• Title/Summary/Keyword: Consumer Satisfaction/Trust

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Exploring Factors Influencing Usage Intention of Chatbot - Chatbot in Financial Service (챗봇 사용 의도에 영향을 미치는 요인 탐색 - 금융 서비스에서의 챗봇)

  • Lee, Min Kyu;Park, Heejun
    • Journal of Korean Society for Quality Management
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    • v.47 no.4
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    • pp.755-765
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    • 2019
  • Purpose: Chatbots are widely diffusing across various industries to substitute human manpower in the industry. However as researchers only develop technology that is applied to chatbot, the diffusion is slow in progress. The purpose of this study is to propose useful implications to accelerate diffusion of chatbots across industries by analyzing the perception of customers. To achieve the research purpose this study analyzes causal effect relationship between characteristics of chatbot character, service quality, individual difference, and intention to use chatbot. Methods: This study developed a survey that contains various questionnaires for each construct based on literature review. Data collected through survey was tested for convergent validity and discriminant validity and further analyzed the relationship using PLS-SEM method to verify hypotheses. Results: Trustworthiness of the chatbot character, ease of use, application design, responsiveness, customization, assurance, inertia, and previous experience have significant influence on forming user satisfaction, consumer trust, and intention to use. The others, likability, appropriateness, technology anxiety, and need for interaction were not significant in this research. Conclusion: Although the constructs of the research model was significant in previous literatures, some do not have significant effect on intention to use chatbots. Based on the results, chatbot managers will be able to develop chatbot systems which are more appealing to users and more academic researchers will focus on analyzing user perception and intention.

A Study of Consumers' Buying Behavior on Internet Shopping Mode (인터넷 쇼핑에서의 소비자 구매행동에 관한 연구 -부산지역 직장인을 중심으로-)

  • Kim Woo-Hee;Chun Myung-Hwan
    • Management & Information Systems Review
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    • v.4
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    • pp.349-374
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    • 2000
  • With rapid advances on Interactive technology, and the growing popularity of the Internet, Internet shopping receives considerable attention in both the popular-press and academic journals. The Internet has enormous commercial possibilities. But it is a new and dynamic medium that poses special challenges for marketers. The revolutionary nature of the Internet mandates that established wisdom on consumer marketing along with marketing-mix strategies has to be reexamined and perhaps radically revised. In order to assist marketers in this endeavor it is critical to understand consumers' buying behaviors of Internet shopping. But research in this area still very much its infancy. This study examined previous researches of Internet shopping and developed conceptual framework of Internet shopping modes. Additionally, this study examined empirical investigation of Internet shopping. Preliminary results suggests that there are significant differences in individuals' perceptions of Internet shopping and traditional shopping modes. Various factors influences on consumers' buying behavior on Internet shopping. There are Individuals' factors(personality, lifestyle, prior experience, perceived risk etc), shopping mall factors(trust, vividness, security, promotion, etc), product characteristics(product category, brand, etc), situational factors(time pressure, locational constraints etc), social/cultural factors(Norms, importance of other peoples etc). Additionally, We conducted empirical study of the impact of the Internet on consumer shopping behavior. We gathered consumers' reactions via an open-ended survey using a sample of 90 shoppers. We related the reactions to the factors of consumers' satisfaction or dissatisfaction of the Internet shopping. Consequently, there are many questions regarding factors that might influence Internet shopping. From theoretical and practical perspectives, studies that examine these factors would seem to offer much to the discipline. This paper has attempted th provide insights and direction of future empirical examination of Internet shopping.

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Consumer Perception of Types of Fashion Live Commerce: Using Text Mining (패션 라이브 커머스 유형별 소비자 인식 비교: 텍스트 마이닝 적용)

  • Gwak, Ha-Yeon;Lee, Kyu-Hye
    • Journal of Fashion Business
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    • v.25 no.3
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    • pp.90-107
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    • 2021
  • This study concludes that communication based on interaction between broadcasting hosts and consumers is differently characterized by fashion live commerce types. Subcategories of the types of fashion live commerce were created and used in the analyses of domestic consumer awareness. Three subcategories were created: The department store type, Designer brand type, and Influencer host type. Comments representing consumers' awareness that appear immediately during real-time broadcasting were collected and used for the analyses. The frequency and TF-IDF-based top keywords were selected to analyze the semantic network and CONCOR, and the top keywords were analyzed by deriving the values of degree of centrality. The analysis identified that a group of product attributes and a group of live commerce offered value were common between the three types. As for the group characteristics classified by type, for the department store types, brand attributes, benefits, and values from pursuing the products were identified. For designer brand types, a group of viewers' responses and inquiries were identified. It is interpreted that the satisfaction value gained from hosts with product expertise has been clustered. Influencer host types have affirmed a group of external product values. A close relationship is formed and it is thought to have led a group of values to trust the external image of the product. This study carries significance in analyzing real-time comment data from consumers using fashion live commerce to empirically reveal the characteristics of each type.

Brand Equity and Purchase Intention in Fashion Products: A Cross-Cultural Study in Asia and Europe (상표자산과 구매의도와의 관계에 관한 국제비교연구 - 아시아와 유럽의 의류시장을 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Kyung-Hoon;Ko, Eun-Ju;Graham, Hooley;Lee, Nick;Lee, Dong-Hae;Jung, Hong-Seob;Jeon, Byung-Joo;Moon, Hak-Il
    • Journal of Global Scholars of Marketing Science
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.245-276
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    • 2008
  • Brand equity is one of the most important concepts in business practice as well as in academic research. Successful brands can allow marketers to gain competitive advantage (Lassar et al.,1995), including the opportunity for successful extensions, resilience against competitors' promotional pressures, and the ability to create barriers to competitive entry (Farquhar, 1989). Branding plays a special role in service firms because strong brands increase trust in intangible products (Berry, 2000), enabling customers to better visualize and understand them. They reduce customers' perceived monetary, social, and safety risks in buying services, which are obstacles to evaluating a service correctly before purchase. Also, a high level of brand equity increases consumer satisfaction, repurchasing intent, and degree of loyalty. Brand equity can be considered as a mixture that includes both financial assets and relationships. Actually, brand equity can be viewed as the value added to the product (Keller, 1993), or the perceived value of the product in consumers' minds. Mahajan et al. (1990) claim that customer-based brand equity can be measured by the level of consumers' perceptions. Several researchers discuss brand equity based on two dimensions: consumer perception and consumer behavior. Aaker (1991) suggests measuring brand equity through price premium, loyalty, perceived quality, and brand associations. Viewing brand equity as the consumer's behavior toward a brand, Keller (1993) proposes similar dimensions: brand awareness and brand knowledge. Thus, past studies tend to identify brand equity as a multidimensional construct consisted of brand loyalty, brand awareness, brand knowledge, customer satisfaction, perceived equity, brand associations, and other proprietary assets (Aaker, 1991, 1996; Blackston, 1995; Cobb-Walgren et al., 1995; Na, 1995). Other studies tend to regard brand equity and other brand assets, such as brand knowledge, brand awareness, brand image, brand loyalty, perceived quality, and so on, as independent but related constructs (Keller, 1993; Kirmani and Zeithaml, 1993). Walters(1978) defined information search as, "A psychological or physical action a consumer takes in order to acquire information about a product or store." But, each consumer has different methods for informationsearch. There are two methods of information search, internal and external search. Internal search is, "Search of information already saved in the memory of the individual consumer"(Engel, Blackwell, 1982) which is, "memory of a previous purchase experience or information from a previous search."(Beales, Mazis, Salop, and Staelin, 1981). External search is "A completely voluntary decision made in order to obtain new information"(Engel & Blackwell, 1982) which is, "Actions of a consumer to acquire necessary information by such methods as intentionally exposing oneself to advertisements, taking to friends or family or visiting a store."(Beales, Mazis, Salop, and Staelin, 1981). There are many sources for consumers' information search including advertisement sources such as the internet, radio, television, newspapers and magazines, information supplied by businesses such as sales people, packaging and in-store information, consumer sources such as family, friends and colleagues, and mass media sources such as consumer protection agencies, government agencies and mass media sources. Understanding consumers' purchasing behavior is a key factor of a firm to attract and retain customers and improving the firm's prospects for survival and growth, and enhancing shareholder's value. Therefore, marketers should understand consumer as individual and market segment. One theory of consumer behavior supports the belief that individuals are rational. Individuals think and move through stages when making a purchase decision. This means that rational thinkers have led to the identification of a consumer buying decision process. This decision process with its different levels of involvement and influencing factors has been widely accepted and is fundamental to the understanding purchase intention represent to what consumers think they will buy. Brand equity is not only companies but also very important asset more than product itself. This paper studies brand equity model and influencing factors including information process such as information searching and information resources in the fashion market in Asia and Europe. Information searching and information resources are influencing brand knowledge that influences consumers purchase decision. Nine research hypotheses are drawn to test the relationships among antecedents of brand equity and purchase intention and relationships among brand knowledge, brand value, brand attitude, and brand loyalty. H1. Information searching influences brand knowledge positively. H2. Information sources influence brand knowledge positively. H3. Brand knowledge influences brand attitude. H4. Brand knowledge influences brand value. H5. Brand attitude influences brand loyalty. H6. Brand attitude influences brand value. H7. Brand loyalty influences purchase intention. H8. Brand value influence purchase intention. H9. There will be the same research model in Asia and Europe. We performed structural equation model analysis in order to test hypotheses suggested in this study. The model fitting index of the research model in Asia was $X^2$=195.19(p=0.0), NFI=0.90, NNFI=0.87, CFI=0.90, GFI=0.90, RMR=0.083, AGFI=0.85, which means the model fitting of the model is good enough. In Europe, it was $X^2$=133.25(p=0.0), NFI=0.81, NNFI=0.85, CFI=0.89, GFI=0.90, RMR=0.073, AGFI=0.85, which means the model fitting of the model is good enough. From the test results, hypotheses were accepted. All of these hypotheses except one are supported. In Europe, information search is not an antecedent of brand knowledge. This means that sales of global fashion brands like jeans in Europe are not expanding as rapidly as in Asian markets such as China, Japan, and South Korea. Young consumers in European countries are not more brand and fashion conscious than their counter partners in Asia. The results have theoretical, practical meaning and contributions. In the fashion jeans industry, relatively few studies examining the viability of cross-national brand equity has been studied. This study provides insight on building global brand equity and suggests information process elements like information search and information resources are working differently in Asia and Europe for fashion jean market.

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The Effects of Psychological Contract Violation on OS User's Betrayal Behaviors: Window XP Technical Support Ending Case (심리적 계약 위반이 OS이용자의 배신 행동에 미치는 영향: 윈도우 XP 기술적 지원서비스 중단 사례)

  • Lee, Un-Kon
    • Asia pacific journal of information systems
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    • v.24 no.3
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    • pp.325-344
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    • 2014
  • Technical support of Window XP ended in March, 8, 2014, and it makes OS(Operating System) users fall in a state of confusion. Sudden decision making of OS upgrade and replacement is not a simple problem. Firms need to change the long term capacity plan in enterprise IS management, but they are pressed for time and cost to complete it. Individuals can not help selecting the second best plan, because the following OSs of Window XP are below expectations in performances, new PC sales as the opportunities of OS upgrade decrease, and the potential risk of OS technical support ending had not announced to OS users at the point of purchase. Microsoft as the OS vendors had not presented precaution or remedy for this confusion. Rather, Microsoft announced that the technical support of the other following OSs of Wndow XP such as Window 7 would ended in two years. This conflict between OS vendor and OS users could not happen in one time, but could recur in recent future. Although studies on the ways of OS user protection policy would be needed to escape from this conflict, few prior studies had conducted this issue. This study had challenge to cautiously investigate in such OS user's reactions as the confirmation with OS user's expectation in the point of purchase, three types of justice perception on the treatment of OS vendor, psychological contract violation, satisfaction and the other betrayal behavioral intention in the case of Window XP technical support ending. By adopting the justice perception on this research, and by empirically validating the impact on OS user's reactions, I could suggest the direction of establishing OS user protection policy of OS vendor. Based on the expectation-confirmation theory, the theory of justice, literatures about psychological contract violation, and studies about consumer betrayal behaviors in the perspective of Herzberg(1968)'s dual factor theory, I developed the research model and hypothesis. Expectation-confirmation theory explain that consumers had expectation on the performance of product in the point of sale, and they could satisfied with their purchase behaviors, when the expectation could have confirmed in the point of consumption. The theory of justice in social exchange argues that treatee could be willing to accept the treatment by treater when the three types of justice as distributive, procedural, and interactional justice could be established in treatment. Literatures about psychological contract violation in human behaviors explains that contracter in a side could have the implied contract (also called 'psychological contract') which the contracter in the other side would sincerely execute the contract, and that they are willing to do vengeance behaviors when their contract had unfairly been broken. When the psychological contract of consumers had been broken, consumers feel distrust with the vendors and are willing to decrease such beneficial attitude and behavior as satisfaction, loyalty and repurchase intention. At the same time, consumers feel betrayal and are willing to increase such retributive attitude and behavior as negative word-of-mouth, complain to the vendors, complain to the third parties for consumer protection. We conducted a scenario survey in order to validate our research model at March, 2013, when is the point of news released firstly and when is the point of one year before the acture Window XP technical support ending. We collected the valid data from 238 voluntary participants who are the OS users but had not yet exposed the news of Window OSs technical support ending schedule. The subject had been allocated into two groups and one of two groups had been exposed this news. The data had been analyzed by the MANOVA and PLS. MANOVA results indicate that the OSs technical support ending could significantly decrease all three types of justice perception. PLS results indicated that it could significantly increase psychological contract violation and that this increased psychological contract violation could significantly reduce the trust and increase the perceived betrayal. Then, it could significantly reduce satisfaction, loyalty, and repurchase intention, and it also could significantly increase negative word-of-month intention, complain to the vendor intention, and complain to the third party intention. All hypothesis had been significantly approved. Consequently, OS users feel that the OSs technical support ending is not natural value added service ending, but the violation of the core OS purchase contract, that it could be the posteriori prohibition of OS user's OS usage right, and that it could induce the psychological contract violation of OS users. This study would contributions to introduce the psychological contract violation of the OS users from the OSs technical support ending in IS field, to introduce three types of justice as the antecedents of psychological contract violation, and to empirically validate the impact of psychological contract violation both on the beneficial and retributive behavioral intentions of OS users. For practice, the results of this study could contribute to make more comprehensive OS user protection policy and consumer relationship management practices of OS vendor.

A Study on the Factors of Satisfaction & WOM Regarding to Financial Institutions Internet and Smartphones Application On-line Usage of Financial Customers (금융소비자의 인터넷, 스마트폰 어플리케이션 등 금융기관 온라인 시스템 이용에 따른 만족과 구전에 미치는 효과 요인 연구)

  • Jeon, Seong-Ki;Kwon, Man-Woo;Lee, Sang-Ho
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • v.11 no.8
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    • pp.183-194
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    • 2020
  • Recently, in Korea, financial institutions such as banks are most severely affected by the universalization of the Internet and smartphones. On the other hand, the use of online systems by financial institutions keeps increasing; the convenience of online services has a significant influence on the attraction and the retention of financial customers; consumer needs are also diversely expressed. This paper deduces from the precedent researches a mechanism that online financial system enhances the trust of customers -the medium of the online system and other customers- and its perceived easiness affects its perceived effectiveness and then all these internal variables induce satisfaction. Plus, this paper aims at verification of the hypothesis in terms of an extended technology acceptance model, based on the hypothesis that word of mouth and repurchase are significantly linked to this mechanism. Through this study, the researchers tried to check how the online service quality and emotional factors of financial institutions affect the users in accordance with the trend of changes in the service usage method of financial institutions, and confirmed that the hypothesis was not rejected.

A Factor Analysis on Resident's Satisfaction of the Efficient Rural Development Projects: Focusing on the Rural Development Projects under the Block Grants System in Buyeo (효율적인 농산어촌지역개발사업을 위한 주민만족요인분석 -부여군 포괄보조금제도하에 지역개발사업을 중심으로-)

  • Yoon, Jun Sang;Park, Eun Byong
    • Journal of Agricultural Extension & Community Development
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.773-798
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    • 2012
  • The study present the findings divide into brand naming, image, positioning. The farms built trust by consumer relationship with the farm brand. The results of the study provide insights for agricultural marketers who intend to design brand stories that align with their produce. This study is a regional case study of the factor analysis which explain residents' satisfaction of the efficient rural development projects under the Block Grants System in Buyeo. This study attempted to proceed the empirical survey of 353 residents who live in one 'town(eup)' and 13 'village(meon)' in Buyeo-gun and analyzed through SPSSWIN. The results of the satisfaction analysis in the local development projects satisfied with the overall average 3.16 and then empirically verified the important factors of the 'cultural and leisure activities', 'learning environment', 'jobs and working conditions', 'transportation'. The factor analysis of 12 variables united into three factors, the first Factors are 'transportation', 'learning environment', 'social welfare', 'cultural and leisure activities', 'Information and Communication', 'Health and Medical Services'. The second factors are 'crimes and accidents', 'environmental management', 'neighbor relations and social participation', and the third factors united into 'income and consumption activities', 'job creation' which imply the economic variables, and 'residential environment' as the common category.

Selection Attributes and Purchasing Perceptions and Attitudes of Protein Snacks According to Individual Health Lifestyle (개인의 건강 라이프스타일에 따른 단백질 스낵의 선택속성과 구매인식 및 태도)

  • Hwang, Ji Eon;Oh, Ji Eun;Cho, Mi Sook
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Culture
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    • v.33 no.4
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    • pp.394-401
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    • 2018
  • This study was conducted to investigate the effects of health lifestyle on high protein snack selection attributes and purchase behaviors among individuals aged 20-30 with high protein snack intake. In addition, the relationship between perception, attitude, satisfaction and recommendation of high protein snacks was invested. Finally, this study aims to provide basic information for marketing high-protein snacks and customized high protein snacks. Analysis of the selection attributes most important for healthy lifestyle, revealed significant differences among all groups excluding the external seeking group (p<0.001). The free living group regarded trust as one of the most important attributes of high protein snack selection, and both the tempered control group and the low-interest group found sensation and price factor to be important. Therefore, when developing high-protein snacks, it is important to determine which attributes of the snack will be highlighted by segmenting the consumer into health lifestyles. Focusing on what ingredients are used to develop high-protein snacks and nutritional ingredients is also important when targeting a free lifestyle group as the main customer. In addition, developing snacks that do not offer depending on the protein content is important when targeting a temperate management group or a low-interest group.

The Housewives' Purchase Behaviors on Environment-friendly Agricultural Products in Daejeon Area (대전지역 주부의 친환경농산물 구매행동)

  • Kim, In-Jung;Lee, Joon-Ho
    • Korean Journal of Community Nutrition
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.386-397
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    • 2011
  • This study was to investigate the housewives' purchase behaviors on the environment-friendly agricultural products (EFAP) by survey in Daejeon area housewives. 390 questionnaires were used and analysed. Most of the subjects were female (92.6%) distributed evenly in their 40's (55.4%), and graduated from high school (43.6%) or college (36.4%). Subjects' occupation was most housewives (64.1%) and 77.4% of the subjects had monthly family income of 2 million won or more. 76.9% of the subjects had purchased EFAP already. The reason of purchasing EFAP was mainly "good for health" (80.3%), and reason for non-purchasing was "high prices" (28%) or "not so trustworthy" (25.6%). The most purchasing frequency was "once a week" (29%). 46.7% of the subjects spent 20% of their agricultural product cost for EFAP and 38.7% of them spent less than 30,000 won per month for EFAP. On checking of EFAP labeling, the housewives scored 3.59 for the validate date, 3.25 for the place of origin, 2.8 for the quality certification mark by 4-point Likert scale. 65.1% of the subject had intention to increase purchasing of EFAP in future. To promote the consumption of EFAP, the improvement factors were price-cutting (47.9%), trust on producers (18.2%) and quality betterment (17.7%). Accordingly, the consumers prefer EFAP for wellbeing health of families; however, they hesitate to buy due to their high price and the low reliability on producers of EFAP. Thus the producers and the related organization of EFAP should contrive proper countermeasures to increase consumer's satisfaction level on their credibility and price of EFAP.

The Effect of Brand Extension of Private Label on Consumer Attitude - a focus on the moderating effect of the perceived fit difference between parent brands and an extended brand - (PL의 브랜드확장이 소비자태도에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구 : 모브랜드 적합도 인식 차이의 조절효과를 중심으로)

  • Kim, Jong-Keun;Kim, Hyang-Mi;Lee, Jong-Ho
    • Journal of Distribution Research
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.1-27
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    • 2011
  • Introduction: Sales of private labels(PU have been growing m recent years. Globally, PLs have already achieved 20% share, although between 25 and 50% share in most of the European markets(AC. Nielson, 2005). These products are aimed to have comparable quality and prices as national brand(NB) products and have been continuously eroding manufacturer's national brand market share. Stores have also started introducing premium PLs that are of higher-quality and more reasonably priced compared to NBs. Worldwide, many retailers already have a multiple-tier private label architecture. Consumers as a consequence are now able to have a more diverse brand choice in store than ever before. Since premium PLs are priced higher than regular PLs and even, in some cases, above NBs, stores can expect to generate higher profits. Brand extensions and private label have been extensively studied in the marketing field. However, less attention has been paid to the private label extension. Therefore, this research focuses on private label extension using the Multi-Attribute Attitude Model(Fishbein and Ajzen, 1975). Especially there are few studies that consider the hierarchical effect of the PL's two parent brands: store brand and the original PL. We assume that the attitude toward each of the two parent brands affects the attitude towards the extended PL. The influence from each parent brand toward extended PL will vary according to the perceived fit between each parent brand and the extended PL. This research focuses on how these two parent brands act as reference points to one another in the consumers' choice consideration. Specifically we seek to understand how store image and attitude towards original PL affect consumer perceptions of extended premium PL. How consumers perceive extended premium PLs could provide strategic suggestions for retailer managers with specific suggestions on whether it is more effective: to position extended premium PL similarly or dissimilarly to original PL especially on the quality dimension and congruency with store image. There is an extensive body of research on branding and brand extensions (e.g. Aaker and Keller, 1990) and more recently on PLs(e.g. Kumar and Steenkamp, 2007). However there are no studies to date that look at the upgrading and influence of original PLs and attitude towards store on the premium PL extension. This research wishes to make a contribution to this gap using the perceived fit difference between parent brands and extended premium PL as the context. In order to meet the above objectives, we investigate which factors heighten consumers' positive attitude toward premium PL extension. Research Model and Hypotheses: When considering the attitude towards the premium PL extension, we expect four factors to have an influence: attitude towards store; attitude towards original PL; perceived congruity between the store image and the premium PL; perceived similarity between the original PL and the premium PL. We expect that all these factors have an influence on consumer attitude towards premium PL extension. Figure 1 gives the research model and hypotheses. Method: Data were collected by an intercept survey conducted on consumers at discount stores. 403 survey responses were attained (total 59.8% female, across all age ranges). Respondents were asked to respond to a series of Questions measured on 7 point likert-type scales. The survey consisted of Questions that measured: the trust towards store and the original PL; the satisfaction towards store and the original PL; the attitudes towards store, the original PL, and the extended premium PL; the perceived similarity of the original PL and the extended premium PL; the perceived congruity between the store image and the extended premium PL. Product images with specific explanations of the features of premium PL, regular PL and NB we reused as the stimuli for the Question response. We developed scales to measure the research constructs. Cronbach's alphaw as measured each construct with the reliability for all constructs exceeding the .70 standard(Nunnally, 1978). Results: To test the hypotheses, path analysis was conducted using LISREL 8.30. The path analysis for verification of the model produced satisfactory results. The validity index shows acceptable results(${\chi}^2=427.00$(P=0.00), GFI= .90, AGFI= .87, NFI= .91, RMSEA= .062, RMR= .047). With the increasing retailer use of premium PLBs, the intention of this research was to examine how consumers use original PL and store image as reference points as to the attitude towards premium PL extension. Results(see table 1 & 2) show that the attitude of each parent brand (attitudes toward store and original pL) influences the attitude towards extended PL and their perceived fit moderates these influences. Attitude toward the extended PL was influenced by the relative level of perceived fit. Discussion of results and future direction: These results suggest that the future strategy for the PL extension needs to consider that positive parent brand attitude is more strongly associated with the attitude toward PL extensions. Specifically, to improve attitude towards PL extension, building and maintaining positive attitude towards original PL is necessary. Positioning premium PL congruently to store image is also important for positive attitude. In order to improve this research, the following alternatives should also be considered. To improve the research model's predictive power, more diverse products should be included in study. Other attributes of product should also be included such as design, brand name since we only considered trust and satisfaction as factors to build consumer attitudes.

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