This study was conducted to establish the rapid determination method for major components of maturing covered barley grains, and to improve the efficiency of selection in barley breeding. Near Infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy (NIRS) is an established, economical and nondestructive technique applied widely to the food and feed industry. 34 barley lines were sampled at 5 day-interval from 25 to 35 days after heading. A standard regression analysis for the data obtained by analytical laboratory methods and NIRS method was carried out to get a useful calibration equation. The simple significant correlation between these two methods at 25 days after heading was recognized in starch and $\beta$-glucan contents. At 30 days after heading the data obtained by two methods showed significant correlation in starch, $\beta$-glucan and protein contents. Analyzed data and that from NIRS method at 35 days after heading was significantly correlated in starch and protein contents. It was concluded that the applicability of NIRS method for the components analysis in maturing barley grains was different depending on maturing stages and components.
It is widely recognized that the embryonic or fetal loss after breeding is common in the cattle and that it is an important factor affecting reproductive efficiency. The causes of this loss have been subject of extensive researches and the results indicate that the embryonic mortality may he primary factor responsible for low pregnancy rates in non-embryo transfer bovine populations as well as embryo transfer programs. However, it's causes are still not clearly understood. The embryonic mortality or pregnancy rate has been influenced by various embryonic and maternal effects related to genetic and environmental factors. The timing and extent of embryonic mortality vanes greatly according to authors and estimating methods, because it is difficult to make direct measurements. The major important factors that may influence the embryonic losses or pregnancy rates after embryo transfer can be summeirized. 1.When an embryo is transferred to unmated recipients, the contralateral transfer to corpus luteum results in a lower survival rate than ipsilateral deposition. When the embryos are transferred for the production of twin calves, their survivals and twin pregnancies have quite inconsistent according to the transfer methods either to the unmated-synchronized or already mated recipients and more works are needed to accurrately clarify the previous results. 2.Although embryos can be cultured in vitro some hours without the great declines in pregnancy rates, the rates differ markedly among culture times and media but may be improved by co-transfer systems. 3.Embryo developmental stages and quality grades clearly affect the survival rate following freezing and the pregnancy rate after transfer and the selection of embryos without chromosome abnormalities and of high fertile semen may also be considered to increase the pregnancy rates. 4.Many researches have attempted to relate the plasma progesterone levels to pregnancy rates and others have done either direct progesterone supplementation or luteal stimulation by hCG treatment in order to increase the pregnancy rates. However, these effects on pregnancy rates are inconsistent and also contradictory. 5.The asynchrony between donors or embryos and recipients may he a major cause of embryo death and low pregnancy rate and the sensitivity to uterine asynchyony differs in according to the quality and stages of embryos. 6.The extremes of poor or over nutrition during early pregnancy in the recipients are detrimental to the survival of embryos and the good body condition is required to prevent a reduejion of pregnancy rates. The uterine pathogens in embryonic mortality or fertility have been questioned but the infection of C.pyogenes and Campylobacter fetus is still important pathogens. 7.The heat stress during early pregnancy may reduce conceptus weight and possibly increase the embryonic mortality.
Deep pectoral myopathy (DPM), also known as Oregon muscle disease or green muscle disease, was first described in 1968 by Dickinson et al as "degenerative myopathy" in turkeys. Even though this condition was first recognized in adult meat-type turkey and chicken breeders, it is becoming more and more common in meat-type growing birds. DPM occurs exclusively in birds that have been specially selected for breast muscle development. It is generally recognized that DPM is an ischemic necrosis that develops in the deep pectoral muscle (supracoracoideus or pectoralis minor muscle) mainly because this muscle is surrounded by inelastic fascia and the sternum, which do not allow the muscle mass to swell in response to the physiological changes occurring when muscle are exercised, as in wing flapping. The lesion does not impair the general health of birds and is generally found during cut-up and deboning, moreover, it can be both unilateral or bilateral, affecting just one or both pectoralis minor muscle, respectively. No public health significance is associated to DPM, but it is aesthetically undesirable. The fillet should be removed, whereas the rest of the carcass is still fit for human consumption. However, the required trimming operations determine the downgrading of the products and produce an economic loss for the industry, especially because it affects the more valuable part of the carcass. The incidence of DPM increases with market weight in broilers, with more cases reported in higher-yielding strains and in males. Increased bird activity (flock nervousness, flightiness, struggle, and wing flapping) induced by factors such as feed or water outages, lighting programs and intensity, human activity, and excessive noises in and around chicken houses should be looked at as a trigger for the development of DPM in broiler. However, most of the studies conducted to evaluate the incidence of DPM in poultry are concerned with parental commercial breeding stocks under experimental conditions (Bianchi et al. 2006. Poult Sci 85 : 1843-1846). There is a possible genetic relationship between the selection for large-breasted birds and this condition. Management procedures that discourage excessive wing flapping would reduce the incidence (Jordan and Pattison. 1998. Poultry diseases. 398-399).
Baek, Seul Gi;Kim, Sosoo;Jang, Ja Yeong;Kim, Jeomsoon;Lee, Theresa
Research in Plant Disease
In order to find if a ferulic acid (FA) can be used as a selection index in cereal breeding for resistance to head blight and mycotoxin production, we analyzed FA in the grains of 80 cultivars of barley, rice, and wheat. FA content ranged 1.66-2.77 mg/g in barley (n=20), 0.56-1.53 mg/g in wheat (n=40), and 0.91-2.13 mg/g in rice (n=20). Among these, 7 cultivars each of barley and wheat with different FA content were tested for head blight and mycotoxin production by 2 Fusarium graminearum and 2 F. asiaticum strains. Mean pathogenicity of the wheat cultivars was significantly less than that of barley with higher FA and among wheat cultivars, there was no correlation between FA content and pathogenicity. Mycotoxin production was also lower in the wheat than in the barley as pathogenicity. However, pathogenicity and toxins produced by F. asiaticum were negatively correlated with FA content in barley. These results indicate that FA is not a resistance factor to head blight by F. asiaticum and F. graminearum or its mycotoxin production in barley and wheat.
This study was conducted to find out the most fabourable breeding structure for the maximum genetic gain of live weight, the most important economic traits of Korean native cattle, in order to achieve the improvement goals for meat productivity of the native cattle early and effectively. For estimating genetic gain and population mean changes, the following factors were investigated under the assumation that 675,000 heads of over-two-year old cows were maintained each generation and 15% of the cows were culled every year: 1. The proportion of cow population inseminated by A I bulls; 30, 40, 50, 60, 70% 2. The number of semen doses produced from each A I bull per year; 5,000, 7,000, 10,000, 15,000, 20,000 doses. 3. The average body weight of A I bulls; 480, 520, 600, 640, 680, 720kg/18 months of age. The estimated results are summarized as follows: 1. The genetic gain of live weight is affected greately by the levels of A I bulls' body weight and the genetic gain was estimated 28.66~36.31kg per generation. 2. The proportion of genetic gain from sire selection were estimated 80~90%. 3. When the average body weight of A I bulls increase 40kg per generation and more than 50% of cow population is inseminated by A I bulls, then the phenotypic mean value of live weight of bulls at the age of 18 months and heifers at the age of 2 years are expected to be reached 600kg and 520kg in the A I population; 560kg and 480kg in the whole population, respectively, after 5th generation.
Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
Karl Foerster had the most significant influence on the establishment of the German garden culture. From the viewpoint of planting design, in particular, he greatly contributed to the selection of new materials and the distribution of gardens. Therefore it is worth re-exploring his garden in that he triggered the use of natural planting that is widely used these days and already used ornamental grasses in his garden designs. This study aimed to review Foerster's garden to understand his planting design methods and their historical significance. The results suggest: Firstly, in spatial structure he designed sunken gardens influenced by the climate and triggered the use of natural planting by applying naturally open meadow, ferns and grasses. Secondly, in terms of the use of materials, he pointed out the necessity to use perennial plants. He bred perennial plants that the general public could easily grow and that were resistant against cold and created show gardens to demonstrate the characteristics of the plants and possible combination methods to the public. Thirdly, in terms of the aesthetical principles of his planting design, he focuses on colors and seasons and was interested in blue, yellow and white colors. In doing so, he developed new varieties such as Delphinium, Rudbeckia and Phlox. He emphasized the necessity of seven seasons, which served as the ancestor of contemporary winter gardens.
Erythropoietin (EPO) is a glycoprotein that mediates the growth and differentiation of erythroid progenitors. In order to produce recombinant human erythropoietin in tobacco plant, the EPO genomic DNA (5.4 kb) was cloned into plant expression vectors, pBI$\Delta$GUS121, pBD$\Delta$GUS121 and pPEV-1, and introduced in Nicotiana tabacum (var. Xanthi) via Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated transformation. After selection on MS media containing kanamycin (Km), 10 Km-resistant plants were obtained per each construct. The correct integration of EPO genomic DNA in the genome of transgenic plant was confirmed by polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Northern blot showed that transcripts of 1.8 kb length were produced in leaves of the plants, but there was no difference of mRNA amount according to promoter number and 5'-untranslated sequence (UTS). The proteins obtained from leaves of transgenic plants were immunologically detected by Western blot using rabbit anti-human EPO polyclonal antibody. The expressed protein appeared as smaller band of apparent mass of 30 kDa as compared to the EPO protein from human urine (37 kDa), suggesting that the modification (glycosylation) system in tobacco plant might be different from that of mammalian cells.
Jin, Shil;Park, Hee Bok;Jung, Samooel;Jo, Cheorun;Seo, Dong Won;Choi, Nu Ri;Heo, Kang Nyeong;Lee, Jun Heon
Korean Journal of Poultry Science
Korean native chicken (KNC) is classified as five lines (grey, black, red, white, brown) based on the plumage colors. The KNC has superior meat quality and flavor compared with those of the commercial broilers, which can be explained by the high arachidonic acid contents. The current study was conducted to investigate arachidonic acid contents in five lines of KNC and used for the development of commercial KNC. Breast and thigh muscles from 597 F1 KNC birds were used in this study and linoleic (precursor of the arachidonic acid) and arachidonic acid contents were measured by the standard protocol. In addition, heritabilities and genetic correlations were estimated. As the results, arachidonic acid contents were significantly different among the KNC lines. Also, relatively high heritabilities (0.414~0.570) for arachidonic acid contents were estimated in both breast and thigh muscles. The estimated genetic correlation was negative between linoleic and arachidonic acids. This study indicated that selection of KNC is possible for improving meat flavor in relation to the arachidonic acid. Also, this study can be used for making breeding plans for commercial KNC in the future.
Serum lysozyme gene is one of the important genes influencing the immune system as its product can cause lysis of bacterial cell wall by cleaving the peptidoglycan layer. The present investigation on the serum lysozyme gene of Indian riverine buffalo was undertaken with the objectives to identify and characterize single nucleotide polymorphic patterns by PCR-SSCP method as well as to study the effect of different genotypes on serum lysozyme activity and somatic cell count. A total of 280 animals comprising four different famous bubaline breeds (Murrah, Mehsana, Surti and Bhadawari), spread over six different farms across the country were used for this study. A 276 bp (partial intron 2, complete exon 3 and partial intron 3) fragment of lysozyme gene was screened for polymorphism using the SSCP technique. Four genotypes namely AA, AB, BC and AC were observed, out of which BC genotype was found to be the most frequent. Among these three alleles, C allele (0.38) was most prevalent in these populations. Various SSCP allelic variants were cloned for sequencing and sequences were submitted to NCBI Genbank. From the alignment of the nucleotide sequences of various allelic variants, it was found that there were differences in 12 positions among the alleles, out of which maximum variation (at 8 places) was found in the intronic region. The allele A was closer to allele-C than allele-B. Allele B was phylogenetically equidistant from both of the other alleles. Mean lysozyme activity determined in serum samples of different animals of Murrah buffalo was $27.35{\pm}2.42\;{\mu}g$ per ml of serum, whereas the mean somatic cell count was $1.25{\pm}0.13{\times}10^5$ cells per ml of milk. The SSCP pattern-wise effects of various genotypes on lysozyme activity and SCC were analyzed. Although the mean values were apparently different in various genotypes, these differences were statistically non-significant. It can be concluded that the riverine buffaloes are sufficiently polymorphic with respect to serum lysozyme gene. The absence of AA genotype in Bhadawari breed of buffalo can be considered as a marker for breed characterization. The difference of four nucleotides in exon-3 indicates high selection pressure on the gene.
Samadi, Ahmad Fahim;Yamamoto, Toshio;Ueda, Tadamasa;Adachi, Shunsuke;Hirasawa, Tadashi;Ookawa, Taiichiro
Proceedings of the Korean Society of Crop Science Conference
To develop rice cultivars with increased biomass and grain yield, superior lodging resistance is an essential trait. The new breeding approach can be adopted for the improvement of stem lodging resistance by enhancing culm strength. The resistance to breaking type lodging is attributed to bending moment of basal culm (M), which is composed of the section modulus (SM) and bending stress (BS). The resistance to the bending type lodging is attributed to flexural rigidity (FR) of stem, which is composed of the secondary moment of inertia (SMI) and Young's modulus (YM). Starch and cell wall components such as cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin also play a significant role in physical strength of culm, and thus affect lodging. Leaf Star has a superior lodging resistance due to its thick and stiff culm because of its high M and FR compared with Koshihikari. Furthermore, Leaf Star contains high densities of hemicellulose, cellulose and low lignin density in culm compared with Koshihikari. In this study, we performed QTL analysis for these traits associated with culm strength, using 94 recombinant inbred lines (RILs, $F_8$), derived from a cross between Leaf Star and Koshihikari. The SM in the RILs showed a continuous distribution. QTLs for SM were detected on chrs.2, 3 and 10. Leaf Star alleles increased SM on chrs. 2 and 3, but Koshihikari allele increased on chr.10. These QTLs overlapped with those QTLs identified using backcrossed inbred line derived from a cross between Chugoku 117 and Koshihikari, the parents of Leaf Star. The FR in Leaf Star was higher than that in Koshihikari due to the larger SMI and YM. 3 QTLs for SMI were detected on chrs.2, 3 and 10. Leaf Star alleles increased SMI on chrs.2 and 3, and Koshihikari alleles increased on chr.10. One QTL on chr.3 and two QTLs on chr.5 for hollocelulose content were detected with Leaf Star alleles contribution. Moreover, two QTLs were detected for hemicellulose density on chrs.3 and 5. Leaf Star allele increased hemicellulose density on chr.5, and Koshihikari allele increased on chr.3. Furthermore, two QTLs for cellulose density were detected on chr.5, and one QTL on chr.2. For starch content, one QTL on chr.3 and two QTLs on chr.5 with Leaf Star alleles contribution were detected. TULK-6 carrying a chromosome segment of Leaf Star on chr.5 in the Koshihikari genetic background showed higher densities of starch and hemicellulose than those in Koshihikari. These results suggest that the detected QTLs for culm strength could be utilized for the improvement of lodging resistance in rice by marker-assisted selection.
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저작권법 제136조에 따라 5년 이하의 징역 또는 5천만 원 이하의 벌금에 처해질 수 있습니다.
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② 유료서비스를 이용하려는 회원은 정해진 요금체계에 따라 요금을 납부해야 합니다.
제 5 장 계약 해지 및 이용 제한
제 15 조 (계약 해지)
회원이 이용계약을 해지하고자 하는 때에는 [가입해지] 메뉴를 이용해 직접 해지해야 합니다.
제 16 조 (서비스 이용제한)
① 당 사이트는 회원이 서비스 이용내용에 있어서 본 약관 제 11조 내용을 위반하거나, 다음 각 호에 해당하는
경우 서비스 이용을 제한할 수 있습니다.
- 2년 이상 서비스를 이용한 적이 없는 경우
- 기타 정상적인 서비스 운영에 방해가 될 경우
② 상기 이용제한 규정에 따라 서비스를 이용하는 회원에게 서비스 이용에 대하여 별도 공지 없이 서비스 이용의
일시정지, 이용계약 해지 할 수 있습니다.
제 17 조 (전자우편주소 수집 금지)
회원은 전자우편주소 추출기 등을 이용하여 전자우편주소를 수집 또는 제3자에게 제공할 수 없습니다.
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제 18 조 (손해배상)
당 사이트는 무료로 제공되는 서비스와 관련하여 회원에게 어떠한 손해가 발생하더라도 당 사이트가 고의 또는 과실로 인한 손해발생을 제외하고는 이에 대하여 책임을 부담하지 아니합니다.
제 19 조 (관할 법원)
서비스 이용으로 발생한 분쟁에 대해 소송이 제기되는 경우 민사 소송법상의 관할 법원에 제기합니다.
[부 칙]
1. (시행일) 이 약관은 2016년 9월 5일부터 적용되며, 종전 약관은 본 약관으로 대체되며, 개정된 약관의 적용일 이전 가입자도 개정된 약관의 적용을 받습니다.