• Title/Summary/Keyword: Children and Young Adults

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Establishment of One Portion Size of Foods Frequently Consumed by Korean Children Aged 6-11 Using 2005 Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey and Its Comparison with Adults' (2005 국민건강영양조사 원자료를 이용한 우리나라 6~11세 어린이의 다소비 식품 1인 1회 섭취분량(portion size) 설정 및 성인과의 비교)

  • Choi, Mi-Kyeong;Lee, Hye-Sang;Kim, Sook-Bae;Kim, Se-Na;Kim, So-Young;Kim, Mi-Hyun
    • Korean Journal of Community Nutrition
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    • v.15 no.5
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    • pp.625-635
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    • 2010
  • The purpose of this study was to define a one portion size of food frequently consumed by Korean children aged 6-11 for convenient use in food selection, diet planning, nutritional evaluation, and nutrition education. We analyzed using the original data on 889 persons (9.96%) aged 6-11 years among 8,930 persons to whom NHANES 2005 and selected food items consumed by the intake frequency of 10 or higher among the 500 most frequently consumed food items. A total of 172 varieties of food items of regular use were selected. Also the portion size of food items was set on the basis of the median (50 percentile) of the portion size for a single intake by a single person was analyzed. The portion size of cereals was 5 g for prosomillet to 120 g for hamburger. As for vegetables, it posted 1 g for red pepper to 50 g for nabakkimchi. The portion size of meats and products was 15 g for luncheon meat to 120 g for beef feet soup. In comparison of children's portion size with adults', the children's portion sizes of every food groups, with the exception of meats and eggs, were lower than those of adults. The portion size of the regular food items of children in this study will be conveniently and effectively used by children, children's diet planners and researchers in selecting food items for a nutritionally balanced diet and in assessing the children's diet intake.

An Analysis of Sexuality Education Books for Children and Young Adults (어린이·청소년 대상 성교육 도서의 현황 분석 연구)

  • Lim, Yeojoo
    • Journal of the Korean BIBLIA Society for library and Information Science
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    • v.33 no.1
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    • pp.425-454
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    • 2022
  • This study analyzed the 77 most popular sexuality education books for children and young adults published in Korea, based on various criteria, including subject matters, format, implied readers, and author's occupational background. Among the key topics of the International technical guidance on sexuality education developed by UNESCO, the most mentioned was that it is natural to have curiosity on one's own feelings and body and that sex education books can help them learn about them. Respect on one's own body, knowledge of sexual and reproductive organs, eggs and sperms, menstrual cycle, effect of hormones were also easily found topics from the books. The least mentioned topics were HIV/AIDS and Gender-based violence. 63.5% of the analyzed books were books with/without illustrations. Other formats include picture books, comic books, and photo-illustrated books. Publication of books aimed for particular gender started to increase from 2019. Diversity of authors' occupation were also shown starting 2019. Further research on the role of sex education books is crucial to help all children and young adults develop their own sexuality and understand that of other people, and ultimately to live in a harmonious society.

A generational comparison of young adults' needs for family strengths and functions : A study on 1st and 2nd echoboomers (청년층 세대 비교로 살펴본 가족 건강성과 기능 요구도: 1차 및 2차 에코부머를 중심으로)

  • Kang, Min Ji;Yoo, Gye Sook
    • Journal of Family Relations
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    • v.23 no.3
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    • pp.131-152
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    • 2018
  • Objectives: The purpose of this study was to compare the first echo boomer to second in the needs for family strengths and family functions, after controlling the sociodemographic characteristics. Method: For this study, a survey was conducted with 406 never-married young adults, which has 182 first echo boomers and 224 seconds echo boomers as using the same self-report questionnaire. Results: First, the two echo boomer groups exhibited similar patterns in their perception of the three family strengths, positive family values, pursuit of coexistence, and spiritual value, in that order. On the other hand, in regard to family functions, groups' perceived emotion entertainment leisure function as core functions of the family, but the second echo boomers, unlike the first echo boomers, expressed a higher need for economic functions rather than functions for children generation. Second, the analysis of this study indicated that, even in cases where first and second echo boomers had the same social-demographic characteristics, the latter in contrast with the former tended not to regard spiritual values such love for shared ethical values, compassion, and religious beliefs as a family strength, and did not require functions for children generation of the family. Conclusions: From these findings, the differences in the needs for family strengths and functions expressed by the two generations belonging to two different birth cohorts were influenced by various changes in Korean society occurring between the two generations, such as the social divergence in the functions of care and nurture, the increase in one-person and childless households, and the weakening of kinship-centered or communitarian forms of familism.

Utilizing the n-back Task to Investigate Working Memory and Extending Gerontological Educational Tools for Applicability in School-aged Children

  • Chih-Chin Liang;Si-Jie Fu
    • Journal of Information Technology Applications and Management
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    • v.31 no.1
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    • pp.177-188
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    • 2024
  • In this research, a cohort of two children, aged 7-8 years, was selected to participate in a specialized three-week training program aimed at enhancing their working memory. The program consisted of three sessions, each lasting approximately 30 minutes. The primary goal was to investigate the impact and developmental trajectory of working memory in school-aged children. Working memory plays a significant role in young children's learning and daily activities. To address the needs of this demographic, products should offer both educational and enjoyable activities that engage working memory. Digital educational tools, known for their flexibility, are suitable for both older individuals and young children. By updating software or modifying content, these tools can be effectively repurposed for young learners without extensive hardware changes, making them both cost-effective and practical. For example, memory training games initially designed for older adults can be adapted for young children by altering images, music, or storylines. Furthermore, incorporating elements familiar to children, like animals, toys, or fairy tales, can increase their engagement in these activities. Historically, working memory capabilities have been assessed predominantly through traditional intelligence tests. However, recent research questions the adequacy of these behavioral measures in accurately detecting changes in working memory. To bridge this gap, the current study utilized electroencephalography (EEG) as a more sophisticated and precise tool for monitoring potential changes in working memory after the training. The research findings were revealing. Participants showed marked improvement in their performance on n-back tasks, a standard measure for evaluating working memory. This improvement post-training strongly supports the effectiveness of the training program. The results indicate that such targeted and structured training programs can significantly enhance the working memory abilities of children in this age group, providing promising implications for educational strategies and cognitive development interventions.

Current status of hepatitis A virus infections in Korea (한국 소아 A형 간염 현황)

  • Youn, Hee-Shang
    • Clinical and Experimental Pediatrics
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    • v.51 no.7
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    • pp.690-695
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    • 2008
  • The age-specific anti-hepatitis A virus (HAV) seroprevalence rates in South Korea have changed markedly since the last 2030 years with an improvement in the socio-economic, housing, and environmental-sanitation conditions. These changes are characterized by very low anti-HAV seropositive rates among individuals less than 30 years of age; however, nowadays, most adolescents and young adults at an increased risk of developing symptomatic HAV infections. The Korea Center for Disease Control Sentinel Surveillance System has recently revealed an increase in the incidence of hepatitis A infection since 2001 and has revealed a potential endemic nature of the hepatitis A infection. Hepatitis A vaccines that were introduced in 1997 in Korea have made the current anti-HAV IgG positive rates in children (less than 10 years of age) approximately 50% of the rates observed in Seoul in 2006. However, in the same year, a few children were diagnosed as having anti-HAV IgG antibodies in Busan. This suggests the presence of some difference in the vaccination policy among doctors practicing in Seoul and Busan. Thus, the current recommendation of vaccinating 12-year-old child with HAV vaccination should be emphasized and a new strategy should be developed for the vaccination program to cater to the adolescents and young adults who are not immune, as well as for persons who are at a high risk for hepatitis A viral infection such as military personnel and hospital and day care center employees. Further, urgent hepatitis A vaccinations are also needed in patients with chronic liver diseases.

The Effect and Meaning of Reading Program for Alienated Children : Focused on 'The Reading Program with Library' (독서프로그램이 소외계층 아동에게 미치는 효과와 의미 - 도서관과 함께 책읽기프로그램을 중심으로 -)

  • Lee, Yeon-Ok;Noh, Young-Joo
    • Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society
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    • v.43 no.1
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    • pp.73-98
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    • 2012
  • This study analyzed the effect and meaning of reading program for alienated children. To accomplish this, this study collected its data through surveys and observations with 1,643 children that participated in the reading program by Library of National Library for Children and Young Adults and through surveys and interviews with librarians, instructors and representatives of agencies that related to the program. The results show that there were improvements in children's reading interests, reading attitude and affect in the program. And children's experiences and interests in libraries were increased after the program. Children evaluated affirmatively the program and children's demand for the program was increased.

The Ontological Understandings of Young Children in the Picture Books for the Early Childhood (유아 그림책 속의 어린이에 대한 존재론적 이해)

  • Jeon, Gail
    • Korean Journal of Childcare and Education
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    • v.10 no.6
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    • pp.291-311
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    • 2014
  • This research is to understand young children ontologically by examining features of young children in the picture books for the early childhood. For the purpose, under the consultation with a picture book specialist and three level process of selection, 4 picture books were chosen as analytic objects. The study questions is as follows. What is ontological understandings on young children throughout picture books for the early childhood? Under this purpose the books chosen were John Burningham's , David Wiesner's , Hina Back's , Peter Sis's . The books went through dramaturgical coding and were thematised based on the theories of ontological phenomenology. Study results show that young child-being appearing in the picture-books are thematised as 'multi layered being with Ntwurf and Geworfenheit(Aldo)', 'responsible being risen above greed(Plotsam)', 'reflective being on face of others(Fairy of Jangsutang)', 'being who encourages educational response of adults.(Madlenka's Dog)' These results revealed that young child-being have features not different from (multi layered aspect of being), unique from(encouraging educational response), and beyond adult-being(responsibility and response towards others). Despite several limitations, this study helped understand the young children ontologically by revealing that they, not only as developmental beings with imperfection, dependence, and immaturity but as multi layered and requesting, responsible being, having the same features as adults and, at times, rise above adult-being.

Serum Alkaline Phosphatase Levels in Healthy Korean Children and Adolescents

  • Kwon, Se-Young;Na, Young-Ak
    • Korean Journal of Clinical Laboratory Science
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    • v.46 no.3
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    • pp.79-84
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    • 2014
  • Children and adolescents normally have higher Alkaline phosphatase levels than adults. This study was conducted to provide basic data about pediatric reference intervals for ALP. The data from the 2011 Korean National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey was used. Analysis was done for 847 Children and Adolescents (443 boys and 404 girls) aged 10 to 19. The method of p-NPP & EAE buffer was used to get the data. The highest ALP levels were found in boys aged 12 to 13, the reference interval being 653~1,518 IU/L; the levels decreased for those over 13 years old. In the case of girls, the highest ALP levels were found with those aged between 11 and 12, the reference interval being 463~1,598 IU/L; the levels decreased after 12 years of age. The mean difference in all age groups was statistically significant, except for those aged 10 to 11 and 11 to 12. Therefore, it is suggested that pediatric reference intervals should be divided into three groups according to gender. Complementing data about children and adolescents below 10 years old were not included in this study and will be much needed in the next trial.

An Analytical Study on the 1st Enacted 'Child Edu-care Act(1991)' - From the Perspective of Children's Rights (아동권리관점에서 본 영유아보육법 제정법령 분석 및 평가)

  • Kang, Hyoun-Gu;Yi, SoonHyung
    • Korean Journal of Child Studies
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    • v.36 no.1
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    • pp.125-146
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    • 2015
  • The "Child Care and Education Policy(CCEP)" is important because it is responsible for providing 'care and education service' to young children in their 'most sensitive period' of human development. In reality, however, children's rights can only be sanctioned by adults and their rights are recognized at the level of abstraction. This study analyzes the 'Child Edu-care Act(CEA)' first enacted in 1991 from the 'perspective of children's rights', especially in terms of the rights of infants and preschoolers. In order to assess the CEA's "children's rights guarantee level", this study developed a number of standards based on the "UN Convention on the Rights of the Child(CRC)" and other documents. The results revealed that "children's rights guarantee level" was assessed against 4 categories ('Right to Survival and Development', 'Right to Welfare', 'Right to Education', and 'Right to Proper Care'), and the CEA(1991) was found to have a high guarantee level although it was enacted before Korea's ratification of the CRC. The results of this study can serve as a useful reference point for detailing children's rights and suggesting regulation standards for the CCEP.

The Relationship between Mother's Working and Children's Mental Health : A Descriptive Study

  • Hyun Kyung KIM
    • Journal of Wellbeing Management and Applied Psychology
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    • v.7 no.5
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    • pp.1-8
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    • 2024
  • Purpose: It is of great significance to look at the relationship between the mother's working condition and the child's health status because the mother's influence on their child is very significant. In this context, this research explores the relationship between a mother's working conditions and their children's mental health. Research design, data and methodology: This research uses the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth 79 (NLSY79) and the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth Children and Young Adults 79 (NLSY-CH79) data. It uses data linking mothers' NLSY79 data with children's NLSY-CH79 data. This research first performs the OLS regression on the CES-D mean to examine how the mother's income and working time affect their children's mental health. In addition, this research uses the ordered logistic regression for each CES-D item to check the robustness. Results: This research indicates that increased children's stress has a very strong association with decreased mother's number of working weeks. Conclusions: The results imply that the decrease in working weeks of mothers can be connected with the increase in their children's stress due to the mother's intervention. This research also shows that the children's stress increases as the mother's income increases, although it decreases as total net family income increases.