• Title/Summary/Keyword: C.p. Networks

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A Study on Public key Exponential Cryptosystem for Security in Computer Networks (컴퓨터 네트워크의 보안을 위한 공개키 다항식 지수 암호시스템에 대한 연구)

  • Yang, Tae-Kyu
    • The Journal of Information Technology
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.1-10
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    • 2003
  • In this paper, a public key exponential encryption algorithm for data security of computer network is proposed. This is based on the security to a difficulty of polynomial factorization. For the proposed public key exponential encryption, the public key generation algorithm selects two polynomials f(x,y,z) and g(x,y,z). The enciphering first selects plaintext polynomial W(x,y,z) and multiplies the public key polynomials, then the ciphertext is computed. In the proposed exponential encryption system of public key polynomial, an encryption is built by exponential encryption multiplied thrice by the optional integer number and again plus two public polynomials f(x,y,z) and g(x,y,z). This is an encryption system to enforce the security of encryption with help of prime factor added on RSA public key. The propriety of the proposed public key exponential cryptosystem algorithm is verified with the computer simulation.

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A deep and multiscale network for pavement crack detection based on function-specific modules

  • Guolong Wang;Kelvin C.P. Wang;Allen A. Zhang;Guangwei Yang
    • Smart Structures and Systems
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    • v.32 no.3
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    • pp.135-151
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    • 2023
  • Using 3D asphalt pavement surface data, a deep and multiscale network named CrackNet-M is proposed in this paper for pixel-level crack detection for improvements in both accuracy and robustness. The CrackNet-M consists of four function-specific architectural modules: a central branch net (CBN), a crack map enhancement (CME) module, three pooling feature pyramids (PFP), and an output layer. The CBN maintains crack boundaries using no pooling reductions throughout all convolutional layers. The CME applies a pooling layer to enhance potential thin cracks for better continuity, consuming no data loss and attenuation when working jointly with CBN. The PFP modules implement direct down-sampling and pyramidal up-sampling with multiscale contexts specifically for the detection of thick cracks and exclusion of non-crack patterns. Finally, the output layer is optimized with a skip layer supervision technique proposed to further improve the network performance. Compared with traditional supervisions, the skip layer supervision brings about not only significant performance gains with respect to both accuracy and robustness but a faster convergence rate. CrackNet-M was trained on a total of 2,500 pixel-wise annotated 3D pavement images and finely scaled with another 200 images with full considerations on accuracy and efficiency. CrackNet-M can potentially achieve crack detection in real-time with a processing speed of 40 ms/image. The experimental results on 500 testing images demonstrate that CrackNet-M can effectively detect both thick and thin cracks from various pavement surfaces with a high level of Precision (94.28%), Recall (93.89%), and F-measure (94.04%). In addition, the proposed CrackNet-M compares favorably to other well-developed networks with respect to the detection of thin cracks as well as the removal of shoulder drop-offs.

A Blockchain Framework for Investment Authorities to Manage Assets and Funds

  • Vinu Sherimon;Sherimon P.C.;Jeff Thomas;Kevin Jaimon
    • International Journal of Computer Science & Network Security
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    • v.23 no.11
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    • pp.128-132
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    • 2023
  • Investment authorities are broad financial institutions that carefully manage investments on behalf of the national government using a long-term value development approach. To provide a stronger structure or framework for In-vestment Authorities to govern the distribution of funds to public and private markets, we've started research to create a blockchain-based prototype for managing and tracking numerous finances of such authorities. We have taken the case study of Oman Investment Authority (OIA) of Sultanate of Oman. Oman's wealth is held in OIA. It is an organization that oversees and utilizes the additional capital generated by oil and gas profits in public and private markets. Unlike other Omani funds, this one focus primarily on assets outside the Sultanate. The operation of the OIA entails a huge number of transactions, necessitating a high level of transparency and administration among the parties involved. Currently, OIA relies on various manuals to achieve its goals, such as the Authorities and Responsibilities manual, the In-vestment Manual, and the Code of Business Conduct, among others. In this paper, we propose a Blockchain based framework to manage the operations of OIA. Blockchain is a part of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, and it is re-shaping every industry. The main components of every blockchain are assets and participants. The funds are the major assets in the proposed study, and the participants are the various fund shareholders/recipients. The block-chain's transactions are all safe, secure, and immutable, and it's part of a trustless network. The transactions are simple to follow and verify. By replacing intermediary firms with smart contracts, blockchain-based solutions eliminate any middlemen in the fund allocation process.

Electronic Word-of-Mouth in B2C Virtual Communities: An Empirical Study from CTrip.com (B2C허의사구중적전자구비(B2C虚拟社区中的电子口碑): 관우휴정려유망적실증연구(关于携程旅游网的实证研究))

  • Li, Guoxin;Elliot, Statia;Choi, Chris
    • Journal of Global Scholars of Marketing Science
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.262-268
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    • 2010
  • Virtual communities (VCs) have developed rapidly, with more and more people participating in them to exchange information and opinions. A virtual community is a group of people who may or may not meet one another face to face, and who exchange words and ideas through the mediation of computer bulletin boards and networks. A business-to-consumer virtual community (B2CVC) is a commercial group that creates a trustworthy environment intended to motivate consumers to be more willing to buy from an online store. B2CVCs create a social atmosphere through information contribution such as recommendations, reviews, and ratings of buyers and sellers. Although the importance of B2CVCs has been recognized, few studies have been conducted to examine members' word-of-mouth behavior within these communities. This study proposes a model of involvement, statistics, trust, "stickiness," and word-of-mouth in a B2CVC and explores the relationships among these elements based on empirical data. The objectives are threefold: (i) to empirically test a B2CVC model that integrates measures of beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors; (ii) to better understand the nature of these relationships, specifically through word-of-mouth as a measure of revenue generation; and (iii) to better understand the role of stickiness of B2CVC in CRM marketing. The model incorporates three key elements concerning community members: (i) their beliefs, measured in terms of their involvement assessment; (ii) their attitudes, measured in terms of their satisfaction and trust; and, (iii) their behavior, measured in terms of site stickiness and their word-of-mouth. Involvement is considered the motivation for consumers to participate in a virtual community. For B2CVC members, information searching and posting have been proposed as the main purpose for their involvement. Satisfaction has been reviewed as an important indicator of a member's overall community evaluation, and conceptualized by different levels of member interactions with their VC. The formation and expansion of a VC depends on the willingness of members to share information and services. Researchers have found that trust is a core component facilitating the anonymous interaction in VCs and e-commerce, and therefore trust-building in VCs has been a common research topic. It is clear that the success of a B2CVC depends on the stickiness of its members to enhance purchasing potential. Opinions communicated and information exchanged between members may represent a type of written word-of-mouth. Therefore, word-of-mouth is one of the primary factors driving the diffusion of B2CVCs across the Internet. Figure 1 presents the research model and hypotheses. The model was tested through the implementation of an online survey of CTrip Travel VC members. A total of 243 collected questionnaires was reduced to 204 usable questionnaires through an empirical process of data cleaning. The study's hypotheses examined the extent to which involvement, satisfaction, and trust influence B2CVC stickiness and members' word-of-mouth. Structural Equation Modeling tested the hypotheses in the analysis, and the structural model fit indices were within accepted thresholds: ${\chi}^2^$/df was 2.76, NFI was .904, IFI was .931, CFI was .930, and RMSEA was .017. Results indicated that involvement has a significant influence on satisfaction (p<0.001, ${\beta}$=0.809). The proportion of variance in satisfaction explained by members' involvement was over half (adjusted $R^2$=0.654), reflecting a strong association. The effect of involvement on trust was also statistically significant (p<0.001, ${\beta}$=0.751), with 57 percent of the variance in trust explained by involvement (adjusted $R^2$=0.563). When the construct "stickiness" was treated as a dependent variable, the proportion of variance explained by the variables of trust and satisfaction was relatively low (adjusted $R^2$=0.331). Satisfaction did have a significant influence on stickiness, with ${\beta}$=0.514. However, unexpectedly, the influence of trust was not even significant (p=0.231, t=1.197), rejecting that proposed hypothesis. The importance of stickiness in the model was more significant because of its effect on e-WOM with ${\beta}$=0.920 (p<0.001). Here, the measures of Stickiness explain over eighty of the variance in e-WOM (Adjusted $R^2$=0.846). Overall, the results of the study supported the hypothesized relationships between members' involvement in a B2CVC and their satisfaction with and trust of it. However, trust, as a traditional measure in behavioral models, has no significant influence on stickiness in the B2CVC environment. This study contributes to the growing body of literature on B2CVCs, specifically addressing gaps in the academic research by integrating measures of beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors in one model. The results provide additional insights to behavioral factors in a B2CVC environment, helping to sort out relationships between traditional measures and relatively new measures. For practitioners, the identification of factors, such as member involvement, that strongly influence B2CVC member satisfaction can help focus technological resources in key areas. Global e-marketers can develop marketing strategies directly targeting B2CVC members. In the global tourism business, they can target Chinese members of a B2CVC by providing special discounts for active community members or developing early adopter programs to encourage stickiness in the community. Future studies are called for, and more sophisticated modeling, to expand the measurement of B2CVC member behavior and to conduct experiments across industries, communities, and cultures.

Evaluation of Future Turbidity Water and Eutrophication in Chungju Lake by Climate Change Using CE-QUAL-W2 (CE-QUAL-W2를 이용한 충주호의 기후변화에 따른 탁수 및 부영양화 영향평가)

  • Ahn, So Ra;Ha, Rim;Yoon, Sung Wan;Kim, Seong Joon
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.47 no.2
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    • pp.145-159
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    • 2014
  • This study is to evaluate the future climate change impact on turbidity water and eutrophication for Chungju Lake by using CE-QUAL-W2 reservoir water quality model coupled with SWAT watershed model. The SWAT was calibrated and validated using 11 years (2000~2010) daily streamflow data at three locations and monthly stream water quality data at two locations. The CE-QUAL-W2 was calibrated and validated for 2 years (2008 and 2010) water temperature, suspended solid, total nitrogen, total phosphorus, and Chl-a. For the future assessment, the SWAT results were used as boundary conditions for CE-QUAL-W2 model run. To evaluate the future water quality variation in reservoir, the climate data predicted by MM5 RCM(Regional Climate Model) of Special Report on Emissions Scenarios (SRES) A1B for three periods (2013~2040, 2041~2070 and 2071~2100) were downscaled by Artificial Neural Networks method to consider Typhoon effect. The RCM temperature and precipitation outputs and historical records were used to generate pollutants loading from the watershed. By the future temperature increase, the lake water temperature showed $0.5^{\circ}C$ increase in shallow depth while $-0.9^{\circ}C$ in deep depth. The future annual maximum sediment concentration into the lake from the watershed showed 17% increase in wet years. The future lake residence time above 10 mg/L suspended solids (SS) showed increases of 6 and 17 days in wet and dry years respectively comparing with normal year. The SS occupying rate of the lake also showed increases of 24% and 26% in both wet and dry year respectively. In summary, the future lake turbidity showed longer lasting with high concentration comparing with present behavior. Under the future lake environment by the watershed and within lake, the future maximum Chl-a concentration showed increases of 19 % in wet year and 3% in dry year respectively.

A Verification on the Effectiveness of Middle Managers' Emotional Leadership in Food Service Management Companies (위탁급식업체 중간관리자의 감성리더십 효과성 검증)

  • Kim, Hyun-Ah;Jung, Hyun-Young
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.36 no.4
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    • pp.488-498
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    • 2007
  • The purposes of this study were to: a) provide evidences concerning the effects of emotional leadership b) examine the impacts of emotional leadership on employee-related variables, 'job satisfaction', 'organizational commitment', 'organizational performance' and 'turnover intention', and c) identify a conceptual framework underlying emotional leadership. A survey was conducted from August 23 to November 3, 2005 to collect data from mid-level managers in food service company headquarters (N=219). Statistical analyses were completed using SPSS Win (12.0) for descriptive, reliability, factor and correlation analyses and AMOS (5.0) for confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation modeling. The main results of this study were as follows. First, the managers gave the highest point to their leaders in the emotional leadership competence 'organizational awareness : reading the currents, decision networks, and politics at the organizational level' and gave the lowest point in the emotional leadership competence 'influence: wielding effective tactics for persuasion'. Second, the means of job satisfaction was above the midpoint (3 points). Employees' job satisfaction with 'coworkers' was relatively high. However, the extents of satisfaction with 'payroll' 'promotion', and 'work environment' were relatively low. Third, the organizational commitment was above the midpoint (3 points). In the organizational commitment, 'loyalty' factor was higher than 'commitment' factor. Fourth, the means of organizational performance was above the midpoint. The highest organizational performance variable was 'internal efficiency; trying to reduce cost' and the lowest organizational performance variable was 'internal fairness ; equitable treatment and all are treated with respect with no regard to status and grade'. Fifth, most respondents intended on 'thinking of quitting ; towards turnover process'. Sixth, the test of hypothesis using structural equation modeling found that emotional leadership produced p[Isitive effects on job attitude and job performance. Emotional leadership enhanced job satisfaction and organizational commitment, and in turn, employees' attitude positive effects on organizational performance; emotional leadership also had a direct impact on organizational performance

An Improved CBRP using Secondary Header in Ad-Hoc network (Ad-Hoc 네트워크에서 보조헤더를 이용한 개선된 클러스터 기반의 라우팅 프로토콜)

  • Hur, Tai-Sung
    • Journal of the Institute of Convergence Signal Processing
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.31-38
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    • 2008
  • Ad-Hoc network is a network architecture which has no backbone network and is deployed temporarily and rapidly in emergency or war without fixed mobile infrastructures. All communications between network entities are carried in ad-hoc networks over the wireless medium. Due to the radio communications being extremely vulnerable to propagation impairments, connectivity between network nodes is not guaranteed. Therefore, many new algorithms have been studied recently. This study proposes the secondary header approach to the cluster based routing protocol (CBRP). The primary header becomes abnormal status so that the primary header can not participate in the communications between network entities, the secondary header immediately replaces the primary header without selecting process of the new primary header. This improves the routing interruption problem that occurs when a header is moving out from a cluster or in the abnormal status. The performances of proposed algorithm ACBRP(Advanced Cluster Based Routing Protocol) are compared with CBRP. The cost of the primary header reelection of ACBRP is simulated. And results are presented in order to show the effectiveness of the algorithm.

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