• Title/Summary/Keyword: Community Loss

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Factors Affecting the Recovery of Pilots +Gz Tolerance

  • Park, Myunghwan;Jee, Cheolkyu;Kim, Cheonyoung;Seol, Hyeonju
    • Journal of the Ergonomics Society of Korea
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    • v.36 no.5
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    • pp.535-543
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    • 2017
  • Objective: This study was designed to identify factors affecting pilots' +Gz tolerance recovery from +Gz induced exhaustion. Background: +Gz tolerance of pilots has been considered as a crucial factor to fly the modern high performance fighter aircrafts. However, the factors affecting pilots' G-tolerance recovery from +Gz induced exhaustion have not been examined in the acceleration research community. Method: A centrifuge profile consisting of a high +Gz run for pilot's exhaustion and a low +Gz run for pilot's recovery and another high +Gz runs for pilot's second exhaustion was designed. The subjects' +Gz tolerance recovery ratio was measured by ratio of second high +Gz run time to the first high +Gz run time. The subjects' +Gz tolerance recovery rate was measured by dividing the subjects' +Gz tolerance recovery ratio by the low +Gz run time. The subjects' G-tolerance recovery rate was analyzed with respect to the subjects' personal factors including subjects' anthropometric and physiologic characteristics, flight time, flying aircraft type and so on. Results: The subjects' previous three-month flight hours (r=-0.336, p=0.039), six-month flight hours (r=-0.403, p=0.012) and one-year flight hours (r=-0.329, p= 0.044) correlated with the subjects' G-tolerance recovery rate. Conclusion: The subjects' G-tolerance recovery rate is clearly related to the subjects' previous flight hours. However, the subjects' anthropometric and physiologic characteristics do not show any statistically significant correlation with the subjects' G-tolerance recovery rate. Application: This research provides a safety critical insight to aviation community by identifying the factors to affect the gravity-induced loss of consciousness (GLOC) of pilots.

Effect of Spinach on the Quality of Beef Hamburger Patties (시금치가 우육 햄버거 패티의 품질에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Hyeyoung
    • The Korean Journal of Community Living Science
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    • v.28 no.3
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    • pp.403-413
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    • 2017
  • This study was performed to investigate the quality characteristics, including sensory and physical properties, of hamburger patties added with spinach as a source of fiber. Hamburger patties were prepared with spinach at five different levels (5, 10, 15, 20, and 25%. Moisture contents of the groups with spinach were significantly higher than that of the control group. Crude fat and crude protein contents of the control group were higher than those of the group with spinach. Crude ash content of the control group was the lowest among the groups. No significant difference in pH was observed among the groups. The cooking loss rates of groups with spinach were significantly reduced compared to that of the control group. No significant difference in L value was observed among the groups. However, a value of the control group was higher than those of the groups with spinach. Otherwise, b value of the control group was lower than those of the groups with spinach. The hardness levels of the control groups were significantly higher than those of groups with spinach. In the quantitative descriptive analysis, green color and bitter taste of the groups with spinach were stronger than that of the control group. The preference levels for appearance of the groups with 10 to 15% spinach were higher than those of the other groups, including the control groups. Overall acceptabilities of the groups with 5 to 15% spinach were significantly higher than those of the other groups. In conclusion, spinach can increase the acceptability of hamburger patties, and 10 to 15% would appear to be the proper added amount.

A Convergence Study about Influences of Subjective Oral Health Status and Oral Health Literacy on Oral Health-related Quality of Life among Elderly in Community (지역사회거주 노인의 주관적 구강건강상태와 구강건강문해력이 구강건강관련 삶의 질에 미치는 영향에 대한 융합 연구)

  • Paek, Kyung-Shin
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • v.8 no.12
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    • pp.101-107
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    • 2017
  • This study was conducted to identify an influence of subjective oral health status and oral health literacy on oral health-related quality of life (OHRQoL) in elderly. Participants in this cross-sectional survey were 248 aged over 65 older people in Jecheon city. Data were collected from July. 3 to 21, 2016 using the self-report questionnaire. Subjective oral health status, oral health literacy and oral health-related quality of life were measured. The results of multiple regression analysis showed that subjective oral health status, oral health literacy, cohabitant, the number of teeth, education level and religion significantly predicted OHRQoL in the elderly people, explaining 44.3% of the variance. Therefore, health care providers should consider that interventions preventing tooth loss and improving oral health status and oral health literacy are required to enhance the OHRQoL in the elderly people.

Korean Centenarians and the Meanings of "Living at Long-Life" (한국 백세 노인들의 "오래 삶"의 의미에 대한 질적 연구)

  • 한경혜;이정화;김주현
    • The Korean Journal of Community Living Science
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.121-135
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    • 2004
  • 'Long-life' which has been the perennial interest to human beings also carries the risk of multiple losses such as the death of the family members and friends, the loss of physical and cognitive functions. In that regards, living a long life to be the 'oldest-old' could mean not only a 'symbol of successful aging' but also a hardship and low quality of life at the same time. Therefore, the issue of the quality of life of the oldest old has been the subject of the much of the public and research concern in recent days. While there has been increased awareness about the importance of the subjective aspects of the quality of life and meanings attached to the extended life, most researches on the quality of life of the oldest-old have focused only on the objective conditions of the quality of life such as health, economic status and housing conditions. To overcome these limitations this study aims to explore the subject meaning of 'living a long life' in Korean society by investigating centenarians and their caregivers' interpretations of aging experiences. Qualitative data were gathered from the forty-nine Korean centenarians and their caregivers through in-depth interview. Each interview was tape-recorded and transcribed verbatim. Researchers read each transcript a number of times to get some emerging themes. Most striking result was the fact that most of the centenarians express the 'guilty feelings' and try to offer the 'excuses' about their long life. This results were quite contrary to the results of the studies, done in Japan and western countries like Sweden, United States and Germany, where most of the oldest-old express quite positive interpretations about their long-life and take pride in their longevity. Lack of social support, cohort characteristics of the Korean oldest-old and the cultural interpretations linking the death of children to the long life of older generation are given as possible factors to these unique findings of Korean study. The policy implications of the results are discussed.

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Relationship between Zinc Status and Obesity of Type 2 Diabetic Women ($\cdot$노년 당뇨병여성의 아연영양상태와 비만도와의 관련성)

  • Lee Jung Hee;Lee Hee Ja;Lee In Kyu;Yoon Jin-Sook
    • Korean Journal of Community Nutrition
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.70-78
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    • 2005
  • Zinc is known to have important effects on insulin activity and to increase the body fat deposition. The purpose of this study was to investigate the zinc status and obesity in 50 type 2 diabetic women visiting public health center and hospital. The mean age was 57.9 $\pm$ 6.9 years old. The mean of diabetic duration was 8.0 $\pm$ 6.5 years. Body mass index (BMI) of diabetes was $23.2 \pm 2.3 kg/m^2$. There were no significant differences of mean age, anthropometric indices, and insulin level other than fasting blood sugar (p < 0.001) and insulin resistance (p < 0.00l) between diabetes and control group. The obesity ratio of diabetes was $20\%$, $66\%$ and $84\%$ for BMI, waist circumference and waist/hip ratio (WHR), respectively. Plasma zinc level was not significantly different between diabetes and control group. However, urinary zinc excretion of diabetes was approximately twice of control group (p < 0.001). Urinary zinc loss was fivefold higher in the hyperglycemia ($HbA_{lc}> 10\%$) than in normal blood glucose (p < 0.001). Anthropometric indices were decreased in hyperglycemia. On the other hand, there were the tendency of increased urinary zinc in obese group for waist circumference and percent of body fat. These results suggested that controlled normal blood glucose could improve hyperzincuria and anthropometric changes in type 2 women diabeties.

Effects of the APACHEIII Score, Hypermetabolic Score on the Nutrition Status and Clinical Outcome of the Patients Administered with Total Parenteral Nutrition and Enteral Nutrition (경정영양과 중심정맥영양을 공급받는 환자에서 질병의 상태(APACHEIII Score), 과대사 정도가 영양상태 및 임상적 결과에 미치는 영향)

  • Rha Mi yong;Kim Eun mi;Cho Young Y.;Seo Jeong Meen;Choi Hay mie
    • Korean Journal of Community Nutrition
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.124-132
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    • 2006
  • The aim of this study is to evaluate the clinical outcome. Between January 1,2002 to September 30, 2002, we prospectively and retrospectively recruited III hospitalized patients who received Enteral Nutrition (EN group n = 52) and Total Parenteral Nutrition (TPNgroup n = 59) for more than seven days. The factors of clinical outcomes are costs, incidences of infection, lengths of hospital stay, and changes in weight. The characteristics of patients were investigated, which included nutritional status, disease severity CAP ACHE III score) and hypermetabolic severity Chypermetabolic score). Hypermeta-bolic scores were determined by high fever (> $38^{\circ}C$), rapid breathing (> 30 breaths/min) , rapid pulse rate (> 100 beats/min), leukocytosis (WBC > 12000 $mm^{3}$), leukocytopenia (WBC > 3000 $mm^{3}$), status of infection, inflammatory bowel disease, surgery and trauma. There was a positive correlation between hypermetabolic score and length of hospital stay (ICU), medical cost, weight loss, antibiotics adjusted by age while APACHEIII score did not show correlation to clinical outcome. Medical cost was higher by $18.2\%$ in the TPN group than the EN group. In conclusion, there was a strong negative correlation between the clinical outcome (cost, incidence of infection, hospital stay) and hypermetabolic score. Higher metabolic stress caused more malnutrition and complications. For nutritional management of patients with malnutrition, multiple factors, including nutritional assessment, and evaluation of hypermetabolic severity are needed to provide nutritional support for critically ill patients.

Comparison of Nutrient Intakes, Bone Metabolism and Risk Factors of Chronic Diseases between Postmenopausal Lacto-Ovo-Vegetarian and Omnivores in Kyunggi-Do (일부 폐경기여성의 채식군과 일반식군의 영양섭취상태, 골대사 및 만성 퇴행성 질환의 위험인자에 관한 비교연구)

  • 최선혜;승정자;김미현;이숙연;송숙자
    • Korean Journal of Community Nutrition
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    • v.4 no.3
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    • pp.412-420
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    • 1999
  • The amount and type of dietary protein that effects affect bone mineral loss after menopause and different dietary patterns may influence anthropometric measurements, biochemical values, and bone metabolism. Objective : Our objective was to investigate bone metabolism and chronic disease factors in two different dietary patterns. Design: The sample consisted of 40 lacto-ove-vegetarians(LOV) and 49 omnivores aged from 47 to 85 years in good condition without any medical problems. Results : The average energy intake of LOV was 1414.0kcal and omnivores, 1403.2kcal. The difference between means was not statistically significant. The differences of means of body weight and BMI between the two groups were not significant but the systolic blood pressure of LOV group was significantly lower than omniovores(p<0.05). The values of serum cholesterol(p<0.05) and glucose(p<0.05) of LOV were signifcantly lower than that of omnivores. The serum albumin level(p<0.01) of LOV was lower than it'scounterpart but in a normal range. The intake of crude fiber(p<0.05) of LOV group was significantly higher. The urinary pH of LOV was 7.4 and that of omnivores was 6.3(p<0.001). Plant calcium(p>0.05) and plant iron(p<0.001) had positive correlations with the uninary pH but animal protein(p>0.05) and animal iron(p>0.05) had negative correlations with the urinary pH. The level of urinary biochemical marker of bone resorption, deoxypyridinoline(DPD) of LOV was significantly lower than the other group(p>0.05). The T-scores of bone mineral density for the two sites in the two groups were not significantly different. Conclusions : The DPD level and urinary pH value of LOV were more desirable for the bone metabolism that the omnivores. The diet of LOV had lower risk factors of chronic diseases than the other group.

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Improvement of System for Grain Drying, Storing , and Processing in Rural Area (농촌의 주곡 건조.저장.가공 작업체계 개선확립)

  • 서상용;이승규;김용환
    • Journal of Biosystems Engineering
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.33-46
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    • 1978
  • To get the goal of self-supply of food grain, improvement of post-harvest grain operations in rural area is under consideration as an important task of agriculture in Korea. This is study is focused on elimination of losses and deteriorations of grain and reduction of labour requirements and funds for post-harvest grain operations. The purpose of this study are presentation of basic data referring to conventional post-harvest grain operations in rural area and suggestion of improving methods for the operations, and also finding out reasonable operating processes of the operations. The result of this study are follows; 1. Grain drying in-the-filed which is performed before threshing has major factors of grain loss during drying, and so should be restrained as possible. Combine harvesting system is recommended among other king of mechanized harvesting systems for restraining in-the-field drying and securing available labors for drying. 2. It is predicted that mechanical grain drying could be prevalent when combine harvesting is taken place. Recommended grain drier for pre-combine harvesting system and for combine harvesting system is batch-type drier and circulating -type drier, respectively. 3. As existing farm storages for grain have insufficient spaces and offer poor conditions for grain storing , it is greatly needed to build up new storage which store only grains. And it is concluded that storing grain in community common storages in desirable. 4. Power supplying system for milling machinery in local milling plants, that a large capacity prime mover supplies power to 4 to 6 kinds of milling machinery simultaeously, should be converted to a system of several small capacity prime movers supplying power to each machiner y for the purpose of reducing extra consumption of energy. 5. Governmental grain, of which Korean farms produced, should be milled and stored in the local milling plant successively for the purpose of reducing transportation fee and stroing facilities. 6. Furture post-havest grain operations-drying, storing and milling should be periormed successively in he community common plant. And average optimum processing capacity of the plant is estimated about 300 metric ton of grain every year.

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Relationship between Depression, Stress and Health Risk Behaviors among Some High School Students (고등학생의 우울 및 스트레스와 건강위험행위와의 관련성)

  • Kim, Bo-Eun;Park, Hyun-Hee;Kim, Eun-Hee;Kim, Yu-Suk;Lee, Seong-Jin;Park, Jong
    • The Journal of Korean Society for School & Community Health Education
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.69-87
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    • 2015
  • Objectives: This study aimed to examine the association between depression and stress and health risk behaviors of high school students. Methods : Participants were 1134 high school student. he participants completed the following measures : Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS), CES-D(Center for Epidemiological Studies Depression Scale. Results : The more stress score of male students is high, the score of the problem act on safety was significantly higher. The higher the score depression was significantly higher safety risk behavior score, violent behavior, act tries to commit suicide, smoking behavior, drug use behavior, inappropriate weight loss behavior, irregular eating habit, non-physical activity behavior. The more stress score of female students is significantly high was higher safety risk behavior score, irregular eating habit, non-physical activity behavior. The more depression score of female students is high was significantly higher safety risk behavior score, irregular eating habit, non-physical activity behavior. Conclusions: This study investigated the association between depression and stress and health risk behaviors, and helped in the development of programs to improve the health management ability of high school students.

Stages of Change in Reducing Fast Food Consumption, Health Behaviors, Psychosocial Factors and Nutrient Intakes of University Students in Daejeon

  • Kim Kyung Won;Ahn Yun;Moon Eun Hye;Shin Eun Mi
    • Journal of Community Nutrition
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.8-20
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    • 2005
  • The study purpose was to examine which factors including health perceptions & behaviors, psychosocial factors, dietary intakes were different by stages of change to reduce fast food consumption among university students. Survey data(n = 341) were analyzed using X$^2$ test or analysis of variance. With respect to stages of change, $17\%$ were in the precontemplation ; $21.4\%$ for contemplation, $19.7\%$ for preparation, 11.7% for action, and $30.2\%$ for the maintenance stage. Frequency of fast food consumption (p < 0.001), health status, interest toward health, and exercising behavior (p < 0.05) differed significantly by stages of change. Demographics and nutrient intakes, however, had no association with stages of change. Those in precontemplation through preparation stages felt more strongly on the advantages such as taste, satiety, cleanness of restaurants (p < 0.001), and diverse menus (p < 0.05). Compared to maintainers or actors, pre-contemplators agreed less to the disadvantages of eating fast foods, including sanitary problems (p < 0.001), overeating, indigestion, decreased vegetable intakes (p < 0.01) and loss of freshness (p < 0.05). Influence of significant others (e.g., friends, siblings, parents) significantly differed by stages of change. Compared with maintainers, those in preaction stages felt less control over facilitators or situations for fast food consumption. These included 'others like fast foods', 'providing standard meals', 'when I don't have foods for meals'(p < 0.001), availability, advertisement, 'socially popular', 'when I feel hungry'(p < 0.01), and 'when I don't like to prepare meals' (p < 0.05). These results suggested that nutrition education be planned considering one's stages of change for fast food consumption. For those in preaction stages, it is desirable to use motivational strategies to increase benefits and remove barriers of change, and help to develop skills to deal with situations or factors for fast food consumption. The support from friends or families is also needed to move to further stages.