• Title/Summary/Keyword: Color pixels

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Inverse Halftoning of Digital Color Image using Look-Up Table and Vector Adaptive Filter (참조표와 벡터적응필터를 이용한 디지털 컬러영상의 역하프토닝)

  • Kim, Chan-Su;Yi, Tai-Hong
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.34 no.1C
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    • pp.72-80
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    • 2009
  • Look-up table based inverse halftoning from the digital color halftone image is proposed in this paper, which uses vector adaptive filter for the nonexisting patterns in the table. Halftone image is obtained from a continuous -tone image, which can be restored into continuous one from the digital binary image by way of inverse halftoning method. Look-up table based method usually processes fast and has even performances over the various halftoning. The numbers of pixels in the pattern of table and the method how to define the table elements for each R, G, B channels can effect largely for its performance. The proposed method uses 16 pixels in the table considering the diversity of the expressions from their patterns and with memory size as well. This also proposed how to combine R, G, B channels into one. Experimental results showed the better performance in the expression of colors, better color restoration and the short processing time compared with the conventional ones.

Hyperspectral Image Classification via Joint Sparse representation of Multi-layer Superpixles

  • Sima, Haifeng;Mi, Aizhong;Han, Xue;Du, Shouheng;Wang, Zhiheng;Wang, Jianfang
    • KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS)
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    • v.12 no.10
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    • pp.5015-5038
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    • 2018
  • In this paper, a novel spectral-spatial joint sparse representation algorithm for hyperspectral image classification is proposed based on multi-layer superpixels in various scales. Superpixels of various scales can provide complete yet redundant correlated information of the class attribute for test pixels. Therefore, we design a joint sparse model for a test pixel by sampling similar pixels from its corresponding superpixels combinations. Firstly, multi-layer superpixels are extracted on the false color image of the HSI data by principal components analysis model. Secondly, a group of discriminative sampling pixels are exploited as reconstruction matrix of test pixel which can be jointly represented by the structured dictionary and recovered sparse coefficients. Thirdly, the orthogonal matching pursuit strategy is employed for estimating sparse vector for the test pixel. In each iteration, the approximation can be computed from the dictionary and corresponding sparse vector. Finally, the class label of test pixel can be directly determined with minimum reconstruction error between the reconstruction matrix and its approximation. The advantages of this algorithm lie in the development of complete neighborhood and homogeneous pixels to share a common sparsity pattern, and it is able to achieve more flexible joint sparse coding of spectral-spatial information. Experimental results on three real hyperspectral datasets show that the proposed joint sparse model can achieve better performance than a series of excellent sparse classification methods and superpixels-based classification methods.

Algorithm of Face Region Detection in the TV Color Background Image (TV컬러 배경영상에서 얼굴영역 검출 알고리즘)

  • Lee, Joo-Shin
    • Journal of Advanced Navigation Technology
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.672-679
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    • 2011
  • In this paper, detection algorithm of face region based on skin color of in the TV images is proposed. In the first, reference image is set to the sampled skin color, and then the extracted of face region is candidated using the Euclidean distance between the pixels of TV image. The eye image is detected by using the mean value and standard deviation of the component forming color difference between Y and C through the conversion of RGB color into CMY color model. Detecting the lips image is calculated by utilizing Q component through the conversion of RGB color model into YIQ color space. The detection of the face region is extracted using basis of knowledge by doing logical calculation of the eye image and lips image. To testify the proposed method, some experiments are performed using front color image down loaded from TV color image. Experimental results showed that face region can be detected in both case of the irrespective location & size of the human face.

Lab Color Space based Rice Yield Prediction using Low Altitude UAV Field Image

  • Reza, Md Nasim;Na, Inseop;Baek, Sunwook;Lee, In;Lee, Kyeonghwan
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society for Agricultural Machinery Conference
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    • 2017.04a
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    • pp.42-42
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    • 2017
  • Prediction of rice yield during a growing season would be very helpful to magnify rice yield as it also allows better farm practices to maximize yield with greater profit and lesser costs. UAV imagery based automatic detection of rice can be a relevant solution for early prediction of yield. So, we propose an image processing technique to predict rice yield using low altitude UAV images. We proposed $L^*a^*b^*$ color space based image segmentation algorithm. All images were captured using UAV mounted RGB camera. The proposed algorithm was developed to find out rice grain area from the image background. We took RGB image and applied filter to remove noise and converted RGB image to $L^*a^*b^*$ color space. All color information contain in both $a^*$ and $b^*$ layers and by using k-mean clustering classification of these colors were executed. Variation between two colors can be measured and labelling of pixels was completed by cluster index. Image was finally segmented using color. The proposed method showed that rice grain could be segmented and we can recognize rice grains from the UAV images. We can analyze grain areas and by estimating area and volume we could predict rice yield.

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Depth Upsampler Using Color and Depth Weight (색상정보와 깊이정보 가중치를 이용한 깊이영상 업샘플러)

  • Shin, Soo-Yeon;Kim, Dong-Myung;Suh, Jae-Won
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.16 no.7
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    • pp.431-438
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    • 2016
  • In this paper, we present an upsampling technique for depth map image using color and depth weights. First, we construct a high-resolution image using the bilinear interpolation technique. Next, we detect a common edge region using RGB color space, HSV color space, and depth image. If an interpolated pixel belongs to the common edge region, we calculate weighting values of color and depth in $3{\times}3$ neighboring pixels and compute the cost value to determine the boundary pixel value. Finally, the pixel value having minimum cost is determined as the pixel value of the high-resolution depth image. Simulation results show that the proposed algorithm achieves good performance in terns of PSNR comparison and subjective visual quality.

Efficient Color Image Segmentation using SOM and Grassfire Algorithm (SOM과 grassfire 기법을 이용한 효율적인 컬러 영상 분할)

  • Hwang, Young-Chul;Cha, Eui-Young
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2008.08a
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    • pp.142-145
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    • 2008
  • This paper proposes a computationally efficient algorithm for color image segmentation using self-organizing map(SOM) and grassfire algorithm. We reduce a computation time by decreasing the number of input neuron and input data which is used for learning at SOM. First converting input image to CIE $L^*u^*v^*$ color space and run the learning stage with the SOM-input neuron size is three and output neuron structure is 4by4 or 5by5. After learning, compute output value correspondent with input pixel and merge adjacent pixels which have same output value into segment using grassfire algorithm. The experimental results with various images show that proposed method lead to a good segmentation results than others.

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Region-based Multi-level Thresholding for Color Image Segmentation (영역 기반의 Multi-level Thresholding에 의한 컬러 영상 분할)

  • Oh, Jun-Taek;Kim, Wook-Hyun
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea SP
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    • v.43 no.6 s.312
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    • pp.20-27
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    • 2006
  • Multi-level thresholding is a method that is widely used in image segmentation. However most of the existing methods are not suited to be directly used in applicable fields and moreover expanded until a step of image segmentation. This paper proposes region-based multi-level thresholding as an image segmentation method. At first we classify pixels of each color channel to two clusters by using EWFCM(Entropy-based Weighted Fuzzy C-Means) algorithm that is an improved FCM algorithm with spatial information between pixels. To obtain better segmentation results, a reduction of clusters is then performed by a region-based reclassification step based on a similarity between regions existing in a cluster and the other clusters. The clusters are created using the classification information of pixels according to color channel. We finally perform a region merging by Bayesian algorithm based on Kullback-Leibler distance between a region and the neighboring regions as a post-processing method as many regions still exist in image. Experiments show that region-based multi-level thresholding is superior to cluster-, pixel-based multi-level thresholding, and the existing mettled. And much better segmentation results are obtained by the post-processing method.

Study of Tongue Color Histogram in Elderly People with Evacuation Disorder (대변장애를 주증으로 하는 고령자의 혀 색상 히스토그램 특성 연구)

  • Jung, Chang Jin;Kim, JI Hye;Nam, Ji Ho;Jeon, Young Ju;Kim, Keun Ho
    • Journal of Physiology & Pathology in Korean Medicine
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    • v.27 no.5
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    • pp.683-687
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    • 2013
  • Evacuation disorder(ED) is frequently observed in the elderly people. In this study, we investigated the tongue color properties in the elderly. 327 subjects were participated in this study and classified into normal group (n=95) and ED group (n=23) by two Korean Oriental Medicine doctors. The tongue images were acquired by using computerized tongue diagnosis system, and its color were linearly corrected base on CIE $L^*a^*b^*$ values of 12 color samples. The tongue region was segmented from acquired image and divided into two regions along the vertical direction. In order to estimate color properties of the tongue, a color histogram was calculated for the root region based on the CIE $L^*$ and $a^*$ values, and differences of color histogram values between normal and ED groups were computed based on the Mann-Whitney U test. As results, pixels corresponding to typical colors of the pale tongue and thin tongue coating were significantly more distributed in ED than those in normal group(p<0.05). The tongue color of the root region in ED was revealed to be different from those in healthy subjects.

Role of linking parameters in Pulse-Coupled Neural Network for face detection

  • Lim, Young-Wan;Na, Jin-Hee;Choi, Jin-Young
    • 제어로봇시스템학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2004.08a
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    • pp.1048-1052
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    • 2004
  • In this work, we have investigated a role of linking parameter in Pulse-Coupled Neural Network(PCNN) which is suggested to explain the synchronous activities among neurons in the cat cortex. Then we have found a method to determine the linking parameter for a satisfactory face detection performance in a given color image. Face detection algorithm which uses the color information is independent on pose, size and obstruction of a face. But the use of color information encounters some problems arising from skin-tone color in the background, intensity variation within faces, and presence of random noise and so on. Depending on these conditions, PCNN's linking parameters should be selected an appropriate values. First we obtained the mean and variance of the skin-tone colors by experiments. Then, we introduced a preprocess that the pixel with a mean value of skin-tone colors has the highest level value (255) and the other pixels have values between 0 and 255 according to normal distribution with a variance. This preprocessing leads to an easy decision of the linking parameter of the Pulse-Coupled Neural Network. Through experiments, it is verified that the proposed method can improve the face detection performance compared to the existing methods.

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Visual Saliency Detection Based on color Frequency Features under Bayesian framework

  • Ayoub, Naeem;Gao, Zhenguo;Chen, Danjie;Tobji, Rachida;Yao, Nianmin
    • KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS)
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.676-692
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    • 2018
  • Saliency detection in neurobiology is a vehement research during the last few years, several cognitive and interactive systems are designed to simulate saliency model (an attentional mechanism, which focuses on the worthiest part in the image). In this paper, a bottom up saliency detection model is proposed by taking into account the color and luminance frequency features of RGB, CIE $L^*a^*b^*$ color space of the image. We employ low-level features of image and apply band pass filter to estimate and highlight salient region. We compute the likelihood probability by applying Bayesian framework at pixels. Experiments on two publically available datasets (MSRA and SED2) show that our saliency model performs better as compared to the ten state of the art algorithms by achieving higher precision, better recall and F-Measure.