• Title/Summary/Keyword: Construction Site Information

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Estimation of Water Production Cost from Seawater Reverse Osmosis (SWRO) Plant in Korea (국내 해수담수화 플랜트 생산수 단가 추정)

  • Hwang, Moon-Hyun;Han, Doseon;Kim, In S.
    • Journal of Korean Society of Environmental Engineers
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    • v.39 no.4
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    • pp.169-179
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    • 2017
  • This study was conducted to supply information that can be utilized as data for desalination plant construction in the future by estimating unit cost of water production in the potential site of Incheon, Daesan, Yeosu, Busan, Ulsan and Sokcho in Korea. The production costs in Sokcho and Ulsan were similar to those of Busan and Yeosu. Those four sites showed better economic range due to low construction cost for intake facility compared to Incheon and Daesan. Although the salinity measured in the above 6 sites did not show perceptible effect on the production cost, the difference of seasonal seawater temperature needs to be considered due to the change of flux in reverse osmosis (RO) membrane. It turned out that the most critical parameters are the amortization in a year by the analysis of life cycle and the capacity of plant. Incheon and Daesan showed the difference of production cost up to 29% at the condition of amortization in 25 year, and up to 22% depending on plant capacity. However, the production cost in this study did not take into account of other indirect costs, therefore, this should be considered as the minimum cost.

Mapping the Relationship among Gender, Body and Technology: An Exploration for 'Becoming Women' (여성, 몸, 테크놀로지의 관계 짓기: '여성되기' 관점을 위한 시론)

  • Lee, Dong-Hoo;Kim, Su-Jeong;Lee, Hee-Eun
    • Korean journal of communication and information
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    • v.62
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    • pp.30-50
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    • 2013
  • Exploring the relationship between body and technology in gender studies, this paper argues that 'being women' as an analytical concept is not fixed but progressing, that is, 'becoming women.' In the age of neo-liberalism, gender and identity politics raised critical questions regarding the relations between women and technology. Understanding these dynamic relations asks us to reconsider the concept of 'body.' Thus, this study begins with a review of the discourses of body in feminism and gender studies. Then, it continues to the meaning of technology in body and gender relations, arguing that body is the discursive and material site where gender identity and being are simultaneously constructed. An introduction of cyberfeminism, which focuses on the triangular relations among body, gender, and technology follows, discussing the significance of technology in 'becoming women.' Finally, it is argued that finding the meanings of technology in becoming women requires reconsidering the discursive and performative construction of body. 'Becoming women' can be achieved through exploration of the articulations and processes of body, gender and technology, which allows us to figure out the (re)construction of gender identity.

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Implementation of Constructor-Oriented Visualization System for Occluded Construction via Mobile Augmented-Reality (모바일 증강현실을 이용한 작업자 중심의 폐색된 건축물 시각화 시스템 개발)

  • Kim, Tae-Ho;Kim, Kyung-Ho;Han, Yunsang;Lee, Seok-Han;Choi, Jong-Soo
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics and Information Engineers
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    • v.51 no.2
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    • pp.55-68
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    • 2014
  • Some infrastructure these days is usually constructed under the ground for it to not interfere the foot-traffic of pedestrians, and thus, it is difficult to visually confirm the accurate location of the site where the establishments must be buried. These technical difficulties increase the magnitude of the problems that could arise from over-reliance on the experience of the worker or a mere blueprint. Such problems include exposure to flood and collapse. This paper proposes a constructor-oriented visualization system via mobile gadgets in general construction sites with occluded structures. This proposal is consisted with three stages. First, "Stage of detecting manhole and extracting features" detects and extracts the basis point of occluded structures which is unoccluded manhole. Next, "Stage of tracking features" tracks down the extracted features in the previous stage. Lastly, "Stage of visualizing occluded constructions" analyzes and synthesizes the GPS data and 3D objects obtained from mobile gadgets in the previous stages. This proposal implemented ideal method through parallel analysis of manhole detection, feature extraction, and tracking techniques in indoor environment, and confirmed the possibility through occluded water-pipe augmentation in real environment. Also, it offers a practical constructor-oriented environment derived from the augmented 3D results of occluded water-pipings.

A study on taxation of foreign corporation's Permanent Establishment (고정사업장의 과세에 관한 연구: 플랜트 건설.판매기업의 사례를 중심으로)

  • Suh, Jung-Rog
    • Management & Information Systems Review
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    • v.29 no.3
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    • pp.71-96
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    • 2010
  • This article firstly reviewed Permanent Established(PE) concept of OECD and UN model tax treaty and compared it with that of Korean Corporate Income Tax Law(CITL). The various factors regarding profit like ways of deciding the local source profit, scope and calculation method which will be imputed to PE were also reviewed. Based on above, standard PE judgement basis and calculation method of local source profit were also studied by using actual cases in foreign corporation which performs plant construction & sales in Korea. Accordingly to properly solve the conflict regarding international tax and to protect the tax authority against the foreign corporation in Korea, by standing on equality, I now propose followings for the better concept of PE in Korea. Firstly, the article that a building site or construction or installation project constitutes a PE only if it lasts more than 6 months should be modified to reflect OECD model convention's criteria of 12 months. Second, the scope of 'subordinate attorney' which is regarded as PE under CITL is now including 'holding-delivery attorney', 'order attorney', and 'assurance attorney' as well as 'contract attorney'. This is overly limit the activities of foreign corporation. It had better be loosened only to include 'contract attorney' as OECD provisions. Third, the CITL limits the cases of preparatory and/or auxiliary place which is not regarded as PE, thus limit the foreign corporations' business by expanding the concept of PE. This had better be eased. Fourth, in deciding the amount of local source profits, the CITL stipulates to split the profits by the relevant contribution of transaction parties through 'profit split method'. To solve the conflict, the ways of profit split must be better clarified through providing object and detailed standard and basis.

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  • Mun,Yun-Seop;Lee,Tae-Jong;Lee,Chae-Yeong;Yun,Jun-Gi
    • Journal of the Korean Geophysical Society
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.13-23
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    • 2003
  • Dipole-dipole resistivity and ground penetrating radar(GPR) surveys were performed on an abandoned landfill site filled with asbestos containing material. The main purpose of the study was to estimate spatial extension and volume of the landfill for evaluting the cost for developing appropriate remedial alternatives. Assuming that the bedrock is within 10 m depth, dipole spacings of 2, 2.5 and 5m were set for six survey lines for resistivity measurements. For More detailed information, GPR suvey using 225 Mhz antenna was carried out for twelve survey lines for the shallower information. DC resistivity structures showed few tens ~ hundreds ohm-m for the landfill or alluvial laver, and 1,000~ 5,000 ohm-m for the bedrock. The depth to bedrock is found out to be approximately 5m. GPR survey results represented very clear reflection and/or diffraction events from the boundaries as well as from the blocky construction wastes. With high-resolution GPR survey, depth of the bedrock was resolved up to 2m, which in turn, could be a good indicator for estimating the volume of the landfill. Those depths of bedrock were confirmed by backhoe excavation data for 13 sites. The total area and volume of the landfill were to be approximately 3,953 .$m^2$ and 4,033 $m^3$, respectively.

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Claiming Global Responsibility for Distant Suffering in Media Discourse -Bosnia and Kosovo- (미국 엘리트 언론이 주장하는 전지구적 책임의 정치적 성격 -보스니아 내전과 코소보 분쟁-)

  • Park, Chong-Dae
    • Korean journal of communication and information
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    • v.44
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    • pp.144-179
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    • 2008
  • This paper explores the formation of global responsibility discourses in the elite US media used in promoting NATO's military interventions in the post-Cold War era. The case study of global responsibility discourses surrounding the Bosnian War (1992-1995) and the Kosovo Conflict (1998-1999) offers an account of the roles of the elite US media in foreign policy. The construction and articulation of global responsibility discourses in the elite US media were closely related to the US government's policy and were formed within the framework of US national interest and domestic responsibility. The cases of military intervention in the post-Cold War period imply that there were more fundamental structure and patterns by which the elite US media approached the 'humanitarian crises': 'benevolent domination' and the subsequent construction of a 'melodramatic national identity' in the war narratives. Presuming that the elite US media's discourse is a primary site for the public for experiencing and understanding distant suffering, this paper concludes that global responsibility discourses within the media may have dangerous ramifications for global democracy because the discourse of responsibility can potentially absorb the creative, progressive energies created by the public's awareness of responsibility on a global scale in order to reinforce the relations of domination.

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A Metaverse-based Collaborative Content Building Model for Representative Libraries: Focusing on the Gyeonggi-do Region (광역대표도서관의 메타버스 기반 협력적 콘텐츠 구축 모델: 경기도 지역을 중심으로)

  • Seonghun Kim;Mi Ryung Kim;Yoon Ju Roh;Hyojung Sim
    • Journal of the Korean Society for information Management
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    • v.40 no.3
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    • pp.221-244
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    • 2023
  • Focusing on Gyeonggi Library, which is preparing Metaverse services using resident participatory budgets, we deduced the role of Metaverse suitable for metropolitan representative libraries, conducting a preliminary study and analyzing various informational resources. Subsequently, we presented a collaborative content construction and service model primarily centered around the metropolitan representative library. We conducted a survey targeting on-site librarians from metropolitan representative libraries, as well as various libraries across Gyeonggi Province and the entire nation. Through this survey, we extracted insights into the Metaverse role, content possibilities, and considerations for seamless cooperation within the scope of the metropolitan representative library. Based on the opinions of surveyed librarians, it was evident that the role of the metropolitan representative library's Metaverse should function as a tool for continuous utilization of library resources and serve as a space for the entire local community. Approximately three-fourths of the respondents expressed willingness to participate in collaborative content development. However, concerns were raised about human resource limitations, budget constraints, and excessive workloads as potential obstacles to participation. This highlighted the need for systematic support from the metropolitan representative library to address these concerns.

Time-series Change Analysis of Quarry using UAV and Aerial LiDAR (UAV와 LiDAR를 활용한 토석채취지의 시계열 변화 분석)

  • Dong-Hwan Park;Woo-Dam Sim
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.27 no.2
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    • pp.34-44
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    • 2024
  • Recently, due to abnormal climate caused by climate change, natural disasters such as floods, landslides, and soil outflows are rapidly increasing. In Korea, more than 63% of the land is vulnerable to slope disasters due to the geographical characteristics of mountainous areas, and in particular, Quarry mines soil and rocks, so there is a high risk of landslides not only inside the workplace but also outside.Accordingly, this study built a DEM using UAV and aviation LiDAR for monitoring the quarry, conducted a time series change analysis, and proposed an optimal DEM construction method for monitoring the soil collection site. For DEM construction, UAV and LiDAR-based Point Cloud were built, and the ground was extracted using three algorithms: Aggressive Classification (AC), Conservative Classification (CC), and Standard Classification (SC). UAV and LiDAR-based DEM constructed according to the algorithm evaluated accuracy through comparison with digital map-based DEM.

Development and Effectiveness of Private Parking Information Algorithm (복합용도 초고층빌딩에 대한 개별주차정보제공 알고리즘 개발)

  • Kim, Young-Sun;Nam, Baek;Lee, Choul-Ki;OH, Young-Tae
    • The Journal of The Korea Institute of Intelligent Transport Systems
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    • v.12 no.5
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    • pp.13-21
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    • 2013
  • Super high-rise buildings of combined use such as large shopping malls and multiplex etc. have larger parking facilities than general buildings and are characteristic of an increase in the number of the entrance and the exit connecting internal external space of the parking lot. These features cause a congestion of internal traffic by increasing car driving distance in the parking lot, and vehicle idling increases by drivers wander the parking lot in order to find parking space. In addition, they make drivers suffer from lots of difficulties due to parking including increasing their walking line after parking. Therefore, in this study, we developed individual parking information provision algorithm to specify the optimal parking place for drivers according to the purpose of visiting a building and the drivers' moving path, and selected new construction site for the second lotte world in order to evaluate the algorithm developed and performed evaluation. As a result of the evaluation, it was analyzed that in the case of applying the individual parking information provision algorithm compared to the existing parking information provision algorithm, moving distance in the parking lot decreases around 7.43~83.4%, and that in the case of $CO_2$ emission, it decreased about 47.7% on average, which indicates that the efficiency resulted from application of the individual parking information provision algorithm is very high as the application effects are tested.

A Measures to Implements the Conservation and Management of Traditional Landscape Architecture using Aerial Photogrammetry and 3D Scanning (전통조경 보존·관리를 위한 3차원 공간정보 적용방안)

  • Kim, Jae-Ung
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.38 no.1
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    • pp.77-84
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    • 2020
  • This study is apply 3D spatial information per traditional landscape space by comparing spatial information data created using a small drone and 3D scanner used for 3D spatial information construction for efficient preservation and management of traditional landscaping space composed of areas such as scenic sites and traditional landscape architectures. The analysis results are as follows. First, aerial photogrammetry data is less accurate than 3D scanners, but it was confirmed to be more suitable for monitoring landscape changes by reading RGB images than 3D scanners by texture mapping using digital data in constructing orthographic image data. Second, the orthographic image data constructed by aerial photogrammetry in a traditional landscaping space consisting of a fixed area, such as Gwanghalluwon Garden, produced visually accurate and precise results. However, as a result of the data extraction, data for trees, which is one of the elements that make up the traditional landscaping, was not extracted, so it was determined that 3D scanning and aerial surveying had to be performed in parallel, especially in areas where trees were densely populated. Third, The surrounding trees in Soswaewon Garden caused many errors in 3D spatial information data including topographic data. It was analyzed that it is preferable to use 3D scanning technology for precise measurement rather than aerial photogrammetry because buildings, landscaping facilities and trees are dense in a relatively small space. When 3D spatial information construction data for a traditional landscaping space composed of area using a small drone and a 3D scanner free from temporal and spatial constraints and compared the data was compared, the aerial photogrammetry is effective for large site such as Hahoe Village, Gyeongju and construction of a 3D space using a 3D scanner is effective for traditional garden such as Soswaewon Garden.