions for the vibrations of FGM rectangular plates with side or internal cracks parallel to an edge of the plates by using Fourier cosine series and the domain decomposition technique. The distributions of FGM properties along the thickness direction are assumed to follow a simple power law. The proposed analytical series solutions are validated by performing comprehensive convergence studies on the vibration frequencies of cracked square plates with various crack lengths and under various boundary condition combinations and by performing comparisons with published results based on various plate theories and the theory of three-dimensional elasticity. The results reveal that the proposed solutions are in excellent agreement with literature results obtained using the Ritz method on the basis of FSDT. The paper also presents tabulations of the first six nondimensional frequencies of cracked rectangular Al/Al2O3 FGM plates with various aspect ratios, thickness-to-width ratios, crack lengths, and FGM power law indices under six boundary condition combinations, the tabulated frequencies can serve as benchmark data for assessing the accuracy of numerical approaches based on FSDT.