• Title/Summary/Keyword: Cooperative work system

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A reinforcement learning-based method for the cooperative control of mobile robots (강화 학습에 의한 소형 자율 이동 로봇의 협동 알고리즘 구현)

  • 김재희;조재승;권인소
    • 제어로봇시스템학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 1997.10a
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    • pp.648-651
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    • 1997
  • This paper proposes methods for the cooperative control of multiple mobile robots and constructs a robotic soccer system in which the cooperation will be implemented as a pass play of two robots. To play a soccer game, elementary actions such as shooting and moving have been designed, and Q-learning, which is one of the popular methods for reinforcement learning, is used to determine what actions to take. Through simulation, learning is successful in case of deliberate initial arrangements of ball and robots, thereby cooperative work can be accomplished.

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A Study on the Development Paradigm of Cooperative Unit (작목반의 실태조사를 통한 발전모형 개발 연구)

  • Kim, Sung-Soo;Kim, Hyun-Soo;Choi, Chang-Wook
    • Journal of Agricultural Extension & Community Development
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.23-39
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    • 1995
  • The purpose of this study was to explore a paradigm for the development agricultural cooperative unit in Korea. To fulfill the purpose of the study, both a review of literature and case studies was used. The agricultural cooperative units selected for the survey were Doduram Swine, Songtan Cooperative Organization, Okyung Cooperative Farms, and Harim Poultry Company. To identify major factors and limitations associated with effective management of agricultural cooperative units, selected cooperative units for production, processing and marking were surveyed and analyzed. This study identified four major factors to be included in a development paradigm of effective agricultural cooperative units which were: 1) active participation of farmers, 2) techniques end attitude of participants, 3) horizontal integration of a high technology enterprise with agricultural production, and 4) increasing cooperative work on production and marking within the unit. Based on the results of the study, the following recommendations were made for further improvement and development of agricultural cooperative units : First, farmers should be encouraged and motivated to participate actively in agricultural cooperative units. Second, participants of the agricultural cooperative units should be equipped with both technical knowledge and skills on agricultural production, processing and marking. Third, a national net-work system should be established for the agricultural cooperative units throughout the country. Fourth, agricultural cooperative units should be expanded to various agricultural sectors covering wider area. Finally, agricultural cooperative units should be supported by farmers, agricultural organizations and the government for more effective management and further development.

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Foundation of Cooperative Control System of Assembly-Working Robots Using Wireless LAN (무선랜을 이용한 조립 작업 로봇의 협력 제어 시스템 구축)

  • Park, Sang-Young;Lee, Gui-Hyung
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Manufacturing Technology Engineers
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    • v.26 no.1
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    • pp.121-129
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    • 2017
  • In this study, we investigated a cooperative control system of assembly robots using wireless LAN. We developed two different types of robots to assemble three blocks on a workbench. Robot1 can assemble blocks on a workbench and Robot2 can carry blocks to Robot1. We constructed an ROS-based communication system and shared data. Three blocks and one workbench were recognized by camera-image processing By developing the UI using Windows programming language Visual C#, we evaluated the status of the robots and blocks and controlled the robots. The control system was developed by constructing all elements necessary for cooperative control, such as robot design and fabrication, motor control, ROS-based communication, and image processing. Thus, we completed fundamental tasks required for assembly.

A Study of Public-Academia Cooperative Research in the USA for Improvement of Atmospheric Research in Korea: Based on the CIRES Case (한국의 관학 대기과학 연구 발전을 위한 미국 협동연구 사례 분석 - 콜로라도대학 환경과학협동연구소를 중심으로)

  • Song, Byunghyun
    • Atmosphere
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    • v.23 no.3
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    • pp.357-365
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    • 2013
  • A public-academia cooperative research system is suggested to improve the level of national research on atmospheric science and to enable the National Institute of Meteorological Research (NIMR) to meet its overloaded demand for research and results. As a practical example of cooperative research the CIRES case was reviewed. CIRES, the Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences, located at the University of Colorado Boulder, is one of NOAA's 18 cooperative research centers located at universities across the U.S. NOAA, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, as a part of government, gives clear guideline for research topics and supplies research funds to research centers and audits their research processes and accomplishments. NOAA Boulder Laboratories, as a large, well-established government research center managed by government scientists, supplies depth of experiences and major research infra-structure to CIRES. CIRES pursues innovative and challenging research with their younger and brand-new researchers who are university employees. This cooperative work between government research organizations and the university produces high level research efficiently. Not only does Boulder have a beautiful natural setting where researchers live and work but also the city is a home to many scientific agencies and research facilities. This robust scientific network provides rich opportunities for CIRES researchers to collaborate with others in their scientific fields.

An Error Detection and Recovery System based on Multimedia Computer Supported Cooperative Work (멀티미이어 협동 작업환경에서의 오류 감지 및 복구 시스템)

  • Ko, Eung-Nam;Hwang, Dae-Joon
    • The Transactions of the Korea Information Processing Society
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    • v.7 no.5
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    • pp.1330-1340
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    • 2000
  • Multimedia isn ow applied to various real world areas. In particular, the focus on multimedia system and CSCW(Computer Supported Cooperative Work) has increased. In spite of this current trend, however, the study of fault tolerance for CSCW has not yet fully progressed. We propose EDR_MSCW. It is a system that is suitable for detecting ad recovering software error based on multimedia computer supported cooperative work as DOORAE by using software techniques. DOORAE is a framwork for supporting development on multimedia applications for computer-based collaborative works. When an error occurs, EDR_MCSCW detects an error by using hooking methods in MS-Windows API(Application Program Interface) function. If an error is found, we present a checkpointing and recovery algorithm which has the removal function of the domino-effect for recovering multimedia and CSCW by using stack.

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An Implementation of Education Puzzle for Cooperative Learning System Based on SDG(Single Display Groupware) (SDG(Single Display Groupware) 기반의 협동학습 교육퍼즐 시스템 구현에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Myung-Gwan;Park, Han-Jin
    • The Journal of Korean Association of Computer Education
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    • v.11 no.6
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    • pp.95-102
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    • 2008
  • In this paper through the implementation of cooperative learning using SDG, education puzzle actually applies to computer training. SDG(Single Display Groupware) which one computer display have a multi-input devices can work as a collaborative system. Learners are performing together through SDG-based cooperative learning system. SDG cooperative learning with a multi-input device is superior to traditional learning with individual. We have implementation of the puzzle game with this fact. This system through effective education and raising their children's education participation rate will be able to do.

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홀로닉 생산시스템을 위한 일정계획 모델

  • 이용수;이영해;전성진
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Precision Engineering Conference
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    • 1994.10a
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    • pp.701-706
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    • 1994
  • Holonic manufacturing system is a new approachto the organization and architecture of decentralized, autonomous and cooperative manufacturing system. The new paradigm combines the concepts of hierarchical systems and the integration of autonomous elements in distributed system. Today's scheduling and control techniques are mostly based on a centralized structure. Only little work has been done on scheduling and control of decentralized, autonomous and cooperative manufacturing system. This paper proposes a new approach IPM(Interactive Prediction Method) for scheduling and control of holonic manufacturing system.

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Multimedia documents for user interfaces of cooperative work (공동 작업을 위한 사용자 인터페이스로서의 멀티미디어 문서)

  • 성미영
    • Proceedings of the ESK Conference
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    • 1995.10a
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    • pp.46-55
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    • 1995
  • The multimedia documents becomes the most natural user interface for CSCW(Conputer Supported Cooperative Work) in distributed environment. The objective of this study is to propose a multimedia document architecture and to develop a system that can manage it well. The new architecture is for revisable documents and is the basic layer for hypermedia documents. A good document architecture for CSCW must support pointing, marking, and editing over a part of documents. The user views, version control, and full- content search are also desirable features. In this paper, we discuss the basic concept of a new document architecture for CSCW. We also present the user interfaces for spatio-temporal compositions of multimedia documents.

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Exploring the Moderating Effect of Interdependence on Performance and Satisfaction in Virtual Work Environment (품질 관점에서 가상 데스크탑 인프라(VDI)의 만족과 성과, 그리고 업무 상호의존성의 조절효과)

  • Lee, Hyejung;Lee, Jungwoo;Park, Jun-Gi;Lee, Yoon Gun
    • Journal of Information Technology Services
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.93-110
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    • 2014
  • With the explosive proliferation of smart devices that may be connected to the fast Internet, virtual desktop interfaces(VDI) are being implemented in enterprises allowing employees to work anywhere anytime in the same technological environment. As this kind of systems are intended to raise the work performance, a research model is constructed from the review of research literature on service quality and work design. The model consists of VDI system service quality (ubiquity, availability, compatibility, security and ease of use), system satisfaction, task performance and job satisfaction. As VDI is designed as a support system for cooperative work, the task interdependence adopted from the work design theory is postulated here as moderating the effect of user satisfaction on task performance and job satisfaction. 147 data points were collected by a survey of VDI users in a global firm and subjected to PLS analysis. Interestingly, ubiquity and compatibility seem to be not statistically significant for user satisfaction while availability, security and ease of use of VDI system are statistically significant. Task interdependence is found to be a relatively strong mediator between system user satisfaction and task performance, however, interestingly, the coefficient come out as negative. This may indicate that the influence of VDI user satisfaction on task performance would not be high in highly interdependent tasks. Considering that VDI is intended for supporting 'interdependence' in cooperative work, this finding is a bit surprising. In-depth discussions are made in the discussion followed by future research directions.

Adaptive Concurrency Control Approach on Shared Object Manipulation in Mixed Reality

  • Lee, Jun;Park, Sung-Jun
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.26 no.11
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    • pp.75-84
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    • 2021
  • In this paper, we propose an adaptive concurrency control scheme to reduce conflicts and working time in the cooperative work in mixed reality. To this ends, we first classified the goals, tasks and ownerships of the cooperative work. Then, the classified relationships are mapped according to their temporal and hierarchical relationships of shared object manipulation in the cooperative work. The proposed system provides adaptive concurrency controls of the shared object according to temporal orders of the sub-goals. With the proposed scheme, a participant is enable to move and rotate a shared object although another already has an ownership of the shared object in a specific order of the sub-goal. Thus, the proposed system provides adaptive and realistic cooperative working environment. We conducted a user study of the proposed scheme. The proposed system could reduce conflicts and working times comparing to conventional approaches.