• 제목/요약/키워드: Child health program

검색결과 996건 처리시간 0.031초

주생활 공동체 의식에 따른 코하우징 선호도 (Preference of Cohousing according to Sense of Community in Housing Life)

  • 곽유미;최정신;곽인숙
    • 한국주거학회논문집
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    • 제18권4호
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    • pp.37-48
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    • 2007
  • Purpose of this study is to investigate influence on preference of cohousing (eg. intention to spread and intention to move in cohousing) according to sense of community, especially in housing life by married people residing in Seoul and its outskirts. Research method used for this study was a social survey. Respondents were 214 people by accidential sampling. The collected data were analyzed by SPSS 12.0 program using frequency, mean, average, T-test, one-way Anova, Duncan's Multiple Range test and Chi-square test. Findings of this study were as follows. Most respondents took part in interactive activities with colleagues from the same occupation. They Focused on the issues about health, leisure and hobby. The respondents mainly wanted to have interaction for changing recycling materials and education programs for children and juveniles. Degree of ideal relationships with neighbors, they think, were greeting and chatting as well as communication about issues on child-care, education for children, offense-prevention and safety. Although respondents were interested in community life and in interaction with their neighbors, they did not build up communal society due to lack of a sense of belonging in their living areas. While respondents showed positive response about preference of cohousing, there were difference between intention to spread of cohousing and intention to move in cohousing. As a result of this study, the stronger sense of community in housing life meant the more interests in thoughts to spread and to move in cohousing. Therefore, in order to increase sense of community in cohousing, the plan of various communication programs that enables frequent interaction among neighbors is needed. Also, in order to spread cohousing in Korea, promotion of cohousing community and cognitions about it are the most needed.

경북 일부 지역 유아의 스트레스가 식습관, 식품 기호도 및 식품 섭취 빈도에 미치는 영향 (Effects of Stress on Food Habits, Preference and Frequency in Young Children at Kyungbuk Area)

  • 박경애;김선희
    • 동아시아식생활학회지
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    • 제17권2호
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    • pp.164-182
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    • 2007
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the stress and effects of stress on dietary habits, food preferences and food frequencies of young children in Kyungbuk province. The study subjects were 271 children, aged $3\sim5$, and attending child care centers within the Kyungbuk area. The general characteristics, dietary habits, stress, food preferences, and food frequencies of the young children were assessed, as were the general characteristics of their parents. The results were analyzed using $\chi^2-or$ t-tests employing the SPSS program package. The subjects were classified into two groups according their level of stress. One hundred and nine of the subjects had high stress(HS) and 162 had low stress(LS). The male HS group ate breakfast more regularly, skipped meals more frequently and ate protein-containing foods everyday compared to the male LS group. The female HS caught colds more easily and were more constipated than the female LS group. The preferences for chicken and hamburgers were higher in the male HS group than LS group; whereas, those for noodles and soybean milk were lower in the male HS than LS group. The preferences for soybean milk was higher in the female HS than LS group. The frequencies for stir-fried foods and spinach were higher in the male HS than LS group; whereas, those for curried rice, noodles, apples and soybean milk were higher in the male LS than HS group. The frequency for kimbab was higher in the female HS than LS group; whereas, those for steamed foods, shells and mushrooms were lower in the female HS than LS group. Therefore, our results suggest that young children, as well as their parents, need better dietary habits and strategies for actively coping with stress to maintain health.

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국내 학령기 아동·청소년 대상 집단따돌림 중재에 관한 체계적 문헌고찰 (A Systematic Review of School-bullying Interventions for Children and Adolescents in Korea)

  • 황지혜;석윤희;박효경;이지연
    • Perspectives in Nursing Science
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    • 제17권1호
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    • pp.12-27
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    • 2020
  • Purpose: Bullying is a global problem, and various programs are under way to prevent it. The purpose of this study was to review school bullying interventions for Korean school-age children and adolescents. Methods: Online databases such as RISS, KISS, DBpia, NDSL and KMBASE were searched, identifying 32 intervention studies published from January 2009 to November 2018. Results: Thirty-two intervention studies were identified: 23 included school bullying prevention and 9 included school bullying treatment for victims or youth at high risk for bullying. The main purpose of preventive intervention was to decrease the bystander's attitude toward group bullying and treatment program was to improve the psychosocial adaptation of bullying victims. The school bullying interventions varied from group counseling, social skills training, art therapy, bibliotherapy using role-play, game & activities. Classroom environment variables and self-esteem, peer-related variables improved significantly after the school bullying prevention programs and school bullying treatment programs, respectively. Conclusion: There is potential for enhancing the outcomes of the behavioral, interpersonal psychological variable. Integrated interventions considering the individuality, gender and physical health of children and adolescents will also be needed. However, a rigorous study design is required to compensate for the methodological limitations.

유아교사의 회복탄력성과 사회적지지가 직무스트레스에 미치는 영향 (The Effect of Early Childhood Teachers' Resilience and Social Support on Job Stress)

  • 진재섭;김세루
    • 보건의료생명과학 논문지
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    • 제9권1호
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    • pp.153-160
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    • 2021
  • 본 연구는 유아교사의 회복탄력성과 사회적지지가 직무스트레스에 미치는 영향을 알아보는데 있다. I시에 소재한 유아교육기관 교사 250명을 대상으로 회복탄력성과 사회적지지, 직무스트레스의 정도를 측정하고 그 관계와 상대적 영향력을 분석하였다. 자료처리는 SPSS 18.0프로그램을 활용한 상관분석과 중다회귀분석을 실시하였다. 그 결과 첫째, 유아교사의 회복탄력성, 사회적 지지는 평균보다 약간 높은 수준, 직무스트레스는 약간 낮은 수준으로 측정되었다. 둘째, 유아교사의 회복탄력성과 사회적 지지는 정적관계가 나타났으며, 회복탄력성과 사회적지지는 직무스트레스와 부적 상관관계가 있는 것으로 나타났다. 셋째, 유아교사의 회복탄력성과 사회적지지가 직무스트레스에 주는 상대적 영향력을 분석한 결과 조직적환경요인, 물질적 지지, 행동적 요인이 직무스트레에 영향을 주는 것에 대해 83%설명하였다. 이러한 결과는 현직교사의 직무스트레스 감소에 영향을 줄 수 있는 회복탄력성과 사회적 지지를 제공해주는 것이 무엇보다 중요함을 시사하고 있다.

모바일폰의 초등학생 비만관리를 위한 활용 가능성에 대한 질적연구 : 학부모 측면 (A Qualitative Study on the Potential Utilization of a Mobile Phone for Obesity Management in Elementary-School Children : Parents' Perspective)

  • 이보영;박미영;김기랑;심재은;황지윤
    • 대한지역사회영양학회지
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    • 제24권2호
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    • pp.117-126
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    • 2019
  • Objectives: This study was conducted to investigate the current difficulties surrounding children's obesity management and evaluate the application of a mobile phone as a tool to overcome such difficulties of obesity management from the perspective of main caregivers of elementary school students. Methods: The qualitative data were collected through 3 focus group interviews including 6 full-time housewives, 7 mothers with overweight children, and 4 working mothers. Data were analyzed using a thematic approach. Results: The limitations of current children's obesity management included difficulty in diet management and exercise as well as challenges of setting goals and lack of support at the household and school levels. Mobile technology may be useful to overcome the current problems by providing real-time knowledge on diet management and physical activity, online compensation scheme according to goal setting, and interactive environmental supports at both household and school levels for promoting overall health. Conclusions: The mobile-based multiple support program may assist in overcoming the current limitations of child obesity management by providing tailored information and by creating a more supportive environment.

소아 구내촬영 시 방사선량 평가 및 최적화 방안에 대한 연구 (A Study of Radiation Dose Evaluation and Optimization Methods for Intra Oral Dental X-ray in Pediatric Patient)

  • 이현용;조용인
    • 대한방사선기술학회지:방사선기술과학
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    • 제44권3호
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    • pp.195-203
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    • 2021
  • Although intra oral dental x-ray is a lower dose than other radiological examinations, pediatric patients are known to have a higher risk of radiation damage than adults. For this reason, pediatric dental x-ray requires management of dose evaluation and imaging conditions during the examination. In this study, the dose calculation program ALARA-Dental(child/adult) was used to evaluate the organ dose and effective dose exposed to each examination site during intra oral imaging of children during dental radiographic examination, and dose analysis according to the imaging conditions was performed. As a result, the highest organ dose distribution was shown at 0.044 ~ 0.097 mGy in all are as of the mucous membrane of oral cavity except for the maxillary incisors and canines. Also, in the case of the thyroid gland, the maxillary canine and maxillary premolar examination showed 0.027 and 0.020 mGy, respectively, and the dose distribution was 15.4% to 70.0% higher than that of the mandibular examination. As for the effective dose calculated during intra oral imaging, the maxillary anterior and canine examinations showed the highest effective doses of 0.005 and 0.004 mSv, respectively, and the maxillary area examination showed a higher dose distribution on average than the mandible.

식품알레르기 아동 부모의 양육부담과 영향요인 (Parental burden of food-allergic children's parents and influencing factors)

  • 이은선;김규상
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • 제51권2호
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    • pp.140-152
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    • 2018
  • 식품알레르기는 알레르기 행진의 시작 단계로 원인 식품의 섭취 제한으로 인하여 성장기 아동의 영양 불균형과 아동을 비롯한 가족구성원의 삶의 질을 저하시키는 원인이 될 수 있다. 이에 본 연구는 2세 이상의 영유아 및 학령기 식품알레르기 아동의 주양육자인 어머니를 대상으로 자녀의 식품알레르기로 인한 양육부담을 정량화하여 자녀의 식품알레르기가 부모의 삶의 질에 미치는 영향을 분석하고자 하였다. 식품알레르기 아동 부모의 양육부담은 정서적 고충, 일상생활 제약에 대한 2개의 하부 요인으로 세분화되며, 자녀의 연령 증가, 섭취 제한 식품의 수, 일부 알레르기질환 진단 여부가 양육부담의 감소 및 증가에 유의한 영향을 미치는 것으로 분석되었다. 이처럼 식품알레르기 아동은 식품알레르기가 다른 알레르기질환으로 이행되지 않도록 전문 의료진에 의한 진단과 증상관리가 필수적이며, 환아를 비롯한 가족 구성원에 대한 주변의 지지와 간호 중재가 동반되어야 한다. 또한 성장기의 식품알레르기 아동은 식품 항원에 대한 식품경구유발시험 등의 정확한 임상 진단을 통해 필수 영양소를 포함한 식품의 과도한 섭취 제한을 방지해야 한다. 지역사회와 의료기관은 식품알레르기의 예방 및 증상완화를 위한 맞춤형 영양교육, 대체 식품에 대한 정보 제공 등의 현실적 지원과 정서적 지지를 병행해야 한다. 이처럼 다양한 형태의 사회적 노력과 제도적 방안을 통해 식품알레르기 아동의 삶의 질을 향상시키고 부모의 양육부담 대처능력을 강화해야 할 것이다.

성인 여성의 유방 자가 검진 교육 방법에 따른 교육의 효과 (The Effect of a Education regarding Women's Breast Self-Examination Teaching Methods)

  • 강희영
    • 기본간호학회지
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    • 제3권1호
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    • pp.81-95
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    • 1996
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of breast self-examination teaching methods which are printed material, videotape, demonstration used BSE model on women. The subjects for this study were non-medical professional 88 women in Kwangju. The data was collected from October 16 to November 24, 1995 by means of a structured questionnaire. For measuring BSE knowledge, Kim's(1994) instrument was used ard modified by researcher. For measuring BSE attitude based on health belief, Lee's(1982) & Kim's(1994) instrument was used and modified by researcher. Printed material from literature were reviewed by researcher, 'A woman's guide to breast self-examination' videotape by Nurse Practitioner Creation and BSE simulator by Narco were used 21 attitude scale and 13 knowledge scale were checked before and after teaching methods. The data was analyzed by frequency, paired t-test, ANOVA using the SAS program. The results were as follows : 1. The BSE total knowledge score after having teaching was higher than before, different significantly(t=-14.05, p=0.000). The most effective teaching method on BSE knowledge change was demonstration used BSE model in three teaching methods and was different significantly(F=8.44, p=0.000). 2. The BSE total attitude score after having teaching was changed to more positively, different significantly(t=4.59, p=0.000). The most effective teaching method on positive BSE attitude change was demonstration used BSE model in three teaching methods and was different significantly(F=3.21, p=0.045). 3. The HB score after having teaching was higher than before, and benefits, barriers and health concerns were different significantly(t=-2.51, p=0.014 ; t=-4.53, p=0.000 ; t=-3.71, p=0.000). Susceptibility and seriousness were not different significantly. 4. There were different significantly among knowledge, religion(F=3.92, p=0.013) and child (F=3.08, p=0.08). There were different significantly among attitude, age(F=4.65, p=0.05), mansturation state(F=4.39, p=0.016), and artificial abortion experience(F=5.18, p=0.026). There were different significantly among health concern, age(F=2.50, p=0.068), delivary experience(F=3.22, p=0.076), artificial abortion experience(F=5.46, p=0.023), and feeding(F=6.24, p=0.003). Printed material, videotape, and demonstration used BSE model may be valuable for changing positively knowledge and attitude related to BSE. Demonstration used BSE model was most effective teaching method in this study. Therefore, this study revealed that BSE teaching methods were a useful nursing intervention for promoting practice regularily and exactly on women.

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모아상호작용과정의 진행양상에 관한 연구 (A Study on the Change of Primipara's Mother - Infant Interactional process)

  • 조미영
    • 여성건강간호학회지
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    • 제1권1호
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    • pp.5-27
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    • 1995
  • One of the important tasks for new parents, especially mothers, is to establish warm, mutually affirming interpersonal relationships with the new baby in the family, with the purpose of promoting the health development of the child and the well-being of the whole family. Nurses assess the quality of the behavioral characteristics of the maternal-infant interaction. The purpose of this longitudinal descriptive correlational study is to investigate the changes of the mother - infant interactions from postpartum 1 day to postpartum 8weeks of the transition to parenthood. The aim was to contribute to the development of theoretical under standing on which to base care toward promoting the quality of maternal - infant interaction. Data were collect ed directly by the investigator and at rained from Jul, 1, 1990 to Jun 8, 1991, Subjects were a random sample of 44 mothers, 44 who had a normal delivery (but with out other perinatal complications) at four general hospitals in Seoul. Instruments used were the Stainton Parent-infant Interaction Scale (1981). The first observations were made in the delivery room, followed by day 1, day 2, day 3 and 2 weeks, 4 weeks, 6 weeks and 8 weeks after, birth, for a total of 8 contacts. Observations in the hospital were made during the hour prior to scheduled feedings. The infant was placed beside the mother. Later contacts were made at home. Data analysis was don by computer using as SPSS program and included, Paired t-test, t-test and Pearson Correlation coefficient ; the results were as follows. 1. The daily maternal-infant interaction score for the initial contact ofter birth to 8 weeks postpartum had the lowest average score 5.21 and the highest 8.02(in a range of 0-10). This subject group of mothers needed Extra nursing supporting to promote their maternal-infant interaction. 2. The daily scores for the maternal-infant interaction tended to rise, showing a gradual improvement over the period of eight weeks. However, there were significantly different increases in maternal-infant interaction only from the first to second day (p=0.000) and from the fourth to sixth weeks ofter birth.(p=0.000) 3. When the seven items of maternal-infant interaction were evaluated items of maternal-infant inter action were evaluated separately, "Care taking for the baby" had the highest average score, 1.60(in a range of 0-2) and "Speaks to baby" the lowest, 0.8. All items, suggested the subjects' need of nursing intervention to promote maternal-infant interaction 4. There were positive correlations between certain general characteristics, namely, both a higher economic status (p=0.027) and breast feeding (p=0.021) and maternal-infant interaction.

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초등학교 아동의 비만 실태 및 관련요인 -대구시 일 초등학교 고학년을 중심으로- (Study on an Actual Condition and Relevant Factors of Obesity of Elementary School Students)

  • 이종렬;박천만
    • 보건교육건강증진학회지
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    • 제21권2호
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    • pp.35-54
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    • 2004
  • This study was intended to provide basic data of nutrition education to a prevention of obesity and living patterns of elementary school students. Through the measurment of the actual obesity rate of children for students who were in the fifth and sixth grades of elementary school as well as their mothers, and by analyzing obesity-related factors. Children have started to have the characteristics obesity and obesity problems. 1. There were total 234 children including 133 boys (56.8%) and 101 girls (43.2%) for the study. There were 80 children in the fifth grade (34.2%) and 154 children in the sixth grade (65.8%). 2. Among the subjects 20.1% were obese. By gender, the obesity rate of boys (27.1%) was higher than that of girls (l0.9%)(p<0.01). By grade, children in the fifth grade (26.3%) had higher obesity rate than children in the sixth grade (l6.9%)(p<0.05). 3. In terms of the educational level of parents, the obesity rate of children of parents who received university and/or higher education was 27.5% (p<0.05). 44.1% of parents answered ‘I almost never give snack’s’(p<0.01). 4. There was 32.8% for an irregular quantity of meal. There was no obese child who under-ate (p<0.05). In terms of impulse eating, ‘I eat.’ and ‘I don't eat.’ were 24.4% and 25.9% respectively. The obesity rate of the case of ‘I eat only food I like.’ was 10.6% (p<0.05). In terms of the obesity rate based on the daily average meal frequency, there was the highest rate of 26.1% for I average meal frequency per day, 13.0% for 2 daily average meal frequency, and 7.4% for over 3 average meal frequency per day (p<0.05). For a degree of a physical activity, the group of active physical activity (p<0.05) and the group which liked the physical exercise showed a lower obesity rate (p<0.001). The obesity rate of children who had regular exercise was 11.8%. It was lower than the obesity rate (24.8%) of children who didn't exercise (p<0.01). The higher exercise frequency per week was, the lower the obesity rate was(p<0.01). In terms of the exercise time, there was 8.3% for over 60 minutes and 28.9% for less 15 minutes. The group which had the long exercise time showed a lower obesity rate(p<0.05). As the result, the education for obesity must enable students to recognize the warning signs for obesity and control their own weight with proper living patterns, by modifying behaviors considering the degree of obesity. Obesity must be controlled by the prevention and education connected with the family for all students as one of the school health programs. There must be also the development of a program through individual consultation considering the degree of obesity.