• Title/Summary/Keyword: Commitment Organizational

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The Relationship of Security Organization's Social Capital and Job Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment (시큐리티 조직의 사회적 자본과 직무만족 및 조직몰입의 관계)

  • Kim, Il-Gon;Ahn, Hwang-Kwon
    • Convergence Security Journal
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.45-54
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    • 2011
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate the causal relationships among social capital, job satisfaction, and organization commitment in the Korean Security Organizations. One hundred eight one questionnaires, with a 72.4% response rate from a convenient sample of 10 security organization guards, were utilized to study the relationships between research constructs. SPSS(12.0 version) were guard to analyze the unintentionality of research concepts and reliability test, and confirmatory factor analysis were performed. Factor analyses identified three internal dimensions of relational factor as superior relation. There are among results, first, the social capital is influencing to job satisfaction positively. second, the social capital is influencing to organizational commitment positively. third, the job satisfaction is influencing to organizational commitment positively.

A Study on the Relationships among Intrinsic Motivators, Psychological Empowerment, Affective Commitment and Service Quality (내재적 동기요인, 심리적 임파워먼트, 정감적 몰입 및 서비스품질 간 관계에 관한 연구 -호텔종사자를 중심으로-)

  • Choi, Young-Sook;Kim, Sun-Bae
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.11 no.7
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    • pp.111-122
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    • 2013
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationships among intrinsic motivators, psychological empowerment, affective commitment, and service quality among hotel industry employees. For this study, data were collected from 233 hotel employees in Seoul Metropolitan City with self-administered questionnaires and analyzed using structural equation modelling technique. This study found that two job characteristics variables(job challenge and job autonomy) had positive effects on hotel employees' psychological empowerment; that three job characteristics variables(job challenge, job variety and job autonomy) and psychological empowerment had positive effects on hotel employees' organizational commitment; and that psychological empowerment and organizational commitment had positive effects on hotel employees' service quality.

The Relationship of Private Security Provider's Corporate Social Responsibility and Job Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment (민간경비업자의 사회적 책임과 직무만족 및 조직몰입의 관계)

  • Bae, Du-Yeol;Kim, Il-Gon
    • Convergence Security Journal
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    • v.11 no.5
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    • pp.53-63
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    • 2011
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate the causal relationships among corporate social responsibility, job satisfaction, and organization commitment in the Private Security Provides's. One hundred eight one questionnaires, with a 72.4% response rate from a convenient sample of 12 security organization guards, were utilized to study the relationships between research constructs. SPSS(14.0 version) were guard to analyze the unintentionality of research concepts and reliability test, and confirmatory factor analysis were performed. Factor analyses identified three internal dimensions of relational factor as superior relation. There are among results, first, the corporate social responsibility is influencing to job satisfaction positively. second, the corporate social responsibility is influencing to organizational commitment positively. third, the job satisfaction is influencing to organizational commitment positively.

The Study of DISC Behavioral Patterns on Job Satisfaction, Organization Commitment and Job Stress in Nurses and Dental Hygienist (간호사와 치과위생사의 행동유형에 따른 직무만족과 조직몰입, 직무스트레스에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Ji-Hee;Kim, Mi-Young
    • The Korean Journal of Health Service Management
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    • v.6 no.4
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    • pp.73-82
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    • 2012
  • The purpose of this study was to examine the impact of the DISC behavioral patterns of health care workers on their job satisfaction, organization Commitment and job stress in a bid to suggest an ideal behavioral pattern of Nurses and Dental hygienist. The subjects were 184 health care workers who worked in general hospitals and clinics in Busan and Ulsan for a year or more. The collected data were analyzed using ANOVA and linear regression. As a result of analyzing the relationship of their DISC behavioral patterns to job stress, organizational satisfaction and organizational commitment, there were significant differences in job stress according to their DISC behavioral patterns(p=0.015). In regard to relationship between their DISC behavioral patterns and the subfactors of job stress, there were significant gaps in role conflicts(p=.007), conflicts with subordinates(p=0.001) and conflicts over underpayment(p=0.015) according to their DISC behavioral patterns. As a result of investigating the influential factors of job stress, factors produced significant results(p<.001). The findings of the study illustrated that out of the DISC behavioral patterns, type I was most prevailing among the health care workers, which indicated that the weight of this type was highest among the behavioral styles. There were no significant gaps in job satisfaction and organizational commitment according to their DISC behavioral patterns.

Self-Leadership as Antecedent of Organizational Commitment and Intention to Leave among Data Scientists (데이터과학자의 셀프리더십이 이직의도에 미치는 영향: 인지된 직무자율성의 조절된 매개역할)

  • Jung, Chang Mo
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.21 no.5
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    • pp.47-69
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    • 2021
  • Data scientists are new knowledge workers representing the knowledge economy era. Knowledge workers perform unstandardized works that solve ambiguity-intensive problems. Therefore, self-leadership, which emphasizes self-motivated, autonomous judgment and execution, significantly influences their work-related outcomes. Even knowledge workers have high occupational commitment, they usually show low organizational commitment. Knowledge workers' intention to leave is also relatively high due to this reason. This study focused on data scientists' self-leadership, predicted that self-leadership would increase an organization's commitment and intention to leave. Based on the trait activation theory(TAT), the author also confirmed how perceived job autonomy enhances self-leadership influences. Results showed that data scientists' self-leadership significantly lowered intention to leave through organizational commitment and this mediating effect was moderated by perceived job autonomy. This study broadened the theoretical understanding the effects of knowledge workers' self-leadership and presented practical implications for managing data scientists.

The Impacts of Working in the Hospital Empowerment, Job Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment Turnover Intention (의료기관 종사자들의 임파워먼트와 직무만족 및 조직몰입이 이직의도에 미치는 영향)

  • Jang, Hyo-Kang
    • The Korean Journal of Health Service Management
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.65-75
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    • 2012
  • The purpose of this study is to provide information to Efficient utilization of human resources management by studying the factors influencing the turnover intention of employees working in the Hospital. The study, the area of medical institutions located in more than 30 hospital-grade medical workers engaged in the collection of data aimed at the September 2010 and October 1 days and 1, 794 were used for the analysis, data processing and analysis package, SPSS 18.0 was used. The findings are as follows: First, the study found that age, job position had a significant and negative effect on turnover intentions. The turnover intention rates were highest among nursing staffs, followed by medical technicians and healthcare supporters and then administrators. Secondly, high degree of autonomy, job skills recognition and less job satisfaction in a positions have been identified to affect the significant. It also has turned out that job suitability and emotional commitment have influenced the turnover intentions.

Justice, Satisfaction and Commitment at R&D Institutes

  • Lee, Mu-Shin;Shin, Won-Jun
    • Management Science and Financial Engineering
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.53-71
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    • 1996
  • In the literature, it is pointed that distributive justice explains pay satisfaction and job satisfaction better than procedural justice, and procedural justice explains organizational commitment and researcher's evaluation about the supervisor better than distributive justice. We empirically tested if these findings are valid in R&D institutes with the data collected from Korean R&D professionals. It is found that the relations between the justices and the outcome variables are more complicated. The result of the analysis shows that distributive justice is also significantly related to organizational commitment, but not to job satisfaction, and procedural justice is also significantly related to pay satisfaction, and job satisfaction. Implications of the findings and possible influence of the R&D setting are discussed.

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The verification of path model on director's servant leadership and childcare center teacher's organizational citizenship behavior: Focused on teacher's organizational committment and cynicism (어린이집 원장의 서번트 리더십과 보육교사의 조직시민행동 간의 경로모형 검증: 보육교사의 조직몰입과 조직냉소주의를 중심으로)

  • Min, Ha-Young
    • Korean Journal of Human Ecology
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.587-598
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    • 2014
  • The study aimed to define the paths through which director's servant leadership, childcare center teacher's organizational committment and organizational cynicism affected teacher's organizational citizenship behavior and determined their effects. The subjects for this study were 545 teachers of the childcare centers located in Daegu and Kyoungbuk district. The collected data were analyzed with SPSS 19.0 and AMOS 8.0. The results showed 1) The director's servant leadership, teacher's organizational committment and organizational cynicism influenced directly on organizational citizenship behavior. 2) The director's servant leadership influenced directly on teacher's organizational committment and organizational cynicism. 3) The director's servant leadership influenced indirectly on organizational citizenship behavior by teacher's organizational committment and organizational cynicism.

Impacts of Emergency Medical Technicians' Personal Traits on Job Related Outcome Variables (응급구조사의 성격유형이 직무관련 산출변수에 미치는 영향)

  • Park, Jae-Sung;Kim, Mi-Sook
    • The Korean Journal of Health Service Management
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    • v.6 no.3
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    • pp.1-11
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    • 2012
  • The purpose of this study is to identify the effects of emergency medical technicians' personal traits and job characteristics on job/social stress, job satisfaction, role conflicts, organizational commitment, and self-efficacy. The study population was emergency medical technicians who is working at the hospitals in Yeungnam province. The 200 questionnaires were administered by using ground mail, e-mail, and personal visits and 156 questionnaires were returned(82.5% response rate). Social stress, job satisfaction and role conflicts were significantly determined by personal traits and job characteristic variables. However, job stress, organizational commitment and self-efficacy was only significantly determined by job characteristic variables. In social stress and role conflicts, the subjects with challenge, sociability, acceptance and prudence traits were tend to be significantly higher scores compared to the stability traits. Additionally, among social stress regression models, adding job characteristics to the personal traits model, $R^2$ was increased up to 19% and adding personal traits to the job characteristics model, $R^2$ was increased up to 14%. In conclusion, the study found that personal traits and job characteristics are important variables in explaining social stress, job satisfaction and role conflicts, that would have important managerial implications for recruiting, hiring and managing either new or current emergency medical technicians efficiently.

A study on the Effects of Abusive Supervision on Subordinates' Turnover Intention and Organizational Commitment : Focusing on the Moderating Effect of Psychological Contract Violation and Self-control (상사의 비인격적 행위가 부하의 이직의도와 조직몰입에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구 -심리적 계약위반과 자기통제력의 조절효과를 중심으로-)

  • Park, Seong-Jin;Kim, Oh-Hyeon
    • Journal of the military operations research society of Korea
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    • v.36 no.3
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    • pp.113-134
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    • 2010
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate the moderating effects of psychological contract violation and self-control on the relationship between abusive supervision and subordinates' work-related attitudes. Results show that abusive supervision was positively related to subordinates' turnover intention, whereas it was negatively related to their organizational commitment. Futhermore, it is surprising that the moderating effects of psychological contract violation and self-control showed an unexpected pattern. Implication of these results as well as strengths, limitations, and avenues for future research are discussed.