• Title/Summary/Keyword: DSC Measurement

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Preparation of Poly(vinyl butyral) by Precipitation Method and Its Characterization (침전법에 의한 폴리비닐부티랄의 제조 및 특성분석)

  • 서광원;김덕준
    • Polymer(Korea)
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    • v.26 no.2
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    • pp.168-173
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    • 2002
  • Poly (vinyl butyral) (PVB) was synthesized by acetalization of poly (vinyl alcohol) (PVA) PVB was prepared in particulate forms in water, and chemical and physical properties of the products were characterized using various techniques. The prepared PVB had size distribution from 100 to 700 $\mu\textrm{m}$ with mean diameter of about 380 $\mu\textrm{m}$. The chemical structure of PVB was characterized using FT/IR and NMR, and the average degree of acetalization was determined to be 77% from the titration measurement. DSC data showed that the crystalline structure of PVA vanished as acetalization reaction proceeded to produce PVB, and the glass transition temperature emerged at about $70^{\circ}C$. TGA data showed that PVB was much more thermally stable than PVA, and showed no degradation up to $300^{\circ}C$. Solubility test showed that PVB was soluble in alcohols but Insoluble in water, being totally different from PVA.

Characterization of aluminized RDX for chemical propulsion

  • Yoh, Jai-ick;Kim, Yoocheon;Kim, Bohoon;Kim, Minsung;Lee, Kyung-Cheol;Park, Jungsu;Yang, Seungho;Park, Honglae
    • International Journal of Aeronautical and Space Sciences
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.418-424
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    • 2015
  • The chemical response of energetic materials is analyzed in terms of 1) the thermal decomposition under the thermal stimulus and 2) the reactive flow upon the mechanical impact, both of which give rise to an exothermic thermal runaway or an explosion. The present study aims at building a set of chemical kinetics that can precisely model both thermal and impact initiation of a heavily aluminized cyclotrimethylene-trinitramine (RDX) which contains 35% of aluminum. For a thermal decomposition model, the differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) measurement is used together with the Friedman isoconversional method for defining the frequency factor and activation energy in the form of Arrhenius rate law that are extracted from the evolution of product mass fraction. As for modelling the impact response, a series of unconfined rate stick data are used to construct the size effect curve which represents the relationship between detonation velocity and inverse radius of the sample. For validation of the modeled results, a cook-off test and a pressure chamber test are used to compare the predicted chemical response of the aluminized RDX that is either thermally or mechanically loaded.

Study on the characteristics and biodegradable of synthetic PLGA membrane from lactic acid and glycolic acid (젖산 및 글리콜산에서 합성된 PLGA 멤브레인의 특성과 생분해성에 관한 연구)

  • Xie, Yuying;Park, Jong-Soon;Kang, Soon-Kook
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.2958-2965
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    • 2015
  • The PLGA(Poly lactide-co-glycolide) Copolymer have been actively applied to the medical implant material as biomaterials. PLGA membrane was able to alveoloplasty with osteotomy for favorable degradation characteristics and possibilities for sustained drug delivery. In this study, PLGA membrane was prepared using phase inversion method, and examined to optical method analysis(NMR, IR), mechanical property measurement (tearing strength) and thermal characteristic analysis(DSC). In addition, the biodegradation characteristics of the PLGA membrane filled with a PBS(Phosphate Buffered Solution) of the water bath ($60^{\circ}C$) according to the degree of surface degradation in the degradation time, the pH change of the solution and change of the mass of the membrane were measured.

Preparation and Thermal Performance Evaluation of Heat Storage paint with MPCM for Reducing Urban Heat Island Effect (도시 열섬현상 저감을 위한 MPCM 적용 축열도료 제조 및 열적성능 평가)

  • Jeong, Su-Gwang;Kang, Yujin;Wi, Seunghwan;Chang, Seong Jin;Kim, Sumin
    • Journal of the Korean Solar Energy Society
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    • v.35 no.4
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    • pp.17-24
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    • 2015
  • The formation of heat islands causes high energy demand for space cooling and peak cooling loads in conditioned buildings. High-temperature fluctuations on a building roof may cause mechanical stress and increase surface deterioration. Thermal energy storage (TES) systems using microencapsulated phase-change materials (MPCMs) have been recognized as one of the most advanced energy technologies for enhancing the energy efficiency and sustainability of buildings. In this study, we prepared MPCM/paint composites for mitigating the heat island effect and reducing peak temperature. In addition, we carried out thermal and physical analysis of prepared MPCM composite samples by means of SEM, FTIR spectroscopy, DSC, and TGA. Further, we evaluated the dynamic heat transfer performance of heat-storage tiles painted with 10 g of heat-storage paint. From the obtained results, we deduced that MPCM/hydrophilic paint composites are more applicable to various fields, including the building sector, than MPCM/hydrophobic paint composites. On the basis of SEM and FTIR spectroscopy results, we concluded that materials with hydrophilic properties are more compatible with MPCMs than those with hydrophobic properties. In addition, DSC analysis results revealed that MPCM/hydrophilic paint composites have better compatibility, higher latent heat capacity, and better thermal properties than other composites. TGA results showed that hydrophilic-paint-based composites have higher thermal durability than hydrophobic-paint-based composites. Finally, a lot of MPCM-loaded heat-storage tiles showed lower peak temperatures at all measurement positions.

Synthesis and Characterization of Liquid Crystalline Polyurethanes Containing Aromatic Ring Moiety (방향족 고리를 갖는 액정폴리우레탄의 합성 및 특성)

  • Lee, Jong-Baek
    • Elastomers and Composites
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    • v.48 no.2
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    • pp.141-147
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    • 2013
  • Polyurethanes containing no mesogenic unit were prepared by polyaddition reaction of homo- and copolyurethanes based on para-type 1,4-phenylene diisocyanate (1,4-PDI), 2,6-bis($\omega$-hydroxypentoxy)naphthalene (BHN5) with 1,4-bis($\omega$-hydroxypentoxy)benzene (BHB5). All copolyurethanes showed monotropic liquid crystallinity, when measurements were performed under shearing. For example, a polyurethane Poly(50/50, mol%) with $[\eta]$=0.32 dL/g exhibited liquid crystallinity in the temperature range from $223^{\circ}C$ to $211^{\circ}C$ in the cooling stage. In contrast, two homopolyurethanes exhibited no explicit mesomorphic behavior, which was observed by DSC (Differental Scanning calorimeter) and measurement and polarized microscopic observation. The mesomorphic behavior of synthesized polyurethane was identified and characterized by differential scanning calorimetry, polarized optical microscope and X-ray.

Synthesis and Properties of PEGMA/Na-MMT with Acrylic Monomer by Free-Radical Polymerization (Free Radical 중합에 의한 PEGMA/Na-MMT와 아크릴단량체의 합성 및 물성)

  • Joo, Hong Hee;Park, Chan Young;Kim, Tae Kyoon;Chun, Jae Hwan;Lee, Won Kee;Oh, Sang Taek
    • Journal of Adhesion and Interface
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    • v.11 no.3
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    • pp.106-111
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    • 2010
  • Na-MMT intercalated with PEGMA macromer was prepared using an EtAc/acetone mixture (1/1 by volume) as a solvent. PEGMA/(Na-MMT)-co-MMA/MA nanocomposites was synthesized by copolymerizing intercalated compound with MMA and MA, and then characterization was performed. The results of X-ray diffraction (XRD) showed that in the case of Na-MMT intercalated with PEGMA macromer the d-spacings of silicate of Na-MMT increased with increasing of Na-MMT loading. As the Na-MMT loading increases Tg showed increasing trend through the DSC measurement. TGA result showed that thermal stability of PEGMA/(Na-MMT)-co-MMA/MA nanocomposites improved a little more than the pure PEGMA-co-MMA/MA.

Effect of ${\beta}-Glucan$ on Gelatinization of Barley Starch (${\beta}-Glucan$이 보리 전분의 호화에 미치는 영향)

  • Choi, Hee-Don;Seog, Ho-Moon;Kim, Sung-Ran;Park, Yong-Kon;Lee, Cherl-Ho
    • Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology
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    • v.35 no.4
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    • pp.545-550
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    • 2003
  • The effect of ${\beta}-glucan$ on gelatinization of barley starch was studied. By the rapid visco-analyzer measurement, gelatinization of starch became rapid and viscosity increased largely on the RVA pattern by addition of ${\beta}-glucan$ to starch. The results of differential scanning calorimeter showed that molecular structure of starch was getting stabilized through shifting up of gelatinization temperature and increase in enthalpy by addition of ${\beta}$-glucan. X-ray diffraction pattern also showed the same results as differential scanning calorimeter. But it was revealed that addition of ${\beta}$-glucan to starch didn't affect characteristics such as microscopic observation, solubility, swelling power, and iodine binding properties during gelatinization of starch.

A New Evaluation Method of UV Curing Process by Using Electrical Properties (전기적 특성을 이용한 UV 경화 프로세스에 대한 새로운 평가방법)

  • Lee, Mun-Hag;Kim, Sung-Bin;Son, Se-Mo;Cheon, Jae-Kee
    • Korean Chemical Engineering Research
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    • v.43 no.3
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    • pp.393-400
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    • 2005
  • A novel evaluation method was investigated for measuring the ability of acid amplification of acid amplifier. The method was based on the measurement of conductivity change by the acid generation according to UV radiation. It was found that the decrease of conductivity was caused by photopolymerization of epoxy monomer during UV curing process of ink film and by the rate of UV curing. In this paper, the novel acid amplifiers were synthesized and measured thermal stability by means of DSC. It was found that mono-type acid amplifiers were more stable than di-type. It was possible to make the dynamical evaluation of the curing rate of UV curable ink in curing process by this method.

Study on the degradation rate and pH change of PLGA membrane with a biodegradation (생분해에 따른 PLGA 멤브레인의 분해속도 및 pH 변화에 대한 연구)

  • Xie, Yuying;Park, Jong-Soon;Kang, Soon-Kook
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.16 no.9
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    • pp.6403-6410
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    • 2015
  • Medical polymer PLGA is biocompatible, biodegradation, mechanical characteristic and biostability, and the degradation time can be adjust by controlling the number of monomer. In this paper, PLGA membranes have different composition ratio by L/D type was prepared by phase transition method. And the PLGA membrane in phosphate buffered saline(PBS) at the different test temperatures for different periods of time to examined for change in mass and measured the pH of degradation media. Measurement of Tg and surface structure was performed using a DSC and Stereoscopic microscope. As the molecular weighter increase, hydrolysis rate was decrease in geometrical progression. According to the composition ratio by L/D type, degradation rate and the change of pH are large.

Thermal and Surface Properties of PET/Nylon66/Clay Nanocomposites (PET/Nylon66/Clay 나노복합재료의 열적물성 및 표면특성)

  • Lee, Minho;Ku, Jahun;Min, Byung Hun;Kim, Jeong Ho
    • Applied Chemistry for Engineering
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    • v.22 no.5
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    • pp.490-494
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    • 2011
  • Nanocomposites of blends of polyethyleneterephthalate (PET) and polyamide66 (Nylon66) containing natural and organically modified montmorillonite clays (PM, $Cloisite^{(R)}$ 25A and 15A) were prepared by melt mixing. DSC results showed that the addition of clay changed the crystallization behavior of PET/Nylon66 nanocomposites. Clay C25A was observed to most significantly change the crystallization temperature than other clays in blends of PET and Nylon66, which may be caused by the difference in interaction with matrix polymers. AFM results also showed that the lowest value of surface roughness was observed for nanocomposites containing C25A indicating the smooth and relatively homogenous surface. Mechanical properties measurement showed the similar results. Contact angle was measured to study the difference in hydrophobicity. An increase in contact angle was observed for nanocomposites with C25A or C15A due to the increased hydrophobicity.