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Experimental Analysis for Characteristics of Bank-Scour around Barrier (수리실험을 통한 보 연결부 제방 세굴 특성 분석)

  • Jeong, Seok Il;Lee, Seung Oh
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Safety
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    • v.32 no.4
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    • pp.34-39
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    • 2017
  • Typical flow regime of overflow at barrier or weir constructed in mid and small streams becomes as the submerged flow during most flood events. One of major causes of barrier failure has been reported as the levee-scour near the conjuction node between barrier and levee. However, most related design guidelines in Korea have not mentioned about the protection of levee around barrier or weir in detail. Furthermore, most previous researches have focused on the flow characteristics of overflow around several types of weirs but they did not have considered the material properties of levee itself. In this study, local scour near barrier was investigated with different material properties of levee under the submerged overflow condition which is assumed to reenact a flood event. Based on results from Fritz et al. and Mavis et al., a theoretical formula was also proposed in initial stage of laboratory experiments. And hydraulic experiments were carried out for the verification of the proposed formula. Levee was installed in the prismetic trapezoidal open channel and most parts were made of concrete except for movable section in which scour was expected to occur for the efficiency of experimental procedure. Each compaction of movable section in levee was followed by the basis of the KS F 2312. Further, after performing the experiments to find the optimum water content for each sediment, the specific amount of water was injected before flowing water. The difference between the proposed theoretical formula and experiment results was not much but considerable, which might be caused by the effect of compaction. For theoretical approach, it seemed that the formula did not take into account the compaction of levee, thus the correction coefficient for levee compaction determined in the literature was considered. Finally, the formula for the length of scour around barrier or weir was proposed, which can be useful to predict a levee in the reference design of revetment in mid and small streams. As shortly future study, scour length of levee around barrier or weir under different flow conditions such as perfect overflow condition will be studied and it will be able to contribute to suggest the design formula or criteria under all overflow conditions near barrier or weir.

A Design and Implementation of RSS Data Collecting Engine based on Web 2.0 (웹 2.0 기반 RSS 데이터 수집 엔진의 설계 및 구현)

  • Kang, Pil-Gu;Kim, Jae-Hwan;Lee, Sang-Jun;Chae, Jin-Seok
    • Journal of Korea Multimedia Society
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    • v.10 no.11
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    • pp.1496-1506
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    • 2007
  • The environment of web service has changed a great deal due to the progress of internet technology and positive participation of users. The established web service is static and passive, but the recent web service is becoming dynamic and active. Web 2.0 reflects current web service change well. The primary feature of web 2.0 is positive participation of users. Since the size of generated information is becoming larger, it is highly required to share the information fast and correctly. The technology to satisfy this need is web syndication and tagging in web 2.0. The web syndication makes feeds for another site or users to receive the content of web site. In addition, the tagging is the kernel of a information. Many internet users share rapidly the information through tag search. In this paper, we propose the efficient technique to improve the web 2.0 technology such as web syndication and tagging by using the data collection engine. Data collection engine has stored in a database, a user's Web site to use the information. and it has a user's Web site with access to updated data to collect. The experimental results show that our approach can improve the search speed up to 3.14 times better than the existing method and reduce the size of data up to 66% for building associated tags.

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A Study of Multidisciplinary Customized Curriculum Model for 21st Century Learning Ability Extension (21세기 학습 능력 신장을 위한 다학문적 맞춤형 교육과정 모형 연구)

  • Jeong, Jae-Hoon;Kim, Sun-Hoi;Nam, Dong-Soo;Lee, Tae-Wuk
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.17 no.11
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    • pp.197-206
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    • 2012
  • The objectives of this study are to investigate core learning ability necessary for the 21st century and to develop core human resources required for social and national development in the future. The '21st Century Learning Ability Project' is to approach the existing knowledge and learning multidisciplinary and interactively based on the learning ability of each learner and individually and socially valuable themes. Even in Korea, a variety of intersubject integrative educational curriculum was attempted to cultivate learning ability. However, there are not enough teachers who can teach the differences between the content and characteristics for each subject by fully understanding them. Thus, it is difficult to apply them easily to the field of education. Thus, this study develops the multidisciplinary customized educational curriculum in order to develop the learning ability necessary for the 21st century, analyzes the reality of the educational curriculum integrating the academic knowledge in order to support this effectively. As a result, this study offers the interdisciplinary customized integrated model applicable to elementary and middle schools.

Large-scale Culture of Plant Cell and Tissue by Bioreactor System

  • Son, Sung-Ho;Park, Sung-Mee;Park, Seung -Yun;Kwon, Oh-Woung;Lee, Yun-Hee;Paek, Kee-Yoeup
    • Journal of Plant Biotechnology
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.1-7
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    • 1999
  • Large-scale cultures of plant cell, tissue, and organ have been achieved by using BTBB. When different sized BTBBs (5 L, 20 L, 100 L, 300 L, and 500 L) were tested for the culture of yew cells (Taxus cuspidata Sieb. et Zucc.), cell growth increment reached to 94.5% in SCV after 24 days of culture with 30% of inoculation cell density. However, there were some variations in the production of taxol and its derivatives among the BTBBs of different size. Approximate 4 ㎎/l of taxol and 84 ㎎/l of total taxanes were obtained by using a 500L BTBB after 6 weeks of culture. With a 20L BTBB, about 20,000 cuttings of virus-free potatoes (cv. Dejima) could be obtained by inoculating 128 explants and maintaining 8 weeks under 16 hr light illumination. The frequency of ex vitro rooting of the cuttings revealed as more than 99% under 30% shade. By incorporating two-stage culture process consisting of multiple bulblet formation in solid medium and bulblet development in liquid medium, mass propagation of lily through bioreactor seemed to be possible. In the case of 'Marcopolo', the growth of mini-bulblets in BTBB was nearly 10 folds faster than that of the solid medium. Time course study revealed that maximum MAR yield of ginseng (Panax ginseng C. A. Meyer) in a 5 L and 20 L BTBB after 8 weeks of culture was 500 g and 2.2 ㎏, respectively. By cutting the MAR once and/or twice during the culture, the yield of root biomass could be increased more than 50% in fresh weight at the time of harvest. With initial inoculum of 500 g of sliced MAR in a 500 L BTBB, 74.8 ㎏ of adventitious root mass was obtained after 8 weeks of culture. The average content of total ginseng saponin obtained from small-scale and/or pilotscale BTBBs was approximately 1% per gram dry weight. Based on our results, we suggest that large-scale cultures of plant cell, tissue, and organ using BTBB system should be quite a feasible approach when compared with conventional method of tissue culture.

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Analyses of Forest Road Construction Policy Using LISREL Approach (리즈렐모형을 이용한 임도사업의 계량적 분석)

  • Choi, Kwan
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.97 no.1
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    • pp.22-29
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    • 2008
  • The objective of this study is to provide useful information for the establishment of efficient policy implementation strategies of forest road construction policy in South Korea. Data needed for the analysis was collected by a questionnaire survey. For the analysis, policy evaluation model was constructed based on theories of public policy. Evaluation model contains three independent variables (policy initiative factor, policy content, policy environment) and two dependent variables (policy result, policy impact). Since, these variables are unobservable latent variables, observable indicators are needed as proxy measures. LISREL (Linear Structural Relationships) was employed for the analysis since it is a useful measure for analysing linear structural model which consists of structural and measurement equations. It was confirmed that forest road construction is an effective policy mean for the development of rural region and activating forest resources management. The policy outcome, however, was not satisfactory. To improve the effectiveness of forest road construction policy some modification of policy contents are needed such as increased construction budget, allowing more flexibility and participation to the implementation personal and providing technical support.

Exploratory Study on the Phenomena of Entrepreneurship Education in Food and Agriculture Sectors Focused on Educational Provider Based on the Grounded Theory Approach (근거이론 접근법을 이용한 교육 공급자 관점 농식품 분야 창업교육 현상의 탐색연구)

  • Kim, Young Lag;Seol, Byung Moon
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.13 no.5
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    • pp.73-86
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    • 2018
  • Recently, the trend is an increase in prep and existing entrepreneurs returning to farming, people who take over the business and work on a secondary inauguration, and those who are in the field of processed food or exposing farm arisen from the activation of the sixth industry. However, the fact is that majority of an agricultural education is about production process technology education of farm product and processed food under a government-affiliated organization, so the education for start-up, management, or marketing are scarcely proceeding. Rapidly changing customers' demands and trends, agricultural product and food market opening cause a crisis in the field of agrifood. To turn this crisis into opportunity, return farmers need to be fully qualified as an entrepreneur and enterpriser, so that they improve their business mind-set such as plaining, manufacturing and marketing items in a customer perspective, and have ability to take action against imported goods. Also there is a necessary education to change recognition and enhance their ability as an entrepreneur. This study gives a proposal that an agricultural education should expand and strengthen for practician in the field of agrifood to inspire mind-set, change recognition, and enhance their ability as an entrepreneur, and aim at basically figuring out reality of current agricultural education which has not been systematically studied yet, and also establishing theories associated with that. This study is composed of present state, content, drawback, improvement plan of the current agricultural education intended for five of education managers and instructors who provided various education about inception towards farmers, returning farmers, and prep entrepreneurs who have already started up or get ready to do the business in agrifood field.

An Experimental Study on the Fashion Merchandising System-With special reference to the life-style of consumers and the Marketing strategy of the fashion industry- (패션 머천다이징 시스템 개발에 관한 실증적 연구 - 라이프스타일과 패션 의 마케팅 전략을 중심으로-)

  • 이호정
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Costume
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    • v.20
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    • pp.151-167
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    • 1993
  • The purpose of this study is to systematize the theory of the Fashion Marketing and merchandi-sing system as well as the strategy for the Mar-keting based on the related variable. Furthermore, this study deals with development of the mark-eting strategy to the relation between consumers and industry. The content conclusion on the research can be outlined as follows : 1. In order to inverstigate how the life-style of consumers affects their sense of fashion, awa-reness of brand, and decision making process of purchase, the life-style of women consumers is classified into 15 types. (1) Acording to the different life-style types, and important difference is found in the consum-ers' sense of clothes, a unique image of outfit and its own favorite image of womanliness. (2) The consumer's awareness of a particular brand has a reasonable relationship with their brand preference and possession of the brands. (3) Their is an important discrimination acco-rding to the life-style types in their brand awar-eness and preference and possesion of brands. (4) The consumers of each life-style type show noticeable difference in the decision making pro-cess of purchase including he motive of purchase, the source of information, the cause of purchase intention, price, the frequency of purchase and the degree of satisfaction of purchased goods. 2. The merchandising system and the market positioning among the fashion industry are compared and analyzed in the following terms ; (1-1) For the purpose of establishing the target market strategy, the industry uses unreasenalbe methods to analyze the life-style of the target customers and the real customers(36%) and the aging phenomenon of brands is remarkable : as much as 37% of brands show over 5 years-old age gap. (1-2) The price setting process depends highly on the cost-plus approach. (1-3) In color planning, too many colors are used in every season(the average number is 22.3) and the investigation of the consumers' favorite color is neglected. (1-4) The manufacturers of successful brands are much likely to employ the textile designer and allow them to develop the various fabrication. (1-5) The regular rate of sales in each season is extremely low(56.04%) : the rate of the succ-essful brands is relatively high at 65%, but that of the unsuccessful as low as 51%. (1-6) 47% of brands reveal the designer-orie-nted fashion merchandising system. The successful brands, on the other hand, show a high rate of merchandiser oriented system. (2) Since the brand positioning is highly cen-tered on each brand image, styles and target age, the new data are presented in this study for the new market development. (3) To set up the target market, the mapping of images between the differentiated market and the consumers is suggersted according to the market positioning of industry and 15 types of the life-styles of consumers.

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Major Sources of Sodium Intake of the Korean Population at Prepared Dish Level - Based on the KNHANES 2008 & 2009 - (한국인의 나트륨 섭취 급원 음식 및 섭취 양상 - 2008-2009 국민건강영양조사 자료에 근거 -)

  • Yon, Mi-Yong;Lee, Yoon-Na;Kim, Do-Hee;Lee, Jee-Yeon;Koh, Eun-Mi;Nam, Eun-Jeong;Shin, Hye-Hyung;Kang, Baeg-Won;Kim, Jong-Wook;Heo, Seok;Cho, Hea-Young;Kim, Cho-Il
    • Korean Journal of Community Nutrition
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.473-487
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    • 2011
  • We attempted to define the sources of sodium intake for the Korean population at prepared dish level to provide a basis for developing sustainable nutrition policies and feasible programs for sodium intake reduction. Dietary intake data from 2008 and 2009 Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey was used in the analysis for sodium intake sources. Sodium intake from individual dish consumed by each subject was calculated and used in delineating major sodium sources at dish and dish group level for sub-populations of different sex and age. Also, sodium intake was compared between eaters and non-eaters of some specific dish groups with considerable contribution to total sodium intake. The number of subjects included in the analysis was 18,022 and mean sodium intake was 4,600 mg/capita/day. Major sources of sodium intake at dish group level were in the following order: kimchi (1125 mg, 24.5%), noodles (572 mg, 12.4%), soups (488 mg, 10.6%), stews (399 mg, 8.7%), and cooked rice (284 mg, 6.2%). The magnitude of contribution to total sodium intake by soups and stews was different by age group. Sodium intake difference between eaters and non-eaters was much larger for kimchi group (2,343 mg for male, 1,452 mg for female) than for soups or stews. Interaction between consumption of aforementioned specific dish groups and age was highly significant (p < 0.0005) for both sexes. This study revealed an importance of having not only the control over sodium content of foods/dishes, but also the customized approach for different groups of population to accomplish an appreciable reduction in sodium intake.

Verification on the Application of Monitoring for Frame Structures Using the VRS-RTK Method through the Free Vibration Test (자유 진동 실험을 통한 VRS-RTK 기법을 이용한 골조 구조물의 모니터링 적용성 검토)

  • Choi, Se-Woon;Park, Hyo-Seon;Kim, Bub-Ryur;Lee, Hong-Min;Kim, You-Sok
    • Journal of the Korea institute for structural maintenance and inspection
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.174-182
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    • 2014
  • To monitor the wind-induced responses of buildings, conventional real-time kinematic (RTK) methods based on two global positioning system (GPS) receivers (e.g., a reference and a rover) are widely applied. However, these methods can encounter problems such as difficulty in securing and maintaining a space for a reference station. With the recently developed virtual reference station (VRS)-RTK approach, the position of a structure can be measured using only a rover receiver. In this study, to evaluate the applicability of VRS-RTK methods in monitoring the lateral structural responses of frame structures, we performed free vibration tests on a one-story frame model (the first natural frequency of 1 Hz) and a three-story frame model (the first natural frequency of 0.85 Hz). To assess the reliability of the displacement and acceleration responses measured by the GPS, we performed a concurrent measurement using laser displacement sensors and an accelerometer. The accelerometer results were consistent with the GPS measurements in terms of the time history and frequency content. Furthermore, to derive an appropriate sampling rate for the continuous monitoring of buildings, the errors in the displacement responses were evaluated at different GPS sampling rates (5, 10, 20 Hz). The results indicate that as the sampling rate increased, the errors in the displacement responses decreased. In addition, in the three-story model, all modal components (first, second, and third modes) could be recorded at a sampling rate of 20 Hz.

Chemical Composition and Nutritional Characteristics of Lentils(Lens culinaris), and Their Application in the Food Industry: A Review (렌즈콩의 영양성분과 생리활성 및 식품산업의 응용)

  • Min, Myung-Ja;Shin, Hyun-Jae
    • Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology
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    • v.47 no.3
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    • pp.273-280
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    • 2015
  • Lentils (Lens culinaris) are a nutritious and popular food throughout the world. This review provides an overview of the nutritional and functional properties of lentils. Lentils have high nutritional value: high protein, high fiber, low fat, and a variety of minerals. The addition of lentils to other foods could enhance their health benefits. Additionally, there is no decrease in the amino acid content in lentils when cooked; rather, the amino acids increased and the phytic acids decreased. Lentils are generally known to have biomedical functions including antioxidative, anti-cancer, anti-inflammatory, antihypertensive, and thrombolytic properties. The data presented here show that fermentation would increase the amount of bioactive substances in the beans. Therefore, fermentation techniques could be a new approach to produce lentil-based foods. They are also eco-friendly, cost-effective, and feasible processes. This review has suggested a future development of new lentil-related foods using traditional fermentation technology.