• Title/Summary/Keyword: Body-image

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The Relationships among Body Image, Social Self Concept and Clothing Behaviors of Adolescents (청소년의 신체이미지, 사회적 자아개념과 의복행동간의 관계 연구)

  • Lee, Mi-Sook
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.33 no.3
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    • pp.433-443
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    • 2009
  • The purposes of this study were to investigate the relationships among body image, social self concept, and clothing behaviors of adolescents, and to find out the differences of the relationships among these three variables by adolescents' sex and age variables. The research method was survey and the subjects were 656 male and female adolescents in Daejeon. The questionnaire consisted of 4 measuring instruments; body image, social self concept, clothing behaviors and demographic attribution. The data were analyzed by Cronbach's ${\alpha}$, factor analysis, t-test, and path analysis, using SPSS program. The results were as follows. First, adolescents generally evaluated their bodies as middle level on their physical attractiveness and had positive social self concept. And high school students had more positive body image and social self concept than middle school students. Second, on clothing behaviors, 5 dimensions were emerged: clothing interest, psychological dependency of clothing, clothing ostentation, clothing conformity, and clothing satisfaction. Third, there were close correlations among body image, social self concept, and clothing behaviors; body image and social self concept had close interrelationship each other. However, body image had close relationship with only clothing satisfaction dimension, whereas social self concept had close relationships with all clothing behavior dimensions except clothing conformity. In conclusion, this results showed that body image, social self concept and clothing behaviors have close interrelations, therefore, clothing play an important role to enhance adolescents' body image and social self concept.

The Relationship Between Eating Disorders, Body Image, Depression and Self-Esteem among College Women

  • Sung, Mi-Hae
    • Korean Journal of Health Education and Promotion
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.33-44
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    • 2002
  • This study was conducted to investigate the relationship between an eating disorder, body image, depression and self-esteem amongst a subject group of 282 college women between Jan.,1st and 30th,2002, to provide base data for eating disorder levels of college women and to provide base data for health control. The evaluative instrument was a constructive questionnaire that consisted of 8 items of general characteristics and weight control questions, 24 questions relating to eating disorders, 17 questions pertaining to body image, 10 questions pertaining to depression and 10 questions pertaining to self-esteem. To identify the levels of an eating disorder, body image, depression and self-esteem perceived by subjects, the researcher used means and SDs. To test the significance of a subject's eating disorder, body image, depression and self-esteem according to the BMI, the researcher used the t-test. To test the correlation between the BMI, an eating disorder, body image, depression and self-esteem, the researcher used Pearson correlation coefficient. The results of this study are as follows. The mean score for anorexia nervosa was 31.52 and the mean score for bulimia nervosa was 24.12. Differences between the underweight group and the normal weight group in the level of eating disorders were significant (t=-6.94, p=.000). There were high positive correlations between the BMI and an eating disorder (r=.383, p<.01), between an eating disorder and depression (r=.161, p<.01), between body image and self-esteem (r=.653, p<.01). In addition, there were high negative correlations between an eating disorder and body image (r=-.214, p<01), between an eating disorder and self-esteem (r=-.196, p<.01), between depression and body image (r=-.541, p<.01), and between depression and self-esteem (r=-.537, p<.01). These results indicate that Korean college women need more education and counseling on dietary habits. Also, the systemic efforts reestablish the social standard of the beauty should be taken. Further empirical and experimental studies would be required for investigating for the factors influencing the eating attitude of the college women and discriminating the variables affecting the various specific dimensions of the eating attitude.

A Study of the Body Mass Index and Body Image among Female College Students (여자대학생의 비만지수와 신체상에 관한 연구)

  • Chung, Eun-Soon
    • Women's Health Nursing
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    • v.7 no.4
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    • pp.622-630
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    • 2001
  • This study aims at examining relationships between body mass index and perceived body shape and image. Using a purposive sampling method, 404 female college students were recruited from three universities located in Busan from April 2000 to June 2000. To classify the levels of obesity, Broca's method was used. Secord & Jourard's Body Cathexis Scale(1953) modified by Kim mi ok(1997) was also used to measure body image. The collected data were analyzed with the percentages, Mean, Standard deviation, T-test, and Pearson correlation Coefficient. The results of this study were as follows. 1. 56.4 % of subjects were under weight, and 42.1% were normal for BMI. 2. 55.9% of subjects were very satisfied with their body shape and 15.1% were satisfied. 3. The mean values of perceived body shape according to the BMI were 3.0 for the overweight group, 2.65 for the normal weight group, and 2.21 for the low weight group, the mean differences among three groups were significantly satisfied (F= 21.42, P= .000). 4. The mean scores of body image according to the BMI was 160.21 for low weight group, 155.57 for the normal weight group, and 140.0 for overweight group. The mean differences among the three groups were not significantly satisfied. 5. The mean scores of body image according to perceived body shape were 17819 for the satisfaction group, 161.08 for the moderate group and 150.82 for dissatisfied group. The mean differences among the three groups were significantly satisfied (F= 35.72, P=. 000). 6. There were high positive correlations between BMI and perceived body shape(r= .317) and between perceived body shape and body image (r=- .415).

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Visual Interaction between the Stereotype of Women's Body Image and Its Internalization - with the Analysis of Images on the Advertising of Body-line Care Company - (여성 몸 이미지의 전형과 내면화 과정의 시각 체계적 상호작용 - 몸매관리산업 광고 이미지 분석을 중심으로 -)

  • Lee, Suan
    • Women's Studies Review
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    • v.26 no.1
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    • pp.73-108
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    • 2009
  • In the post-industrial society, concerns about the body have devoted to extend the concept of body from its physical level to the spiritual and corporeal level. Now body is not only an instrument which expresses one's personal character, but also an abstract concept which shows one's identity. Through this tendency, body image as a representation becomes notable as much as physical body itself. This tendency has been exaggerated especially for women and the socio-cultural common notion is forcing them to internalize it by presenting several stereotypes of body image. The concept of body image, a rising academic subject becoming a socio-cultural matter of interest, bears an epistemological base about spirit, body, and individual/social character. As the discussion about body develops in the field of women's studies, deepened discussions about body image are in progress. In this article interaction between the making of stereotypes of the female body in the socio-cultural circumstance and the process of internalization of these stereotypes is analyzed. For the analysis, the hypothesis was established that this interaction constructs the making process of body image. The analyzed materials are images and texts for advertisements, and other materials for public relations which are posted on the homepage of body-line consulting company M. The results of this analysis are to summarize as follows; the stereotypes of the female body image in Korea are very similar to those of westerners, and male gaze plays a big role in the construction of female body image through the internationalization of the gaze by women. According to these results, it is necessary to consider the effort that women should strive to produce and to develop healthy female body images.

Analysis of Weight Control Behaviors by Body Image Perception among Korean Women in Different Age Groups: Using the 2010 Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey Data (우리나라 여성의 주관적 체형인식에 따른 체중조절행동 : 2010년 국민건강영양조사 자료를 이용하여)

  • Lim, Young-Suk;Park, Na-Ri;Jeon, Su-Bin;Jeong, So-Yeon;Tserendejid, Zuunnast;Park, Hae-Ryun
    • Korean Journal of Community Nutrition
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.141-150
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    • 2015
  • Objectives: Self perceived body image among women is drawing a lot of attention in Korea due to their unhealthy weight control behaviors. To determine the relationship between self-perceived body image and dietary behaviors among Korean women, the discrepancy between actual body size and body image perception, weight control behaviors were assessed based on age groups using the 2010 KNHANES data. Methods: A total of 1,747 subjects were selected after eliminating those of likely changing their diet recently using the 2010 KNHANES data. The subjects were divided into 3 groups, self-underweight, self-normal, and self-obese according to their perception of body image. The BMI and weight control behaviors were assessed based on age groups according to the body image perception. Results: The younger, the higher ratio of underweight, women perceived their body size as normal or overweight. Exercise and reduced food intakes were dominant among various weight control methods but unhealthy methods were dominant among self perceived overweight group. Conclusions: Incorrect body image perception and unhealthy weight control behaviors can cause nutritional problems. Nutritional education should emphasize the importance of healthy weight and proper body image perception for Korean women.

Metal-Body Images in Shinya Tsukamoto's (1989) (츠카모토 신야의 <철남(鐵男)>(1989)을 통해 살펴 본 기계적-몸 이미지)

  • Kwon, Soojin;Kwon, Hajin
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.15 no.6
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    • pp.168-178
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    • 2015
  • This article analysis the aesthetics of metal-body of (1989) and its metamorphosis of dehumanization through visual desires expressed by body images. This paper suggests theoretical analysis based on aesthetic views to understand the underlying meanings. The research categorizes three types of images; surreal image, grotesque image and eros image from the metamorphosis of dehumanization and transformation throughout the film. As the surreal image, the metamorphic process of transformation, demolition, derangement, illusion, and human desire continues to reflect the evil side of a human in everyday life. It also visualizes the images of exaggeration through weakness and bizarre side of metal-body. The grotesque image of body metamorphosis displays and symbolizes double-sides of bizarre and weak side of human in the everyday environment when malformation reaches its peak when Tetsuo finally shows his transforming figure. Finally, the eros image is analogized as a man's inner self and self-destruction in surreal world and a grotesque figure when overwhelming desire of transforming into rebirth of a perfect metal-body, Tetsuo. The surreal image, grotesque image, and eros image portraits human desires inner and outer-self into visualized image and that represents the means of excessive desire for dreaming of world domination with merging non-organic medium of metal and organic body to create a perfect body-image.

Comparative study on body shape satisfaction and body weight control between Korean and Chinese female high school students

  • Ro, Yoo-Na;Hyun, Wha-Jin
    • Nutrition Research and Practice
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    • v.6 no.4
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    • pp.334-339
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    • 2012
  • This study was conducted to compare body shape satisfaction, body image perception, weight control status, and dietary habits of Korean and Chinese female high school students in order to provide information for proper body image perception of adolescents. 221 students in Yongin, a city in Korea, and 227 students in Weihai, a city in China, were surveyed using questionnaires. Body shape satisfaction was significantly higher in Chinese students (P < 0.001) compared to Korean students. 76.2% of Korean students and 72.7% of Chinese students wanted a thinner body shape than their present body shapes. Experiences of weight control, laxative or diuretics uses, eating during weight control, and vomiting after eating were significantly higher in Korean students (P < 0.05-P < 0.001) compared to Chinese students. The score for dietary habits was significantly higher in Chinese students (P < 0.001) compared to Korean students, suggesting a more desirable dietary habit among Chinese students. Students of both countries showed a significantly positive correlation between body shape satisfaction and dietary habits, suggesting that as body shape satisfaction increases, dietary habits become more desirable. In conclusion, Korean female students showed a more distorted body image perception and had more poor dietary habits than Chinese students. Nutritional education for the establishment of normal body weight, proper body image perception, and healthy dietary habits are needed.

Body Image, Self Esteem, and Health related Quality of Life in Patients with Crohn's Disease (크론병 환자의 신체상, 자아존중감 및 건강 관련 삶의 질)

  • Lee, Young Jin;Oh, Eui Geum
    • Korean Journal of Adult Nursing
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    • v.26 no.4
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    • pp.383-392
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    • 2014
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to describe the degrees of body image, self esteem and Health Related Quality Of Life (HRQOL), and to identify factors related to these variables in patients with Crohn's disease. Methods: A descriptive cross sectional survey design was used. The 148 participants were the patients with Crohn's disease, recruited conveniently from one metropolitan hospital located in Seoul, Korea. The collected data were analyzed with SPSS/WIN program. Results: Patients with severe illness activity reported significantly lower body images than those of the others. Education levels and working states affected self-esteem positively, while the number of operations and illness activity affected self-esteem negatively. Hospitalization and illness activity affected HRQOL negatively. Body image, self esteem, and HRQOL were positively correlated to each other with statistical significance. Illness activity was a common factor to affect body image, self esteem, and HRQOL. Body image was an influential factor on HRQOL as well as illness activity in patients with Crohn's disease. Conclusion: As a result, this study suggested a necessity for developing an intervention study to lower the illness activity and heighten the body image among the patients with Crohn's disease.

A Study of Semiotic Analysis of Body Expression Image Shown in the Body Profile of Female Influencer's SNS (여성 인플루언서의 SNS 바디프로필에 나타난 신체표현 이미지의 기호학적 분석 연구)

  • Jung Hwa Chae;Kyeong Sook Cho
    • Journal of the Korea Fashion and Costume Design Association
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.65-81
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    • 2023
  • The purpose of this study is to interpret the semantic actions of body image symbolized in body expression images shown by micro-influencers body profiles to understand the body profile phenomenon of the MZ generation. As a result of collecting body profile data from micro-influencers, the body profile image types of female influencers on SNS were classified into four types, Athletic, Slim body, Natural, and, Glamorous. Images representing each type were analyzed using the Roland Barthes' Myth model analysis frame. As a result of the semantic analysis, influencers were found to be very active and bold, emphasizing certain body parts according to the type of body image they pursue. Fashion is strategically used to emphasize these aspects. It was found that the ideology of a 'subjective modern woman' was commonly expressed through emphasis on visual signs. This study is meaningful in that it can indirectly lead to the understanding the fashion culture expressed by the MZ generation and provide consumer information and essential data that can be used for communication strategies in the fashion market.

A Study on Image Management Behavior according to Self-monitoring, Self-objectification of Profile-based SNS Users (프로필 기반 SNS 사용자의 자기모니터링, 자기대상화 성향에 따른 이미지관리행동 연구)

  • Lee, Hyun-Ok
    • The Korean Fashion and Textile Research Journal
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.195-205
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    • 2022
  • This study examines the image management behavior according to self-monitoring, self-objectification of profile-based SNS users. Questionnaires were administered to 313 SNS users including both men and women in their 20s to 30s. The SPSS 25.0 package was utilized for data analysis, which included frequency analysis, factor analysis, Cronbach's ?, t-test, and regression analysis. The study analyzed self-monitoring in 2 groups (high, low), self-objectification for 2 factors (body surveillance, body shame), and image management behavior for 5 factors (fashion oriented, instrumentality, conformity, ostentation, interpersonal disposition). The results revealed: first, self-monitoring groups exhibited significant differences in self-objectification. The higher self-monitoring group was more influenced by body surveillance and body shame compared to the low self-monitoring group. Second, self-objectification had a positive influence on all the factors of image management behavior. Especially, body surveillance demonstrated a high influence on instrumentality and body shame showed a high influence on ostentation. Third, the self-monitoring groups showed significant differences in all the factors of image management behavior. The higher self-monitoring group demonstrated more influence of image management behavior compared to the low self-monitoring group. These results provide useful information in understanding the influence of social media on users' psychological attitude and consciousness toward their body and image management behavior.