• 제목/요약/키워드: Change of International Terrorism

검색결과 9건 처리시간 0.021초

IS테러를 중심으로 한 국제테러의 변화양상 분석 (An analysis of Changes of International Terrorisms of IS)

  • Oh, Seiyouen
    • 한국재난정보학회 논문집
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    • 제11권3호
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    • pp.429-435
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    • 2015
  • 본 연구는 문헌조사와 통계 및 사례분석 등을 통하여 IS를 중심으로 발생되어진 국제테러에 대한 변화양상을 분석하고, 최근의 테러 동향과 공격방법들에 대하여 이해하며, 이를 통한 테러의 효과적인 대응방안을 마련 할 기초자료를 제공하기 위해 연구를 수행하였다. 따라서 그 연구의 결과는 다음과 같이 요약할 수 있다. 첫 번째, 테러형태의 변화로써 자생테러를 중심으로 결합한 울프팩 테러로의 진화양상을 보이고 있다. 두 번째, 테러공격 대상의 확대와 잔인하고 무차별적인 테러공격을 통한 심리적 공포를 조성하는 성향을 띠고 있다. 세 번째, 사이버 공간에서 인터넷과 SNS의 네트워크를 조직의 홍보와 선전의 전략적 도구 수단으로 활용하고 있다. 넷째, 중동 뿐 아니라 아프리카 등의 다른 테러조직과의 연대를 통한 글로벌 테러조직의 형태를 취하고 있다.

한국의 테러리즘 대응 체계와 발전방안 관한 연구 (A Study of Terrorism Response System and Development in Korea)

  • 김종열;김창호
    • 시큐리티연구
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    • 제33호
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    • pp.81-101
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    • 2012
  • 급격한 현대사회 구조의 변화는 테러조직에 의한 테러리즘 범죄를 경험한 국가들은 테러리즘으로부터 자국을 보호하기 위하여 테러방지법을 제정하고 각종 국제 협약에 가입함으로서 테러리즘 근절에 나서고 있다. 최근 들어 한국은 각종 국제행사를 유치 개최함으로서 국제적 위상이 높아지고 1980년대 후반부터 해외여행 자율화로 인하여 테러리즘에 노출되어 있다. 그러나 1982년에 대통령 훈령으로 제정된 국가대테러활동지침이 테러범죄를 직접적으로 규제할 수 있는 수단 중의 하나로 형법과 기타 다른 법률에 근거하여 테러리스트들을 처벌하고 규제하고 있어, 테러범죄의 법률적용에 대한 확대해석과 테러리스트의 처벌에 대한 적절성에 대하여 문제가 되고 있는 실정이다. 따라서 테러범죄의 사전 차단과 테러범의 조기 검거를 위해서는 테러방지법을 제정하고 테러 대응 조직을 재정비하여 테러 유형별로 전담 조직을 편성하여 보다 적극적인 대응을 해야 할 것이다. 또한 테러 경보시스템을 도입하여 단계별 상황에 맞는 대응으로 예산과 인력의 낭비를 막고 테러리즘 지역예방활동을 강화하여 지역주민과 함께 테러리즘에 대한 예방과 근절에 적극적으로 나서야 할 것이다.

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국제 행사에 대한 테러대응 사례분석과 정책적 함의 (A Study on the Counter-Measures for International Events through the Case Studies and Its Implications for Counter-Terrorism Policy)

  • 박동균;신익주
    • 시큐리티연구
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    • 제14호
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    • pp.161-179
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    • 2007
  • 국제회의 및 국제 스포츠 행사는 개최기간 중에 테러나 안전사고 등이 발생할 경우에 행사 그 자체가 실패할 뿐만 아니라 많은 생명과 재산이 파괴되고, 궁극적으로는 개최국의 신뢰도 저하가 수반되기 때문에 안전대책 이야말로 가장 중요한 요소이다. 이러한 맥락에서, 본 연구에서는 최근 10년간 세계 각국에서 실시한 국제회의 및 스포츠 행사에 대한 테러대응 사례를 분석하고, 이를 통해서 나타난 정책적 함의를 제시하는 목적에서 진행되었다. 본 연구에서 나타난 향후 국제회의 및 스포츠 행사에 대한 테러대응의 기본 방향을 압축하여 제시하면 다음과 같다. 먼저, 대규모 국제 행사 개최시 잘 훈련된 전문가인 안전요원 및 행사요원의 양성이 중요하다. 앞으로 자주 개최될 각종 국제행사에는 자칫 타성에 빠질 수 있는 정부 주도의 행사 보다는 각 지방자치단체가 지역내 대학과 연계되어 보안에 필요한 인력 및 재원확보를 안정적으로 해야 한다. 또한, 테러리스트들의 전략과 전술을 명확히 이해하고 정보를 활용하여 그들보다 앞서나 가는 시스템을 구축해야 한다. 따라서 정부의 주도하에 테러리즘에 대한 직 간접적인 교육과 연구 활동을 촉진시켜 테러리즘의 다양한 측면과 대응책 등 테러리즘에 대한 전반적인 안목을 국민들에게 길러줌으로써 만일의 사태에 총체적으로 대응 할 수 있는 기반을 만들어야 한다. 끝으로, 뉴 테러리즘의 한 수단으로서 사용되는 사이버 테러(cyber terror)에 대한 철저한 대비책을 마련해야 한다.

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제4차 산업혁명 시대의 항공 테러리즘 양상 및 국내 항공테러 대응체계 발전방향 (The Trend of Aviation Terrorism in the 4th Industrial Revolution Period and the Development Direction for Domestic Counter Terrorism of Aviation)

  • 황호원;김승우
    • 항공우주정책ㆍ법학회지
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    • 제32권2호
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    • pp.155-188
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    • 2017
  • 제4차 산업혁명은 한편으로는 인류에게 새로운 문명 패러다임을 구축할 수 있는 긍정적인 기회를 제공해 주고 있다. 그러나 다른 한편으로는 제4차 산업혁명으로 인해 '구글 알파고(Google Alpha Go)'와 같은 인공지능(AI)이 혁명적으로 진보하면서 인간의 고유한 능력마저도 '실리콘칩(silicon chip)'으로 대체되고, 물리적 공간에서 사람의 온기를 느끼면서 의사소통할 수 있는 기회가 축소됨에 따라 인간의 존재감이 약화되었으며, 사이코패스(psychopath)와 같이 인간을 게임하듯이 사냥하는 강력범죄가 증가하는 등 사회적 병리현상이 더욱 심화될 수 있다는 우려감도 확산되고 있다. 더구나 최근의 국제 테러리즘은 무고한 사람들을 무차별적으로 공격하는 '반사회적 강력범죄'와 유사한 형태로 전개되고 있고, 이에 따라 테러단체가 제4차 산업혁명이 제공하는 문명의 이기를 테러의 수단으로 악용하고, 제4차 산업혁명으로 인해 나타나는 사회적 병리현상을 전략적으로 이용할 개연성은 갈수록 증대되고 있다. 따라서 향후 항공 테러리즘의 패러다임 또한 항공기보다는 공항시설 및 이용객들을 공격하는 방식으로 변화될 것으로 전망된다. 왜냐하면 공항시설은 갈수록 지능화 무인화되고, 많은 사람들이 밀집해 있는 '다중이용시설'이며, 사이코 패스적(psychopathic) 테러리스트들이 쉽게 접근할 수 있기 때문이다. 이러한 관점에서 볼 때 우리의 항공테러 대응체계는 (1) 테러방지법상 대테러센터의 한계 (2) 항공테러와 일반테러의 초동조치 관할권 충돌 개연성 상존 (3) 효율적인 현장 지휘통제 제한 (4) 항공보안과 대테러 사무의 협의기구 이원화 (5) 정부부처별 대테러 정보수집 기능 분산 (6) 공항 일반구역(Land side)의 보안체계 취약 (7) 공항운영 시스템상의 사이버 보안태세 미흡 (8) 항공 테러리즘에 대한 국제협력 네트워크 구축 미흡 등 여러 가지 측면에서 취약한 부분이 많이 있다. 따라서 국내 '항공테러' 대응체계를 제4차 산업혁명 시대의 국제 테러리즘에 선제적으로 대응할 수 있도록 개선할 필요가 있다. 본 연구에서는 이를 위한 대안으로 (1) 항공특별사법경찰대 창설(조직편성 측면) (2) 공항 일반구역(Land side)의 보안태세 강화 및 현장 지휘체계의 실효성 보장을 위한 항공보안법 및 테러방지법 정비(법령정비 측면) (3) 사이버 공간에서의 '테러 대응' 역량 강화(보안태세 측면) (4) 항공 테러리즘에 대한 국제협력 네트워크 구축(국제협력 측면) 등을 제시하였다.

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최근국제항공보안대책(最近國際航空保安対策)의 제간제(諸間題) -특히 법적측면(法的測面)을 중심(中心)으로- (Some New Problems of International Aviation Security- Considerations Forcused on its Legal Aspects)

  • 최완식
    • 항공우주정책ㆍ법학회지
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    • 제5권
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    • pp.53-75
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    • 1993
  • This article is concerned with the comment on "Some New Problems of International Aviation Security-Considerations Forcused on its Legal Aspects". Ever since 1970, in addition to the problem of failure to accept the Tokyo, Hague and Montreal Conventions, there has been also the problem of parties to them, failing to comply with their obligations under the respective treaties, in the form especially of nominal penalties or the lack of any effort to prosecute after blank refusals to extradite. There have also been cases of prolonged detention of aircraft, passengers and hostages. In this regard, all three conventions contain identical clauses which submit disputes between two or more contracting States concerning the interpretation or application of the respective conventions to arbitration or failing agreement on the organization of the arbitration, to the International Court of Justice. To the extent to which contracting States have not contracted out of this undertaking, as I fear they are expressly allowed to do, this promision can be used by contracting States to ensure compliance. But to date, this avenue does not appear to have been used. From this point of view, it may be worth mentioning that there appears to be an alarming trend towards the view that the defeat of terrorism is such an overriding imperative that all means of doing so become, in international law, automatically lawful. In addition, in as far as aviation security is concerned, as in fact it has long been suggested, what is required is the "application of the strictest security measures by all concerned."In this regard, mention should be made of Annex 17 to the Chicago Convention on Security-Safeguarding International Civil Aviation against Acts of Unlawful Intereference. ICAO has, moreover, compiled, for restricted distribution, a Security Manual for Safeguarding Civil Aviation Against Acts of Unlawful Interference, which is highly useful. In this regard, it may well be argued that, unless States members of ICAO notify the ICAO Council of their inability to comply with opecific standards in Annex 17 or any of the related Annexes in accordance with Article 38 of the 1944 Chicago Convention on International Civil Aviation, their failure to do so can involve State responsibility and, if damage were to insure, their liability. The same applies to breaches of any other treaty obligation. I hope to demonstrate that although modes of international violence may change, their underlying characteristics remain broadly similar, necessitating not simply the adoption of an adequate body of domestic legislation, firm in its content and fairly administered, but also an international network of communication, of cooperation and of coordination of policies. Afurther legal instrument is now being developed by the Legal Committee of ICAO with respect to unlawful acts at International airports. These instruments, however, are not very effective, because of the absence of universal acceptance and the deficiency I have already pointed out. Therefore, States, airports and international airlines have to concentrate on prevention. If the development of policies is important at the international level, it is equally important in the domestic setting. For example, the recent experiences of France have prompted many changes in the State's legislation and in its policies towards terrorism, with higher penalties for terrorist offences and incentives which encourage accused terrorists to pass informations to the authorities. And our government has to tighten furthermore security measures. Particularly, in the case an unarmed hijacker who boards having no instrument in his possession with which to promote the hoax, a plaintiff-passenger would be hard-pressed to show that the airline was negligent in screening the hijacker prior to boarding. In light of the airline's duty to exercise a high degree of care to provide for the safety of all the passengers on board, an acquiescence to a hijacker's demands on the part of the air carrier could constitute a breach of duty only when it is clearly shown that the carrier's employees knew or plainly should have known that the hijacker was unarmed. The general opinion is that the legal oystem could be sufficient, provided that the political will is there to use and apply it effectively. All agreed that the main responsibility for security has to be borne by the governments. A state that supports aviation terrorism is responsible for violation of International Aviation Law. Generally speaking, terrorism is a violation of international law. It violates the sovereign rights of states, and the human rights of the individuals. We have to contribute more to the creation of a general consensus amongst all states about the need to combat the threat of aviation terrorism. I think that aviation terrorism as becoming an ever more serious issue, has to be solved by internationally agreed and closely co - ordinated measures.

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Smart Security 추진을 통한 인천국제공항의 미래 항공보안 구현 (Realization of Futuristic Aviation Security of Incheon International Airport by implementing Smart Security Project)

  • 임상훈;허백용;황호원
    • 한국항행학회논문지
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    • 제25권6호
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    • pp.492-497
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    • 2021
  • Smart Security는 국제공항협의회가 전 세계 공항, 항공사, 정부 기관과 협력하여 시작한 글로벌 이니셔티브이다. 이 계획의 주요 목적은 승객과 휴대수하물의 검색에 있어 큰 변화(step change), 증가하는 보안 비용, 지속적으로 진화하는 위협 등에 대응하기 위한 것이다. 인천공항은 미래형 보안검색 구현을 위해 스마트 보안검색장비 도입을 추진하여 보안성 강화, 승객편의 및 운영효율성 향상 도모함으로 최고의 보안환경을 구축하여 테러 및 불법방해행위 방지를 위해 최선을 다 하여야한다.

국제행사의 성공적 개최를 위한 경호·경비 분야의 안전·위기관리 방안 (평창 동계올림픽 안전·위기관리 대응 방안) (Safety and Risk Management Measures from the Private Security Industry for the Successful Hosting of an International Event (Safety and Risk Management Counter measures for Pyeongchang Winter Olympics))

  • 김은정;왕석원
    • 시큐리티연구
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    • 제52호
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    • pp.43-70
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    • 2017
  • 국제행사에 있어서 테러단체에 의한 테러 대상이 점차 특정인물이 아닌 불특정 다수라는 점에서 행사 관람객이나 참가국들의 불안감이 가중되고 있어 주최국에서는 많은 비용을 감수하면서 안전 및 위기관리에 만전을 기하여 주최국으로서 위상을 높이기 위해 힘쓰고 있다. 이에 각종 국제 행사를 많이 개최해 온 우리나라지만 국제행사에 테러 위협이 항상 존재하고 가능성이 점차 높아지고 있기 때문에 이번 평창 동계올림픽을 진행함에 있어서 안전 및 위기관리 부분에 많은 부담으로 작용하고 있다. 따라서 동계올림픽의 성공적인 개최를 위하여 우리나라도 테러에 대하여 더 이상 안전한 국가라는 인식을 버리고 동계올림픽 중에 일어날 수 있는 각종 범죄와 테러에 대하여 대응 방안을 강구해야 한다. 그 대응방안을 살펴보면 첫째, 대테러 전략의 변화가 필요하며, 둘째, 평창올림픽 안전주체 및 안전대책이 수립되어야하고, 셋째, 민간 경호 경비업체를 적극적으로 활용해야 한다는 것이며, 넷째, 민간 경비인력 및 안전요원에 대한 안전관리 교육 강화를 해야 한다. 마지막으로 신속하고 유기적인 사전안전관리 시스템을 구축하여 평창동계 올림픽뿐만 아니라 지속적으로 개최될 국제행사에 안전 및 위기에 대하여 효과적으로 대처해나가야 할 것이다.

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공항 보안검색에 있어서의 위험관리와 대응과제 (Risk Management and Strategies in Airport Security Check)

  • 김재운
    • 시큐리티연구
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    • 제34호
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    • pp.89-113
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    • 2013
  • 국제화된 현대사회에서 공항을 이용한 비행기 여행은 우리의 생활에 친숙하지만 언제 테러리스트들의 목표물이 되어 우리의 안전을 위협할지 모른다. 9.11테러사건으로 대변되는 항공 테러리즘은 현대를 살아가는 우리들에게 상상을 초월한 공포를 안겨주고 있다. 1931년 페루에서 세계 최초의 항공기 납치사건이 발생한 이래 세계 각국의 보안당국은 항공 테러리즘을 차단하기 위해 다양한 예방조치를 취해왔다. 항공 테러를 예방할 수 있는 가장 현실성 있는 조치는 항공기 탑승객들의 신체와 화물을 검색하여 폭발물 등 위해물품이 있는 지를 적발함으로써 테러리스트의 접근을 통제하는 보안검색활동일 것이다. 그러나 우리나라의 보안검색활동은 9.11체제 이후 테러의 위험에 따른 공공성을 더욱 강화한 선진 각국의 보안검색활동과 달리 공항운영의 효율성을 기하기 위해 민간경비 중심의 보안검색활동으로 전환하였다. 즉 2001년 3월 인천공항이 개항된 이후 경찰중심의 보안검색 체제가 공항운영자인 공항공사가 보안검색 업무를 지도 감독하며, 현실적인 보안검색활동은 민간경비요원이 담당하게 하도록 변경된 것이다. 그러나 이와 같은 검색체제는 민간경비요원의 직무만족도 저하와 감독체계의 혼선으로 말미암아 갈수록 조직화되고 지능화되고 있는 테러리스트들의 테러활동을 차단하는데 한계가 있다. 따라서 민간기업의 경영관리전략 중의 하나인 위험관리 기법을 보안검색활동에 도입하여 정기적으로 항공테러의 위험요소를 확인 분석하고, 우선순위 설정, 위험감소활동, 보안성 평가의 각 과정을 거침으로써 테러활동을 예방할 수 있을 것이다. 또한 테러의 위협이 심각한 경우 경찰관을 검색대에 배치하는 등 테러위협의 정도에 따라 보안검색의 수준을 적절히 변경하는 등의 노력도 필요하다. 한편 현장의 보안검색활동과 감독기능의 원활한 소통을 위해서 항공보안검색을 전담할 국가경찰기구를 설립하여 항공보안업무의 체계화와 전문화를 도모한다면 항공테러라는 거대위험의 두려움을 감소시켜 비행기 여행의 안전을 보장할 수 있을 것이다.

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한국전쟁의 교훈과 대비 -병력수(兵力數) 및 부대수(部隊數)를 중심으로- (The lesson From Korean War)

  • 윤일영
    • 안보군사학연구
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    • 통권8호
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    • pp.49-168
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    • 2010
  • Just before the Korean War, the total number of the North Korean troops was 198,380, while that of the ROK(Republic of Korea) army troops 105,752. That is, the total number of the ROK army troops at that time was 53.3% of the total number of the North Korean army. As of December 2008, the total number of the North Korean troops is estimated to be 1,190,000, while that of the ROK troops is 655,000, so the ROK army maintains 55.04% of the total number of the North Korean troops. If the ROK army continues to reduce its troops according to [Military Reform Plan 2020], the total number of its troops will be 517,000 m 2020. If North Korea maintains the current status(l,190,000 troops), the number of the ROK troops will be 43.4% of the North Korean army. In terms of units, just before the Korean War, the number of the ROK army divisions and regiments was 80% and 44.8% of North Korean army. As of December 2008, North Korea maintains 86 divisions and 69 regiments. Compared to the North Korean army, the ROK army maintains 46 Divisions (53.4% of North Korean army) and 15 regiments (21.3% of North Korean army). If the ROK army continue to reduce the military units according to [Military Reform Plan 2020], the number of ROK army divisions will be 28(13 Active Division, 4 Mobilization Divisions and 11 Local Reserve Divisions), while that of the North Korean army will be 86 in 2020. In that case, the number of divisions of the ROK army will be 32.5% of North Korean army. During the Korean war, North Korea suddenly invaded the Republic of Korea and occupied its capital 3 days after the war began. At that time, the ROK army maintained 80% of army divisions, compared to the North Korean army. The lesson to be learned from this is that, if the ROK army is forced to disperse its divisions because of the simultaneous invasion of North Korea and attack of guerrillas in home front areas, the Republic of Korea can be in a serious military danger, even though it maintains 80% of military divisions of North Korea. If the ROK army promotes the plans in [Military Reform Plan 2020], the number of military units of the ROK army will be 32.5% of that of the North Korean army. This ratio is 2.4 times lower than that of the time when the Korean war began, and in this case, 90% of total military power should be placed in the DMZ area. If 90% of military power is placed in the DMZ area, few troops will be left for the defense of home front. In addition, if the ROK army continues to reduce the troops, it can allow North Korea to have asymmetrical superiority in military force and it will eventually exert negative influence on the stability and peace of the Korean peninsular. On the other hand, it should be reminded that, during the Korean War, the Republic of Korea was attacked by North Korea, though it kept 53.3% of troops, compared to North Korea. It should also be reminded that, as of 2008, the ROK army is defending its territory with the troops 55.04% of North Korea. Moreover, the national defense is assisted by 25,120 troops of the US Forces in Korea. In case the total number of the ROK troops falls below 43.4% of the North Korean army, it may cause social unrest about the national security and may lead North Korea's misjudgement. Besides, according to Lanchester strategy, the party with weaker military power (60% compared to the party with stronger military power) has the 4.1% of winning possibility. Therefore, if we consider the fact that the total number of the ROK army troops is 55.04% of that of the North Korean army, the winning possibility of the ROK army is not higher than 4.1%. If the total number of ROK troops is reduced to 43.4% of that of North Korea, the winning possibility will be lower and the military operations will be in critically difficult situation. [Military Reform Plan 2020] rums at the reduction of troops and units of the ground forces under the policy of 'select few'. However, the problem is that the financial support to achieve this goal is not secured. Therefore, the promotion of [Military Reform Plan 2020] may cause the weakening of military defence power in 2020. Some advanced countries such as Japan, UK, Germany, and France have promoted the policy of 'select few'. However, what is to be noted is that the national security situation of those countries is much different from that of Korea. With the collapse of the Soviet Unions and European communist countries, the military threat of those European advanced countries has almost disappeared. In addition, the threats those advanced countries are facing are not wars in national level, but terrorism in international level. To cope with the threats like terrorism, large scaled army trops would not be necessary. So those advanced European countries can promote the policy of 'select few'. In line with this, those European countries put their focuses on the development of military sections that deal with non-military operations and protection from unspecified enemies. That is, those countries are promoting the policy of 'select few', because they found that the policy is suitable for their national security environment. Moreover, since they are pursuing common interest under the European Union(EU) and they can form an allied force under NATO, it is natural that they are pursing the 'select few' policy. At present, NATO maintains the larger number of troops(2,446,000) than Russia(l,027,000) to prepare for the potential threat of Russia. The situation of japan is also much different from that of Korea. As a country composed of islands, its prime military focus is put on the maritime defense. Accordingly, the development of ground force is given secondary focus. The japanese government promotes the policy to develop technology-concentrated small size navy and air-forces, instead of maintaining large-scaled ground force. In addition, because of the 'Peace Constitution' that was enacted just after the end of World War II, japan cannot maintain troops more than 240,000. With the limited number of troops (240,000), japan has no choice but to promote the policy of 'select few'. However, the situation of Korea is much different from the situations of those countries. The Republic of Korea is facing the threat of the North Korean Army that aims at keeping a large-scale military force. In addition, the countries surrounding Korea are also super powers containing strong military forces. Therefore, to cope with the actual threat of present and unspecified threat of future, the importance of maintaining a carefully calculated large-scale military force cannot be denied. Furthermore, when considering the fact that Korea is in a peninsular, the Republic of Korea must take it into consideration the tradition of continental countries' to maintain large-scale military powers. Since the Korean War, the ROK army has developed the technology-force combined military system, maintaining proper number of troops and units and pursuing 'select few' policy at the same time. This has been promoted with the consideration of military situation in the Koran peninsular and the cooperation of ROK-US combined forces. This kind of unique military system that cannot be found in other countries can be said to be an insightful one for the preparation for the actual threat of North Korea and the conflicts between continental countries and maritime countries. In addition, this kind of technology-force combined military system has enabled us to keep peace in Korea. Therefore, it would be desirable to maintain this technology-force combined military system until the reunification of the Korean peninsular. Furthermore, it is to be pointed out that blindly following the 'select few' policy of advanced countries is not a good option, because it is ignoring the military strategic situation of the Korean peninsular. If the Republic of Korea pursues the reduction of troops and units radically without consideration of the threat of North Korea and surrounding countries, it could be a significant strategic mistake. In addition, the ROK army should keep an eye on the fact the European advanced countries and Japan that are not facing direct military threats are spending more defense expenditures than Korea. If the ROK army reduces military power without proper alternatives, it would exert a negative effect on the stable economic development of Korea and peaceful reunification of the Korean peninsular. Therefore, the desirable option would be to focus on the development of quality of forces, maintaining proper size and number of troops and units under the technology-force combined military system. The tableau above shows that the advanced countries like the UK, Germany, Italy, and Austria spend more defense expenditure per person than the Republic of Korea, although they do not face actual military threats, and that they keep achieving better economic progress than the countries that spend less defense expenditure. Therefore, it would be necessary to adopt the merits of the defense systems of those advanced countries. As we have examined, it would be desirable to maintain the current size and number of troops and units, to promote 'select few' policy with increased defense expenditure, and to strengthen the technology-force combined military system. On the basis of firm national security, the Republic of Korea can develop efficient policies for reunification and prosperity, and jump into the status of advanced countries. Therefore, the plans to reduce troops and units in [Military Reform Plan 2020] should be reexamined. If it is difficult for the ROK army to maintain its size of 655,000 troops because of low birth rate, the plans to establish the prompt mobilization force or to adopt drafting system should be considered for the maintenance of proper number of troops and units. From now on, the Republic of Korean government should develop plans to keep peace as well as to prepare unexpected changes in the Korean peninsular. For the achievement of these missions, some options can be considered. The first one is to maintain the same size of military troops and units as North Korea. The second one is to maintain the same level of military power as North Korea in terms of military force index. The third one is to maintain the same level of military power as North Korea, with the combination of the prompt mobilization force and the troops in active service under the system of technology-force combined military system. At present, it would be not possible for the ROK army to maintain such a large-size military force as North Korea (1,190,000 troops and 86 units). So it would be rational to maintain almost the same level of military force as North Korea with the combination of the troops on the active list and the prompt mobilization forces. In other words, with the combination of the troops in active service (60%) and the prompt mobilization force (40%), the ROK army should develop the strategies to harmonize technology and forces. The Korean government should also be prepared for the strategic flexibility of USFK, the possibility of American policy change about the location of foreign army, radical unexpected changes in North Korea, the emergence of potential threat, surrounding countries' demand for Korean force for the maintenance of regional stability, and demand for international cooperation against terrorism. For this, it is necessary to develop new approaches toward the proper number and size of troops and units. For instance, to prepare for radical unexpected political or military changes in North Korea, the Republic of Korea should have plans to protect a large number of refugees, to control arms and people, to maintain social security, and to keep orders in North Korea. From the experiences of other countries, it is estimated that 115,000 to 230,000 troops, plus ten thousands of police are required to stabilize the North Korean society, in the case radical unexpected military or political change happens in North Korea. In addition, if the Republic of Korea should perform the release of hostages, control of mass destruction weapons, and suppress the internal wars in North Korea, it should send 460,000 troops to North Korea. Moreover, if the Republic of Korea wants to stop the attack of North Korea and flow of refugees in DMZ area, at least 600,000 troops would be required. In sum, even if the ROK army maintains 600,000 troops, it may need additional 460,000 troops to prepare for unexpected radical changes in North Korea. For this, it is necessary to establish the prompt mobilization force whose size and number are almost the same as the troops in active service. In case the ROK army keeps 650,000 troops, the proper number of the prompt mobilization force would be 460,000 to 500,000.

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