• Title/Summary/Keyword: Character Education Plan

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Development & the analysis of application effect of middle school HE text teaching-learning lesson plans for character education in cultivating gratitude disposition (감사성향 함양을 위한 중학교 가정과 인성교육 교수.학습 과정안 개발 및 수업 적용의 효과 분석)

  • Kim, Sung-Gyo;Wang, Seok-Soon
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.17-35
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    • 2011
  • The purpose of this study was to determine the possibility of character education in the middle school home economics program: by extracting learning factors that can cultivate gratitude disposition from the eighth grade in the unit of 'clothing life' of middle school HE text, developing five teaching-learning lesson plans and learning materials, and applying them in classrooms to see any changes in gratitude disposition standards before and after its application. Five teaching-learning lesson plans for the cultivation of gratitude disposition were developed, and completed after three experts in home economics verified their validity and revised them. From June 1, 2010 to June 30, 2010, five classes were to 210 grade students at a Gyeongbuk Junior School, and dispositions were investigated before and after the classes. Gratitude disposition standards used GQ-6, like McCullough, and for before-and-after-inspection comparison, t-test and analysis of open-ended questionnaires were carried out. The results proved the instruction effective. Before the class for the cultivation of gratitude disposition, students had a gratitude disposition average of 2.87(out of 5). After the class, the average was 3.35, which shows that students had improved considerably. Also, in analysis of a open-ended questionnaire, it was said that the class had been provided the opportunity to think about the value of nature and neighbors and that the class content reminded them about appreciation. In conclusion, for the character education in other areas of middle school home economics, teaching-learning lesson plans development must be attained to further this character education program.

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Development of Technology·Home Economics teaching-learning plans using ARCS strategies to improve character for middle school students: Focusing on the unit of 'Understanding families' (인성교육을 위해 기술·가정교과 '가족의 이해' 단원에 ARCS 동기유발 전략을 적용한 교수·학습 과정안 개발 및 평가)

  • Kang, Jimin;Yu, Nan Sook
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.30 no.1
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    • pp.29-42
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    • 2018
  • The purposes of this study were to develop and apply teaching-learning plans using ARCS strategies to improve character of middle school students and analyze whether a home economics class helps to give positive effects on youth character change. Nine-period classes were conducted for 110 male students in 4 classes of M middle school in Gwangju metropolitan city for 5 weeks from March 6 through April 7 in 2017. The effectiveness of classes were examined with learners' class assessment and pre- and post- character index test. The research steps and results in this study are as follows. First, the teaching-learning plans for 9 periods were developed for the character education class of the chapter 'Understanding families'. These teaching and learning course plans were designed to enhance learner's interests in learning using ARCS motivational strategy and improve character of middle school students in consideration of character elements. In the chapter 'Understanding families' of Technology Home Economics in middle school, the teaching-learning plans for 9 periods, 14 student activity sheets, and 2 powerpoint materials for teaching and learning were developed. Second, students who had the character education classes using ARCS motivational strategy showed significant differences in all character elements. Therefore, the character education class using ARCS shows positive effects to build up character of middle school students. Third, the character education classes using ARCS motivational strategy increased the class satisfaction of learners. The character education class teaching and learning course plans and learning materials in Technology Home Economics using ARCS motivational strategy will be used as a basic resource to build up students' character in the future.

Experience Studying Activation Plan and Preservation Management of Cave Resources (동굴자원의 체험학습과 보존관리에 관한 방안)

  • Yoon, Jung-Mo
    • Journal of the Speleological Society of Korea
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    • no.75
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    • pp.55-64
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    • 2006
  • The extension of development and originality of the ability which is various leads and studying voluntary character and the ability back the education which it considers actively it raises and the infield it does. With activation plan of cave resources home page of Speleological Society of Korean like home page of Speleological Society of Japan cave crane information, caving information, cave Q/A, cave publication, the relation site back the possibility of seeing information regarding the cave which is various in order to be, it reorganizes. The possibility of coming in contact in order to be, various branch information also the general rain specialist regarding the cave resources. Currently the Possibility of seeing the various branch data for the application of the cave resources at any time it is, home page of Speleological Society of Korean the possibility of doing to lead in order to be, it proposes the plan. From one person it will be able to study the data regarding the cave of various field in order, all curricular materials regarding the cave resources the educational program which leads a home page about under developing it proposes the activation plan of the cave resources.

An Instructional Planning and Reading Material Development for the "Foundation of Science Education" Course ("과학교육론" 과목의 교수모형과 교재개발연구)

  • Pak, Sung-Jae
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.44-56
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    • 1984
  • There haw been some courses related to science education for the graduate students, but almost the study for no instructional model and reading material development haw been pursunded in Korea. This study intended to discuss the discipline character of science education research for the systematic survey of concepts, principles and theories related to science education as the first put task, and designed an instructional model of the introductory survey course of science education at graduate level, and then proposed a developmental plan of a reading material for the course teaching aid. The main work of the study was to survey the foreign literature, but the subjective analysis of researcher's courses work during graduate study in abroard and some courses offered to undergraduate and graduate students in Korea by this researcher was quite helpful, even though which was not a strictly designed experimental research. Later it was found that this kind of study was not fitted to the traditional research style but worth while to try for the research in and teaching of "science education" as an area of discipline and professional activity.

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The Study on the Application Plan of democratic citizenship education for Christian Education in the era of Climate Crisis (기후 위기 시대에 기독교 교육을 위한 민주시민교육의 적용방안)

  • Jang-Heum Ok
    • Journal of Christian Education in Korea
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    • v.74
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    • pp.7-31
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    • 2023
  • The climate crisis threatens Earth's ecosystems and biodiversity. In particular, it can be said that the cause of the global crisis began with human greed. An educational alternative is needed to change the Christian worldview that causes greed. The purpose of this study is to find ways to apply democratic citizenship education to Christian education as an alternative to overcome the climate crisis. The contents of the study to achieve the purpose were first the essence of Christian citizenship education was examined by dividing it into citizenship education, democratic citizenship education, and Christian citizenship education. Second, The model of democratic citizenship education was established by defining its goals, content, methods, and directions within the context of Christian citizenship education. Third, the application plan of Christian education for democratic citizenship education was classified into 7 categories and proposed; environmental education to overcome the climate crisis, ethical education to restore the public role of the church, education to form God's character, education to realize the village education community, education that promotes Christ's peace and Christ education that fosters consideration for multicultural individuals, and literacy education to prevent the negative impacts of digital media culture. Next, the plan to apply democratic citizenship education to Christian education is, first, to reduce human greed and restore God's creation order through environmental education that can overcome the climate crisis. Second, through ethics education to restore the church's public nature, it is necessary to restore the church's role for the church's moral empathy and publicity. Third, through the education that forms the God's character, it is necessary to form a mature character of faith in which personality and faith are harmonious and balanced. Fourth, schools, villages, and churches form a community through education that realizes a village education community so that the members of the village can obtain educational results. Fifth, through education that aims for the peace of the God Christians should be able to live as Christian democratic citizens who achieve peace in the kingdom of God. Sixth, through education that considers multicultural people, faith education that helps them overcome discrimination, exclusion, and hatred toward multicultural people with the love of Jesus Christ and seek a life of coexistence. Seventh, through literacy education that prevents the harmful effects of digital media culture, personal ability to read and write in media should ultimately be improved to the ability to practice socially.

A Study on Education and Development of the Digital Cartoon and Animation (디지털 만화 애니메이션의 발전과 교육 방안)

  • Shon, Young-Woo
    • Journal of Digital Contents Society
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    • v.7 no.4
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    • pp.219-225
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    • 2006
  • The appearance of digital culture contents swiftly has changed the culture in domestic and international areas in recently and the digital cartoon and animation have become the most important expression media in contemporary age. The digital cartoon and animation industry have attracted the attention of the people as the business of the OSMU(One Source Multi User) which has the possibility to expand and to enhance the added value not only for the field of image and character business but also for the area of the advertising and tourist business. Therefore, in this paper, 1 study on education and development of the digital cartoon and animation. Firstly, I study on definition and type of the digital cartoon, and work flow of the cartoon contents production. Secondly, the purpose of this study is to analyze and research the domestic business trend of the digital cartoon and animation. Finally, 1 propose the plan of policy and education of the digital cartoon and animation.

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A Study on space organization of the SeongBo(聖寶)Museum's of The Buddhist Temple (사찰 성보박물관의 공간구성에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Hyun-Jeong;Kim, Kai-Chun
    • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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    • v.16 no.6
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    • pp.205-212
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    • 2007
  • It is a world wide tread for museums to become specialized museums emphasizing their characteristics, but Seongbo museums(museums that preserve Buddhist artifacts) are more general and show no specialization or characterization. The purpose of this study is to emphasize the special character of the Seongbo museum which manages and maintains sacred Buddhist cultural artifacts, and to understand the architectural characteristics of the building distribution and interior composition to implement a more systematic spatial composition plan. For our analysis we selected 6 currently operating museums as our subjects, and analyzed the characteristics of their spatial composition through their plans including the plot plans and ground plans. As a result, we found that most of them were small scale museums, and that the character and rank of each building changed according to its positioning. In terms of areas, the museums consisted of exhibition areas, storage areas, maintenance areas, and other miscellaneous areas and were lacking areas for research and education. It is necessary for these museums to possess facilities for managing these cultural artifacts as well as adequate exhibition and storage spaces. Seongbo museums, which are connected with Buddhist temples, must possess differentiated preservation and maintenance methods unlike museums dealing with artifacts that need only be preserved, and must have an area plan suitable to the characteristics of the various artifacts near and around the temple so as to help build our Buddhist cultural heritage in a systematic and continuous matter.

A Study on the Development of Parents' Character Competency Reinforcement Program for the Prevention of Child Abuse (아동학대 예방을 위한 부모 인성역량 강화 프로그램 개발 연구)

  • Kim, Bong Je;Kwon, Ki Nam
    • Korean Journal of Child Education & Care
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.109-121
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    • 2018
  • Objective: The purpose of this study is developing parents' character competency reinforcement program for the prevention of child abuse based on the critical competencies suggested by Character Education Promotion Act. Methods: For the development of the program, the literature review about child abuse prevention program in domestic and international research was conducted. Also, we conducted focus group interviews with kindergarten (n = 3) and elementary school (n = 4) teachers who experienced abusive parents for grasping their characteristics as a qualitative data collecting strategy. Results: As a result, parents' character competency reinforcement program for the prevention of child abuse was composed of a total of 7 activities; 'Understanding me and child', 'Anger management training for parent', 'Improving effective communication skill with child', 'Practicing two-way communication with child', 'Arts and Culture experience with child', 'Understanding my and child's feelings', 'We need a whole village to raise a child'. This program curriculum can be greatly four parents' character competency parts; self-management competency, communication competency, sensitivity competency, community competency. Conclusion/Implications: The program developed in this research can utilize the basic framework of the program to strengthen parent's toughness ability and it is crucial to develop customized toughness capacity increasing plan according to parent's characteristics It will be essential information.

Experience studying activation plan of cave resources (동굴자원의 체험학습 활성화 방안)

  • Yoon, Jung-Mo
    • Journal of the Speleological Society of Korea
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    • no.70
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    • pp.29-35
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    • 2006
  • 21 century as the knowledge base society which demands an originality and a variety the updated technology and knowledge creation ability quality and national power of life of the citizen were under controlling. Consequently, the extension of development and originality of the ability which is various leads and studying voluntary character and the ability back the education which it considers actively it raises and the infield it does. With activation plan of cave resources home page of Speleological Society of Korean like home page of Speleological Society of Japan cave crane information, caving information, cave Q/A, cave publication, the relation site back the possibility of seeing information regarding the cave which is various in order to be, it reorganizes. The possibility of coming in contact in order to be, various branch information also the general rain specialist regarding the cave resources. Currently the possibility of seeing the various branch data for the application of the cave resources at any time it is, home page of Speleological Society of Korean the possibility of doing to lead in order to be, it proposes the plan. From one person it will be able to study the data regarding the cave of various field in order, all curricular materials regarding the cave resources the educational program which leads a home page about under developing it proposes the activation plan of the cave resources.

Development and Evaluation of Home Economics Teaching·Learning process plan for the practice of Caring and Sharing - Focusing on 'Happy Family Life and Culture Led by Family' Unit of High School Technology and Home Economics - (배려와 나눔 실천을 위한 가정과 교수·학습 과정안 개발과 평가 - 고등학교 기술·가정 '가족이 여는 행복한 가정생활 문화' 단원을 중심으로 -)

  • Baek, MinKyung;Cho, JaeSoon
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.27 no.4
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    • pp.19-35
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    • 2015
  • The purpose of this study was to develop and evaluate a teaching learning process plan for the practice of caring and sharing to improve character of highschool students through Home Economics subject. The teaching learning process plan consisting of 13-session lessons has been developed and implemented according to the ADDIE model for the unit of 'Happy Family Life and Culture led by Family'. The unit was divided into two themes: Theme I caring through sharing and Theme II caring through practice. Six practice elements of caring and sharing such as communication, gratitude, courage, love, empathy, and environment drawn from Theme I are applied to Theme II. Various activities and teaching materials as well as questionnaire were developed. The plan was applied to 8 classes, 287 freshmen of S highschool in Jeonju-si from March to May, 2014. Three factors were drawn from 35 character-related items: self-perception, perception of caring and sharing, and practice of caring and sharing. These factors were related to respondents' satisfaction with family relationships and school life. Two factors except self-perception improved through 13 lessons. Students evaluated that the whole caring and sharing practice lessons of Theme I and II gave them the chance to realize a actual practice in everyday life was important even with small efforts such as cooking for special family. Also students commented that the praising workbook was impressive. All 23 items of evaluation gained from over 3.5 to 4.2 on 5-point scale. It can be concluded that the teaching learning process plan for the practice of caring and sharing for the unit of 'Happy Family Life and Culture led by Family' would improve character of highschool students through the Home Economics subject.