• Title/Summary/Keyword: CFD 유동해석

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Present State of CFD Softwares Application for Launch Vehicle Analysis (발사체 해석을 위한 CFD 소프트웨어 적용 현황)

  • Jeong, Hwanghui;Kim, Jae Yeol;Shin, Jae-Ryul
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Propulsion Engineers
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    • v.24 no.3
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    • pp.71-80
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    • 2020
  • Before we develop LVAFoam, a CFD software for launch vehicle analysis, we conducted a survey on other CFD softwares. We looked at in-house code and commercial CFD software of other countries that were used as a simulation of launch vehicle's combustor, turbopump and external flow. This research included in-house code solvers, developed by NASA, Mississippi State University, DLR, Bertin Technologies, CNES, CERFACS, and JAXA as well as commercial CFD software from FLUENT, CFX, Advance/FrontFlow/red, GASP, CRUNCH CFD, CFD-ACE+, FINETM/Turbo, STAR-CCM+. The simulation cases of launch vehicle analysis from each commercial softwares and introduction of the LVAFoam were presented.

Calculation of Polarization Curves using CFD Analysis (CFD 해석을 통한 분극곡선 계산)

  • Im, Gyeong-Hwan;Lee, Gyeong-U
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Surface Engineering Conference
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    • 2012.11a
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    • pp.75-75
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    • 2012
  • 전기도금 공정에서 분극곡선은 도금액의 전기화학적 특성을 나타낸다. 도금 실험에서는 도금액의 특성 및 실험 계획수립을 위해 필요하고, 도금 계산에서는 시뮬레이션의 경계조건으로 사용되기 때문에 분극곡선 측정은 실험 및 계산에 앞서서 수행되는 중요 과정이다. 이러한 분극곡선 측정을 실험으로 얻는 대신 CFD(Computational Fluid Dynamics) 해석을 통하여 계산으로 분극곡선을 얻는 방법을 시도하였고, 이 때 회전속도를 변수로 하여 유동과 분극곡선 사이의 관계를 분석하였다.

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Sunroof Buffeting Simulation of a Simplified Car Model using PAM-FLOW (PAM-FLOW를 이용한 단순차량 모델의 썬루프 버페팅 소음 해석)

  • Lee, Dong-Guk;Park, Il-Kyoo;Lim, Jong-Yun
    • Transactions of the Korean Society for Noise and Vibration Engineering
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    • v.24 no.3
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    • pp.198-204
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    • 2014
  • This paper presents a benchmark test result of an application of computational fluid dynamics(CFD) analysis of automotive sunroof buffeting simulation. Computational analyses of flow over an open sunroof of a simple vehicle model called as HAWT(Hyundai aeroacoustic wind tunnel) model were performed to study the buffeting phenomenon and to predict the buffeting noise level and its frequency. Computations are performed for sunroofs with PAM-FLOW software which is one of powerful CFD code of ESI group. Numerical predictions are compared with result from the tunnel test measurements. It is shown that CFD analysis has great potential for sunroof design and development by predicting buffeting noise.

CFD Analysis of Engine Inlet Condition for BWB Airfoil using EDISON (EDISON을 이용한 BWB 익형 엔진흡기 유동 해석)

  • Lee, Min-U;Kim, Gi-Deok;Bang, Jun;Lee, Su-Gwan;Jeong, Yong-Su;Han, Jin-Su;Choe, Seong-Im
    • Proceeding of EDISON Challenge
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    • 2012.04a
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    • pp.57-60
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    • 2012
  • 본 연구에서는 현재 국내외에서 연구 중인 Blended Wing Body(BWB) 항공기의 엔진흡기 유동을 해석하기 위해 익형과 비행조건을 변화시켜 가며 전산유체해석을 수행하였다. 엔진의 위치에 따라 엔진이 효율적으로 동작하기 위한 조건인 흡기에서의 유동 속도와 그 분산을 중심으로 해석한 결과 익형 표면에서는 경계층의 영향으로 엔진흡기에서 유동속도가 낮고, 속도분산이 높음을 확인할 수 있었다. 한편, 익형 아랫면에서는 높은 비행속도에서 속도분산이 급격히 증가하였다. 이를 통해, 해석에 사용한 익형이 BWB의 동체로 활용하기에 적합한 엔진흡기조건을 갖는지 판별하였다.

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Near-Field Hydrodynamic Analysis of the Submerged Thermal Discharge Using CFD Model (CFD 모델을 이용한 수중방류 온배수의 근역 동수역학 해석)

  • Hwang, In-Tae;Kim, Deok-Ho
    • Journal of Korean Society of Coastal and Ocean Engineers
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    • v.23 no.6
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    • pp.466-473
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    • 2011
  • The buoyancy and initial momentum fluxes make near-field dominated by buoyant jet when thermal discharge releases underwater. In order to estimate prediction capabilities of those near-field phenomena, non-hydrostatic RANS applied CFD(Computational Fluid Dynamic) model was used. Condition of model was composed based on past laboratory experiments. Numerical simulations carried out for the horizontal buoyant jet in the stagnant flow and vertical buoyant jet into crossflow. The results of simulation are compared with the terms of trajectory and dilution rate of laboratory experiments and analytic model(CorJET) results. CFD model showed a good agreement with them. CFD model can be appropriate for assessment of submerged thermal discharge effect because CFD model can resolve the limitations of near-field analytic model and far-field quasi 3D hydrodynamic model. The accuracy and capability of the CFD model is reviewed in this study. If the computational efficiency get improved, CFD model can be widely applied for simulation of transport and diffusion of submerged thermal discharge.

Numerical Analysis and Flow Visualization Study on Two-phase Flow Characteristics in Annular Ejector Loop (환형 이젝터 루프 내부의 이상유동특성 파악을 위한 수치해석 및 유동가시화 연구)

  • Lee, Dong-Yeop;Kim, Yoon-Kee;Kim, Hyun-Dong;Kim, Kyung-Chun
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Visualization
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    • v.9 no.4
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    • pp.47-53
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    • 2011
  • A water driven ejector loop was designed and constructed for air absorption. The used ejector was horizontally installed in the loop and annular water jet at the throat entrained air through the circular pipe placed at the center of the ejector. Wide range of water flow rate was provided using two kinds of pumps in the loop. The tested range of water flow rate was 100${\ell}$ /min to 1,000 ${\ell}$/min. Two-phase flow inside the ejector loop was simulated by CFD analysis. Homogeneous particle model was used for void fraction prediction. Water and air flow rates and pressure drop through the ejector were automatically recorded by using the LabView based data acquisition system. Flow characteristics and air bubble velocity field downstream of the ejector were investigated by two-phase flow visualization and PIV measurement based on bubble shadow images. Overall performance of the two-phase ejector predicted by the CFD simulation agrees well with that of the experiment.

CFD Grid

  • Gwon, Jang-Hyeok
    • Journal of Scientific & Technological Knowledge Infrastructure
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    • s.8
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    • pp.4-11
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    • 2002
  • 유동장을 해석하는 궁극적인 목적 중 하나는 해석 결과를 바탕으로 더 나은 성능을 가지는 형상을 설계하는 것이라 할 수 있다. 해석된 정보들은 대상인 제품의 전체 형상 및 각 부분 부품을 설계하는데 사용되고 설계의 문제점과 개선점 및 성능을 예측하는데 사용된다.

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Aerodynamic Drag Reduction in Cylindrical Model Using DBD Plasma Actuator (DBD 플라즈마 구동기를 이용한 원통모델의 공기저항저감)

  • Lee, Changwook;Sim, Ju-Hyeong;Han, Sunghyun;Yun, Su Hwan;Kim, Taegyu
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Propulsion Engineers
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.25-32
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    • 2015
  • Dielectric barrier discharge (DBD) plasma actuator was designed to reduce aerodynamic drag in a cylindrical model and wind tunnel test was performed at various wind velocities. In addition, computational fluid dynamics (CFD) analysis and flow visualization were used to investigate the effect of the plasma on the flow stream in the cylinderical model. At low wind velocity, the plasma actuator had no effects because flow separation did not appear. The aerodynamic drag was reduced by 14% at 14 m/s and by 27% at 17 m/s, respectively. It was confirmed by CFD analysis and flow visualization that the DBD plasma actuator decreased in pressure difference around the cylindrical model, thus decreasing the magnitude of wake vortex.