• Title/Summary/Keyword: Coupled Charge Device

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Estimation of Water Content in Leaf Litter of Three Quercus Species by Reflectance Water Index (Reflectance water index를 이용한 참나무속 3종 낙엽의 함수량 추정)

  • Suh, Kyehong
    • Journal of Environmental Science International
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    • v.27 no.4
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    • pp.275-279
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    • 2018
  • Water status of intact plants has been optically estimated by measuring reflectance at the wavelengths 1,450 nm and 1,900 nm based on their signal strengths. Although another water band at 970 nm is considered to have very small signals, the band apparently lies within the detection range of inexpensive spectrometer and plain charge-coupled device (CCD) camera used in wild fire studies. However measurement of the reflectance at 970 nm has been rarely applied to estimate the water status of dead plant materials such as fallen branch, twig, and leaf. To test the possibility of applying water reflectance at 970 nm to estimate the water content (WC) in leaf litter, the reflectance in various WC values were measured in the leaf litter of three Quercus species (Q aliena, Q aliena, Q mongolica, and Quercus variabilis). The results showed that the WC in the leaf litter can be determined by reflectance water index (WI) in the three Quercus species ($WC=1,450{\times}WI-1,378.8$, r=0.865). However, there was no interaction effect in the relationship between WI and WC among the litter of the three Quercus species.

Real-Time Automatic Target Detection in CCD image (CCD 영상에서의 실시간 자동 표적 탐지 알고리즘)

  • 유정재;선선구;박현욱
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea SP
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    • v.41 no.6
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    • pp.99-108
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    • 2004
  • In this paper, a new fast detection and clutter rejection method is proposed for CCD-image-based Automatic Target Detection System. For defence application, fast computation is a critical point, thus we concentrated on the ability to detect various targets with simple computation. In training stage, 1D template set is generated by regional vertical projection and K-means clustering, and binary tree structure is adopted to reduce the number of template matching in test stage. We also use adaptive skip-width by Correlation-based Adaptive Predictive Search(CAPS) to further improve the detecting speed. In clutter rejection stage, we obtain Fourier Descriptor coefficients from boundary information, which are useful to rejected clutters.

Measurement of Rock Slope Joint using 3D Image Processing (3차원 영상처리를 이용한 암반 사면의 절리 측정에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Seung-Ho;Hwang, Jeong-Cheol;Sim, Seok-Rae;Jeong, Tae-Young
    • Proceedings of the Korean Geotechical Society Conference
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    • 2005.03a
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    • pp.854-861
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    • 2005
  • Studied accuracy and practical use possibility of joint measurement that using 3D laser scanner to rock slope. Measured joint of Rock slope and comparison applied 3 dimension laser scanner and clinometer. 3D laser scanning system preserves on computer calculating to 3 dimension coordinate scaning laser to object. and according to laser measurement method of interior, produce correct vector value from charge-coupled device(CCD) or laser reciver and telegram register and time measuring equipment. Create of object x, y, z point coordinates to 3 dimension space of computer. Such 3 dimension point datum (Point Clouds) forms relocate position informations that exist to practical space to computer space. Practical numerical values related between each other. Compared joint distribution and direction that measured by laser scanner and clinometer. By the result, Distribution of joint projected almost equally. Could get more joint datas by measurement of 3 dimension scanner than measured by clinometer. Therefore, There is effect that objectification of rock slope investigation data, shortening of investigation periods, investigation reduction of cost. could know that it is very effective method in joint measuring.

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An Effective Medical Image System using TFT-DXD Method's Digital X-ray Detector (TFT-DXD 방식의 디지털 X-ray Detector를 이용한 고효율 의료 영상처리시스템)

  • Hwang, Jae-Suk;Lee, Jae-Kyun;Lee, Chae-Wook
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.32 no.4C
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    • pp.389-395
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    • 2007
  • The Film X-ray and the CCD method of current medical image system have the disadvantages such as required large place and diagnosis time. In this paper, we implement an effective medical image system using TXT-DXD method's digital X-ray detector(DR1000C). The implemented medical image system has advantages of placing efficiency and short diagnosis time. In order to make the image out of the system more effective, we develop an LCD(Liquid Crystal Display) control driver, having the resolution of 1900*1200. And we propose an enhancement unsharp masking method to update image enhancement of DR1000C medical image system, and compare it with the current methods.

Development of an In-process Confocal Positioning System for Nanostereolithography Using Evanescent Light

  • Kajihara, Yusuke;Takeuchi, Toru;Takahashi, Satoru;Takamasu, Kiyoshi
    • International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing
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    • v.9 no.3
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    • pp.51-54
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    • 2008
  • A novel stereolithography method using evanescent light has been proposed as a means to realize 100-nanometer resolution. An in-process measurement system with high accuracy has been introduced to the nanostereolithography apparatus. Specifically, an optical microscopic system was developed to monitor the exposure process and a confocal positioning system was established to improve the longitudinal positioning accuracy in the layer-by-layer process. A high-power objective lens, a tube lens, and a charge coupled device (CCD) were included in the optical microscopic system, whereas a laser, a high-power objective lens, a piezoelectric (PZT) stage, a condenser lens, a pinhole, and a photomultiplier (PMT) made up the confocal microscopic system. Two verification experiments were conducted, and the results indicated that the optical microscopic system had a horizontal resolution of 200 nm and that the confocal positioning system provided a depth resolution of 30.8 nm. These results indicate that nanostereolithography can be successfully performed with this system.

Development of Image Capture Program for a Mobile Mapping System along CCD Camera Characteristics (차량측량시스템을 위한 영상취득 프로그램 개발)

  • Jeong, Dong-Hoon;Kim, Byung-Guk
    • Journal of Korea Spatial Information System Society
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    • v.4 no.2 s.8
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    • pp.35-40
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    • 2002
  • In this study we developed a CCD camera image capture program for Mobile Mapping System. Especially, two high resolution color images could be captured and saved simultaneously through this program to apply digital photogrammetry. Program developed in this study could be used more effectively on the 3D positioning of road facilities, the state understanding of maintenance and etc. using Mobile Mapping System with GPS-IMU. Most programs currently developed and used are for the panchromatic images. But, newly developed program is for the high resolution color images. Therefore newly developed program could expand application field of Mobile Mapping System widely, and users. This research can improve the usability of 4S' products with stable and reliable.

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Flux Density Distribution of the Dish Solar Concentrator (KIERDISH II) (KIERDISH II 태양열 집광시스템의 플럭스밀도 분포)

  • Kang, Myeong-Cheol;Kang, Yong-Heack;Yoo, Seong-Yeon
    • Journal of the Korean Solar Energy Society
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.11-18
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    • 2004
  • A solar concentrator, named KIERDISH II, was built at KIER in order to investigate the feasibility of high temperature solar energy application system. The constructed concentrator is a dish type solar concentrator with a focal length of 4.68m and a diameter of 7.9m. To successfully operate KIERDISH II, optimal design of the absorber is very important and flux density distribution has to be known. The focal flux density distribution on the receiver was measured. We have observed the shape and size of flux images and evaluated percent power within radius. Flux density distribution is usually measured by a CCD(charge coupled device) camera and a radiometer. In this paper we present a flux mapping method to estimate the characteristic features of the flux density distribution in the focal region of solar concentrator. The minimum radius of receiver is found to be 0.15m and approximately 90% of the incident radiation is intercepted by receiver aperture.

Real time MTF Measurement of Copy Lenses by two-dimensional CCDs (2차원 CCD를 이용한 복사기 렌즈의 실시간 MTF 측정)

  • 조현모;이윤우;이인원;김태희;최옥식;이환규
    • Korean Journal of Optics and Photonics
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.1-8
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    • 1996
  • Charge-coupled device(CCD) array detectors are widely used in real time modulation transfer function(MTF) measurement systems. This paper presents the characteristics of two-dimensional CCDs used in a real time MTF measurement system for copy lenses. The MTF characteristics of a copy lens measured by this equipment show different results according to the direction of shift register, shutter speed and the amplifier gain of CCDs. An object generator is fabricated to reduce the variation of MTF values for the irradiance nonuniformity in on-axis and off-axis image plane and this MTF equipment is calibrated by using a standard lens.

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Recognition of Individual Holstein Cattle by Imaging Body Patterns

  • Kim, Hyeon T.;Choi, Hong L.;Lee, Dae W.;Yoon, Yong C.
    • Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences
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    • v.18 no.8
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    • pp.1194-1198
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    • 2005
  • A computer vision system was designed and validated to recognize an individual Holstein cattle by processing images of their body patterns. This system involves image capture, image pre-processing, algorithm processing, and an artificial neural network recognition algorithm. Optimum management of individuals is one of the most important factors in keeping cattle healthy and productive. In this study, an image-processing system was used to recognize individual Holstein cattle by identifying the body-pattern images captured by a charge-coupled device (CCD). A recognition system was developed and applied to acquire images of 49 cattles. The pixel values of the body images were transformed into input data comprising binary signals for the neural network. Images of the 49 cattle were analyzed to learn input layer elements, and ten cattles were used to verify the output layer elements in the neural network by using an individual recognition program. The system proved to be reliable for the individual recognition of cattles in natural light.

A Study of Weld Pool width Control in Gas Tungsten Arc Welding Using the Digital Image Processing (화상처리에 의한 Gas Tungsten Arc 용접에서의 용융지폭제어에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Dong-Cheol;Rhee, Sehun;Um, Ki-Woan
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers A
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    • v.20 no.9
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    • pp.2760-2769
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    • 1996
  • The feedback control systems of welding process using visual information can improve weld qualities. However, it is very difficult to get the visual information of weld pool since the light intensity of welding arc is much stronger than that of the weld pool. To explore the possibility of extending the capability of automatic welding machines, a study of a closed loop controlled welding system consisted of a GTA welding machine, a vision system, a stepping motor system and a digital computer was undertaken. Particularly, in this system, a CCD camera with a long wavelength pass filter was used to get a better weld pool image. Subsequently, an image analysis technique has been developed to measure the weld pool width. Using this weld pool width measurement, a colsed loop control system adjusted welding speed to maintain a constant weld pool width.