• Title/Summary/Keyword: Core-collection

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Consent for using human biological material in research: based on the revised Bioethics and Safety Act (인체유래물연구에 대한 동의 소고(小考) - 개정 생명윤리법 제42조의2를 계기로 -)

  • Lee, Dongjin;Lee, Sun Goo
    • The Korean Society of Law and Medicine
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.111-140
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    • 2019
  • The Bioethics and Safety Act provides a set of rules to regulate biobanks and research activities using human biological material, but the law seems to be defective in several folds. The law requires that, prior to collection or use of human biological materials, researchers should obtain the informed consent of the donors, but the law does not obligate biobanks to do so. Even in cases where the law requires informed consent, the ordinance of the Ministry of Health and Welfare allows open (or blanket) consent. In addition, a new article in the Act, Article 42-2 which will take effect from October 24, 2019, allows medical institutions to provide biobanks with remaining biospecimens collected in the course of diagnosis and treatment, unless the donors express their intent to opt-out, without obtaining specific consent from them. Given the need to protect the autonomy of donors and the unique characteristics of biobanks and research activities that use human biological materials, this paper concludes that such open consent-based law may not be suitable to protect the autonomy of the donors and that the broad consent requirement may be a desirable policy option. The paper acknowledges that the international community has long questioned whether broad consent (as well as open consent) is an effective choice to regulate the use of human biological materials. The paper stresses that the baseline requirement in designing the law is that the secondary use of human biological materials should be based on informed consent of the donors; the core value of the law should be a governance structure that promotes transparency and protects donor participation.

Development of the Pushing Type Cutting Device to Dismantle Concrete Structure for Decommissioning of Nuclear Power Plant (원전해체 시 콘크리트 구조물 절단을 위한 밀기형 절단장치 개발)

  • Lee, Bong-Jae;Kwon, Yong-Kyu;Hong, Chang-Dong;Lee, Dong-Won;Min, Kyong-Nam
    • Journal of Nuclear Fuel Cycle and Waste Technology(JNFCWT)
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.103-111
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    • 2020
  • Pulling-type cutting devices, which use a diamond wire saw, have been used generally for cutting concrete structures. In this study, a pushing-type cutting device with a collection cover was developed by overcoming the disadvantages of pulling-type devices. In this device, dry or liquid methods can be selected to cool frictional heat. Operation and leakage tests of the dust generated during the dismantling of a concrete structure were carried out, confirming the suitable operation of the fabricated cutting device; the leakage rate was approximately 1.7%. For a conservative evaluation, the internal dose of workers was estimated in dismantling the core center part of biological shield concrete with a specific activity of 99.5 Bq·g-1. The committed effective dose per worker was 0.25 mSv. The developed cutting device contributed to reducing radioactive concrete waste and minimizing worker exposure due to its easy installation. Therefore, it can be utilized as a cutting apparatus for dismantling not only reinforced concrete structures but also radioactive biological shield concrete in nuclear power plant decommissioning efforts.

A Study of Science Teachers' Perception on Knowledge Information Processing Competency (지식정보처리역량에 대한 과학교사의 인식 조사)

  • Son, Mihyun;Jeong, Daehong
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.38 no.5
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    • pp.693-703
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    • 2018
  • One of the important competencies in knowledge and information society is the competency of Knowledge information processing. This is closely related to science education and described as one of the core competencies in the 2015 national curriculum revision. Even with a general agreement of the educational necessity of this competency, its practice in class depends mostly on teachers' will. Therefore, we surveyed science teachers' perceptions and classroom condition about the competency of Knowledge information processing, and we analyzed the questionnaires of 64 middle and high school teachers in Seoul and interviewed three teachers. As a result, all teachers shared the importance of Knowledge information processing competency and explained it in terms of social paradigm and goal of the subject. However, there were not many cases of actual practice in class. The teachers answered that time for Knowledge information processing competency is not enough in class and they also lack of PCK on this competency. About half of the teachers had experiences in teacher training about Knowledge information processing competency but most of their experiences are related to information utilization literacy. The importance of Knowledge information processing competency was very high in three factors (collection, analyzation, and utilization), among which information analysis was the highest. Middle school teachers showed higher scores in most questions even though the differences were not significant, and high school teachers showed higher scores in the importance of information sources at a significant level. In order to cultivate competencies, it is necessary to expand the meaning of science inquiry so as to cover this competency and to consider ways of linking with other subjects and develop methods of teaching and learning.

A Study on the Outcome Management through the Analysis of Public Library Operations and Services in Seoul (서울시 공공도서관 운영 분석을 통한 서비스 성과관리 설계의 방향성 연구)

  • Kim, Sin-Young;Kwon, Nahyun;Kim, Sun-Ae
    • Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society
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    • v.51 no.3
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    • pp.385-409
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    • 2020
  • The purpose of this study is to present the directivity of outcome management through the analysis of public library operations in Seoul. For this purpose, author evaluated the public library policies by linking the 「Metropolitan Comprehensive Library Advancement Plan 2018~2022」 and 「The Third Comprehensive Library Advancement Plan: 2020 implementation plan」 and compiled to draw up the issue of policy development on the awareness of public library services by Seoul citizens. Nest, author analyzed and compared the core infrastructure, collection services, programs and activities of 173 public libraries in 25 local governments. Based on these results, author suggested the directivity of outcome management as follow. All public libraries in Seoul must emphasize the development scope and management methods of the performance indicators. For outcome management, this study emphasized building a strategy planning with the development procedures of performance indicators, categorizing outcome management indicators, developing user-centered indicators, and improving qualitative indicators. As there is a possibility that the quality of services expressed in the output may deteriorate due to the failure of the physical input indicators, it is necessary to strengthen the input and encourage the resolution of the service gap by establishing a performance management system to logically explain the relevance or causal relationship between these indicators.

Qualitative Research on Counseling and Academic Stress of Novice Elderly Female Counselors (중·노년층 여성 초심상담자의 상담과 학업스트레스에 관한 질적연구)

  • Kim, Jin-Ok;Cheong, Moon-Joo
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.573-586
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the Quality of stress experienced in counseling and counseling of elderly female novice counselors and, through this, to provide information and information that can help counselors of elderly to continue their counseling. The study participants interviewed 157 elderly women who were studying at religious institutions, counseling graduate schools, and general graduate schools. in the data collection, each individual participated in a one - to - one interview for 3 months from May to August, 2017. To analyze this material, it was used CQR method, as one of the Qualitative analysis methods. The results were divided into two factors of stress in the academic and counseling domains. in academic stress, academic stress symptoms, content, and weighting factors were separated into three key factors. in counseling stress, four core factors were identified: client, supervision, counselor's ability, and social environmental factors. The significance of this study is that the elderly novice counselors in the elderly have specified the areas of stress experienced by them and provided them with helpful information Then, implications and suggestions were discussed.

Digital Image Archiving Methodology on the Port of Busan: A Case Study Using an Open-Source Archiving Software (오픈소스를 이용한 부산항 사진 아카이브의 구축 방안)

  • Song, Jung-Sook;Heo, JeongSook;Lee, YeaLin
    • Journal of Korean Society of Archives and Records Management
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.127-151
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    • 2014
  • This study aims to share a methodology for locality reproduction by concretely explaining the theoretical model, procedure, and practice of constructing the Port of Busan Image Digital Archive, based on the photographic and postcard images of the Port of Busan, the representative place of Busan. Among the open-source record management programs, Omeka was chosen in implementing the digital archive because of its suitability for image exhibition. After establishing the principles for archive implementation in accordance with the purpose of the archive, a basic investigation was conducted for the record collection. With the consent of the individuals and institutions that possess the related records on the Port of Busan, such as the National Archives of Korea, the Busan Museum, and the City of Busan, original image artifacts were thus collected. The collected artifacts were then described using the Dublin Core metadata and categorized by time period. The Port of Busan was classified through four distinctive spatial characteristics (transportation, historic, industrial, and living spaces). A total of 11 themes for the exhibition was then suggested. The Busan-Shimonoseki Ferry Boat was chosen as an example exhibition of transportation space.

An Analysis of Korean Research Trends on the Kindergarten and Child Care Center Directors (유아교육기관장에 관한 국내 연구 동향 분석)

  • Yun, Sun Kyoung;Cho, Hyea Jin
    • Korean Journal of Childcare and Education
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    • v.10 no.6
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    • pp.101-122
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    • 2014
  • The purpose of this research is to analyze research trends of kindergarten and child care center directors focusing on the articles in a journal of early childhood education in Korea. For this, I divided and analyzed 162 articles of related early childhood education directors contained in the National Research Foundation of Korea. The National Research Foundation of Korea listed eight journals from 1991 to 2013, according to the study period, study topic and study method. As a result of this research, first, the research trends in the study period show that until 2003 less than 5 articles were published while gradually increasing since 2004 and the director-related papers were published in the 20 pieces every year from 2009. Second, concerning the study topic, the most common topic was about 'institutional management of director', and 'director leadership', and 'role and duties', and 'quality' were followed. Third, types of study included many quantitative studies but they are decreasing recently and qualitative studies tended to increase since 2006. There are many studies for the teacher and data collection methods have been utilized frequently having questions marked distinct by quantitative research. Data analysis was being used a lot with quantitative analysis. These results of the study imply that it is necessary to execute studies of topics such as a director's leadership and core competencies and to diversify study subjects and methods on the kindergarten and child care center directors.

In Vitro Tissue Culture Frequency and Transformation of Various Cultivars of Soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) (다양한 콩 자원들의 기내 조직배양 효율 및 형질전환)

  • Seo, Mi-Suk;Cho, Chuloh;Jeong, Namhee;Sung, Soon-Kee;Choi, Man-Soo;Jin, Mina;Kim, Dool-Yi
    • Korean Journal of Plant Resources
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    • v.34 no.4
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    • pp.278-286
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    • 2021
  • Efficient in vitro regeneration system is essential for the successful crop breeding of soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) using the new biotechnology. The genotype of donor plants strongly influences the establishment of tissue culture system. Therefore, the screening of genotypes with excellent tissue culture ability is very important for soybean genetic improvement. In this study, we report the tissue culture efficiency of 21 soybean cultivars belong to Korean soybean core-collection and two foreign cultivars (Jack and Maverick). The Kwangan, Anpyeong and Seonam are share close genetic relationship in 21 cultivars and these three cultivars were observed the high frequency of germination and regeneration. Furthermore, the high tissue culture abilities were also observed in the Williams 82 used in reference genome sequencing and the two foreign cultivars. The transformation of pBAtc:tRNA with bar gene was performed by Agrobacterium tumefaciens in the cultivars with high tissue culture ability. Transformation of the bar gene was identified by PCR analysis in Kwangan, Pungwon, Seonam, and Maverick. Our results provide useful information for the breeding of various soybean cultivars by plant biotechnology such as, genome editing.

A Study on Marine Accident Ontology Development and Data Management: Based on a Situation Report Analysis of Southwest Coast Marine Accidents in Korea (해양사고 온톨로지 구축 및 데이터 관리방안 연구: 서해남부해역 선박사고 상황보고서 분석을 중심으로)

  • Lee, Young Jai;Kang, Seong Kyung;Gu, Ja-Yeong
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment & Safety
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.423-432
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    • 2019
  • Along with an increase in marine activities every year, the frequency of marine accidents is on the rise. Accordingly, various research activities and policies for marine safety are being implemented. Despite these efforts, the number of accidents are increasing every year, bringing their effectiveness into question. Preliminary studies relying on annual statistical reports provide precautionary measures for items that stand out significantly, through the comparison of statistical provision items. Since the 2000s, large-scale marine accidents have repeatedly occurred, and case studies have examined the "accident response." Likewise, annual statistics or accident cases are used as core data in policy formulation for domestic maritime safety. However, they are just a summary of post-accident results. In this study, limitations of current marine research and policy are evaluated through a literature review of case studies and analyses of marine accidents. In addition, the ontology of the marine accident information classification system will be revised to improve the current limited usage of the information through an attribute analysis of boating accident status reports and text mining. These aspects consist of the reporter, the report method, the rescue organization, corrective measures, vulnerability of response, payloads, cause of oil spill, damage pattern, and the result of an accident response. These can be used consistently in the future as classified standard terms to collect and utilize information more efficiently. Moreover, the research proposes a data collection and quality assurance method for the practical use of ontology. A clear understanding of the problems presently faced in marine safety will allow "suf icient quality information" to be leveraged for the purpose of conducting various researches and realizing effective policies.

The Nature of Personal Papers and Documentation Strategies for Personal Archives (개인 기록의 특성과 기록화 전략)

  • Oh, Myung Jin
    • The Korean Journal of Archival Studies
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    • no.53
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    • pp.79-117
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    • 2017
  • Personal records have both general characteristics as "records" and unique characteristics granted by the context of "personal." This study was conceived by a need to focus on those unique characteristics of personal records and examine them specifically to determine various methods for personal records management. In an effort to identify the characteristics of personal records, the study made an attempt at two different approaches. First, it examined the unique characteristics of personal records that were approachable in the production context of personal records and the process of records management with a focus on the ISO 15489: 2016 standard, which offers the most fundamental principles of records management, and the literature researches on personal records. It then reviewed theories related to "personality," one of man's unique traits, and its applicability to personal records management. In addition, the investigator examined personal characteristics with a focus on personality in the group of actual personal records housed at records management agencies in the nation and checked their influences on records management. The unique characteristics of personal records should be the base of understanding of and strategies for objects to be collected in the documentation activities. That first requires efforts to discover the characteristics of personal records across diverse dimensions, and it should be employed as the core of documentation strategies for personal records.