• Title/Summary/Keyword: Coast line

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Discharge Computation in Natural Rivers Using Chiu's Velocity Distribution and Estimation of Maximum Velocity (자연하천에서 Chiu의 유속분포와 최대유속 추정을 이용한 유량산정)

  • Kim, Chang-Wan;Lee, Min-Ho;Yoo, Dong-Hoon;Jung, Sung-Won
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.41 no.6
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    • pp.575-585
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    • 2008
  • It is essential to obtain accurate and highly reliable streamflow data for water resources planning, evaluation and management as well as design of hydraulic structures. A new discharge computation method proposed in this research uses Chiu's velocity distribution and estimation of maximum velocity. This method shows acceptable channel discharges comparing these by the exiting velocity-area method. When velocity-area method is used, it is required to observe velocities at every specified point and vertical line using a velocity meter like Price-AA. If the method proposed in this research, is used, however it is not necessary to observe all point velocities needed in the velocity-area method. But this method can not be applied for the cases of very complex and strongly asymmetric channel cross-sections because Chiu's velocity distribution using entropy concept may be quite biased from that of natural rivers.

A Pilot Project on Producing Topographic Map Using Medium Resolution Satellite Image (중해상도 위성영상을 이용한 지도제작 시험연구)

  • 박희주;한상득;안기원;박병욱
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.373-383
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    • 2001
  • This study conducted pilot mapping project to know the possibility of mapping with medium resolution satellite imageries. For this purpose, mapping experiments were conducted with each stereo model imageries of SPOT, KOMPSAT, and IRS- lC. And positional accuracy, analysis of detectable and describable features, and comparison with existing digital map were checked, possible mapping scale and cost analysis were conducted with these results. Regarding SPOT imagery, digital photogrammetric workstation was used for stereoplotting. Regarding KOMPSAT and IRS-lC imageries, because there were data format support problems. head-up digitizing was performed with ortho imageries rectified with DEMs generated by image matching. The results of experiments show that such features as wide road, river, coast line, etc are possible to detect and depict but many other features are not for SPOT, KOMPSAT, and IRS-lC imageries. On the aspect of mapping, therefore, SPOT is available for 1/50,000 topographic map revision, KOMPSAT and IRS-lC for 1/25.000 topographic map revision.

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Gravity Survey on the Subsurface Structure between Waekwan-Pohang in Kyoungsang Basin (중력탐사(重力探査)에 의(依)한 경상층군내(慶尙層群內) 왜관(倭館)-포항간(浦項間)의 지하구조(地下構造) 연구(硏究))

  • Min, Kyung Duck;Chung, Chong Dae
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.321-329
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    • 1985
  • The gravity measurement has been conducted at 113 stations with an interval of about 1km along the national road of about 120km running from Busangdong to Pohang through Waekwan, Daegu, Youngchun and Aankang. The subsurface geology and structure along the survey line is interpreted from Bouguer anomaly by applying Fourier method and Talwani method for two dimensional body. The mean depth of Moho discontinuity is 31.4km, and the depth decreases very slowly from inner continent toward east coast. The depth of Conrad discontinuity increases from 11km at the east coastal area to 17km at the inner continental area, and especially increases rapidly in the area between Waekwan to Busangdong. The depth of basement of Kyoungsang Basin inereases from near Waekwan toward Daegu upto about 4. 8km, and increases rapidly to reach the maximum depth of about 8.5km at 8km east of Daegu. But it starts to decrease from the place of 10km west of Youngchun, and is about 7.2km at Youngchun and about 6km at 6km east of Youngchun. The depth starts to increase smoothly beyond this point, and is 7km at 15km east of Youngchun. From this point, the depth starts to decrease again, and is about 3.8km at Ankang. The depth of basement of Pohang Basin is 500m at Pohang and about 650m at 5km west of Pohang. A massive granite body which is considered to be a part of Palgongsan Granite exposed at the depth of 1. 5km at 9km west of Youngchun. Another massive granite body is situated underneath the Pohang Basin at depth of 1.5 to 2km, and sedimentary rocks of Kyoungsang Group and volcanic rocks are distributed between Pohang Basin and this granite body. Finally, Yangsan Fault is identified at about 2.5km east of Ankang.

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The Kwinana Shoreline Fumigation Experiment in Western Australia, Australia

  • Yoon, I.H.;Sawford, B.L;Manins, P.C.
    • Proceedings of the Korean Environmental Sciences Society Conference
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    • 1996.04a
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    • pp.22-22
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    • 1996
  • ;The Kwinana Shoreline Fumigation Experiment(KSFE) took place in Fremantle, WA, Australia between 23 January and 8 February, 1995. All measurement systems performed to expectation. The CSIRO DAR(Division of Atmospheric Research) LIDAR measured plume sections from near the Kwinana Power Station(KPS) stacks to up to about 5 km downstream. It also measured boundary layer aerosols and the structure of the boundary layer on some occasions. Both stages A and C of KPS were used as tracers at different times. Radiosonde and double theodolite sounding systems measured temperature, humidity, air pressure and wind structure at the coast(Woodman Point) and at the inland(ALCOA residue dump) site at intervals of roughly two hours. These were supplemented by mid afternoon soundings(radiosonde and single theodolite) by Department of Environmental Protection(DEP) at Swanbourne. The Flinders aircraft measured wind, turbulence and temperature structure of the atmospheric boundary layer, concentrations of $C0_2,\;0_3,\;S0_2\;and\;NO_x$ in the smoke plumes and surface radiation over both land and sea. CSIRO DCET(Division of Coal and Energy Technology) vehicle successfully interceptde many smoke plumes and using a range of tracers will be able to identify the various sources much of the time. Routine data from the DEP and Kwinana Industrial Council(KIC) air quality monitoring networks were also automatically logged. Murdoch University measured surface heat flux at Hope Valldy monitoring station and also at Wattleup monitoring station for the last five days. The heart of the LIDAR system is a Neodymium-doped Yttrium-aluminumgarnet(Nd:Y AG) laser operating at a fundamental wavelength of 1064 nm, with harmonics fo 532 nm and 355 nm. A small fraction of the laser beam is scattered back to the LIDAR, collected by a telescope and detedted by a photomultiplier tube. The intensity of the signal as a function of time is a measure of the particle concentration as a function of distance along the line of the laser shot. The results of nine days special field observations are summarized in detail.etail.

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An Exploratory Study on the Ecosystem Service and Benefit Indicators of Natural Seaweed Beds (천연 해조장 생태계 서비스 및 편익지표에 관한 탐색적 연구)

  • Kang, Seok-Kyu
    • The Journal of Fisheries Business Administration
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    • v.47 no.3
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    • pp.53-69
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    • 2016
  • The purpose of this study is to explore the ecosystem service and benefit indicators of natural seaweed beds. Ecosystems of natural seaweed beds provide a wide range of services and benefits to human society including provisioning services, regulating services, supporting services, and cultural services. Indicators for each of the ecosystem services are chosen by marine plants ecologists and as follows. Ecosystem indicators of natural seaweed beds for provisioning services are well-being food(amount of seaweed harvested/amount of fish landed, fish biomass, area of natural seaweed beds, the number of species, contribution to the second production), raw materials(amount of biomass by breed, amount of aquaculture feed), genetic resources(amount of genetic material extracted, amount of genetic material contained by age and habitat), and medicinal resources(amount of medicinal material extracted). Ecosystem indicators of natural seaweed beds for regulating services are air purification(amount of fine dust/NOx or $SO_2$ captured), climate regulation(amount of $CO_2$ sequestered), waste treatment(amount of N, P stored, biochemical degradation capacity COD), and costal erosion prevention(length and change of natural coast line, amount of sediment prevented). Ecosystem indicators of natural seaweed beds for supporting services are lifecycle and maintenance(primary production, contribution to the second production) and gene pool protection(amount of compositional factors in ecosystem, introduced species). Ecosystem indicators of natural seaweed beds for cultural services are recreation and tourism(the number of visits of an area) and information for cognitive development(amount of time spent in education, research and individual learning about ecosystem of natural seaweed beds).

A Case Study on a Way of Improving the Grand Alliance Container Service Route by Incorporating Dedicated Feeders - Focusing on 'Far East-West Coast of North America' Route - (전용 피더 서비스 연계를 통한 Grand Alliance 컨테이너 서비스 항로의 운영 개선에 관한 사례 연구: '극동-북미서안' 컨테이너 서비스 항로를 중심으로)

  • Kim, Woo-Jin;Shin, Jeong-Hoon;Chang, Myung-Hee
    • Journal of Navigation and Port Research
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    • v.36 no.5
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    • pp.409-418
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    • 2012
  • Amid global economic crisis and skyrocketing oil prices, container shipping companies have raised a sustained series of efforts to reduce vessel operating costs. Under these circumstances, the Grand Alliance has decided to install the dedicated feeder instead of additional vessels in the CCX(Central China Express) and the NCE(North China Express) route. In other words, a vessel in a trunk route is transshiped by a dedicated feeder vessel in Busan port that is a transshipment port, rather than calling at Northen China port. In this study, the actual operating data of Grand Alliance container services were analyzed to determine the economic effect of transshipment through a dedicated feeder service. In this way, the Grand Alliance are saving vessel operating expenses in 'NCE' and 'CCX' routes, making the slow steaming of vessels possible in these trunk routes.

Study to Select a Strategic Fisheries for the Encouragement of a Long Term Planning Project in the Korean Fishing Industry. (한국어업의 장기적 진흥계획을 위한 전략 업종 선정에 관한 연구)

  • 장수호
    • The Journal of Fisheries Business Administration
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.19-68
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    • 1970
  • This is a study of a long term project to encourage the Korean fishing industry. It seeks to supply a sound theoretical background in an attempt to liberalize the capital investment of the industry. However, the discussions developed in this thesis are based on, the existing world's fisheries resources, the possibility of their prospective cultivation, and the analysis of the evolution of Korean fisheries and fisheries organization. According to the reasults of the analysis ; out of the prospective world fisheries resources which are estimated at about 200 millions m/t the total yield per year is only about 70 millions m/t (1969), and Korea occupies only 850 thousands m/t. This therefore means that the Korean fishing industry allows much room for further growth. But the purpose of Korea's existing fishing industry organizations is entirely directed toword coastal fisheries and their functions never reache beyond the limit of off-shore fisheries. Thus almost 99% of the fisheries population engage in small scale fisheries along the coast line. The result is that the resource are almost exhausted by such over-exploitation. Being faced by this fact, it is of urgent necessity to modernize the management of fisheries as well as to encourage larger scale management of fisheries industries. This should be accompanied by the liberalization of capital investment. For this purpose this study also recommends the unification or annexation of small organizations to establish larger ones that will function for a larger scale industry. and further this study recommends that, in order to reorganize the existing fisheries organizations, a principle of selection should be applied in the areas of (1) maximum sustainable yields, (2) the possibility of forming an enterprise and (3) the maintenance of organization stability.

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Distribution and Composition of Marine Debris on the Sea Bed around the Busan Port (부산항 부근 해역의 해저폐기물 분포에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Min-Seok;Lee, Jong-Mun;Kim, Jong-Hwa;Kang, Il-Kwon
    • Journal of Fisheries and Marine Sciences Education
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.236-243
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    • 2006
  • A series of surveys are performed to evaluate the abundance, composition and distribution of marine debris on the sea bed around the Busan port. In order to set up a master plan for the marine environmental pollution the relevant maritime authority must understand how many and w㏊t kinds of marine litters are distributed on the sea bed. At first we planed to survey areas divided regularly according to the coast line but there were many sea going vessels and fishing boats. So we selected and surveyed the around area where there were no sea going vessels or fishing boats.The obtained results are as follows: 1. The mean values of litters in number and weight are 5.8 pieces/㏊. and 3.5㎏/㏊. respectively. 2. The highest density in terms of number are vinyl and plastic item, and in weight are fishing gear and ship articles. 3. The nearer to the shore we surveyed the more we collected in terms of the density of marine litters in number and in weight per hectare. 4. Eel pot, oiled waste, rope, others, other pot and net of fishing gear litters in number were 59.9, 22.7, 7.9, 4.5, 3.1 and 1.9% respectively. 5. There is no relationship between the amount of fish caught and the amount of marine debris.

Analysis of Geomorphological Changes using RS and GIS techniques in Shinduri coastal dunefield (원격탐사와 GIS 기법을 이용한 신두리 해안사구지대의 지형변화 분석)

  • Seo, Jong-Cheol
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.98-109
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    • 2002
  • The long term land-cover changes and the pattern of morphological changes in foredune ridges and unvegetated dunes were investigated for about 30 years through analysing aerial photographs in Shinduri coastal dunefield, Korea. As a result, forested dune area increased while unvegetated dune area decreased continuously since 1967. Foredune ridges retreated landward about 80m away from the former coast-line in the middle part while they advanced seaward after construction of dike in the northern part during last 3 decades. Unvegetated dunes in the middle part of the dunefield were eroded at seaward side and moved landward away. These facts mean not only coastal dune area has been affected by man-made effects such as afforestation and coastal developments but also shinduri coastal dune area has been stabilized by plants and has been negative sediment budget.

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Classification of the damaged areas in the DMZ (demilitarized zone) using high-resolution satellite images and climate and topography data (고해상도 위성영상 및 기후·지형 데이터를 이용한 DMZ 불모지의 유형화)

  • Lee, Ah-Young;Shin, Hyun-Tak;Bak, Gi-Ppeum;Jung, Ji-Young;Sung, Chan-Yong
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Restoration Technology
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.1-14
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    • 2020
  • In this study, we 1) identified the damaged areas along the south limit line (SLL) of the demilitarized zone (DMZ) by the military's 'DMZ barren land campaign', and 2) categorized the identified damaged areas into a few ecological types. Using high-resolution satellite images, we delineated the total damaged areas to be 1,183.2 ha, which accounted for 50.1% of the 100-m northern buffer regions from the SLL. Of the total damaged areas, 16% were severely damaged, i.e., they had been damaged until recently and so remained barren without vegetation cover. In other areas, the levels of damage were either moderate (59.9%) or slight (24.1%), due to natural succession that turned those areas to grassland or forest. Using satellite image-derived land cover maps and climatic and topographic data, we categorized the damaged areas into seven types: lowland grassland (19.8%), western lowland forest (21.4%), low-altitude forest (25.5%), mid-altitude forest (18.4%), high-altitude forest (6.8%), vicinity in east coast (7.9%), and waterbody (0.2%). These types can be used to identify proper measures to restore ecosystems in the DMZ for now and after Korean reunification.