• Title/Summary/Keyword: Context-based Service

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Design Self-Organization Routing Protocol for supporting Data Security in Healthcare Sensor Network (헬스케어 센서 네트워크에서 데이터 보안을 지원한 자기구성 라우팅 프로토콜 설계)

  • Nam, Jin-Woo;Chung, Yeong-Jee
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2008.05a
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    • pp.517-520
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    • 2008
  • Wireless sensor network supporting healthcare environment should provide customized service in accordance with context information such as continuous location change and status information for people or movable object. In addition, we should consider data transmission guarantees a person's bio information and privacy security provided through sensor network. In this paper analyzes LEACH protocol which guarantees the dynamic self-configuration, energy efficiency through configuration of inter-node hierarchical cluster between nodes and key distribution protocol used for security for data transmission between nodes. Based on this analysis result, we suggested self-configuration routing protocol supporting node mobility which is weakness of the existing LEACH protocol and data transmission method by applying key-pool pre-distribution method whose memory consumption is low, cluster unit public key method to sensor node.

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교내-교외 통합형 영어교사 연수 사례 연구: 한국 캠브리지 ICELT를 중심으로

  • Lee, Hyo-Sin
    • English Language & Literature Teaching
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.259-281
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    • 2009
  • The ICELT(In-Service Certificate in English Language Teaching) is a highly practical course-based English teacher education program which integrates classroom teaching and off-site teacher training. This case study analyzes the three-year implementation of the ICELT program in Korea and discusses its effects and the implications for improving the inservice English teacher education system. It has been found that the course participants were satisfied with the quality of its execution, thinking that it contributed to their professional development in the areas of teaching practice, methodology and language competence. The study has identified several success factors as shared program goals among the course participants, including systematic selection of course participants, well-qualified tutors and the proper provision of resources including syllabus, teaching materials and course assessment system. Nonetheless, it has been suggested that attention needs to be paid to generalized application of the ICELT for English teacher education due to the limitations such as the heavy workload caused by the program, lack of course participants' collaboration with other teachers at their schools and tutors' poor understanding of the Korean education context. Bearing this in mind, the implications for improving the inservice English teacher education system in Korea have been discussed. Finally, further studies have been suggested, which are concerned with in-depth investigation in exploring the division of roles between native English speaking tutors and Korean ones and the impact of the program on the sustainability of course participants' professional development and the impact on schools.

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A Study on the Factors of Using Intention of U-City Services for the Disabled to Reduce Ubiquitous Divide (유비쿼터스격차 해소를 위한 장애인의 U-City 서비스 사용의도에 영향을 미치는 요인에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Mi-Gyeong;Kang, Ju-Young;Lee, Sang-Gun
    • The Journal of Information Systems
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.95-112
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    • 2008
  • The development of the Information Technology(IT) has brought enormous change to the human life, not even only to the politics, economy, society, and cultures, but all the way through the people's consciousness and cultural patterns. However, the information society resulted information inequality issues and especially to those disabled people, who have more difficulties on the technology adaptation, the "digital divide" symptom is significantly found. At present the rapid development of IT has gone beyond the level of the information society and it is accelerating the ubiquitous society that will combine people, computers, and all objects into one. And during the time of ubiquitous the "digital divide" will still exist. This research is focused on the digital divide of disabled people that were insufficiently covered in the research of digital divide and ubiquitous. From the empirical study of the effect that the disabled contributes on the service usability in U-City, the factors of background of the digital divide, and the difference of such factors in types of sex, ages, disabled types, and disabled class, and finally how the ubiquitous divide of the disabled affects have been researched. Based on the proposed study model and by analyzing the model by structural equation, following resulted was gained. (1) With the TAM (TAM : Technology Acceptance Model), which is commonly used in the studies of IT devices and services, the digital divide of the disabled cases cannot be identified sufficiently since it is not eligible for Using Intention of U-City Services. (2) In case of the disabled, the mental factors like willingness to overcome the impediment and accessibility like environment to meet the information services and ability to access the services are more effective on Using Intention of U-City Services rather than TAM.

'Hot Search Keyword' Rank-Change Prediction (인기 검색어의 순위 변화 예측)

  • Kim, Dohyeong;Kang, Byeong Ho;Lee, Sungyoung
    • Journal of KIISE
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    • v.44 no.8
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    • pp.782-790
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    • 2017
  • The service, 'Hot Search Keywords', provides a list of the most hot search terms of different web services such as Naver or Daum. The service, bases the changes in rank of a specific search keyword on changes in its users' interest. This paper introduces a temporal modelling framework for predicting the rank change of hot search keywords using past rank data and machine learning. Past rank data shows that more than 70% of hot search keywords tend to disappear and reappear later. The authors processed missing rank value, using deletion, dummy variables, mean substitution, and expectation maximization. It is however crucial to calculate the optimal window size of the past rank data. We proposed an optimal window size selection approach based on the minimum amount of time a topic within the same or a differing context disappeared. The experiments were conducted with four different machine-learning techniques using the Naver, Daum, and Nate 'Hot Search Keywords' datasets, which were collected for 2 years.

A Comparative Study on the Competitiveness of the Alignment Zones in the Capital Area (수도권 정비 권역별 입지 경쟁력 비교 연구)

  • Kim, Dong-Yoon
    • Journal of The Korean Digital Architecture Interior Association
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    • v.11 no.3
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    • pp.79-88
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    • 2011
  • In the context of sustainability which is understood as equilibrium among three elements; human, space and time, the imbalance within the Seoul metropolitan area hinders its own area or the nation from development. Claims for the balanced development in the area are set up on the premise that there is a locational order of priority among the zones named 'overpopulation suppression', 'growth management' and 'conservation'. Based on the systematic consideration of competitiveness this study adopts the premise as a research hypothesis. Factor scales derived from the factor analysis, a kind of multivariate dependence analysis play an important role in this research process since they are measured by interval-ratio level and can be used for dependent variables in the statistical analysis. The hypothesis test carried out by means of the analysis of variance(ANOVA) concludes that the hypothesis assuming no difference in the competitiveness is rejected but the alternative hypothesis of the locational order mentioned above should be adjusted. Eigenvalues derived from the factor analysis could be used as weights for aggregate factor scales and the scales show that the priority is in the order of growth management - overpopulation suppression - conservation zones. This finding has also a significant implication that the countermeasures to cope with the lowering of the competitiveness resulted from the continuous and absolute restraints should be provided. And strategic approaches which are composed of key factors for each zone are deducted from in-depth review. (1) overpopulation suppression zone; health-welfare, educational base, public service factors, focusing on health-welfare one, (2) growth management zone; public service factor and (3) conservation zone; health-welfare, educational base factors, also focusing on health-welfare one.

A study on investigation about the meaning and the research trend of computational thinking(CT) in mathematics education (수학교육에서 계산적 사고(Computational Thinking)의 의미 및 연구 동향 탐색)

  • Shin, Dongjo;Choi-Koh, Sangsook
    • The Mathematical Education
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    • v.58 no.4
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    • pp.483-505
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    • 2019
  • Across the world, there is a movement to incorporate computational thinking(CT) into school curricula, and math is at the heart of this movement. This paper reviewed the meanings of CT based on the point of view of Jeanette Wing, and the trend of domestic and international studies that incorporated CT into the field of mathematics education was analyzed to provide implications for mathematics education and future research. Results indicated that the meaning of CT, defined by mainly computer educators, varied in their operationalization of CT. Although CT and mathematical thinking generally have common points that are oriented toward problem solving, there were differences in the way of abstraction that is central to the two thinking processes. The experimental studies on CT in the field of mathematics education focused mainly on the development of students' cognitive capacities and affective domains through programming(coding). Furthermore, the previous studies were mainly conducted on students in school, and the studies conducted in the context of higher education, including pre-service and in-service teachers, were insufficient. Implications for mathematics teacher educators and teacher education as well as the relationship between CT and mathematical thinking are discussed.

Personalized Recommendation based on Context-Aware for Resource Sharing in Ubiquitous Environments (유비쿼터스 환경에서 자원 공유를 위한 상황인지 기반 개인화 추천)

  • Park, Jong-Hyun;Kang, Ji-Hoon
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.16 no.9
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    • pp.19-26
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    • 2011
  • Users want to receive customized service using users' personal device. To fulfill this requirement, the mobile device has to support a lot of functions. However, the mobile device has limitations such as tiny display screens. To solve this limitation problem and provide customized service to users, this paper proposes the environment to provide services by sharing resources and the method to recommend user-suitable resources among sharable resources. For the resource recommendation, This paper analyzes user's behavior pattern from usage history and proposes the method for recommending customized resources. This paper also shows that the approach is reasonable one for resource recommendation through the satisfaction evaluation.

An Application-embedded method to trace OTT viewing patterns on smartphone (스마트폰에서의 OTT(Over The Top)서비스 시청패턴 추적 어플리케이션 설계 : 티빙(tving)을 중심으로)

  • Choi, Sun-Young;Kim, Min-Soo;Kim, Myoung-Jun
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.1000-1006
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    • 2014
  • This study focuses on the fact that a OTT service is vigorously used for smart phones, and suggests a design of method to trace the experiences of watching television contents. For this purpose, we developed logging functions and embedded them into existing OTT service application to record flow and pattern of watching context. This paper suggests a log file format which can accurately and precisely record watching actions of users per-second methodology rather than former per-minute methodology. Moreover, this study shows that the application can trace watching attitude according to occurring events by characteristics and playing modes of realtime broadcasting, VOD, advertisement contents. In addition, based on the result of the study, this paper discusses educational, operational meaning of the method such as methodological application in mobile ethnography field or survey for total screening rate.

Study on Heart Rate Variability and PSD Analysis of PPG Data for Emotion Recognition (감정 인식을 위한 PPG 데이터의 심박변이도 및 PSD 분석)

  • Choi, Jin-young;Kim, Hyung-shin
    • Journal of Digital Contents Society
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.103-112
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    • 2018
  • In this paper, we propose a method of recognizing emotions using PPG sensor which measures blood flow according to emotion. From the existing PPG signal, we use a method of determining positive emotions and negative emotions in the frequency domain through PSD (Power Spectrum Density). Based on James R. Russell's two-dimensional prototype model, we classify emotions as joy, sadness, irritability, and calmness and examine their association with the magnitude of energy in the frequency domain. It is significant that this study used the same PPG sensor used in wearable devices to measure the top four kinds of emotions in the frequency domain through image experiments. Through the questionnaire, the accuracy, the immersion level according to the individual, the emotional change, and the biofeedback for the image were collected. The proposed method is expected to be various development such as commercial application service using PPG and mobile application prediction service by merging with context information of existing smart phone.

Healthcare Service Consumers' Perception of Patient Safety (환자안전에 대한 의료서비스 소비자의 인식 조사)

  • Kim, Jeong Eun;Lee, Nam Ju;Jang, Seon Mi;Kim, Young Mee
    • Perspectives in Nursing Science
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.133-140
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    • 2013
  • Purpose: This study aimed to investigate the perspective of consumers in healthcare services regarding patient safety. Methods: The study was a descriptive study using a self-reported questionnaire. The questionnaire was based on the Senior Empowerment and Advocacy in Patient Safety (SEAPS) questionnaire, which was designed to assess patient safety health beliefs. The survey was conducted online and a convenient sample of 302 adults participated in total. The reliability of the measurement (Cronbach's ${\alpha}$) was 0.758 in attitude (ATT), 0.546 in out-come efficacy (OE), 0.757 in self-efficacy (SE), and 0.703 in behaviors (BEH). Results: The average patient safety awareness score of the healthcare service consumers was 2.72 (ATT), 2.91 (OE), 2.87 (SE), and 2.27 (BEH). Our analysis indicated that there were no differences in ATT, BEH, or SE by gender, age, or education level. However, in OE and the total score of the four subscales, there were significant differences by age and gender. Correlations were identified between BEH and SE (r=0.409, p<.01), BEH and OE (r=0.202, p<.01), ATT and SE (r=0.358, p<.01), and OE and SE (r=0.241, p<.01). Conclusion: This study measured consumer perspectives concerning patient safety. The findings demonstrate the need for developing a measurement tool to assess consumer's perception of patient safety, considering Korean healthcare system and cultural context.

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