• Title/Summary/Keyword: Consumer welfare

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The effect of Korea's policy to support the purchase of raw materials for export of livestock products

  • Jaesung Cho;Sanghyen Chai;Hanpil Moon
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural Science
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    • v.49 no.4
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    • pp.813-821
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    • 2022
  • The Livestock Raw Material Purchase Fund is a policy to increase the export of livestock products by providing loans to exporters of livestock products (including byproducts). The policy started in 2015 and the annual budget is about 26 billion won. However, a quantitative evaluation of policy effects has not yet been made. Therefore, in this study, the economic surplus of the policy was analyzed using the equilibrium displacement model (EDM). From the results of the welfare analysis, from 2016 to 2019, producer surplus in the chicken and duck market increased by KRW 70.9 billion, while consumer surplus decreased by KRW 70 billion. In other words, the total economic surplus of the chicken and duck market increased by about one billion won during the same period due to the increase in export demand according to the policy. Therefore, the Livestock Raw Material Purchase Fund can be viewed as a policy to maintain and increase export demand for export livestock products and to improve the economic surplus of the livestock product market. Also, since the policy is based on loans, it does not place a burden on the government's finances. Therefore, this policy should continue in the future.

Dynamic Limit and Predatory Pricing Under Uncertainty (불확실성하(不確實性下)의 동태적(動態的) 진입제한(進入制限) 및 약탈가격(掠奪價格) 책정(策定))

  • Yoo, Yoon-ha
    • KDI Journal of Economic Policy
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.151-166
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    • 1991
  • In this paper, a simple game-theoretic entry deterrence model is developed that integrates both limit pricing and predatory pricing. While there have been extensive studies which have dealt with predation and limit pricing separately, no study so far has analyzed these closely related practices in a unified framework. Treating each practice as if it were an independent phenomenon is, of course, an analytical necessity to abstract from complex realities. However, welfare analysis based on such a model may give misleading policy implications. By analyzing limit and predatory pricing within a single framework, this paper attempts to shed some light on the effects of interactions between these two frequently cited tactics of entry deterrence. Another distinctive feature of the paper is that limit and predatory pricing emerge, in equilibrium, as rational, profit maximizing strategies in the model. Until recently, the only conclusion from formal analyses of predatory pricing was that predation is unlikely to take place if every economic agent is assumed to be rational. This conclusion rests upon the argument that predation is costly; that is, it inflicts more losses upon the predator than upon the rival producer, and, therefore, is unlikely to succeed in driving out the rival, who understands that the price cutting, if it ever takes place, must be temporary. Recently several attempts have been made to overcome this modelling difficulty by Kreps and Wilson, Milgram and Roberts, Benoit, Fudenberg and Tirole, and Roberts. With the exception of Roberts, however, these studies, though successful in preserving the rationality of players, still share one serious weakness in that they resort to ad hoc, external constraints in order to generate profit maximizing predation. The present paper uses a highly stylized model of Cournot duopoly and derives the equilibrium predatory strategy without invoking external constraints except the assumption of asymmetrically distributed information. The underlying intuition behind the model can be summarized as follows. Imagine a firm that is considering entry into a monopolist's market but is uncertain about the incumbent firm's cost structure. If the monopolist has low cost, the rival would rather not enter because it would be difficult to compete with an efficient, low-cost firm. If the monopolist has high costs, however, the rival will definitely enter the market because it can make positive profits. In this situation, if the incumbent firm unwittingly produces its monopoly output, the entrant can infer the nature of the monopolist's cost by observing the monopolist's price. Knowing this, the high cost monopolist increases its output level up to what would have been produced by a low cost firm in an effort to conceal its cost condition. This constitutes limit pricing. The same logic applies when there is a rival competitor in the market. Producing a high cost duopoly output is self-revealing and thus to be avoided. Therefore, the firm chooses to produce the low cost duopoly output, consequently inflicting losses to the entrant or rival producer, thus acting in a predatory manner. The policy implications of the analysis are rather mixed. Contrary to the widely accepted hypothesis that predation is, at best, a negative sum game, and thus, a strategy that is unlikely to be played from the outset, this paper concludes that predation can be real occurence by showing that it can arise as an effective profit maximizing strategy. This conclusion alone may imply that the government can play a role in increasing the consumer welfare, say, by banning predation or limit pricing. However, the problem is that it is rather difficult to ascribe any welfare losses to these kinds of entry deterring practices. This difficulty arises from the fact that if the same practices have been adopted by a low cost firm, they could not be called entry-deterring. Moreover, the high cost incumbent in the model is doing exactly what the low cost firm would have done to keep the market to itself. All in all, this paper suggests that a government injunction of limit and predatory pricing should be applied with great care, evaluating each case on its own basis. Hasty generalization may work to the detriment, rather than the enhancement of consumer welfare.

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A Study of the Distribution System of Korea's Consumer Electronics Industry (가전유통구조(家電流通構造)의 문제점(問題點)과 개선방안(改善方案))

  • Nam, Il-chong
    • KDI Journal of Economic Policy
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.23-48
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    • 1992
  • The Korea's Consumer electronics industry has exhibited a spectacular growth in the last three decades, expanding into one of the most important industries in Korea in many respects. One interesting aspect of the industry is the dominant role played by the Big Three of the industry, Gumsung, Samsung, and Daewoo. Since 1984, the three companies have accounted for about 90% of the sales in key items such as color TV, VTRs, refrigerators, and washers. The Big Three not only dominated the manufacturing stage, but also the distribution stage of the industry through their networks of exclusive dealers that constitute the major part of the distribution market. In this study, we analyzed the effects of the exclusive dealing by the Big Three on the efficiency of the Korean economy. We find that exclusive dealing by the Big Three could seriously constrain competition in both the manufacturing and distribution stages of the industry. Exclusive dealing by the Big Three effectively forcecloses the market for most other manufacturers as well as deterring entry into the manufacturing stage by potential entrants. Further, it impedes the growth of distributors that achieve the economies of scale and scope and restricts competition by the Big Three. In contrast, we could find little evidence that exclusive dealing by the Big Three is pro-competitive or enhances welfare. As a remedy to this problem, we suggest that the Fair Trade Commission of Korea should regulate the exclusive dealing by the Big Three, thus opening the door for the growth of distributors that are not bound by an exclusive dealing relationship with any of the Big Three. Put differently, we urge the Korean Fair Trade Commission to apply the Article 23 (5) to the exclusive dealing by the Big Three. Article 23 (5) that states that unfair restrictive dealing is illegal has never been clarified by the FTC. We believe that our analysis could also serve as a basic for the clarification of the article in general.

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Estimating the Determinants of Households' Monthly Average Income : A Panel Data Model Approach (패널 데이터모형을 적용한 가구당 월평균 가계소득 결정요인 추정에 관한 연구)

  • Yi, Hyun-Joo;Cheul, Hee-Cheul
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.11 no.6
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    • pp.2038-2045
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    • 2010
  • Households' monthly average income is composed of various factors. This study paper studies focuses on estimating the determinants of a households' monthly average income. The region for analysis consist of three groups, that is, the whole country, a metropolitan city(such as Busan, Daegu, Incheon, Gwangiu, Daejeon, Ulsan.) and Seoul. Analyzing period be formed over a 57 time points(2005. 01~2009. 09). In this paper the dependent variable setting up the households' monthly average income, explanatory (independent) variables are composed of the consumer price index, employment to population ratio, Index of housing sale price, the preceding composite index, loans of housing mortgage, spending rate for care medical expense and the composite stock price index. In looking at the factors which determine the monthly average income, evidence was produced supporting the hypothesis that there is a significant positive relationship between the composite index and housing loans. The study also produced evidence supporting the view that there is a significant negative relationship between employment ratios, the house sale pricing index and spending rates for care or medical needs. The study found that the consumer price index and composite stock price index were not significant variables. The implications of these findings are discussed for further research.

A Study on the Visual Merchandising of Traditional Markets in Urban Regeneration (도시재생 과정을 통한 전통시장 비주얼머천다이징 성공사례 연구)

  • Lim, Jeanny;Lee, Jeong-Min
    • Journal of Distribution Science
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    • v.12 no.12
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    • pp.55-63
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    • 2014
  • Purpose - In urban regeneration projects, considerations for rejuvenating traditional public markets are becoming increasingly important. That is because the traditional market is not just a commercial space but also a living center for local people's existence. Cultural contents like these are invaluable assets in the contemporary economy. However, traditional markets are gradually declining because of changes in distribution systems and consumer lifestyles. New distribution systems such as modern distribution markets, home shopping, and online shopping malls made traditional markets less competitive. Further, traditional markets have not been able to adapt to the changing consumption styles of younger generations. Some say that it is a natural phenomenon that cannot be stopped. However, traditional markets are not just another distribution system but also a valuable resource that encapsulates the local people's tradition and history. Thus, a revitalization strategy for traditional public markets has become an urgent task in contemporary urban regeneration projects. This study aimed to find ways to activate traditional public markets by making it a community landmark based on visual merchandising perspectives. Research design and methodology - This study focused on analyzing Granville Island (Vancouver, Canada) as a role-model project for rejuvenating the traditional market. It investigated Granville Island both with walk-through evaluation and literature reviews. Results - We found that it has been developed not only to improve visual aspects, but also to promote cultural contents with high value added. For example, the developers maintained the visual elements that tell the original history of the site as an industrial factory. The renewal project had a balance between improving the outer look and creating attractive contents. The following are the merits of Granville Island that Korean traditional markets should note. First, they kept the whole area clean and hygienic. Second, merchants are well educated, business-savvy, and consumer-oriented. Third, the area's total environmental designs were done by professionals of a high caliber. Fourth, the city government and the merchants'association were collaborating well in their efforts to accommodate the changing needs of consumers. Conclusions - This study made the following suggestions as a conclusion. First, it will be a very powerful tool to rejuvenate the traditional market if we can discover unique cultural resources and develop them as cultural products, experiences, and events. Consumers of the 21st century have a strong tendency to consume not only material products, but also the experiences and memories attached to them. Second, in order to maintain the unique characteristics of traditional markets, fostering the viability of the merchants' association and local residents' society would be essential. Third, it is necessary to make the traditional market into a cultural place not only for the shopping patronage of local residents, but also for attracting tourists to increase sales. Finally, professional management and design approaches are needed in order to make the traditional market a pleasant space from a visual merchandising standpoint.

The Empirical Research on Relationship of Consumption Value, Satisfaction, Trust, Loyalty of Green Product in Elderly Consumer (실버 소비자의 친환경 제품에 대한 소비 가치가 만족도, 신뢰, 충성도에 미치는 영향 - 하이브리드 카를 중심으로 -)

  • Hur, Won-Moo;Ahn, Joonhee
    • 한국노년학
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    • v.29 no.1
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    • pp.195-213
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    • 2009
  • The purpose of this study is to analyse how consumption value affects the loyalty of green product through satisfaction and trust among elderly consumers. Data were collected from a cross-sectional survey of 314 older adults (age≥60) in the U. S., who bought and possessed a hybrid car, a representative green product. The statistical methodology is employed a structural equation model. The results demonstrated several important findings. First, perceived social value among elderly population had significant effects on green product satisfaction, while hedonic value did not. Second, both perceived functional value and environment friendly value had a significant positive effect on trust in green products. Third, satisfaction with green products also led to trust in green products. Finally, trust in green products showed their significant effects on loyalty in green product. These results provide practical implications to improve the trust and loyalty in green products among the elderly consumers. Furthermore, by deriving major components of consumption values in green products among the elderly, and analyzing the mechanism of satisfaction, trust, and loyalty, the study emphasizes relationship marketing in implementing "green" marketing strategies.

Shared Leisure Time with Couples, Preschool Children, and Other Family Members and Their Determinants (가족공유 여가시간 및 결정요인: 부부, 미취학자녀, 그 외 가족 및 친척을 중심으로)

  • Lee, Yon-Suk;Kim, Oi-Sook;Lee, Ki-Young;Cho, Hee-Keum;Lee, Seung-Mi;Kim, Ha-Nui;Han, Young-Sun
    • Journal of Family Resource Management and Policy Review
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.199-227
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    • 2012
  • Studies of leisure time generally have been concentrated on the amount of time spent by each family member in Korea. In this study, the shared leisure time among family members in various leisure activities was mainly investigated. Purposes of this study were to describe how family members spent the leisure time together and to investigate the determinants that affected whether or not family shared leisure time together. The data source was the '2009 Time Use Survey' conducted by the Korea National Statistical Office. The person involved in each activity was surveyed for the first time in the survey. The data from 17,470 diaries(10,359 weekdays and 3,549 Sunday) from 8,745 individuals aged from 20 to 59 who had a spouse were analyzed. The descriptive statistics and logistic regressions were used. On average, married couples spent leisure time together with spouses 36 minutes a day on weekdays and 1 hour and 38 minutes on Sunday, respectively. Parent did with preschool children 5 minutes a day on weekdays and 15 minutes on Sunday, respectively. The shared leisure time with other family and relatives was 22 minutes a day on weekdays and 1 hour and 13 minutes on Sunday, respectively. Although there was a wide variation on the shared family leisure time by the types of activities, the main shared leisure activity was using mass media, which accounts for about two third of all shared leisure time together with family. Independent variables, including the age, sex, education level, working hours, personal income, presence of preschool children, marital status, sex role attitude, and dual or single income earner were the significant determinants of family's or couple's parent-preschool children's shared leisure time on weekdays or Sunday. Based on the results of this study, family and leisure policy were suggested to increase active family shared leisure time.

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Hospice Medicine and Nursing Ethics (호스피스의료와 간호윤리)

  • Moon, Seong-Jea
    • The Korean Society of Law and Medicine
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.385-411
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    • 2008
  • The goal of medicine is to contribute to promoting national health by preventing diseases and providing treatment. The scope of modern medicine isn't merely confined to disease testing, treatment and prevention in accordance to that, and making experiments by using the human body is widespread. The advance in modern medicine has made a great contribution to valuing human dignity and actualizing a manly life, but there is a problem that has still nagged modern medicine: treatment and healing for terminal patients including cancer patients. In advanced countries, pain care and hospice medicine are already universal. Offering a helping hand for terminal patients to lead a less painful and more manly life from diverse angles instead of merely focusing on treatment is called the very hospice medicine. That is a comprehensive package of medical services to take care of death-facing terminal patients and their families with affection. That is providing physical, mental and social support for the patients to pass away in peace after living a dignified and decent life, and that is comforting their bereaved families. The National Hospice Organization of the United States provides terminal patients and their families with sustained hospital care and home care in a move to lend assistance to them. In our country, however, tertiary medical institutions simply provide medical care for terminal patients to extend their lives, and there are few institutional efforts to help them. Hospice medicine is offered mostly in our country by non- professionals including doctors, nurses, social workers, pastors or physical therapists. Terminal patients' needs cannot be satisfied in the same manner as those of other patients, and it's needed to take a different approach to their treatment as well. Nevertheless, the focus of medical care is still placed on treatment only, which should be taken seriously. Ministry for Health, Welfare & Family Affairs and Health Insurance Review & Assessment Service held a public hearing on May 21, 2008, on the cost of hospice care, quality control and demonstration project to gather extensive opinions from the academic community, experts and consumer groups to draw up plans about manpower supply, facilities and demonstration project, but the institutions are not going to work on hospice education, securement of facilities and relevant legislation. In 2002, Ministry for Health, Welfare & Family Affairs made an official announcement to introduce a hospice nurse system to nurture nurse specialists in this area. That ministry legislated for the qualifications of advanced nurse practitioner and a hospice nurse system(Article 24 and 2 in Enforcement Regulations for the Medical Law), but few specific plans are under way to carry out the regulations. It's well known that the medical law defines a nurse as a professional health care worker, and there is a move to draw a line between the responsibilities of doctors and those of nurses in association with medical errors. Specifically, the roles of professional hospice are increasingly expected to be accentuated in conjunction with treatment for terminal patients, and it seems that delving into possible problems with the job performance of nurses and coming up with workable countermeasures are what scholars of conscience should do in an effort to contribute to the development of medicine and the realization of a dignified and manly life.

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The Effects of Local Financial Institution's Financial Items and Service Quality on Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty (지역 금융기관 상품 및 서비스품질 요인이 고객 만족과 고객 충성도에 미치는 영향)

  • Chun, Yeongae;Park, Jae Whan
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.117-124
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    • 2017
  • In the face of current environment of changing markets and increasing competition, regional financial institutions are also attempting to meet the needs of customers using various methods such as offering new services that satisfy customer demands. This study seeks to determine for regional financial institutions which service products and quality factors affect customer satisfaction and loyalty, and compare service products and service quality sources with the goal of observing the comparative importance of each service factor. This sample is conducted by visiting customer survey from October 7th to October 30th, 2015 to Korea Credit Union Cooperative Association and Seoul Consumer Association. The sample is analyzed as follows. interest rate, deduction, insurance and welfare business had a significant effect on customer satisfaction level among the commodity factors of local financial institution, and accessibility, professionalism and empathy affect service satisfaction level. Second, customer satisfaction has a significant effect on customer loyalty. In addition to the interest rate and professionalism factors, it is analyzed that deductions, insurance and welfare projects and empathy are important factors in the local financial institutions contributing to the local economy while providing financial convenience to local residents. This study suggests key points that regional financial institutions can use to differentiate their image in the competitive financial markets.

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Estimation of the Minimum Cost of Living in Seoul (서울시 지역최저생계비 계측에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Kyung-Hye
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare
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    • v.38
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    • pp.7-32
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    • 1999
  • Providing the income support program for people under the poverty level has been regarded as the basic obligational role of modern government. The target population of this program should include all the poor who are unable to maintain the minimum health and decency level with their own income. The minimum living cost, however, varies within a country because there are regional differences in consumer price and the mode of living. The current program does not count for the regional differences, leaving a significant portion of Seoul's poor needy people being ineligible for this public care. Recognizing these regional differences, this paper attempts to estimate the minimum living cost in Seoul area, comparing it to the national one. It employs the data and method that the Korea Institute of Health and Social Affairs adopted in its 1994 study, since it has been served as a basis of the current public assistance program. The minimum cost of living in Seoul is estimated to be \887,611 per month for a 4-person household. It is 1.33 times greater than the national monthly minimum of \666,684. Based upon the '94 urban household expenditure survey data, some 5.9 percent of Seoul's population, 636,132 people, are found to be under the Seoul's minimum living level. This number is 5.2 times greater than those 123,304 people who are eligible for the current public assistance program in Seoul.

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