• 제목/요약/키워드: Clinical Factors

검색결과 6,818건 처리시간 0.031초

임상실습을 경험한 응급구조(학)과 학생의 임파워먼트 관련 요인 (Factors related to empowerment of paramedic students who experienced clinical practice)

  • 송서영;한미아
    • 한국응급구조학회지
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    • 제20권1호
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    • pp.17-30
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    • 2016
  • Purpose: This study investigated factors related to empowerment of paramedic students. Methods: A total of 208 students in the department of emergency medical services who experienced clinical practice at 5 universities were selected by convenience sampling methods. Differences in empowerment by general and major-related characteristics were evaluated using a t-test and analysis of variance. The association between satisfaction with clinical practice and empowerment was tested using correlation coefficients. Multiple linear regression analysis was performed to investigate the factors associated with empowerment. Results: The levels of overall satisfaction with clinical practice and empowerment were 107.48 and 99.46, respectively. In simple analysis, empowerment level was associated with general characteristics, major-related characteristics, characteristics of clinical practice, and satisfaction with clinical practice. Empowerment level was significantly higher in older subjects (${\beta}=5.282$, p = .023), subjects with very good (${\beta}=8.487$, p = .002) or fair (${\beta}=4.879$, p = .010) subjective health status, and high subjective school record (${\beta}=5.837$, p = .008) in multiple linear regression analysis. Satisfaction with clinical practice was positively associated with empowerment (${\beta}=0.250$, p < .001). Conclusion: Empowerment was associated with major-related factors and satisfaction with clinical practice. Increased satisfaction with clinical practice could positively influence empowerment for paramedic students.

일 종합병원 입원환자의 진료과별 낙상특성 및 위험요인 (Fall Risk Factors and Characteristics of an Acute Hospital Setting across Clinical Departments)

  • 장인실;이순교
    • 기본간호학회지
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    • 제21권3호
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    • pp.264-274
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    • 2014
  • Purpose: This study was done to determine inpatient fall rates in an acute hospital setting and to explore risk factors and characteristics across clinical departments. Methods: The medical records and standardized fall reports of 416 patients admitted between January 1 and December 31, 2012 were reviewed. Descriptive statistics and statistical tests were used, including: t-test, ${\chi}^2$-test, ANOVA. Results: The total fall rate per 1,000 inpatient days was 0.49. Fall rate, fall risk factors and characteristics such as age, type of fallers and mean MFS (Morse Fall Scale) differed significantly among clinical departments. Conclusions: The analysis results show that the fall rates, fall risk factors and characteristics of acute hospital inpatient falls varied significantly across clinical departments. The findings of this study suggest that hospitals should consider differences in fall related characteristics across clinical departments when implementation fall prevention strategies and interventions.

노년기 직전 중년여성의 근감소증에 영향을 미치는 인체측정치 및 임상 관련 위험요소 연구 (Anthropometric and Clinical Risk Factors for Sarcopenia in Pre-Senescence Middle-Aged Women)

  • 황종석;박순지
    • 대한통합의학회지
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    • 제12권4호
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    • pp.181-188
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    • 2024
  • Purpose : This study aimed to identify specific anthropometric and clinical risk factors that could predict age-related sarcopenia in pre-senescence middle-aged community dwelling women. Methods : We analyzed data from a cross-sectional study involving 2,696 community-dwelling women aged 50 to 64. To ensure national representativeness, we employed complex sampling analysis using individual weights from the Korea national health and nutrition examination survey (KNHANES). This approach accounted for the survey’s stratified, clustered, and multistage probability sampling design. Participants were assessed for sarcopenia. The variables considered were mainly anthropometric and clinical risk factor indicators, including age, height, weight, body mass index, waist circumference, skeletal muscle mass index, drinking status, systolic and diastolic blood pressure, fasting glucose levels, triglycerides, cholesterol levels, and drink status. Results : The analysis identified several significant predictors of sarcopenia. Among the anthropometric risk factors, weight, body mass index (BMI), waist circumference, and skeletal muscle index (SMI) were all significant predictors of sarcopenia (p<.05). In terms of clinical risk factors, triglyceride level was recognized as a significant predictor of sarcopenia (p<.05). In contrast, height, fast glucose, systolic and diastolic blood pressure, and drinking status did not show significant associations with sarcopenia (p>.05). These findings underscore the importance of specific anthropometric factors in predicting sarcopenia in this population. Conclusion : The present study highlights key anthropometric factors and clinical risk factors associated with sarcopenia in pre-senescence middle-aged women. These findings improve our understanding of sarcopenia risk factors, highlighting the importance of anthropometric and clinical measures-including height, BMI, waist circumference, SMI, and triglyceride levels in assessing sarcopenia risk in this age group. This study enhances the current understanding of sarcopenia by identifying key factors linked to its development in middle-aged women.

양극성장애 입원환자에서 항정신병약물치료와 관련된 임상요인 - 리스페리돈과 전형적 항정신병약물과의 비교를 중심으로 - (Clinical Factors Related with Antipsychotics Treatment in Bipolar Inpatients - Comparison of Risperidone and Classical Antipsychotics -)

  • 임세원;이민수;곽동일;정인과
    • 생물정신의학
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    • 제7권1호
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    • pp.99-106
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    • 2000
  • Background : In spite of relative high risk of extrapyramidal side effect and tardive dyskinesia, it is common clinical practice to use antipyschotics in treatment of bipolar I disorder. But in Korea, there has been few study about clinical factors related with antipsychotics treatment in bipolar disorder patients. So the author studied about the clinical factors related with antipsychotics treatment in bipolar inpatients focusing on the comparison of risperidone and classical antipsychotics. Method : By reviewing medical record retrospectively, datas about patient-related, illness-related, and treatment-related clinical factors on antipsychotics use were collected. Association between antipsychotics dose and duration and clinical factors were analysed by statistical method. Results : Aggressive behavior was only statistically significant factor associated with antipsychotics use. And in the case of aggression, maintenance dose of risperidone was not changed(p=0.84), but dose of classical antipsychotics was increased significantly(p=0.005). Total hospital days and antipsychotics treatment duration showed no difference between risperidone and classical antipsychotics treatment groups. Conclusion : Clinical factors associated with antipsychotics use was aggressive behavior. In the case of aggression, risperidone required lesser dose increment compared with classical antipsychotics.

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임상실습교육에서 간호학생의 적극성에 영향을 미치는 요인 (Factors Affecting Nursing Students'Activeness in Clinical Education)

  • 김수미
    • Perspectives in Nursing Science
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    • 제14권1호
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    • pp.32-36
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    • 2017
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study is to analyze the factors influencing students' active practice in clinical nursing education and to find ways to improve them. Methods: In this study, the factors affecting students' practice in nursing clinical practice were reviewed and their opinions were discussed. Results: A limited clinical practice environment, lack of a role model of leading and independent nurse interferes with the active practice of nursing students and negatively affects the image of nurses. On the other hand, semantics that links practice to students'life supports active practice. Conclusion: Clinical practicum educators should actively carry out the role of introducing students to rational of their practice, and arrange meetings with nurses and students who carry out nursing care independently with leadership. In addition, the clinical nursing education should include courses that allow students to discuss the various issues they have in the nursing practice.

처방전달시스템(Order Communication System) 사용자의 직무만족도에 영향을 미치는 요인 (Factors Related to the Satisfaction of User for the Order Communication System)

  • 조성식;장숙진;문대수;천재우;박영진
    • 대한임상검사과학회지
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    • 제37권2호
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    • pp.102-110
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    • 2005
  • The purpose of this study was to examine the factors related to satisfaction of users for the order communication system (OCS). The subjects of this study were 98 clerks at Chosun university hospital. The instruments used for this study were the conveniency and the practical application of the data developed by Lee, the satisfaction level developed by Sea Seang-mi and Kim in-sook. The data was analyzed by using the t-test, ANOVA, Pearson Correlation, Stepwise Multiple Regression with SPSS 10.0 program. The mean scores of the conveniency, the practical application of the data and the satisfaction level of user for the OCS was 3.28, 3.29 and 3.34, respectively. In general characteristics of the respondents, influencing factors to the perceived the conveniency of user for the OCS were gender, career and department. In general characteristics of the respondents, influencing factors to the perceived the practical application of the data of user for the OCS were department. In general, characteristics of the respondents, influencing factors to the perceived the satisfaction level of user for the OCS were gender, career and department. The correlation between the satisfaction level and the practical application of the data were statistically significant. The main factors influencing to the satisfaction level of user for the OCS were the practical application of the data (90.3%). In conclusion, The main factors influencing to the satisfaction level of user for the OCS were the practical application of the data. Therefore, it is recommended that guidebooks of user for the OCS or various OCS programs to promote the satisfaction level of user for the OCS and to improve the satisfaction level of user for the OCS should be developed.

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간호학생의 임상수행능력에 영향을 미치는 요인 (The Influencing Factors on Clinical Competence of Nursing Students)

  • 양진주
    • 한국간호교육학회지
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    • 제15권2호
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    • pp.159-165
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    • 2009
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to identify clinical competence and to analyze influencing factors on clinical competence for second year college nursing students. Methods: The data were collected from 183 students by means of self reported questionnaires with clinical competence, satisfaction of clinical practice experience, critical thinking disposition, and self-directed learning, on June 18th 2007 and June 25th 2008. Results: The influencing factors on clinical competence of nursing students were satisfaction of clinical practice experience and critical thinking disposition. The more adaptable a student's major was, the higher the clinical competence and satisfaction of clinical practice experience. The score of self-directed learning was the highest in the well adapted group of a major. For clinical competence categories, the level of basic nursing was the highest followed by psychosocial nursing, patient education, nursing process, monitoring and patient physical assessment. The level of direct nursing care was the lowest among nursing students. Conclusion: In conclusion, results of this study suggest that constructing a cooperative system between colleges and educational hospitals, intensifying preceptors' and professors' clinical instruction, and developing a multimedia learning module and practice using simulators or standardized patient care is necessary to promote clinical competence of nursing students.

치위생 전공 학생들의 현장실습기관 만족에 영향을 미치는 요인 (Influencing factors on satisfaction of clinical practice field in dental hygiene students)

  • 성미경;황세현;강현경;장경애
    • 한국치위생학회지
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    • 제16권3호
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    • pp.391-399
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    • 2016
  • Objectives: The purpose of the study is to investigate the influencing factors on satisfaction of clinical practice field in dental hygiene students. Methods: A self-reported questionnaire was completed by 273 dental hygiene students in Gyeongnam from September 7 to 25, 2015 after receiving informed consent. Except incomplete answers, 269 data were analyzed. The questionnaire consisted of general characteristics of the subjects, awareness of clinical practice field satisfaction, awareness of clinical practice contents, clinical practice training, awareness of clinical practice field, future plan and behavioral change. The questionnaire was measured by Likert 5 point scale. Results: In clinical practice training, the satisfied group showed a significantly higher score than the unsatisfied group(p<0.001). In future plan and behavior change, the satisfied group showed a significantly higher score than the unsatisfied group(p<0.001). The influencing factors on clinical practice field included awareness of clinical practice field(p<0.001), awareness of clinical practice contents(p<0.001), clinical practice training(p<0.001), and future plan and behavior changes(p<0.01). Conclusions: The influencing factors on satisfaction of clinical practice field included awareness of clinical practice contents and clinical practice training, and future plan and behavioral change. It is important to develop the program for the effective clinical practice to enhance future pland behavioral change for the dental hygiene students.

가정전문간호사의 임상적 의사결정 참여도에 관한 연구 (A Study on Participation in Clinical Decision Making by Home Healthcare Nurses)

  • 김세영
    • 대한간호학회지
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    • 제40권6호
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    • pp.892-902
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    • 2010
  • Purpose: This study was done to identify participation by home healthcare nurses in clinical decision making and factors influencing clinical decision making. Methods: A descriptive survey was used to collect data from 68 home healthcare nurses in 22 hospital-based home healthcare services in Korea. To investigate participation, the researcher developed 3 scenarios through interviews with 5 home healthcare nurses. A self-report questionnaire composed of tools for characteristics, factors of clinical decision making, and participation was used. Results: Participation was relatively high, but significantly lower in the design phase (F=3.51, p=.032). Competency in clinical decision making (r=.45, p<.001), perception of the decision maker role (r=.47, p<.001), and perception of the utility of clinical practice guidelines (r=.25, p=.043) were significantly correlated with participation. Competency in clinical decision making (Odds ratio [OR]=41.79, p=.007) and perception of the decision maker role (OR=15.09, p=.007) were significant factors predicting participation in clinical decision making by home healthcare nurses. Conclusion: In order to encourage participation in clinical decision making, education programs should be provided to home healthcare nurses. Official clinical practice guidelines should be used to support home healthcare nurses’ participation in clinical decision making in cases where they can identify and solve the patient health problems.

임상경력에 따른 간호사의 의사결정 참여 영향요인 (Factors on Decision-Making Participation related to Clinical Experience Difference)

  • 임난영;이여진
    • 대한간호학회지
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    • 제34권2호
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    • pp.270-277
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    • 2004
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between decision-making factors(theoretical knowledge, expertise, empowerment, intuition) and participation in proportion to nurses's clinical experience. Method: Data was collected by quota sampling from July 10, 2001 to August 22, 2001 from 132 clinical nurses who work for 3 General hospitals. Data was analyzed using SPSSWIN 10.0 with crosstab, ANOVA, and stepwise multiple regression. Result: Expertise(F=34.347, p=.000), empowerment(F=29.316, p=.000), and participation(F=3.276, p=.041) were significantly different among 3 clinical experience groups. Clinical experience correlated with expertise(r=.551, p=.000) and empowerment(r=.492, p=.000), and Decision-making participation also correlated with expertise(r=.351, p=.000) and empowerment(r=.265, p=.002). Decision-making participation is effected by theoretical knowledge(under 3.00yr clinical experience), expertise(3.01-5.00yr), and empowerment(above 5.01yr). Conclusion: These findings indicate that factors(theoretical knowledge, expertise, or empowerment) on decision-making participation varies as nurses's clinical experience differs. Therefore, decision-making needs bilateral agreement between staff nurses and nurse managers rather than the responsibility of one.