• Title/Summary/Keyword: Consumer's preference attributes

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Factors Influencing Salaried Employees' Choice of a Restaurant in JinJu (진주시 직장인의 외식 선택 요인)

  • Kim, Seok-Young
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Culture
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.83-93
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    • 2004
  • A total of 321 salaried employees were surveyed by a questionnaire to assess consumers perceptions on factors influencing their food choices when they go to a restaurant. The questionnaire consisted of 5 pages and each page contained a same 26 popular food list from various restaurants in JinJu in a column and 5 attributes (e.g. taste, price, fullness, healthiness) in a row. So the respondents were asked to rate a total 25 attributes on the points which the columns and the rows met, using a 5-point scale. The data were analyzed using the SAS program for factor analysis. Five factors which influence consumer's restaurant choice were emerged. They were named as follow: Factor 1:preference and purpose, Factor 2:taste, Factor 3:snack, Factor 4:convenience, Factor 5:concern about obesity. Most of respondents were satisfied with the taste and the healthiness of foods of restaurants in Jin-Ju. The younger and the female groups had more positive attitudes on eating out andi willing to use it frequently. Fullnes, healthiness, and price were important criteria in choice and preference of a restaurant. However, they didn't much consider the food safety. Taking account of the character of Korean food about fullness, healthiness, and resonable price, consumers might prefer Korean food to fast food or foreign food.

Survey on Consumer Perceptions of the Sensory Quality Attributes of Apple (사과의 품질결정을 위한 소비자 인식 조사)

  • Cho, Sun-Duk;Kim, Dong-Man;Kim, Gun-Hee
    • Food Science and Preservation
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    • v.15 no.6
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    • pp.810-815
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    • 2008
  • Improving quality is a very important component of maintaining competitiveness of agricultural products. However, evaluation of 'high quality' indicates it is a very abstract concept and independent of some quality attributes, leading to differences in the perception of quality. Thus, there is a pressing need to objectively define 'high quality' and to develop basic technologies for its measurement, for application in the production, storage and distribution of competitive agricultural products. To objectively quantify apple quality, a survey was conducted on consumer preferences and awareness of quality attributes including color, taste, flavor and shape. The survey questionnaire targeted male and female adults (463 persons) ranging in age from 20 to 59 years. The questionnaire was based on purchases made at a wholesale market (50.1%) or a traditional market (18.8%). The majority of purchases were as small packets (62.0%) or as individual pieces (20.5%). Apples of moderate size (fist size, 60.5%) were preferred over small (4.3%) or large (32.6%) apples. The questionnaire provided consumer data on external quality attributes including color, shape and variety. Taste attributes were evaluated in relation to the balance between sour and sweet taste, and flavors peculiar to apples.

Benefit Segments of the Female Apparel Market in Cheju (의류제품에 대한 혜택세분화와 정보원사용 및 상점선택행동 연구 -제주지역 여성을 대상으로-)

  • 고애련;홍희숙
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.19 no.5
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    • pp.811-825
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    • 1995
  • The purposes of the study were 1) to segment the female apparel market based on clothing benefits sought by female adualt consumer in Cheju, and 2) to develop a profile of each segment concerning lifestyle, use of information sources, perceived store attributes, store preference and demographics. The data(n=228) were collected via a questionnire from adult females of ages over 20's. Using cluster analysis on benefits sought factors, four groups were identified and labeled as 1) Economic-value oriented users of clothing(24%) : 2) Brand oriented users of clothing(14%); 3) Aesthetics/fashion oriented users of clothing(26%); 4) Easy care oriented users of clothing(36%). ANOVA and Chi-square statistics revealed significant differences among the four groups according to clothing benefits sought factors, lifestyle factors, use of information sources, store attributes perceived on store types, store-type choices, new store-type preferences and demographic variables. A profile of these groups was developed.

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Consumer Consumption Behavior and Preference of Salted Wild Vegetable: A conjoint analysis with Allium victorialis (컨조인트 분석을 이용한 산마늘 절임 제품의 소비자 소비행태 및 선호도 분석)

  • Kim, Ki Dong
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.104 no.1
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    • pp.169-178
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    • 2015
  • The purpose of this study is to obtain the basic information for developing new product and marketing strategies of salted wild vegetable. This study analyzes consumer's consumption behavior and preference on salted Allium victorialis using the conjoint analysis. The result shows that 'Container' is the most important factor among various attributes of salted Allium victorialis, followed by 'Origin of Salting Sauce Soy', 'Price', 'Traditional Food Quality Certification', and 'Area of production'.

Factors Influencing the Purchasing Intention of Imported and Domestic Apparel-With Reference to Fishbein & Ajzen's Behavioral Intention Model- (수입의류와 국내의류의 구매의도에 영향을 주는 요인-Fishbein과 Ajzen의 행동의도 모델을 중심으로-)

  • 박정원;이인자
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Costume
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    • v.40
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    • pp.109-119
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    • 1998
  • In order to identify the factors responsible for the recent drastic increase of imported apparel in Korea, an attempt was made to determine the variables influencing the purchasing behavior of imported and domestic apparel and forecast the purchasing intention with the use of Fishbein & Ajzen's behavioral intention model including both attitude and subjective norm. Based on literature review, the empirical study was conducted using the questionnaire for 900 college women and high school girls living in Seoul. Descriptive statistics, t-test, paired-t test, multiple regression analysis, and correlation analysis were made of 771 returned questionnaires using SAS program. The results were as follows : First, the results of assessing both their attitudes toward imported and domestic apparel and their subjective norms were shown to be different. Second, there was a difference in the attributes that had an effect on their attention to buy imported and domestic apparel. Third, those respondents having a preference for imported apparel were most highly influenced by color and price. While those respondents showing a preference for domestic apparel were most highly influenced by materials and comfortableness. Fourth, the validity of the prediction value of their buying intention was confirmed as it was shown to be more than coreelation coefficien r=0.65. In conclusion, 1) it was proved that both attitude and subjective norm were the important variables that could predict the consumer's purchasing intention, 2) since competitiveness in color and materials and brand influencing the consumer's purchase of and preference for domestic apparel relatively lagged behind in comparison with that of imported apparel, the domestic apparel business enterprise will have to make a greater effort to develop differentiated color, material and prestigious brand so as to enhance competitiveness with imported apparel.

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The Influence of Art-provoked Affect on Product and Product Attributes Evaluation (명화(名畵)에서 유발된 감정이 차용된 제품과 제품속성 평가에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Hanku;Jung, Bohee;Chu, Wujin
    • Asia Marketing Journal
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.99-130
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    • 2011
  • In recent years, a new way of differentiating product design has emerged -better known as 'masterpiece marketing,' this is a strategy where famous art pieces are borrowed on to product designs. Because the recent trends of well-being and LOHAS have encouraged the consumers' desires to enjoy culture and live a more opulent lifestyle, famous and notable paintings have grown to be more of "approachable masterpieces" to the public. As a strategy intended to develop a new consumerism, while still prioritizing customers' values and their satisfaction, companies have been drawn to this new type of marketing. The current consumption society has converted renowned art pieces from simply works of 'high culture' to a further way of marketing, aimed to differentiate products and dominate the market. Though many products have had masterpieces applied to their designs and have been noticed for their marketability, there has been less systematic research done on the scientific background behind this marketing approach. This research focused on the art pieces' fundamental nature of inducing emotions in the viewer, and hypothesized about how the evaluation of a product may be influenced by the affect provoked by the art piece used. To be more specific, if art pieces with different levels of pleasure and arousal -the two axis of emotion suggested by existing research on emotion -were used on each product, the goal was to see how the different levels influenced the consumer's assessment of the products, focusing on product's type as well as the evaluation of their attributes. First, a pretest was done to verify the relationship between the emotion provoked by the art piece and the consumer's preference. There were two types of surveys, each with five drawings from the ten that were assumed to differ in levels of the two axis of emotion. The survey was composed of questions asking for positive emotion, negative emotion, level of arousal, and preference. The correlation between the measurements of positive and negative emotions was -0.792, so an integrated entry was used in the analysis by subtracting the measurement of negative emotions from that of positive emotions. The first hypothesis that paintings that provoke positive emotions will be more preferred than paintings that bring out negative emotions was supported; and through this research, paintings that were to be used for the products were selected. The second pretest was conducted to settle on an item that would be used in the research. Items meant to measure utilitarian and hedonic attributes of milk and chocolate, the two products to be used in the research, were extracted. Because milk is a utilitarian product with strong practical attributes while chocolate is a hedonic product with strong hedonic attributes, these two were selected to be used in this research. The first study was executed to see if there is a difference in attitude about products that have different painting on their designs, which either induces positive or negative emotions. It was also to verify whether this difference in attitude was mediated by the viewer's preference for the art piece. This study showed that when positive emotion inducing painting was used, the product was better evaluated compared to the product with a painting that provokes a negative emotion, thus supporting the second hypothesis. It was also supported that the effect of affect on product evaluation was mediated by preference for the art piece. The second study was done to see the influence of the level of arousal on the evaluation of the product's attributes. Art pieces that differ in the level of arousal were selected through the pretest, and later it verified the hypothesis that the level of arousal has an effect on the assessment of the attributes of the product. In the case of milk, a utilitarian product, the fourth hypothesis that a high-arousal painting will better evaluated for its hedonic attributes was supported, as well as the fifth, which hypothesized that a low-arousal painting will receive a higher assessment for its utilitarian attributes. However, for chocolate, a hedonic product, both fourth and fifth hypotheses were not supported. This study is significant for the following basis: first, it verified the importance of the emotion induced by the painting on the evaluation of the product's attributes, by applying a systematic and scientific method. Second, it expanded from the existing research on positive/negative emotions to confirm the additional influence of the state of arousal on product evaluation.

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The Roles of Ambient Pride Type on the Responses to Preference Inconsistent Information (선호 불일치 정보에 대한 반응에서 환경적 프라이드 유형의 역할)

  • Choi, Nak-Hwan
    • The Journal of Industrial Distribution & Business
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    • v.9 no.11
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    • pp.55-66
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    • 2018
  • Purpose - Present research aimed at identifying the effects of ambient pride type on judgement difference between existing preference and final preference formed after being exposed to the preference inconsistent information from others representing a conflict between consumer's own perspective and the others' perspective. And this study also explored the roles of empathic concerns and motive type in the ambient pride type's effects on the judgement difference. Research design, data, and methodology - 2(information type: consistent versus inconsistent) × 2(pride type: hubristic versus authentic) between-subjects design was employed. Data for empirical analysis were from 252 undergraduate students who participated in questionnaire survey. To verify hypotheses, Anova and regression analysis were used. Results - First, there was the judgement difference among the experimental groups. The difference was greater at the authentic pride group than at the hubristic pride group. And the difference was greater at the inconsistent information group than at the consistent information group. The interaction effect of pride type and information type was significant. Second, when consumers who had made their preference were exposed to the inconsistent information from other, those of the hubristic pride group showed more defense motive and less empathic concerns than those of the authentic pride group. And there were the mediation roles of the empathic concerns and the interaction roles of the motive type in the effects of pride type on the judgement difference. Third, the self validity did not affect the difference even that become increased by defense motive rather than accuracy motive. Conclusions - This research could advance the information processing theory related to pride type by exploring the effects of the pride type on judgement difference between existing preference and final preference formed by the inconsistent information from others, and by identifying the mediation roles of the empathic concerns and the interaction roles of the motive type in the effects of the pride type. In view of the results from current study, marketers should make efforts of inducing defense motive and developing and communicating the consistent information to persuade consumers under hubristic pride who have the belief that attributes of their brand are better than those of the competitors' brand, and they also should conduct marketing acts by using the inconsistent information to persuade consumers under authentic pride who have the belief that attributes of the competitors' brand are better than those of their brand.

A Study on Selection Process of Web Services Based on the Multi-Attributes Decision Making (다중 속성 의사결정에 의한 웹 서비스 선정 프로세스에 관한 연구)

  • Seo Young-Jun;Song Young-Jae
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartD
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    • v.13D no.4 s.107
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    • pp.603-612
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    • 2006
  • Recently the web service area is rapidly growing as the next generation IT paradigm because of increase of concern about SOA(Services-Oriented Architecture) and growth of B2B market. Since a service discovery through UDDI(Universal Description, Discovery and Integration) is limited to a functional requirement, it is not considered an effect on frequency of service using and reliability of mutual relation. That is, a quality as nonfunctional aspect of web service is regarded as important factor for a success between consumer and provider. Therefore, the web service selection method with considering the quality is necessary. This paper suggests the agent-based quality broker architecture and selection process which helps to find a service providing the optimum quality that the consumer needs in a position of service consumer. A theory of agent is accepted widely and suitable for proposed system architecture in the circumstance of distributed and heterogeneous environment like web service. In this paper, we considered the QoS and CoS in the evaluation process to solve the problem of existing researches related to the web service selection and used PROMETHEE(Preference Ranking Organization MeTHod for Enrichment Evaluations) as an evaluation method which is most suitable for the web service selection among MCDM approaches. PROMETHEE has advantages that solve the problem that a pair-wise comparison should be performed again when comparative services are added or deleted. This paper suggested a case study with the service composition scenario in order to verify the selection process. In this case study, the decision making problem was described on the basis of evaluated values for qualities from a consumer's point of view and the defined service level.

The Effects of Sensory Attributes of Food on Consumer Preference

  • ISASKAR, Riyanti;DARWANTO, Dwidjono Hadi;WALUYATI, Lestari Rahayu;IRHAM, Irham
    • The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business
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    • v.8 no.3
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    • pp.1303-1314
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    • 2021
  • The purpose of this study is to compare preferences of consumers between food items made from modified cassava flour and plain flour using sensory tests. This study is a qualitative research with an experimental approach and four food items, namely streamed brownies, cookies, fried mushrooms, and seasoning flour have been used for the study. Each of these food items are made from modified cassava flour and plain flour. Panelists wore blindfolds and tasted the food items except the seasoning flour. Based on the data analysis, the panelists have different preferences towards the four food items. The result of the paired Wilcoxon test showed that there is not any different preference in terms of taste of steamed brownies made from mocaf or plain flour, while there is a significant difference in terms of color, aroma, texture, and appearance between the steamed brownies made from mocaf and plain flour. Consumers decide to buy products made from mocaf because these products use local flour and are gluten-free. This article describes the customer's preference based on sensory analysis between products made from mocaf and ones made from plain flour. The result can be used as the basis for developing food items made from local flour and alternative food for customers allergic to gluten.

Consumers' preference about the attributes of Post PC: reaults of a contingent ranking study (Post PC의 속성별 소비자 선호 분석 : 조건부 순위결정법을 이용하여)

  • Lee, Ju-Seok;Yu, Seung-Hun;Gwak, Seung-Jun
    • Journal of Korea Technology Innovation Society
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.135-153
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    • 2005
  • With an explosive growth of internet and a change of consumer's demand, Post PC is emerging as a substitute for the existing desktop computer and laptop computer. Post PC is a new computer which is portable with wireless networking, cheaper than the existing PCs and specialized in the specific function that consumers want. Furthermore, the shape and the ability of Post PC are dependent on its specific function. The rudimentary Post PCs such as PDA, web-pad and smart-phone are already usable. And in the future, owing to the progress of technologies, the heterogeneity of relate companies and the low entry barrier, various Post PCs will be developed. In this paper, we analyze consumers' willingness-to-pay for Post PC with the attributes such as the portability, the speed of CPU, the data input method (using key board, or notepad etc), the size of monitor and price. To estimating consumers' willingness-to-pay for the attributes of Post PC, we apply a contingent ranking method, which makes the respondents rank hypothetical Post the portability, the speed of CPU, the data input method (using key board, or notepad etc),the size of monitor and price. To estimating consumers' willingness-to-pay for the attributes of Post PC, we apply a contingent ranking method, which makes the respondents rank hypothetical Post PC alternatives featuring various combinations of attributes, to a survey data collected in Korea. Using the estimated willingness-to-pay, we predict the shape and the ability of future's Post PC and draw policy implications for the national and company level R&D strategies.

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