• 제목/요약/키워드: Co-gasification

검색결과 237건 처리시간 0.039초

인도네시아 갈탄의 촤-CO2 촉매가스화 반응특성연구 (Kinetic Study on Char-CO2 Catalytic Gasification of an Indonesian lignite)

  • 이도균;김상겸;황순철;이시훈;이영우
    • Korean Chemical Engineering Research
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    • 제52권4호
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    • pp.544-552
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    • 2014
  • 본 연구는 인도네시아 갈탄인 로토(Roto) 탄의 촤(char)-$CO_2$ 촉매가스화 kinetic 분석을 열중량분석기(thermogravimetric analysis, TGA)를 이용하여 수행하였다. 촉매는 $Na_2CO_3$, $K_2CO_3$, $CaCO_3$ 및 천연광물 촉매로 dolomite을 선정하였으며, 석탄과 촉매의 물리적 혼합을 통하여 촤를 제조하였다. 촤-$CO_2$ 촉매가스화반응은 $850^{\circ}C$에서 $CO_2$ 농도가 60 vol%, 촉매 함량은 $Na_2CO_3$를 7 wt% 혼합할 때 가장 빠른 탄소전환율을 보여주었다. $750{\sim}900^{\circ}C$ 등온조건에서 촤-$CO_2$ 촉매 가스화 반응결과, 온도가 증가할수록 탄소전환율 속도가 빨라졌으며, 기-고체 반응모델 shrinking core model(SCM), volumetric reaction model(VRM), modified volumetric reaction model(MVRM)을 실험결과에 적용하였을 때, MVRM 이 로토 탄의 가스화반응 거동을 잘 예측하였다. 특히 Arrhenius plot을 통한 활성화에너지는 $Na_2CO_3$$K_2CO_3$를 혼합한 촤의 활성화에너지가 각각 67.03~77.09 kJ/mol, 53.14~67.99 kJ/mol으로 우수한 촉매 활성을 보여주었다.

목질(木質) 폐재(廢材)의 열(熱)-화학적(化學的) 방법에 의한 메틸알콜과 대체(代替)에너지 가스의 합성(合成)(I) - 알카리염(鹽)을 촉매로 사용한 톱밥, 볏집 그리고 왕겨의 열화학적(熱化學的) 분해(分解) - (Synthesis of Methyl Alcohol and Alternative Gases for Petroleum by Thermochemical Gasification of Waste Lignocellulosic Materials (I) - Thermochemical Conversion of Sawdust, Ricestraw and Ricehusk Using Alkali Salts as Catalyst -)

  • 이병근
    • Journal of the Korean Wood Science and Technology
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    • 제14권2호
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    • pp.21-28
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    • 1986
  • 목질물질(木質物質)인 톱밥, 볏짚 그리고 왕겨를 열분해(熱分解)하여 기상물질(氣相物質)을 합성(合成)하기 위해, 석영으로 설계 제작된 반응탑(反應塔)을 사용하였다. 최초의 반응온도 350$^{\circ}C$로부터 열분해(熱分解)와 gasification 반응(反應)이 완결된다고 예상되는 550$^{\circ}C$까지 가열하였다. 촉매가 반응온도에 어떤 영향을 미치는지 조사하기 위해 $K_2CO_3$$Na_2CO_3$를 촉매로 사용하였다. 합성(合成) gas chromatograph와 mass spectrometer에 의해 CO, $CO_2$, $CH_4$ 그리고 $CH_3CHO$등인 것으로 판명되었다. 합성(合成) gas의 수율(收率)과 조성(組成)은 반응온도(反應溫度)와 이 반응에 사용되는 촉매에 달려있지만, 톱밥을 시료(試料)로 반응온도 550$^{\circ}C$, $K_2CO_3$를 촉매로 사용한 반응(反應)에서 생성되는 gas 체적(體積)은 1,800$m{\ell}$/g 톱밥에 달한다.

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가압하에서 인도네시아 아역청탄촤의 $CO_2$ 가스화 반응성에 관한 실헙적 연구 (Gasification Kinetics of an Indonesian Subbituminous Coal Char Reactivity with $CO_2$at Elevated Pressure)

  • 안달홍;고경호;이종민;주용진;김종진
    • 에너지공학
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    • 제10권3호
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    • pp.206-213
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    • 2001
  • 가압분류층반응기(PDTF)를 이용하여 가압하에서 인도네시아 아역청탄촤의 $CO_2$, 가스화 반응성을 연구하였다. 가스화온도(900~140$0^{\circ}C$), 이산화탄소분압 (0.1-0.5MPa) 및 시스템전압(0.5, 0.7, 1.0 및 1.5MPa)이 촤-$CO_2$반응율에 미치는 영향을 결정하였다. 동일한 $CO_2$, 분압과 온도조건하에서도 가스화반응속도(gasification rate)는 시스템전압에 따라 영향을 받는 것이 발견되었다. 시스템압력이 변화하는 조건하에서의 가스화반응속도을 모사하기 위하여 n차반응속토식 R=k$P^{n}$ $_{gas}$에 시스템전압항을 추가하여 R=k$P^{n}$ $_{gas}$ $P^{m}$ $_{total}$ 으로 수정하였다. 고온가압하에서의 인도네시아 아역청탄촤-$CO_2$ 가스화반응율은 dX/dt=(174.1)exp(-71.5/RT) ( $P_{CO2}$)$^{0.40}$( $P_{total}$ )$^{0.65}$(1-X)$^{2}$ 3/로 표현할 수 있을 것이다.것이다.것이다.다.

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파일럿 규모의 폐기물 다단열분해 가스화시스템의 운전특성 (Operating Characteristics of Pilot Scale Multi-Staged Waste Pyrolysis & Gasification System)

  • 이정우;류태우;방병열;문지홍;이재욱;박상신;김낙주
    • 한국신재생에너지학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국신재생에너지학회 2009년도 추계학술대회 논문집
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    • pp.331-335
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    • 2009
  • A novel multi-staged waste pyrolysis & gasification system of pilot scale (~1 ton/day) is designed and constructed in Korea Institute of Industrial Technology. The pyrolysis & gasification system is composed of pyrolysis & gasification system, syngas reformer, syngas cleaning system, gas engine power generation system and co-combustion system. For each unit process, experimental approaches have been conducted to find optimal design and operating conditions. As a result, We can produce syngas with a calorific value of ~4000 kcal/$Nm^3$ and cold gas efficiency of the system is more than 55 % in case of waste plastic and oxygen as a gasifying agent.

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석탄 합성가스 제조를 위한 pilot급 가스화 시스템 운전특성 (Operation Characteristics of Pilot-Scale Gasification System for Coal Syngas Production)

  • 정석우;정우현;이승종;윤용승
    • 신재생에너지
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    • 제3권4호
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    • pp.90-97
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    • 2007
  • Gasification has been regarded as a very important technology to decrease environmental pollution and to obtain higher efficiency. The coal gasification process converts carbon containing coal into a syngas, composed primarily of CO and $H_2$. And the coal syngas can be used as a source for power generation or chemical material production. This paper illustrates the opeartion characteristics and results of pilot-scale coal syngas production facilities. The entrained-bed pilot scale coal gasifier was operated normally in the temperature range of $1,300{\sim}1,400^{\circ}C,\;2{\sim}3kg/cm^2$ pressure. And Indonesian KPC coal produced syngas that has a composition of $46{\sim}54%\;CO,\;20{\sim}26%\;H_2,\;and\;5{\sim}8%\;CO_2$.

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주물용 코우크스와 무연괴탄의 가스화 반응과 강도에 관한 연구 (A Study on Gasification Reaction and Strength of Foundry Coke and Lump Anthracite Coal)

  • 조남돈;김종훈
    • 한국주조공학회지
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    • 제9권3호
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    • pp.247-256
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    • 1989
  • The gasification reaction rates by $CO_2$ in $CO/CO_2/N_2$ of various compositions in the temperature range of $900-1200^{\circ}C$ were measured for foundry coke and anthracite lump. The data for the rates was analyzed with Langmuir-Hinshelwood rate equations for the gasification of carbonaceous specimens. The values of the apparent activation energies of the reactions obtained from these data were ranged to be 47-99 and 73-128Kcal/mol respectively for foundry coke and for anthracite lump. The major contribution to decrease in tensile strength was shown to be attributable to the enlarging of the macropores in the coke and that of crack in the anthracite lump. Under the same experiment of the gasification of foundry coke, the rate of form coke was increasing as the addition of $Fe_2O_3$ increases.

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석탄 합성가스 제조를 위한 pilot급 가스화 시스템 운전특성 (Operation Characteristics of Pilot-Scale Gasification System for Coal Syngas Production)

  • 정석우;정우현;이승종;윤용승
    • 한국신재생에너지학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국신재생에너지학회 2007년도 추계학술대회 논문집
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    • pp.429-432
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    • 2007
  • Gasification has been regarded as a very important technology to decrease environmental pollution and to obtain higher efficiency, The coal gasification process converts carbon containing coal into a syngas, composed primarily of CO and $H_2$. And the coal syngas can be used as a source for power generation or chemical material production. This paper illustrates the operation characteristics and results of pilot-scale coal syngas production facilities. The entrained-bed pilot scale coal gasifier was operated normally in the temperature range of $1,300{\sim}1,400^{\cdot}C$, $2{\sim}3kg/cm^2$ pressure. And Indonesian KPC coal produced syngas that has a composition of $46{\sim}54$% CO, $20{\sim}26$% $H_2$, and $5{\sim}8$% $CO_2$.

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분류층 건식 석탄가스화기에서의 가스화 특성 (Gasification characteristics in an entrained flow coal gasifier)

  • 유영돈;윤용승;안달홍;박호영
    • 대한기계학회논문집B
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    • 제21권12호
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    • pp.1690-1700
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    • 1997
  • Entrained coal gasification tests with Datong coal were performed to assess the influence of oxygen/coal ration and pressure. When gasification condition in oxygen/coal ratio has changed from 0.5 to 1.0, optimal gasification condition from low pressure runs was oxygen/coal ratio of approximately 0.9 where CO was produced about 40% and H, about 20%. Under the pressure condition of 12-14 atmospheres, optimal oxygen/coal ratio value was in the region of 0.6 where CO was produced about 55% and H2about 25%. From these results, it was found that the oxygen/ coal ratio for the maximum production of CO and H, was decreasing with the increase in gasifier pressure and also, with increasing oxygen content, carbon conversion was increased. For the Chinese Datong coal, cold gas efficiency was in the range of 40-80%.

석탄가스화 화학반응의 기본 특성 분석 연구 (Characteristics of Chemical Reactions in Coal Gasification Processes)

  • 백승철;손정락;송성진
    • 대한기계학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 대한기계학회 2008년도 추계학술대회B
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    • pp.3125-3130
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    • 2008
  • Coal is one of the most abundant and cheapest energy sources in the earth, but its typical combustion product, $CO_2$, is related with serious recent environmental issues such as global warming. The Integrated Coal Gasification Combined Cycle (IGCC) with $CO_2$ sequestration is one of the most promising options to produce electricity using a relatively cheap fuel (coal) with minimum impact on environment. In IGCC power generation systems, some chemical reactions are required to gasify coal to produce syngases such as $H_2$ and CO, which would be burnt in the combustor to produce heat for power generation, with a penalty of additional energy consumption. In this paper, several chemical reactions for the gasification of coal are considered and their characteristics are investigated.

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연속식 가스화로를 이용한 목질계 바이오매스 이산화탄소 가스화 연구 (Study on a Carbon Dioxide Gasification for Wood Biomass using a Continuous Gasifier)

  • 박민성;장유운;장유경;전영남
    • 대한환경공학회지
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    • 제36권10호
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    • pp.704-710
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    • 2014
  • 바이오매스는 지구온난화에 중요한 기여자인 이산화탄소와 같은 온실가스를 해결할 수 있는 대체에너지로 간주된다. 또한 바이오매스 에너지는 열화학적 전환 공정을 통해 다양한 형태로 전환된다. 본 연구에서는 목질계 바이오매스의 가스화를 위해 연속식 가스화기를 제작하였다. 목질계 바이오매스는 폐목재를 사용하였다. 이산화탄소 가스화 실험은 가스화 온도, 함수율 그리고 주입 이산화탄소 농도 변화에 따라 진행하였다. 실험결과는 가스화 온도가 증가함에 따라 생성가스 발생량이 증가함을 보였다. 경질타르는 중질타르의 열적 분해에 의해 증가되었고, 주사현미경 분석을 통해 촤 세공형성이 발달되는 것을 확인하였다. 일산화탄소 농도는 부다 반응에 의해 이산화탄소 주입농도 증가함에 따라 증가하였다. 변수별 실험에 의해, 최적 실험 조건에서 수소와 일산화탄소는 32.91%와 48.33%가 생성되었다.