• Title/Summary/Keyword: Campus Core

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A Study on Influence of Smartphones Business Factors on Customer Satisfaction and Customer Loyalty (스마트폰 비즈니스의 구성요인이 고객만족과 고객충성도에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, Joong-Bae;Baek, Dong-Hyun
    • The Journal of Society for e-Business Studies
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.19-38
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    • 2017
  • The core of the smartphone business environment is changing from H/W to S/W and with it the paradigm of an enterprise's base of competition is changing from H/W to service. In accordance with this paradigm, in this study we have determined H/W, S/W and telecommunication service as smartphone business factors. The purpose of this study is to first analyze the influence business factors has on consumer satisfaction and customer loyalty. Secondly, to analyze the influence switching cost has on customer loyalty. As a result, the factor that has a notable influence on customer satisfaction turned out to be the H/W factor. On the other hand S/W factor and communication service turned out to have very little influence. In addition, the factors influencing customer loyalty turned out to be H/W factor and S/W factor. Telecommunication service did not have much of an influence. Customer satisfaction turned out to act as mediation effect between H/W factor and customer loyalty. Like the result of other preceding researches, switching cost turned out to have a significant influence on customer loyalty. This study differs from other studies in that while other existing studies analyzed H/W, S/W and communication service separately, this study analyzed the influence H/W, S/W and communication service as a whole has on customer satisfaction and customer loyalty. We speculate that the results of this study would provide some insight both in an academic and practical level for stagnant smartphone industry.

A study on the influence of communication type within organization recognized by members of organization affecting learning transfer climate (조직구성원인 인식하는 조직 내 커뮤니케이션 유형이 학습전이 풍토에 미치는 영향에 대한 연구)

  • Kim, Moon-Jun
    • Industry Promotion Research
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    • v.2 no.2
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    • pp.31-44
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    • 2017
  • This study is to investigate the relationship between the communication type recognized by members of organization and the learning transfer climate in the organization, and when it comes to the type of communications within organization set as independent variable, four variables such as communication with supervisor, media quality communication, and organizational outlook communication were proposed and regarding learning transfer climate which is a dependent variable, four sub-parameters such as supervisor support, colleague support, transfer opportunity and organizational compensation recognition were selected. 116 copies of the statistical data excluding statistically insignificant surveys were used for 150 participants who participated in the 2015 core competency curriculum for SMEs and 3 months have passed, in order to achieve this study's objective. Meanwhile, the research hypothesis was verified with the collected data through frequency analysis, factor analysis, reliability verification, technical statistical analysis, and simple and multiple regression analysis by using the statistical package program of SPSS 20.0. Results of this study have shown that firstly, communication with supervisor, media quality communication, and organizational outlook communication all showed a positive (+) significant influence on the superior support in the influence relationship between communication type in organization and supervisor support which is learning transfer climate. Secondly, communication type in organization doesn't appear to affect colleague support of learning transfer climate. Thirdly, communication with supervisor, media quality communication, and organizational outlook except for communication with colleagues have shown a positive (+) influence on transfer opportunity in the influence relationship between communication type in organization and transfer opportunity of learning transfer climate. Lastly, communication with supervisor and communication on organizational outlook showed positive(+) influence in the influence relationship between communication type in organization and organizational compensation recognition of learning transfer climate.

An Operating Plans for the Interconnection between Local Agencies and Promotion of Professional Human Resources on the Special Education Convergence Based on 「Department of Support for the individuals with Developmental Disabilities in Graduate school」 (특수교육 융합 기반 「대학원 발달장애인지원학과」의 전문인력 양성체제 및 지역 유관기관 간 연계 운영방안)

  • Kim, Young-Jun;Kang, Kyung-Sook
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.89-103
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    • 2019
  • This study was conducted with the aim of exploring methods of fostering professional human resources of the "department of support for the individuals with developmental disabilities in graduate school" based on the convergence of special education and connection between local relevant institutions. To this end, research methods were constructed that combine literature exploration and expert meetings. First, the system for fostering professionals in the "department of support for the individuals with developmental disabilities in graduate school" based on the convergence of special education programs was presented interlinked with the system for fostering professional human resources in the organizational and academic categories. Next, the link operation plans between relevant local institutions under the "department of support for the individuals with developmental disabilities in graduate school" based on the convergence of special education programs were presented interlinked with core management measures for curriculum education and cooperative support. In order to conclude the preconditions for the realization of the above research results, we presented leadership of special education convergence on the support system for lifelong education for adults with developmental disabilities.

Voice Interactions with A. I. Agent : Analysis of Domestic and Overseas IT Companies (A.I.에이전트와의 보이스 인터랙션 : 국내외 IT회사 사례연구)

  • Lee, Seo-Young
    • Journal of Korea Entertainment Industry Association
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.15-29
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    • 2021
  • Many countries and companies are pursuing and developing Artificial intelligence as it is the core technology of the 4th industrial revolution. Global IT companies such as Apple, Microsoft, Amazon, Google and Samsung have all released their own AI assistant hardware products, hoping to increase customer loyalty and capture market share. Competition within the industry for AI agent is intense. AI assistant products that command the biggest market shares and customer loyalty have a higher chance of becoming the industry standard. This study analyzed the current status of major overseas and domestic IT companies in the field of artificial intelligence, and suggested future strategic directions for voice UI technology development and user satisfaction. In terms of B2B technology, it is recommended that IT companies use cloud computing to store big data, innovative artificial intelligence technologies and natural language technologies. Offering voice recognition technologies on the cloud enables smaller companies to take advantage of such technologies at considerably less expense. Companies also consider using GPT-3(Generative Pre-trained Transformer 3) an open source artificial intelligence language processing software that can generate very natural human-like interactions and high levels of user satisfaction. There is a need to increase usefulness and usability to enhance user satisfaction. This study has practical and theoretical implications for industry and academia.

School Experiences and the Next Gate Path : An analysis of Univ. Student activity log (대학생의 학창경험이 사회 진출에 미치는 영향: 대학생활 활동 로그분석을 중심으로)

  • YI, EUNJU;Park, Do-Hyung
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.26 no.4
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    • pp.149-171
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    • 2020
  • The period at university is to make decision about getting an actual job. As our society develops rapidly and highly, jobs are diversified, subdivided, and specialized, and students' job preparation period is also getting longer and longer. This study analyzed the log data of college students to see how the various activities that college students experience inside and outside of school might have influences on employment. For this experiment, students' various activities were systematically classified, recorded as an activity data and were divided into six core competencies (Job reinforcement competency, Leadership & teamwork competency, Globalization competency, Organizational commitment competency, Job exploration competency, and Autonomous implementation competency). The effect of the six competency levels on the employment status (employed group, unemployed group) was analyzed. As a result of the analysis, it was confirmed that the difference in level between the employed group and the unemployed group was significant for all of the six competencies, so it was possible to infer that the activities at the school are significant for employment. Next, in order to analyze the impact of the six competencies on the qualitative performance of employment, we had ANOVA analysis after dividing the each competency level into 2 groups (low and high group), and creating 6 groups by the range of first annual salary. Students with high levels of globalization capability, job search capability, and autonomous implementation capability were also found to belong to a higher annual salary group. The theoretical contributions of this study are as follows. First, it connects the competencies that can be extracted from the school experience with the competencies in the Human Resource Management field and adds job search competencies and autonomous implementation competencies which are required for university students to have their own successful career & life. Second, we have conducted this analysis with the competency data measured form actual activity and result data collected from the interview and research. Third, it analyzed not only quantitative performance (employment rate) but also qualitative performance (annual salary level). The practical use of this study is as follows. First, it can be a guide when establishing career development plans for college students. It is necessary to prepare for a job that can express one's strengths based on an analysis of the world of work and job, rather than having a no-strategy, unbalanced, or accumulating excessive specifications competition. Second, the person in charge of experience design for college students, at an organizations such as schools, businesses, local governments, and governments, can refer to the six competencies suggested in this study to for the user-useful experiences design that may motivate more participation. By doing so, one event may bring mutual benefits for both event designers and students. Third, in the era of digital transformation, the government's policy manager who envisions the balanced development of the country can make a policy in the direction of achieving the curiosity and energy of college students together with the balanced development of the country. A lot of manpower is required to start up novel platform services that have not existed before or to digitize existing analog products, services and corporate culture. The activities of current digital-generation-college-students are not only catalysts in all industries, but also for very benefit and necessary for college students by themselves for their own successful career development.