• Title/Summary/Keyword: Conceptual History

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The Comparative Education and History of Education: An Introductory Approach to Comparative Education History (비교교육학과 교육사학: 비교교육학사 서설(敍說))

  • Hahn, Yong-Jin
    • Korean Journal of Comparative Education
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    • v.28 no.3
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    • pp.243-263
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    • 2018
  • In order to confirm the academic authenticity of comparative education, the academic methodology which is also appropriate for the historical arrangement is the history. In this sense, this article focuses on the study of comparative education from the viewpoint of history of education and aims for a tentative approach to comparative education history. In every discipline, it is essential to organize the history of the discipline both for those majoring in it and for the development of the discipline itself. The conclusions obtained from this study are as follows. First, in general, the method of studying comparative education includes not only 'comparative studies' but also 'regional studies', but it can add academic depth through the study of time series called 'comparative education history'. Second, the developmental process of the comparative education can be classified into four stages; the first stage is 'the pre-history' of the comparative education, the second stage is the 'embryo stage', the third stage is the 'establishment stage', and the fourth stage is the 'development stage'. Especially, in the era of globalization, the academic potential of comparative education is even higher, so it is possible to add an 'expanding period'. Third, it is necessary to understand the 'comparative education history' in order to secure the academic identity of the comparative education study. It is expected that it will be possible to more easily confirm the perspectives and issues of comparative education in the future, together with a good conceptual understanding of comparative education.

Conceptual Variation of TalYeong-SilJeong in the Medical History (역대(歷代) 의서(醫書)에서 탈영실정(脫營失精)의 의미(意味) 변화(變化))

  • Hong, Sae-Young;Lee, Jae-Hyok
    • Journal of Oriental Neuropsychiatry
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.203-212
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    • 2014
  • Objectives: The aim of this study is to bring new light on TalYeong-SilJeong (exhaustion of Yeonggi and loss of Essence) through the verification of both the original intention of Hwangjenaegyeong and the conceptual variation afterwards. Methods: Of various East Asian medical texts, those inferring to TalYeong-SilJeong includeing Hwangjenaegyeong itself were closely examined under the aspect of its conception. Results: TalYeong-SilJeong was suggested as the first representative tool and accurate diagnostic method of questioning in order to determine the mental state of a patient. However, medical scholars have suggested different levels of meaning. Some used the term for the broad coverage of mental illnesses, understanding Hwangjenaegyeong's discrimination as symbolic gesture, while others projected an unchallenged value on it and weaved it into the concrete set of a disease. Conclusions: The treatment of TalYeong-SilJeong is suggested according to the varying viewpoints of each medical text. By understanding multiple layers of the conception beyond, a clinician is expected to gain an exuberant image of conception on the one hand and an insight for more effective treatment on the other hand.

A Study on the Environmental Organization within the Exhibition Space of the Contemporary Museum (현대 박물관건축 전시공간의 환경구성방법에 관한 연구)

  • Lee Sung-Hoon
    • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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    • v.14 no.2 s.49
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    • pp.169-177
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    • 2005
  • The purpose of this study was to find the characteristics of the exhibition space planning methodology as 'Spatialization of Knowledge' through analyzation of the spatial structure in the contemporary museum architecture. The result of this study is expected to apply in designing an exhibition space and may become a target point. Further more this study can result a museum design to assist actual museum to fully function and play a role as a service facility for users by containing broad knowledge and fair understanding of user's needs in museum planning. Basic survey of museum architecture history will help visualizing conceptual structure of the museum exhibition and the 'Space Syntax' method has been used to make this conceptual data more objective. This study found that the contemporary museums most likely to include in its planning the various spatial organization in order to convey knowledge. The result reflects the needs of modern society which shows the design accepting individuality in society with variety of needs. And this also explains that museum space organization has to reflect various ways or methods of conveying knowledge. In addition, users have tendency to prefer more open space organization for easy access and approach in exhibition environment. It is clear to see the change in today's viewing pattern that the users prefer flexible exhibition space where they can be more proactive in receiving knowledge by following their own circulation over architecturally constrained circulation pattern within the exhibition area.

Performance Analysis of The KALIMER Breakeven Core Driver Fuel Pin Based on Conceptual Design Parameters

  • Lee Dong Uk;Lee Byoung Oon;Kim Young Gyun;Lee Ki Bog;Jang Jin Wook
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.35 no.4
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    • pp.356-368
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    • 2003
  • Material properties such as coolant specific heat, film heat transfer coefficient, cladding thermal conductivity, surface diffusion coefficient of the multi-bubble are improved in MACSIS-Mod1. The axial power and flux profile module was also incorporated with irradiation history. The performance and feasibility of the updated driver fuel pin have been analyzed for nominal parameters based on the conceptual design for the KALIMER breakeven core by MACSIS-MOD1 code. The fuel slug centerline temperature takes the maximum at 700mm from the bottom of the slug in spite of the nearly symmetric axial power distribution. The cladding mid-wall and coolant temperatures take the maximum at the top of the pin. Temperature of the fuel slug surface over the entire irradiation life is much lower than the fuel-clad eutectic reaction temperature. The fission gas release of the driver fuel pin at the end of life is predicted to be $68.61\%$ and plenum pressure is too low to cause cladding yielding. The probability that the fuel pin would fail is estimated to be much less than that allowed in the design criteria. The maximum radial deformation of the fuel pin is $1.93\%$, satisfying the preliminary design criterion ($3\%$) for fuel pin deformation. Therefore the conceptual design parameters of the driver fuel pin for the KALIMER breakeven core are expected to satisfy the preliminary criteria on temperature, fluence limit, deformation limit etc.

Construction of a Preliminary Conceptual Site Model Based on a Site Investigation Report for Area of Concerns about Groundwater Contamination (지하수 오염우려지역 실태조사 보고서 기반의 사전 부지개념모델 구축)

  • Kim, Juhee;Bae, Min Seo;Kwon, Man Jae;Jo, Ho Young;Lee, Soonjae
    • Journal of Soil and Groundwater Environment
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    • v.27 no.spc
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    • pp.64-74
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    • 2022
  • The conceptual site model (CSM) is used as a key tool to support decision making in risk based management of contaminated sites. In this work, CSM was applied in Jeonju Industrial Complex where site investigation for groundwater contamination was conducted. Site background information including facility types, physical conditions, contaminants spill history, receptor exposure, and ecological information were collected and cross-checked with tabulated checklist necessary for CSM application. The CSM for contaminants migration utilized DNAPL transport model and narrative CSMs were constructed for source to receptor pathway, ecological exposure route, and contaminants fate and transport in the form of a diagram or flowchart. The component and uncertainty of preliminary CSM were reviewed using the data gap analysis while taking into account the purpose of the survey and the site management stage at the time of the survey. Through this approach, the potential utility of CSM was demonstrated in the site management process, such as assessing site conditions and planning follow-up survey work.

Construction and Refinement of Conceptual Site Model Based on Scrutiny of Oil Contaminated Site (유류오염부지 정밀조사에 기반한 부지개념모델 구축 및 개선)

  • Min Seo Bae;Mingyeong Kim;Juhee Kim;Soonjae Lee;Man Jae Kwon;Ho Young Jo
    • Journal of Soil and Groundwater Environment
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    • v.28 no.2
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    • pp.12-29
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    • 2023
  • Conceptual site model (CSM) development and enhancement for contaminated sites assists in identifying data gaps during the site investigation process. In this study, CSM was developed and enhanced for a contaminated site in Korea as a case study. Site Y was scrutinized four times previously. The site profiles for each scrutiny were reorganized based on the scrutiny reports, and the relevant data was utilized to develop and enhance CSMs. CSM for the first investigation was developed in various forms including table, flowchart, diagram, and narrative formats. CSM was enhanced in a stepwise manner by incorporating the updated profile information obtained in next investigation to existing CSM. The hypothetical data gap analysis between each investigation step was established to meet the purpose of the follow-up investigation. This case study showed that CSM is a useful tool to identify the history and current status of contaminated sites and thereby help in planning supplementary investigations for better site characterization.

A Comparison of Scientists' and Students' Responses to Discrepant Event and Alternative Hypothesis in the Conceptual Change Processes from the Phlogiston Theory to the Oxygen Theory (플로지스톤설에서 산소설로의 개념 변화 과정에서 변칙 사례와 대안 가설에 대한 과학자들과 학생들의 반응 비교)

  • Noh, Tae-Hee;Yun, Jeong-Hyun;Kang, Hun-Sik;Kang, Suk-Jin
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.26 no.7
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    • pp.798-804
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    • 2006
  • In this study, we investigated students' responses to a discrepant event and an alternative hypothesis which had been presented in the conceptual change processes from the phlogiston theory to the oxygen theory, and compared them with scientists' responses. The data concerning scientists' responses to the discrepant event and the alternative hypothesis were gathered from the relevant literature on the history of science. Subjects were 148 eighth graders who possessed the target misconception about combustion through a preconception test. After having been presented with the discrepant event and the alternative hypothesis, students were asked to respond to the test of response to discrepant event. Although similar types of responses were obtained from both scientists and students, there was also a clear difference. Scientists tended to focus on explaining the problems of the discrepant event, whereas students tended to ignore and/or exclude the discrepant event in order to maintain their previous beliefs. Only a few students were also found to change their beliefs after having been presented with the alternative hypothesis.

Suggesting Conceptual Framework on the Nature of Technology (NOT) and Investigating College Students' Perceptions Regarding the Nature of Technology(NOT) (기술의 본성(NOT) 개념 틀 제안 및 이공계 대학생들의 기술의 본성(NOT)에 대한 인식 탐구)

  • Baek, Yujin;Lee, Young Hee
    • Journal of Science Education
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    • v.43 no.3
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    • pp.363-381
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    • 2019
  • This study aims to suggest an inclusive conceptual framework for the Nature of Technology (NOT) by examining literature and researches regarding NOT and then to analyze the conceptions of the students in Science and Engineering Department of a college based on the NOT framework. Findings are as follows: First, the conceptual framework of the NOT developed from the study has the five domains of NOT, which are Technology as Artifacts, Technology as Knowledge, Technology as Practice, Technology as History, and Technology as a part of Society. Second, the participants' conceptions of the NOT emphasize on three domains of the Technology as Practice (26.4%), Technology as a part of Society (25.8%), and Technology as Knowledge (24.3%) among the five domains of the NOT. Third, according to the microanalysis of the students' conceptions regarding NOT, students in Science and Engineering Department of a college possess concrete and various views of the NOT even though NOT is abstract and complex ideas. Specifically, they seem to recognize the NOT as a product of process and ability to utilize the technology for convenience of life.

Epic Design : Local Design in Globalization Era - based on Restaurant Style - (서사적 디자인의 발현(I) - 레스토랑 양식을 통해 본 세계화 시대의 지역 디자인 -)

  • Jo, Hyun-Shin
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.19 no.1 s.63
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    • pp.243-252
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    • 2006
  • This essay studies local design style in globalization era through investigation of the restaurants which are located at suburb of big cities in Korea. All regional memory and history is disappeared in 'The world time' and world design style in globalization era. Thus to study local design means to study the history of certain region and the memory of the people who lives in that area and how they represent their past and memory. Post colonial theory, everyday aesthetics and the way of using past and memory are preresearched for the theoretical background. Post colonial theory is discourse for the countries which have the experience of colonialism. History and memory are used for defining present political, social, economical and cultural situation. In this essay, the way using past and memory were classified in three dimension - by government, company, and individuals. The past which is represented by government is conceptual and defined as only sign without on going history. When it is represented by company, it is also uses as a sign and imitation without contextual meaning. However, when the past is used by individuals, it is alive in daily life. This essay argues that those restaurants which have the style of 'the Koreaness' symbolize the suppressed desire to represent the lost past and memory which are forced to be exduded during the colonial period and fast modern development. And the design style can be defined as epic design, for it has it's own main character, story, memory and plot too. This word 'epic' imply the main point of local design style. In conclusion, this essay will ask the role of design in the country which has colonial memory in globalization era.

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A study on the life history of Women with Mental disorders who Experienced divorce (이혼을 경험한 여성정신장애자의 생애사 연구)

  • Mi-yeon Hong
    • Journal of the Health Care and Life Science
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.317-326
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    • 2021
  • The purpose of this study is to understand more deeply the life of a woman with mental disabilities who experienced divorce through oral data analysis and to derive a therapeutic plan. Women with mental disorders diagnosed with depression and panic disorder participated in the study, and the text for life history analysis consisted of oral data interviews. Based on the life history analysis framework proposed by Mandelbaum (1973), the text was analyzed into three conceptual frameworks: 'Dimensions', 'Turning point', and 'Adaptation'. As a result of data analysis, the 'Dimensions' was analyzed as "Abandoned child", "The onset of mental illness", "Religion", and "Crime". In the 'Turning point' analysis, "Divorce" and "Life separation" were analyzed, and "Adaptation" was derived as "Rationalization". Based on the results of this study, a therapeutic intervention plan was proposed for the life of a female mentally disabled woman who has experienced divorce.