• Title/Summary/Keyword: Browser Security

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The Web Application to Improve Utilization of Sasang Constitutional Diagnosis Questionnaire - KS-15(Korea Sasang Constitutional Diagnostic Questionnaire) - (사상체질 진단 설문 활용도를 높이기 위한 웹 기반 체질진단 시스템 - KS-15(Korea Sasang Constitutional Diagnostic Questionnaire) -)

  • Park, Dae-Il;Park, Kihyun;Jin, Hee-Jeong
    • Journal of Sasang Constitution and Immune Medicine
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    • v.29 no.3
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    • pp.224-231
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    • 2017
  • Objectives Several researches have been done to develop instruments or questionnaire for diagnosis of sasang constitution. In this study, we developed a user-friendly web system to enhance the utilization of KS-15. Methods The KS-15 Web application was constructed by considering the responsive web design and easy survey answer. This system is designed only to authorized users for security purposes, and provides two modes, simple mode and expert mode, depending on the purpose of using the system. A simple mode do not keep user information and survey answer in the database. An expert mode support management of patients, diagnosis of sasang constitution and statistical functions. Results & Conclusions The developed KS-15 system can be operated from any smart device's web browser. In order to use information in clinic field, it was developed so that it can be accessed only by authorized users. It can be divided into an account which can use only simple mode and an account which can use expert mode by using a difference in access authority. These functions can enhance the applicability of sasang constitution in real life such as clinical or education.

Logical Design of Video Security System over Internet (인터넷 화상 방범 시스템 논리 설계)

  • 장명수;장종욱
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2000.10a
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    • pp.439-447
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    • 2000
  • 현재 방범 시스템은 적외선, 초음파 둥의 I-지기의 신호에 의존하여 외부로부터의 침입을 감지하고 있으나 방범 시스템이 설치된 환경에 따라 이런 감지기의 정확성이 달라지므로 오 동작의 가능성을 포함하며 신뢰성이 저하되고 있다. 실제 외부로부터의 침입을 확인하기 위해서는 화상과 음성 그리고 감지기의 신호를 조합하여 정확한 판단이 가능하지만 화상을 전송하기 위해서는 고가의 회선비용을 부담해야만 한다. 하지만 인터넷을 이용하여 화상을 전송하는 제품들이 출시되면서 Real-time 화상감시가 가능해졌다. 이런 화상감시 제품들은 Netscape, MS Explorer와 같은 표준 Web Browser을 통해 Real-time으르 전세계 어디서나 화상을 감시할 수 있다는 장점을 가지고 있다. 적용분야는 호텔주변, 관광지의 여러 명소에 설치 후 홈페이지에 링크시켜 홍보용으로 사용하거나 공장 주요시설, 교통상황 둥의 중요지역의 Monitoring에 활용하고 있다. 그러나 방범 시스템에 적용하기에는 감지기의 확장성, 방범 관제센터 시스템과의 연동이 부족하여 본 고에서는 현재 출시된 화상감시 시스템과 기존 방범시스템을 Integration하여 방범의 최종 목표인 화상과 감지기 신호의 조합에 따른 정확한 방범시스템의 구현에 대해서 기술하고자 한다. 화상방범시스템의 구현은 크게 두 가지로 나누어지며 첫째는 화상감시 시스템과 방범시스템간의 통신을 설계하는 것으로 기존 대부분의 방범시스템이 사용하는 RS-485 통신 프로토콜을 재설계하여 화상감시 시스템과의 통신을 설계하였으며 둘째는 화상감시시스템과 관제센터 시스템간의 통신을 설계하는 것으로 현재 화상감시 시스템의 TCP/IP 프로토콜을 이용한 socket 통신으로 관제센터 시스템과의 실시간 데이터 전송을 가능하게 했다. 이 시스템을 활용할 경우 고객들은 반드시 관제센터시스템의 인증을 거쳐야 하므로 고객의 DataBase를 축적할수 있으며 이 정보를 활용하여 인터넷 화상방범 서비스 Potal Site구축이 가능하다는 장점이 있다.

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LoGos: Internet-Explorer-Based Malicious Webpage Detection

  • Kim, Sungjin;Kim, Sungkyu;Kim, Dohoon
    • ETRI Journal
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    • v.39 no.3
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    • pp.406-416
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    • 2017
  • Malware propagated via the World Wide Web is one of the most dangerous tools in the realm of cyber-attacks. Its methodologies are effective, relatively easy to use, and are developing constantly in an unexpected manner. As a result, rapidly detecting malware propagation websites from a myriad of webpages is a difficult task. In this paper, we present LoGos, an automated high-interaction dynamic analyzer optimized for a browser-based Windows virtual machine environment. LoGos utilizes Internet Explorer injection and API hooks, and scrutinizes malicious behaviors such as new network connections, unused open ports, registry modifications, and file creation. Based on the obtained results, LoGos can determine the maliciousness level. This model forms a very lightweight system. Thus, it is approximately 10 to 18 times faster than systems proposed in previous work. In addition, it provides high detection rates that are equal to those of state-of-the-art tools. LoGos is a closed tool that can detect an extensive array of malicious webpages. We prove the efficiency and effectiveness of the tool by analyzing almost 0.36 M domains and 3.2 M webpages on a daily basis.

Implementation of an ASP Upload Component to Comply with RFC 1867 (RFC 1867 규격을 준수하는 ASP 업로드 컴포넌트 설계)

  • Hwang Hyun-Ju;Kang Koo-Hong
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.6 no.3
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    • pp.63-74
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    • 2006
  • Recently many ASP applications have been released which enable them to accept, save and manipulate files uploaded with a web browser. The files are uploaded via an HTML POST form using RFC 1867 In particular, the file transfer via the HTTP port is getting more important because of the current Internet security issues. In this paper, we implement a form-based ASP upload component and disclose explicitly most of the main codes. That is, the open source might be helpful to develop the new ASP applications including file upload function in the future. We also show the upload time and CPU usage time of the proposed upload component and compare with the well-known commercial ones, showing the performance metrics of the proposed component are comparable to those of commercial ones.

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JsSandbox: A Framework for Analyzing the Behavior of Malicious JavaScript Code using Internal Function Hooking

  • Kim, Hyoung-Chun;Choi, Young-Han;Lee, Dong-Hoon
    • KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS)
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.766-783
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    • 2012
  • Recently, many malicious users have attacked web browsers using JavaScript code that can execute dynamic actions within the browsers. By forcing the browser to execute malicious JavaScript code, the attackers can steal personal information stored in the system, allow malware program downloads in the client's system, and so on. In order to reduce damage, malicious web pages must be located prior to general users accessing the infected pages. In this paper, a novel framework (JsSandbox) that can monitor and analyze the behavior of malicious JavaScript code using internal function hooking (IFH) is proposed. IFH is defined as the hooking of all functions in the modules using the debug information and extracting the parameter values. The use of IFH enables the monitoring of functions that API hooking cannot. JsSandbox was implemented based on a debugger engine, and some features were applied to detect and analyze malicious JavaScript code: detection of obfuscation, deobfuscation of the obfuscated string, detection of URLs related to redirection, and detection of exploit codes. Then, the proposed framework was analyzed for specific features, and the results demonstrate that JsSandbox can be applied to the analysis of the behavior of malicious web pages.

Groupware Current Status Analysis Ⅰ (그룹웨어의 현황 분석 Ⅰ)

  • Kim, Sun-Uk;Gim, Bong-Jin
    • IE interfaces
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    • v.10 no.3
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    • pp.75-93
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    • 1997
  • Unlike individual applications, it is extremely hard to obtain user requirements for group systems, since there exists very complicated dynamics in group. This may result in spreading a great amount of products with a broad range of contents. Thus, this study presents a comparative analysis of groupware products. As a result, these products have been categorized into three areas which include cooperation/document management systems, collaborative writing systems, and decision-making/meeting systems. While the systems reviewed here focus on the cooperation/document management systems, the other two areas will be dealt in details in part Ⅱ. The first area ends up with two large categories such as proprietary groupware products and intranet groupware products. However, it has been observed that there is a natural convergence between these two categories. Consequently, the comparative analysis has been performed in terms of functions provided on the two categories and a combined category. Each group of the functions has been divided into three parts which consist of basic functions, quasi-basic functions, and others. Such a decision has been made based on the frequency rate of the functions provided in the products. With a more strict rule, the basic functions comprise electronic mail, sanction, bulletin board, document management, scheduling, security, Web browser, and Internet connectivity. This study also provides a framework for integrated functional model of groupware systems. The basic functions are merged into the model. However, the model is so flexible that it can partially include the quasi-functions in addition to the basic functions. In the future, it is expected that a large number of products will stem from the modification of the functional model.

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Development of the Jini Surrogate-based Broadband PLC Home Controller (Jini Surrogate에 기반한 광대역 PLC 홈 제어기 개발)

  • Kim Hee-Sun;Lee Chang-Goo
    • Journal of Institute of Control, Robotics and Systems
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.1-8
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    • 2006
  • The home network system guarantees families a safe, economical, socially integrated and healthy life by using information appliances. And it provides a family with domestic safety, control of instruments, controllable energy and health monitoring by connecting to home appliances. This study designs the broadband PLC home controller using broadband PLC(Power Line Communication) technology which can save much cost at a network infrastructure by using the existing power line at home. The broadband PLC home controller consists of the broadband PLC module, the embedded main controller module and I/O module. The broadband PLC home controller can control various domestic appliances such as an auto door-lock, a boiler, an oven, etc., because it has various I/O specifications. In this study, selected home network middleware for the broadband PLC home controller is Jini surrogate using Jini technology designed by means of access to easily a home network system without a limitation of the devices. And a client application program is supported java servlet program to manage and monitor the broadband PLC home controller via web browser of a PC or a PDA, etc. Finally, for an application, we implemented and tested a home security system using one broadband PLC home controller.

Design and Implementation of 3D Geospatial Open Platform Based on HTML5/WebGL Technology (HTML5/WebGL 기반 3D 공간정보 오픈플랫폼 소프트웨어 설계 및 구현)

  • Kim, Min Soo;Jang, In Sung
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.23 no.6
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    • pp.57-66
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    • 2015
  • Recently, the utilization of geospatial open platforms has been constantly increased and the interest in 3D geospatial data such as terrain, building and shopping mall has been increased significantly. In particular, rather than simplified 3D geospatial data, interest in high-precision 3D geospatial data which similarly represents the real world objects has increased significantly. In order to satisfy the demand for such the high-precision 3D geospatial data, various kinds of 3D geospatial open platforms has been developed and has provided services on the web. However, most of the 3D geospatial open platforms have been used plug-in module in order to ensure a fast 3D rendering performance on the web, despite the many problems such as difficulty of the installation, no supporting of cross browser/operating system and security issues. In addition, recently, the existing 3D geospatial open platforms based on plug-in module are facing a serious problem, by declaring the NPAPI service interruption in Chrome and Firefox browsers. In this study, we presents the design and implementation of a new 3D geospatial open platform based on HTML5/WebGL technology without the use of plug-ins. Such the new 3D geospatial open platform based on HTML5/WebGL may support cross browsers such as IE, Chrome, Firefox, Safari and cross OS platforms such as Windows, Linux, Mac and mobile OS platforms.

Propose a Static Web Standard Check Model

  • Hee-Yeon Won;Jae-Woong Kim;Young-Suk Chung
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.29 no.4
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    • pp.83-89
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    • 2024
  • After the end of the service of Internet Explorer, the use of ActiveX ended, and the Non-ActiveX policy spread. HTML5 is used as a standard protocol for web pages established based on the Non-ActiveX policy. HTML5, developed in the W3C(World Wide Web Consortium), provides a better web application experience through API, with various elements and properties added to the browser without plug-in. However, new security vulnerabilities have been discovered from newly added technologies, and these vulnerabilities have widened the scope of attacks. There is a lack of research to find possible security vulnerabilities in HTML5-applied websites. This paper proposes a model for detecting tags and attributes with web vulnerabilities by detecting and analyzing security vulnerabilities in web pages of public institutions where plug-ins have been removed within the last five years. If the proposed model is applied to the web page, it can analyze the compliance and vulnerabilities of the web page to date even after the plug-in is removed, providing reliable web services. And it is expected to help prevent financial and physical problems caused by hacking damage.

Implementation of a unified live streaming based on HTML5 for an IP camera (IP 카메라를 위한 HTML5 기반 통합형 Live Streaming 구현)

  • Ryu, Hong-Nam;Yang, Gil-Jin;Kim, Jong-Hun;Choi, Byoung-Wook
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Illuminating and Electrical Installation Engineers
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    • v.28 no.9
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    • pp.99-104
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    • 2014
  • This paper presents a unified live-streaming method based on Hypertext Mark-up Language 5(HTML5) for an IP camera which is independent of browsers of clients and is implemented with open-source libraries. Currently, conventional security systems based on analog CCTV cameras are being modified to newer surveillance systems utilizing IP cameras. These cameras offer remote surveillance and monitoring regardless of the device being used at any time, from any location. However, this approach needs live-streaming protocols to be implemented in order to verify real-time video streams and surveillance is possible after installation of separate plug-ins or special software. Recently, live streaming is being conducted through HTML5 using two different standard protocols: HLS and DASH, that works with Apple and Android products respectively. This paper proposes a live-streaming approach that is linked on either of the two protocols which makes the system independent with the browser or OS. The client is possible to monitor real-time video streams without the need of any additional plug-ins. Moreover, by implementing open source libraries, development costs and time were economized. We verified usefulness of the proposed approach through mobile devices and extendability to other various applications of the system.