• Title/Summary/Keyword: Business Functions

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Individual Differences in Online Privacy Concern

  • Yeolib Kim;Boreum Choi;Yoonhyuk Jung
    • Asia pacific journal of information systems
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    • v.28 no.4
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    • pp.274-289
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    • 2018
  • We examined the effects of socio-demographics and personality traits on online privacy concern. We investigated this relationship in general and across different Internet functions. Using a large, diverse, population-representative sample (N = 5,242), we found that females, educated, and wealthier individuals tend to be concerned with online privacy to a greater extent. Among personality traits, agreeableness and conscientiousness were generally associated with an increased probability of being concerned with online privacy. These results imply that socio-demographics and personality traits provide explanatory insights into online privacy concern.

BPM as a tool supporting continuous business process innovation;A case of L Electronics (끊임없는 업무 프로세스 개선의 도구로서 BPM;L전자의 사례를 중심으로)

  • Chae, Myoung-Sin;Park, Song-Mee;Chon, Kent
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.157-178
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    • 2006
  • BPMS implementation in L Electronics, which started in 2003, was spotlighted in the IS Project and research area. L Electronics has conducted process innovation with the goal of being one of the Global Top 3 brands. Continuous business environment changes because of globalization and speedy development of information technology have caused changes in business process and functions. This case examines its efforts for optimizing business process continuously and systematically with BPMS and discusses the implication and potential of business process innovation with BPMS.

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An Ocean of Opportunity: The Digitalization of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises in Bitung, Indonesia

  • LAYMAN, Chrisanty V.;HANDOKO, Liza;SIHOMBING, Sabrina O.
    • The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.41-48
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    • 2023
  • Over the past ten years, numerous industries have undergone upheavals that have significantly altered how businesses interact with their clients and how goods are created and produced bySMEs. Many cutting-edge technologies have recently been created and implemented to enhance business models, facilitate sustainability features for organizations, and boost business capabilities. This essay seeks to understand how digital entrepreneurship functions in developing nations. The results of this study show the effectiveness of digital transformation in the context of SMEs is greatly influenced by aspects including the change of managerial intensity and the involvement and perception of workers, customers, and shareholders. One of the needs that business owners showcased in this study in terms of digitization is infrastructure resources to support digitization such as devices, the Internet, and funds, but also the ability to use digital media for business development. Practical skills that business people want to learn such as product design and management of their social media accounts. There are also aspects of time and self-motivation of the business actor that can speed up or slow down the digitization process. Finally, government support that is structured in encouraging MSMEs is also one of the supporters and drivers of digitalization in the blue economy.

A Study on the Impact of the Intranet on Communication (인트라넷이 의사소통에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구)

  • Roh Kyung-Ho
    • Management & Information Systems Review
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    • v.12
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    • pp.53-75
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    • 2003
  • The Internet is flourishing and the World Wide Web is growing at an exponential rate. A fundamental concept of Intranet, the so-called second wave, was introduced only a few years ago. Intranets have been embraced by corporate users of information services and made substantial inroads in strategic vision documents and procurement practices. Business organizations have come to the conclusion that they require an extensive data repository in order to acquire a competitive advantage in a dynamically change market. This rich assortment of data must further be delivered and deliverable enterprise-wide in a secure and cost-efficient manner. Information technology(IT) has created the Intranet as a vitally important mechanism for the storage, dissemination, and even the analysis data. The present study is an attempt to develop a more through understanding of the potential and actual impact of the Intranet on organizational functions and activities. Expecially, it also consists of an effort to assess the impact of the Intranet on communication. The research also addresses the issue of how the Intranet affects communication and shapes or modifies business activities. The results of literature review and study revealed that middle managers believe that the extent of the Intranet use is significantly related to improvements in overall organizational functions and activities. While communication, decision-making, productivity, work collaboration, and business activities are all enhanced by Intranet use, communication appears to be most dramatically improved by Intranet use.

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The study on the functions for design and development of Public institutions Disaster mitigation management and support system (공공기관 재해경감활동관리체계 구축 지원프로그램 설계 및 개발을 위한 필요기능 연구)

  • Kim, Minji;Kim, Doyeon;Lee, Miseon
    • Journal of the Society of Disaster Information
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.32-39
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    • 2016
  • We analyze BCM, COOP and other exotic advanced cases for making supporting programs relates with Disaster mitigation management in Public area. The outcome from this study explains what are requirements for proper activating the programs and what we need. In conclusion, we could understand importances of BIA, RA, Disaster mitigation activities, Contingency plan, Training, Correspond to disaster, Management of document except for system managing functions. It will be helpful to build supporting programs by meeting most of requirements of BCM at the same time.

A Study on the Informatization Planning of Postal Address (우편주소 정보화 방안 수립에 관한 연구)

  • Chang, Tai-Woo;Jeong, Han-Il;Park, Chank-Won
    • IE interfaces
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.104-116
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    • 2005
  • In this paperm we provide a plan of construction, employment and management of the Korean postal address database and discuss the design of to-be models for it. For the purpose, we adopt and modify the information strategy planning methodology to fit it into our study. We examine the managerial environments and limitations of the postal services and define the requirements as a result. The U.S. Postal Service (USPS) was chosen as the best practice for a benchmarking and gap analysis with its advanced management of address information. After analyzing the current status of the postal business processes and information systems used, we classify the products and the services of USPS by the process to which they are applied and propose a deployment plan. In order to design a to-be model, we define the operating and managing functions for the address database and specify the scenario according to the functions. By managing the address database and supporting the postal services, it could be possible to make the business competitive and satisfy the customer demands.

A Study on XML Schema for Slip Data Process (전표데이터 처리를 위한 XML Schema 설계에 관한 연구)

  • 황의철
    • Proceedings of the Korea Contents Association Conference
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    • 2004.05a
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    • pp.217-223
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    • 2004
  • We analyse the structure of slip data used as basic data for improving the transparency of transactions, and design a slip XML Schema. And then we implement Web Services for slip data, common slip data processing functions of accounting, interacting with the slip database. And we propose a standardization model of slip data structure and slip data processing service in order to make them used to diverse distributed Web applications. The result of this paper will contribute to the standardization for accounting information system for e-business area to the simple reuse of common slip data processing functions by Web services, and to the efficient development of distributed applications by grace of spreading standardization for supporting the business-to-business interactivity using easy accessibility of Web services.

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A Study on the Influence of the Corporate Intranet on Work Collaboration (기업 인트라넷의 도입이 협력작업에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구)

  • Roh Kyung-Ho
    • Management & Information Systems Review
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    • v.14
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    • pp.1-24
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    • 2004
  • The Internet is flourishing and the World Wide Web is growing at an exponential rate. A fundamental concept of Intranet, the so-called second wave, was introduced only a few years ago. Intranets have been embraced by corporate users of information services and made substantial inroads in strategic vision documents and procurement practices. Business organizations have come to the conclusion that they require an extensive data repository in order to acquire a competitive advantage in a dynamically change market. This rich assortment of data must further be delivered and deliverable enterprise-wide in a secure and cost-efficient manner. Information technology(IT) has created the Intranet as a vitally important mechanism for the storage, dissemination, and even the analysis data. The present study is an attempt to develop a more through understanding of the potential and actual impact of the Intranet on organizational functions and activities. Expecially, it also consists of an effort to assess the impact of the Intranet on work collaboration. The research also addresses the issue of how the Intranet affects work collaboration and shapes or modifies business activities. The results of literature review and study revealed that middle managers believe that the extent of the Intranet use is significantly related to improvements in overall organizational functions and activities. While communication, decision-making, productivity, work collaboration, and business activities are all enhanced by Intranet use, Work Collaboration appears to be most dramatically improved by Intranet use.

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Design and Implementation of an RFID-based Enterprise Application Framework based on Abstract BP and Kerberos

  • An, Kyu-Hee;Lee, Ki-Yeal;Chung, Mok-Dong
    • Journal of Information Processing Systems
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    • v.2 no.3 s.4
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    • pp.170-177
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    • 2006
  • Recently, RFID technology has attracted considerable attention in many industry fields. The RFID environment requires a standard architecture for the smooth exchange of data between heterogeneous networks. The architecture should offer an efficient standard environment, such as a communication environment based on Web Services, PKI or Kerberos-based security, and abstract business processes which could be used in the diverse domains. Therefore, in this paper, we propose an Enterprise Application Framework (EAF) which includes a standard communication protocol, security functions, and abstract level business processes. The suggested architecture is expected to provide a more secure and flexible security management in the dynamic RFID application environments, and is expected to provide an abstract business event for the development of business processes which could apply RFID technology to the existing systems.