• Title/Summary/Keyword: Correlation analysis

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A Study on Psychological Rehabilitation to Decrease Powerlessness in the Elderly Population (노인의 무력감 완화를 위한 심리 재활에 관한 연구)

  • 김조자;임종락;박지원
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.506-525
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    • 1992
  • Older people, because of the psychological and physiological changes related to the aging process are more vulnerable to experiencing powerlessness than any other age group. This self destructive cycle of depression in older people related to the experience of continued and long term powerlessness can lead even to death. The purpose of this study was to measure powerlessness and resources to increase power in older people, and to measure the effectiveness of a psychological rehabilitation program for reducing powerlessness. The research methodology used was a two step process. In the first step, a survey was done of perceived powerlessness and power resources comparing four groups of elderly people ; those living at home, those in hospital, those living in nursing homes and those attending educational programs for the elderly. The total sample size was 236. In the second step, a psychological rehabilitation program was carried out, pre and post measurements were taken related to this program. The sample consisted of 29 residents in a nursing home. The results of the study are as follows : 1. Powerlessness was classified as cognitive, emotional, activity and learning. The lowest score for powerlessness was in the area of activity, that is the people in the sample felt more power concerning their activities. The highest score was in the area of cognition where they felt they had less power. 2. When the different groups of elderly were compared, it was found that the residents of the nursing home had the highest score on perceived powerlessness and the group who were living at home had the lowest score. 3. Among the general characteristics, the factors influencing the powerlessness score were age, sex, level of education, financial resources and health status. In the interaction effects among these factors, it was found that level of education and health status were factors influencing perceived powerlessness. The elderly with lower education and poorer health status had the higher scores for perceived powerlessness. 4. The power resources could be classified into the following areas : physical strength, emotional strength, positive self-image, energy, knowledge, motivation and belief system. Belief system was given the highest score among the power resources and energy, knowledge and motivation were given low scores. 5. The group participating in an educational program for the elderly had the highest score for power resources while the group made up of residents of a nursing home had the lowest score as well as the highest score for perceived powerlessness. 6. The factors influencing the power resource scores were sex, level of education, financial resources and health status. In the analysis of the interaction effect among the factors, it was found that sex, level of education and financial resources were the factors that influenced the power resource score, that is, women, those with a low level of education and those with poor financial resources reported a lower level of power resources. 7. There was a negative correlation between perceived powerlessness and power resources in the elderly in this study. Since power resources explainded 49% of the variance for powerlessness, it can be concluded that the power resources can be used to reduce powerlessness. 8. The psychological rehabilitation program was carried out with the nursing home residents over a period of five weeks. No statistically significant difference was found in the scores on powerlessness between the pre and post tests, but there was a slight decrease in the raw scores on the post test for emotional, activity and learning powerlessness. There was a statistically significant increase in the power resource scores for emotional strength, positive self-image, energy, knowledge and motivation in the post test as compared to the pre test. In conclusion, the study indicates that a psychological rehabilitation program for the elderly could be effective in increasing power resources and this in turn could lead to a decrease in perceived powerlessness.

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A Theory Construction on the Care Experience for Spouses of Patients with Chronic Illness (만성질환자 배우자의 돌봄 경험에 대한 이론 구축)

  • Choi, Kyung-Sook;Eun, Young
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • v.30 no.1
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    • pp.122-136
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    • 2000
  • Chronic illness requiring attention and management during a long period of time puts great burden onto patients, their family and society. For patients with chronic illnesses, providing social support is the most important, and the fundamental support comes from their spouses. Amount and quality of support from spouses seems to differentiated according to the sex of patients. Female patients tend to believe that their spouses are not very supportive. Therefore, the researchers assessed the burden of husbands of female arthritis patients to discover the factors that result in greater burden. Also, they developed a theoretical model of husbands′ care for their wives through a qualitative research into husbands′ experience. Method 1: The study material was 650 female arthritis patients registered in an arthritis clinic. The questionnaire about the disease experience of female arthritis patients and the burden of husbands were sent. Returned questionnaires numbered 210(32.3%) and 27 were excluded because of inadequate answers. The remaining 183 questionnaires were analyzed. The mean age of the patients was 51 years and the mean age of spouses was 55 years. The mean marital period was 28 years. The average duration since diagnosis was 9.1 years. Education level was varied from primary school to graduate school, and average income/month was 1,517,300 won. Method 2: Initial questionnaire studies on the burden of husbands were performed. Among 183 responding husbands, 23 consented to participate for a qualitative research. Data was obtained by direct and telephone interviews. The mean age of participants was 58 years, and the educational level and socioeconomic status also varied. Result: 1. Husbands′ burden: The average burden was 57.68 with a range of 6-96. 2. Burden and general characteristics: The husband′s burden correlated with the age of the patients, numbers in the family, therapy methods, patient′s level of discomfort, patient′s disease severity, patient′s level of dependence and the husband′s understanding of the level of severity. 3. Linear correlation analysis on burden: The husbands′ burden is explained in 22.5% by husband′s recognition of level of severity and husbands′ age. 4. There were four patterns of the burden on husbands: both objectve burden and subjective burden were high(pattern I), both of objectve burden and subjective burden were low(pattern II), objective burden was high but subjective burden was low(pattern III), objective burden was low but subjective burden was high(pattern IV). The pattern was correlated with the family income, educational level of the patients and their husbands, therapy methods, patient′s level of discomfort, patient′s disease severity, patient′s level of dependence and husband′s understanding of level of severity. 5. The core category of the caring experience of the husbands with arthritis patients was "companionship". The causal factor was the patients′ experience due to symptoms : physical disfigurement, pain, immobility, limitation of house chores, and limitation of social activities. Contextural factors are husbands′ identification of housework and husbands′ concern about the disease. The mediating factors are economic problems, fear of aging, feeling of limitation and family support. The strategy for interaction is mind control and how to solve emotional stress. The "companionship" resulted from caring activities, participation of household activities, helping patients′ to coping with emotional experience. 6. Companionship is established through the process of entering intervention, and caring state of mind. Entering intervention is the phase of participation of therapy and involvement of houseworks. The caring phase consists of decision on therapy, providing therapy, providing direct care, and taking over the household role of wife. Through caring phase, the changing phase set a stage in which husbands consolidate the relationship with their wives, and are reminded of the meaning of marriage. As a result, in changing phase, husbands′ companionship is enhanced. In conclusion, nursing care of chronic illnesses should include a family member especially the spouse. All information on disease shoud be provided to patients and whole family member. Strong support should also be provided to overcome difficulties in taking over role of other sex. Then the quality of life of patients and families will be much improved.

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  • Hwang, Chung-Ju;Lim, Seon-A
    • The korean journal of orthodontics
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    • v.28 no.2 s.67
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    • pp.237-253
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    • 1998
  • Surgical-orthodontic treatment is performed for the skeletal Class III patients with no remaining growth and too big a skeletal discrepancy (or camouflage treatment, and two jaw surgery is needed in order to have maximum effect in such patients. In two jaw surgery cases, surgical alteration of the occlusal plane is necessary to establish optimal function, esthetics and postoperative sability, therefore the establishment of the occlusal plane is essential in diagnosis and treatment. The object of this study is to evaluate the stability of the indiviual ideal occlusal plane bsaed on the architectural and structural craniofacial analysis of Delaires. Thus, the subjects of this study were 48 patients who underwent two jaw surgery, and divided in two groups. Each group were composed of 24patients, A group were operated with ideal occlusal plane and B group were not. Two groups were compared at the preoperative, immediate postoperative (average 4.3days), and long-term postoperative (average 1.3years) lateral cephalometric radiographs. The following results were obtained: 1. There was no significance in occlusal plane angulation between $T_2\;and\;T_3$. Average long term follow-up changes of occlusal Plane angle were $0.24^{\circ}{\pm}2.43$, with FH plane and $0.15{\circ}{\pm}2.16{\circ}$ with SN plane in all 48 patients. These results demonstrated that the occlusal plane after two jaw surgery in skeletal Class III malocclusion was stable. 2. There was no significance in postoperative stability of occlusal plane between A and B group. 3. There was no significance in postoperative stability of occlusal plane depending on surgeon and operative method within each group. 4. The postoperative changes of occlusal plane were correlated to the postoperative changes of jaw rather than tooth position. 5. There was no correlation between the postoperative changes of occlusal plane and maxillary impaction and mandibular setback with surgery.

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The Relationship of the Social Support and Health Promotion Behavior in Rural Communities (일부농촌지역에서의 사회적 지지와 건강증진 행동간 관계)

  • Lee, Hee-Young;Hwang, Seung-Sik;Baek, Ji-Eon;Kim, Yang-Sook;Ka, Mun-Hee;Sin, Jee-Yeon;Kim, Eun-Ok;Kim, Si-Wan;Ahn, Hye-Yun;Park, Jae-Hyun;Kim, Hyo-Chung;Lee, Seung-Eun;Cho, Byung-Hee;Chung, Moon-Ho
    • Journal of agricultural medicine and community health
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    • v.27 no.2
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    • pp.55-66
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    • 2002
  • This study aims to clarify the socio-economic factors which have an effectiveness on the social support in rural areas and analyze how it relates to the Individual Health promotion behavior. It is advised to improve social support in the community. The target population was all residents with no chronic and no serious disease who live in five villages of Chuncheon in Kangwon province during July of 2002. This study was done by the interview survey using questionnaire which was composed with questions about Medical Outcomes Study-Social Support Survey(MOS-SSS) and the health promotion behavior. MOS-SSS was translated to Korean and modified to be suitable for the study. The functional and social support variables were also added. The health promotion behavior was formed through the questions about whether or not stop smoking, stop drinking, the excise, the health examinations, attending health education, and hormone replacement therapies. The results are as follows; 1) the case of low-educated, divorce or separation to death, or the subject of social assistance, the social support was low. 2) the case of high social class, the social support was high. 3) there were no significant findings in the health status. 4) according to the analysis of correlation of health promotion behavior, the group with the most social support showed a high percentage of getting health examinations, attending health education, Hormone replacement therapies. However, the adjusted rate of smoking and drinking of trying to stop smoking and stop drinking resulted in low figures. The well-structured social support which the community can provide should be firstly given a priority for the group with low-income, low-educated, divorce or separation to death, and social assistance who are provided poor social support. Moreover, the social support service should be actively reflected to the health promotion program in the community.

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Tectonic Movement in the Korean Peninsula (II): A Geomorphological Interpretation of the Spatial Distribution of Earthquakes (한반도의 지반운동 (II): 한반도 지진분포의 지형학적 해석)

  • Park, Soo-Jin
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.42 no.4
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    • pp.488-505
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    • 2007
  • The purposes of this research are twofold; 1) to verify spatial differences of tectonic movement using the spatial distribution of earthquakes, and 2) to infer mechanisms that generate spatial accumulation patterns of earthquakes in the Korean Peninsula. The first part of this sequential paper (Park, 2007) argues that the Korean Peninsula consists of four geostructural regions in which tectonic deformation and consequent geomorphological development patterns are different from each other Since this conclusion has been made by terrain analyses alone, it is necessary to verify this suggestion using other independent geophysical data. Because earthquakes are results of movement and deformation of land masses moving in different directions, the distribution of earthquake epicenters may be used to identify the direction and rates of land mass movement. This paper first analysed the spatial distribution of earthquakes using spatial statistics, and then results were compared with the spatial arrangement of geostructural regions. The spatial distribution of earthquakes in the Korean Peninsula can be summarized as the followings; firstly, the intensity of earthquakes shows only weak spatial dependency, and shows large difference even at adjacent regions. Secondly, the epicenter distribution has a clear spatial accumulation pattern, even though the intensity of earthquake shows a random pattern. Thirdly, the high density area of earthquakes shows a clear 'L' shape, passing through Pyeongannam-do, centered at Pyeongyang, and Hwanghae-do, Seosan and Pohang. The correlation coefficient between the density of earthquakes and distance from geostructral region boundaries is much higher than those between the density of fault lines and distance from tectonic division boundaries. Since fault lines and tectonic divisions in the Korean Peninsula are the results of long-term geological development, there is an apparent scale discrepancy to find significant correlations with earthquakes. This result verifies the research hypothesis that the Korean Peninsula is divided into four geostructral regions in which each has its own moving direction and spatial deformation characteristics. The existence of geostructural regions is also supported by the movement parrerns of land masses estimated from the GPS measurements. This conclusion is expected to provide a new perspective to understand the geomorphological developments and the earthquake occurrences in the Korean Peninsula.

A Study on the analysis of activities of t?e 5.H.T. (5.H.T. in Pusan City) (부산지역 양호교사의 업무분석에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Lee-Sun;Kim, Bok-Yong
    • Research in Community and Public Health Nursing
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.465-502
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    • 1989
  • The purpose of this study was to find out the general characteristics of school health teachers, the status of school health resources and the degrees of self-confident performance for the 124 school health teachers in Pusan City. Data was collected by means of questionaires from Aug. 1986 to Mar. 1987. The data were analyzed by use of percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-test, ANOVA and Pearson-correlation coefficient. The results of this study were as follows: 1 . General Characteristics of School Health Teachers (SHT) 1) The average of age of the SHT was 32.8 years old and 39.5% of them were from 30 to 34 years old. 2) The average for school nursing experience of the SHT was 7.9 years and 37.9% of them were from 5 to 9 years. 3) The 45.2% of them have not the clinical experience. 4) The 74.2% of them were graduated from the 3 years college of nursing. 2. Status of school health resources and nursing activities. 1) The average of student number was 2497.3 and class number was 45.2. 2) The average of school health budget was 1039000 won and 27.7% of school health budget expended on examination cost. 3) Only 29.0% of all schools have organization for school health. 4) The 84.7% of all schools have health clinic separately and 69.1% of schools have less than $33m^2$ sized. 5) The average of clinic visitor number was 2111.8 for 1 year. 6) Major problem was on digestive system. And other problems were skin, respiratory, musculo-skeletal system and dental problem. 7) The number of literal message was 14.4 times for 1 year. 3. The degree of the school health teachers' self-confidence. The school health teachers' self-confidence was deviced into 6 and the maximum degree was 4. 1) Program planning & evaluation; 2.8 2) Clinic management; 2.9 3) Health education, 3.0 4) Management of school environment; 2.7 5) Health care services; 2.7 6) Operating of school health organization; 2.4 4. Significances to the degree of self-confidence on school health nursing activities. 1) There was significant difference between clinical management and Religion (t=2.15 p<.05) 2) There was significant difference between Operating of school health organization and level of school (F=3.588 p<.05) 3) Program planning & evaluation: expending time for clinical management (r=-0.184 p<.05) expending time for health care services (r=0.273 p<.01) 4) Clinical management: use of separate health clinic (r=0.151 p<.05) 5) Health education: use of separate health clinic (r=0.170 p<0.5) 6) Health care services: No. of student (r=-0.144 p<0.5) No. of class (r=-0.160 p<.05) 5. The degree of the school health teachers' self-discipline. The school health teachers' self-discipline was devided into 2 and the maximum degree was 2. 1) Program planning & evaluation:1.8 2) Clinic management: 1.9 3) Health education: 1.9 4) Management of school environment: 1.7 5) Health care services: 1.8 6) Operating of school health organization.: 1.3 6. Significances to the degree of self-discipline on school health nursing activities 1) Program planning & evaluation; Level of nursing education (F=4.309 p<.01) 2) Clinical management: Level of nursing education (F=3.587 p<.05) 3) Operating of school health organization: School health organization (t=-2.68 p<.01) 4) Health care services: School health organization (t=2,58 p<.05) 5) School health performance: School health organization (t=2.32 p<.05) 6) Program planning & evaluation: School health experience (r=0.239 p<.01) Expending time for program planning & evaluation (r=-0.172 p<.05) 7) Clinic management: School health experience (r=0.249 p<.01) Expending time for dinic management (r=0.181 p<.05) No. of student (r=-0.158 p<.05) Expending time of program planning & evaluation (r=-0.199 p<0.5) 8) Health education: School health experience (r=0.234 p<0.1) Expending time of program planning & evaluation (r=-0.193 p<.05) 9) Management of school environment: Age of school health teacher (r=0.142 p<.05) School health experience (r=0.255 p<.01) 10) Operating of school health organization: Medicine Purchase (r=-0.163 p<.05) 11) Health care services: School health experience (r=0.148 p<.05) Medicine purchase (r=-0.229 p<.01) 12) Total school health performance: School health experience (r=0.200 p<.05) Medicine purchase(r=-0.168 p<.05) Based on the above results, the suggestions are as follows: 1) As the SHT take charge of the reasonable number of student, the students will have benefit of the good health service in quality. 2) It is recommended to use the health clinic separately and to arrange adequate place for good school health service. 3) It is necessary that the SHT participate budget for school health. 4) It is required to enhance self-confidence on school health nursing activities through continuous educational programs.

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Standardization and Reliability and Validity of the Korean Edition of Profile of Mood States(K-POMS) (한국판 기분상태척도(K-POMS)의 표준화와 신뢰도와 타당도 평가)

  • Kim, Eui-Joong;Lee, Sang-Ick;Jeong, Do-Un;Shin, Min-Sup;Yoon, In-Young
    • Sleep Medicine and Psychophysiology
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.39-51
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    • 2003
  • Objectives: The Profile of Mood States (POMS) has been used broadly and frequently in various medical studies with various subjects. For the development and application of the Korean edition of POMS, called K-POMS, we translated POMS into Korean and then evaluated the reliability and validity of K-POMS. Methods: The subjects were 161 male students with a mean age of 18.1 years (15-30) and 244 female students with a mean age of 16.6 years (14-23). They were requested to perform K-POMS and SCL-90-R (Korean version) at the same time. Means, reliability coefficients, and test-retest correlations of K-POMS were calculated. Content validities, correlations with SCL-90-R, and discrimination validities in comparison with 76 depressive patients were obtained, and factor analyses were carried out. Results: Mean scores of Total Mood Disturbance (TMD) and some subscales (T, F, C, V factor) showed a significant difference between male and female students. The internal consistency coefficient ($\alpha$) of the total 65 items was 0.93, and ranged from 0.67 to 0.90 for subscales. Test-retest correlations of 43 subjects ranged from 0.27 to 0.63. Seven psychiatrists rated the properness of the content of each item as more than moderate degree (mean scale points=2.66, in the range of 0 to 4). Every subscale of KPOMS exhibited significant correlation with the matching subscale of SCL-90-R. Mean scores of K-POMS of the total 405 subjects were significantly different from those of the 76 depressive subjects after age correction. Six factors were extracted, accounting for 51.2% of total variance. Factor 6 consisted of 6 items which came from various subscales of POMS and represented "uncertainty and helplessness," which may be somewhat different to depression or sadness proper. Conclusion: The validity and reliability of K-POMS could be confirmed. The significant difference in K-POMS scores between depressive subjects and normal subjects suggests that K-POMS can be used clinically for the evaluation and screening of depression. The main structure of K-POMS is very similar to that of POMS, except the Confusion-Bewilderment factor which shows weak factor consistency in K-POMS. This may reflect some emotional characteristic of Koreans such as an undifferentiated aspect of cognitive efficiency. The sixth factor newly extracted from K-POMS also may be indicative of an unique emotional aspect of young Koreans.

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An Experimental Study on Radioprotective Effect of DDC, MEA, and WR-2721 (DDC, MEA, WR-2721의 방사선(放射線) 방호효과(防護效果)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究))

  • Chung, In-Young;Koh, Joo-Hwan;Chung, Hyun-Woo;Chil, Soo-Yil;Yoo, Seong-Yul;Koh, Kyoung-Hwan
    • Journal of Radiation Protection and Research
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.114-122
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    • 1986
  • At present, the treatments of the radiation-induced diseases are only performing by the palliative treatment technique. Moreover, radiation protective agents are a little toxic for human being and this seriously limits their applicability with various complications in clinical uses. Accordingly, as a part of the aim of gain of the basic data for protective roles of some radioprotectors, the present investigation was carried out to evaluate the comparative radioprotective effects by the administration of DDC, MEA, WR-2721. Results are shown for statistically significant analysis and correlation with each group as follows; 1. The proper doses of the radioprotectors were DDC; 1,550 mg/kg, MEA; 450 mg/kg, WR-2721; 780 mg/kg of the mouse body weight. 2. DMF(Dose modification factor) of LD 50/10 and LD 50/30 for whole body irradiation was DDC; 1.2, MEA; 1.4, WR-2721; 1.9 and DDC; 1.7, MEA; 1.8, WR-2721; 2.5 respectively. 3. DMF for radiation reaction of jejunal crypt was DDC: 1.07, MEA: 1.21 and WR-2721: 1.76 and that of jejunal crypt cell was DDC: 1.04, MEA: 1.08 and WR-2721: 1.38 respectively. 4. Conclusively, WR-2721 was the most effective drung among the three radioprotectors and this result must be a supportive data for further study for clinical application.

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Development and Validation of Inventory of the Anger-inducing Automatic Thoughts for Elementary School Children (아동용 분노유발 자동적 사고 검사의 개발과 타당화)

  • Kim, Seon-Hwa;Park, Gyoung-Mook
    • The Korean Journal of Elementary Counseling
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.41-58
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    • 2010
  • The purpose of this study was to invent anger-inducing automatic thoughts examination for elementary school children based on its investigation for Korean one. I made the anger-inducing Automatic Thoughts Questionnaire(I, II) and made an examination of the contents of the automatic thoughts with it. Based on it, with preliminary questionnaire 90, I did principal component analysis varimax rotation and then final anger-inducting automatic thoughts examination of 40 question in 2 primary factor construction was consisted. I made 300 students carry out it to know its reliability, propriety and made 100 students carry it out at 2-week intervals test-retest. I divided them in three groups as low, middle and high according to its soore regarding anger-inducting automatic thoughts, I confirmed the variation of each group in positive thoughts, self-esteem, life satisfaction, anger, the result is same as follows; First, the content of Anger-inducting Automatic thoughts for elementary school students is revealed as unreasonableness(56.4%), retailation and passive, active offense(16.3%), blame and contempt(11.9%), injured pride and refusal(9.2%), absurd(3.9%), abandonment and avoidance(2.1%), self-abasement in turn. Second, said inventory is consist of 2 notion; first(20 questions) is blame, retaliation and second(20 questions) is injustice. Inner-item consistency of total 40 question is .97, Split-half reliability is .93, Test-retest reliability is .86. Third, criterion validity is revealed fine by reviewing the correlation between existing index related to the inventory of Anger-inducting Automatic thoughts of the elementary school students. Moreover, to find out discriminant validity, I divided three classes(low, middle, high) according to the score of said thoughts. As a result, there is certain variations when I confirmed variations in groups by reviewing the self-esteem, positive way of thinking, life satisfaction, anger.

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Characterization of SEI layer for Surface Modified Cathode of Lithium Secondary Battery Depending on Electrolyte Additives (전해질 첨가제에 따른 graphite 음극의 SEI분석 및 전기 화학적 특성 고찰)

  • Lee, Sung Jin;Cha, Eun Hee;Lim, Soo A
    • Journal of the Korean Electrochemical Society
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.69-79
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    • 2016
  • Lithium ion battery with high energy density is expanding its application area to electric automobile and electricity storage field beyond existing portable electric devices. Such expansion of an application field is demanding higher characteristic and stable long life characteristic of an anode material, the natural graphite that became commercialized in lithium ion battery. This thesis produced cathode by using natural graphite anode material, analyzed creation of the cathode SEI film created due to initial reaction by using electrolyte additives, VC (vinylene carbonate), VEC (vinyl ethylene carbonate), and FEC (fluoroethylene carbonate), and considered correlation with the accompanying electrochemical transformation. This study compared and analyzed the SEI film variation of natural graphite cathode according to the electrolyte additive with SEI that is formed at the time of initial filling and cathode of $60^{\circ}C$ life characteristic. At the time of initial filling, the profile showed changes due to the SEI formation, and SEI was formed in No-Additive in approximately 0.9 V through EVS, but for VC, VEC, and FEC, the formation reaction was created above 1 V. In $60^{\circ}C$ lifespan characteristic evaluation, the initial efficiency was highest in No-Additive and showed high contents percentage, but when cycle was progressed, the capacity maintenance rate decreased more than VC and FEC as the capacity and efficiency at the time of filling decreased, and VEC showed lowest performance in efficiency and capacity maintenance rate. Changes of SEI could not be verified through SEM, but it was identified that as the cycle of SEI ingredients was progressed through FT-IR, ingredients of Alkyl carbonate ($RCO_2Li$) affiliation of the $2850-2900cm^{-1}$ was maintained more solidly and the resistance increased as cycle was progressed through EIS, and specially, it was identified that the resistance due to No-Additive and SEI of VEC became very significant. Continuous loss of additives was verified through GC-MS, and the loss of additives from partial decomposition and remodeling of SEI formed the non-uniform surface of SEI and is judged to be the increase of resistance.