• Title/Summary/Keyword: Channel shape

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Numerical Analysis of Resin Filling Process for a Molded Dry-type Potential Transformer (몰드형 건식 계기용 변압기 제작을 위한 수지 충진 해석 연구)

  • Kim, Moosun;Jang, Dong Uk;Kim, Seung Mo
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.17 no.12
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    • pp.511-517
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    • 2016
  • Current oil-type potential transformers for trains are filled with insulating oil, which could have problems like explosions due to rising inner pressure during train operation. Therefore, mold and dry-type potential transformers are being developed to prevent explosions. One problem in manufacturing mold-type transformers is preventing void formation around the coiled core inside the mold during epoxy filling, which could cause an electrical spark. Micro voids can remain in the resin after filling, and macro voids can occur due to the structure shape. A transformer that is being developed has a cavity at the junction of the core and the coil for better performance, and when highly viscous epoxy flows inside the cavity channel, macro voids can form inside it. Therefore, in this study, the free-surface flow of the mold filling procedure was analyzed numerically by applying the VOF method. The results were used to understand the phenomena of void formation inside the cavity and to modify the process conditions to reduce voids.

Improvement of Public Announcement of Topographical Drawing for Linear-Type Infrastructure (선형형태 사회기반시설물의 지형도면 고시 개선방안)

  • Moon, Jung Kyun;Kwon, Hun Yeong;Cho, Hyoung Sig;Sohn, Hong Gyoo
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.34 no.4
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    • pp.1327-1334
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    • 2014
  • Linear form of public works such as roads, railways and rivers, generally used as long work crossing administrative districts, can be several hundreds km length and narrow. These linear forms use SCM sheets, which do not include the quadrangle shape, to make a public announcement of topographical drawing in order to get the work approval. the Integrated measurement channel investigation and cadastral act that are established in 2009 apply the ITRF for the composition of design and construction books and coordinates of topographical map in order to get the work approval. However according to the article 5 of additional clause, while the cadastre is maintaining local coordinates, if there is a technical error in the content of the Public Announcement of Topographical Drawing that used the SCM, the question of responsibility of land borders and the efficacy or not of the announcement is raised as an administrative measure. After analysing the causes and enforcing coordinate conversion and correction taking into account linear form work's features, the result was reflected in the existing SCM. As a conclusion, the present study proposes the improvement of the procedures of the Public Announcement of Topographical Drawing.

Convergence of Information Technology and Corporate Strategy (정보기술과 기업전략의 융합에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Lark Sang
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • v.6 no.6
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    • pp.17-26
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    • 2015
  • Firms that have adopted internet technology have been confused by distorted market signals. It is natural to look at marketplace outcomes for guidance, when confronted with a new business phenomenon. However, market signals can be unreliable in the early states of any important new information technology. New technologies trigger rampant experimentation, and the experimentation is often unsustainable. As a result, market behavior is distorted and must be interpreted cautiously. In Chapter 1, we review a concept of business model and roles of strategies in a business model. In Chapter 2, we discuss a strategic auditing method for analyzing market/channel positioning, product/service positioning, value chain/value network positioning and external environmental factors. In chapter 3, we introduces major frameworks for understanding factors forming strategies. The strategic grid model categorizes four quadrants depending on the level of impacts of information technology on operation and strategy. The strategic alignment model presents a new method of assessing an alignment of information technology and business throughout all elements of a business model. In this research, we review the concept of a business model. This research introduces factors that shape strategies and new frameworks for understanding these factors. The research objective of this manuscript is to present a guidance for firms how to use information technology for attaining sustainable competitive advantages.

Geographical Study on the Location of Nokdun-do in Lower Tuman River (두만강 하구 녹둔도의 위치 비정에 관한 연구)

  • 이옥희
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.39 no.3
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    • pp.344-359
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    • 2004
  • This geographical study is to identify the reality of Nokdun island which was once settled and farmed by our ancestor, but currently the island is do facto under Russia's control. Various historical documents including old maps, current large scale maps and satellite images besides field work were used for full analysis. According to historical records, up until Chosun Dynasty, Nokdun island in the lower Tuman river was one of the frontier fortified base crossed the river for the northern defense as well as seasonal farming for the farmer of Kyounghung border area. Even though the island was unjustly lost to Russia by the Beijing Treaty in the late Chosun period, the whole area of Nokdun was occupied and farmed by sole Koreans until the deportation by Stalin was forcibly measured. In these days due to the change of Tumn river channel and new deposition by river it became very difficult to find the original shape of Nokdun island. However, through intensive field works based on historical records, the research team found out the existence of the old wet-dry fields, old rural farmhouse remnants, and small and medium size of millstones that are supporting the reality of the island. Especially, the team traced a mud fortress presumedly built in the early Chosun period. We believe it might allow to allocate the exact location of Nokdun island in near future.

Eggs Development ana Larvae of the Horn Fish, Hemiramphus sajori TEMMINCK et SCHLEGEL (학공치의 난발생과 부화자어)

  • KIM Yong-Uk;MYOUNG Jung-Goo;CHOI Sang-Oong
    • Korean Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.125-131
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    • 1984
  • The horn fish, Hemiramphus sajori TEMMINCK et SCHLEGEL, is widely distributed in the coastal waters of Korea, Japan and Taiwan. On April 13, 1983, mature adults of the horn fish were collected from Changson channel, Namhae. The authors carried out artificial insemination on the field, and incubated the eggs and reared larvae in the laboratory. And these larvae were reared for about two weeks in glass jars, fed brine shrimp nauplii. The eggs of this species are demersal and adhesive, with 4 to 6 filaments at the animal pole and a filament at the vegetal pole. The diameter of these eggs varies 1.80 to 2.00 mm. The hatching took place in ca. 376 hours after fertilization. During the incubation period water temperature fluctuated between $13.5^{\circ}C\;and\;20.0^{\circ}C$. The newly hatched larvae were elongate in shape $7.40{\sim}8.00$ mm in total length with $40+16{\sim}17=56{\sim}57$ myomers. Many melanophore were distributed on the head, both sides of dorsal body contour, peritoneum and ventral line of the tail part. Four days after hatching, the larvae were from 9.00 to 9.65 mm in total length, at this tims the larvae absorbed the yolk completely, and became postlarvae. Fourteen days after hatching, the larvae attained 13.25 mm in total length, with 14 rays of the dorsal fin, 13 rays of the anal fin, and 4 rays of pectoral fin. The lower jaw has somewhat projected.

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Measurement of Respiratory Motion Signals for Respiratory Gating Radiation Therapy (호흡동조 방사선치료를 위한 호흡 움직임 신호 측정)

  • Chung, Jin-Beom;Chung, Won-Kyun;Kim, Yon-Lae;Lee, Jeong-Woo;Suh, Tae-Suk
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Medical Physics Conference
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    • 2005.04a
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    • pp.59-63
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    • 2005
  • Respiration motion causes movement of internal structures in the thorax and abdomen, making accurate delivery of radiation therapy to tumors in those areas a challenge. Accounting for such motion during treatment, therefore, has the potential to reduce margins drawn around the clinical target volume (CTV), resulting in a lower dose to normal tissues (e.g., lung and liver) and thus a lower risk of treatment induced complications. Among the techniques that explicitly account for intrafraction motion are breath-hold, respiration gating, and 4D or tumor-tracking techniques. Respiration gating methods periodically turn the beam on when the patient's respiration signal is in a certain part of the respiratory cycle (generally end-inhale or end-exhale). These techniques require acquisition of some form of respiration motion signal (infrared reflective markers, spirometry, strain gauge, thermistor, video tracking of chest outlines and fluoroscopic tracking of implanted markers are some of the techniques employed to date), which is assumed to be correlated with internal anatomy motion. In preliminary study for the respiratory gating radiation therapy, we performed to measurement of this respiration motion signal. In order to measure the respiratory motion signals of patient, respiration measurement system (RMS) was composed with three sensor (spirometer, thermistor, and belt transducer), 4 channel data acquisition system and mobile computer. For two patients, we performed to evaluation of respiratory cycle and shape with RMS. We observed under this system that respiratory cycle is generally periodic but asymmetric, with the majority of time spent. As expected, RMS traced patient's respiration each other well and be easily handled for application.

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A Study on the Optimization of Anti-Jamming Trash Screen with Rake using by Response Surface Method (반응표면분석법을 이용한 제진기의 목메임 방지 개선 및 레이크 최적화)

  • Seon, Sang-Won;Yi, Won;Hong, Seok-Beom
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.230-236
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    • 2020
  • A trash screen is installed in front of the inflow channel of a drainage pumping station, sewage treatment plant, and a power plant to block floating contaminants. The bottleneck phenomenon, which decreases the water inflow, causes damage to the damper as a result of clogging in between the screen if string type obstacles are not removed. In this paper, the apron was removed, and the screen was expanded, to prevent breakage of the bottleneck phenomenon and string type obstacles. This was designed using an extended rake by adding an inner rake in between the screen interspace to remove the bottleneck phenomenon and string type obstacles. To design the inner rake that satisfies the allowable stresses of the existing damper rake, the experiment points were determined according to the experimental design method using the inner rake vertical length and the thickness of the reinforced section as parameters. The use of the ANSYS static structural module and statistical analysis tool R software gives the optimized shape according to the response surface method. The relative error between the response surface analysis results and the simulation results was 1.63% of the determined optimal design-point rake length of 210.2 mm and the reinforcement section thickness of 2 mm. Through empirical experiments, a test rake was constructed to the actual size, and approximately 97% of the bottleneck phenomenon and string type obstacles could be removed.

Analysis of RTM Process Using the Extended Finite Element Method (확장 유한 요소 법을 적용한 RTM 공정 해석)

  • Jung, Yeonhee;Kim, Seung Jo;Han, Woo-Suck
    • Composites Research
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    • v.26 no.6
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    • pp.363-372
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    • 2013
  • Numerical simulation for Resin Transfer Molding manufacturing process is attempted by using the eXtended Finite Element Method (XFEM) combined with the level set method. XFEM allows to obtaining a good numerical precision of the pressure near the resin flow front, where its gradient is discontinuous. The enriched shape functions of XFEM are derived by using the level set values so as to correctly describe the interpolation with the resin flow front. In addition, the level set method is used to transport the resin flow front at each time step during the mold filling. The level set values are calculated by an implicit characteristic Galerkin FEM. The multi-frontal solver of IPSAP is adopted to solve the system. This work is validated by comparing the obtained results with analytic solutions. Moreover, a localization method of XFEM and level set method is proposed to increase the computing efficiency. The computation domain is reduced to the small region near the resin flow front. Therefore, the total computing time is strongly reduced by it. The efficiency test is made with a simple channel flow model. Several application examples are analyzed to demonstrate ability of this method.

CFD Analysis on the Heat Transfer Performance with Various Obstacles in Air Channel of Air-Type PV/Thermal Module (공기식 태양광/열 시스템 공기채널 내 여러 저항체 설치에 따른 전열성능에 관한 CFD 해석)

  • Choi, Hwi-Ung;Fatkhur, Rokhman;Kim, Young-Bok;Yoon, Jung-In;Son, Chang-Hyo;Choi, Kwang-Hwan
    • Journal of the Korean Solar Energy Society
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    • v.38 no.2
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    • pp.33-43
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    • 2018
  • PV/Thermal module is the combined system, which consist of a photovoltaic module and solar thermal collector that can obtain electrical power and thermal energy simultaneously. Thus the power generation can be increase by decreasing the temperature of photovoltaic module and thermal energy retrieved from module also can be used for heating system. In this study, Heat transfer performance of air type PV/Thermal module was confirmed with various bottom obstacles that can be installed easily to real photovoltaic module by CFD (computational fluid dynamics) analysis. Eight type obstacles were investigated according to the shape and arrangement. As a result, nusselt number represent heat transfer performance was increased about 86% compare with the basic type PV/Tthermal module that has no obstacle and triangle type obstacle had higher value than other types. But pressure drop was also increased with increment of heat transfer enhancement. Thus the performance factor considering both heat transfer and pressure drop was confirmed and V-fin type obstacle arranged in a row for Reynolds number below 9,600 and protrusion type obstacle arranged in zigzag for Reynolds number above 14,400 were shown higher performance factor than other types. From these results, V-fin type obstacle arranged in row and protrusion type obstacle arranged in zigzag were considered as a proper type for applying to real PV/thermal module according to operating condition. But the heat transfer performance can be changed by the geometric conditions of obstacle such as height, width, length and arrangement. Thus, it could also confirmed that the optimal condition and arrangement of this obstacle need to be found in further study.

Interpretation on the subsurface velocity structure by seismic refraction survey in tunnel and slope (탄성파 굴절법 탐사를 이용한 지반 속도분포 해석-터널 및 절토 사면에의 적용 사례)

  • You Youngjune;Cho Chang Soo;Park Yong Soo;Yoo In Kol
    • 한국지구물리탐사학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 1999.08a
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    • pp.48-64
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    • 1999
  • For quantitative evaluation of geotechnical engineering properties such as rippability and diggability, clear interpretation on the subsurface velocity structures should be preceded by figuring out top soil, weathered and soft rock layers, shape of basement, fracture zones, geologic boundary and etc. from the seismic refraction data. It is very important to set up suitable field parameters, which are the configuration of profile and its length, spacings of geophones and sources and topographic conditions, for increasing field data quality Geophone spacing of 3 to 5m is recommended in the land slope area for house land development and 5 to 10m in the tunnel site. In refraction tomography technique, the number of source points should be more than a half of available channel number of instrument, which can make topographic effect ignorable. Compared with core logging data, it is shown that the velocity range of the soil is less than 700m/s, weathered rock 700${\~}$1,200m/s, soft rock 1,200${\~}$1,800m/s. And the upper limit of P-wave velocity for rippability is estimated 1,200 to 1,800m/s in land slope area of gneiss. In case of tunnel site, it is recommended in tunnel design and construction to consider that tunnel is in contact with soft rock layer where three lineaments intersecting each other are recognized from the results of the other survey.

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