• 제목/요약/키워드: Blur

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Blur Detection through Multinomial Logistic Regression based Adaptive Threshold

  • Mahmood, Muhammad Tariq;Siddiqui, Shahbaz Ahmed;Choi, Young Kyu
    • Journal of the Semiconductor & Display Technology
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.110-115
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    • 2019
  • Blur detection and segmentation play vital role in many computer vision applications. Among various methods, local binary pattern based methods provide reasonable blur detection results. However, in conventional local binary pattern based methods, the blur map is computed by using a fixed threshold irrespective of the type and level of blur. It may not be suitable for images with variations in imaging conditions and blur. In this paper we propose an effective method based on local binary pattern with adaptive threshold for blur detection. The adaptive threshold is computed based on the model learned through the multinomial logistic regression. The performance of the proposed method is evaluated using different datasets. The comparative analysis not only demonstrates the effectiveness of the proposed method but also exhibits it superiority over the existing methods.

Local Binary Pattern Based Defocus Blur Detection Using Adaptive Threshold

  • Mahmood, Muhammad Tariq;Choi, Young Kyu
    • Journal of the Semiconductor & Display Technology
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.7-11
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    • 2020
  • Enormous methods have been proposed for the detection and segmentation of blur and non-blur regions of the images. Due to the limited available information about the blur type, scenario and the level of blurriness, detection and segmentation is a challenging task. Hence, the performance of the blur measure operators is an essential factor and needs improvement to attain perfection. In this paper, we propose an effective blur measure based on the local binary pattern (LBP) with the adaptive threshold for blur detection. The sharpness metric developed based on LBP uses a fixed threshold irrespective of the blur type and level which may not be suitable for images with large variations in imaging conditions and blur type and level. Contradictory, the proposed measure uses an adaptive threshold for each image based on the image and the blur properties to generate an improved sharpness metric. The adaptive threshold is computed based on the model learned through the support vector machine (SVM). The performance of the proposed method is evaluated using a well-known dataset and compared with five state-of-the-art methods. The comparative analysis reveals that the proposed method performs significantly better qualitatively and quantitatively against all the methods.

A Study on the Characteristics of Blur Color in Olafur Eliasson's Works (올라퍼 엘리아슨의 작품에 나타난 블러 색채 특성 연구)

  • Kim, Sun-Young
    • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.87-94
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    • 2012
  • This thesis has purpose of explaining that blur color is not only appreciated but also undecided spacial color in contemporary space design and examining effects of space experience through the light. In keeping such developments, blur color has been perceived as the object of another tool in contemporary space and has provided us with new views by providing various program, sensor and screen from digital media. With the expansion of blur color, light has changed a spacial color structural that is not simple meaning factor into the essential concept. So this research aims to understand the principle of blur color in Olafur Eliasson's work, which of the fine artist in diverse fields from installation art to media art. The principle of blur color such as deconstruction of vanishing point, dimensional transfer, color gradation, and fiction of visual perception makes it possible to extract the expressed element and method of blur color. Meanwhile, the features of blur color such as sense of depth from viewpoint changes, hybrid from collapse of order, media metamorphosis from reconstitution and interaction from uncanny can be inferred from case analysis.

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Motion blur analysis by Gabor patch

  • Oka, Koichi;Oka, Daisuke
    • 한국정보디스플레이학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2007.08a
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    • pp.1039-1042
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    • 2007
  • Motion blur of LCD displays has been measured subjectively by using Gabor patch radiusese. Gabor radiuses at a normalized scroll speed, Scroll speed times Fc, to be unity, indicate motion blur strengths, which are named a perceived motion blur strength measured by a Gabor patch. The results are compared with eye perception, PBET and EBET.

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Characteristics Evaluation of Moving Picture Blur Noise for Liquid Crystal Display (액정 디스플레이의 동화상 퍼짐 노이즈 특성 평가)

  • Ryeom, Jeong-Duk
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Illuminating and Electrical Installation Engineers
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.27-35
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    • 2009
  • The moving picture blur noise of LCD is measured and the characteristics of it are evaluated. From the results, blur noise is generated only when the sight line moves while pursuing the moving image and blur noise is not generated when the sight line is fixed. In addition, decrease of gray level by the image blur has a linearity and velocity dependence. The blur noise simulator based on this experimental results is developed. From the results of blur noise simulation, the faster the moving speed of image is, the more blur noise has increased and these agree with the results of measurement. In the result of simulating blur noise characteristics by the duty ratio control of backlight, noise is reduced by lowering of the duty ratio. but the blur noise increases if there is in the both of adjacent two frames. Moreover, the case of doubling the frame rate to 120[Hz], decreasing the moving speed of the image by making an new image between the adjacent two frames brings the reduction of blur noise.

Blur the objects in image by YOLO (YOLO를 이용한 이미지 Blur 처리)

  • Kang, Dongyeon
    • Annual Conference of KIPS
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    • 2019.05a
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    • pp.431-434
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    • 2019
  • In the case of blur processing, it is common to use a tool such as Photoshop to perform processing manually. However, it can be considered very efficient if the blur is processed at one time in the object detection process. Based on this point, we can use the object detection model to blur the objects during the process. The object detection is performed by using the YOLO [3] model. If such blur processing is used, it may be additionally applied to streaming data of video or image.

Blur Detection in Defocused Images using Teacher-Learner based Optimization (교사-학생 기반 최적화를 이용한 디포커스 영상의 흐림 검출)

  • Muhammad Tariq Mahmood;Young Kyu Choi
    • Journal of the Semiconductor & Display Technology
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.34-39
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    • 2024
  • Defocus blur frequently appears in images from optical devices. In applications like image restoration or object detection, distinguishing between blurred and sharp regions in partially blurred images is often very important. In general, blur detection performance is greatly affected by how features are combined. In this paper, we propose a parameter-free metaheuristic optimization strategy known as teacher-learner based optimization to find an optimal weight vector for combination of blur maps. After generating multi-scale blur maps using a local binary pattern based blur metric, we apply a regularization scheme to refine them. Finally, our parameter-free metaheuristic optimization is employed to find the optimal weight vectors of each refined blur map for the linear feature combination. The comparative analysis reveals that our method performs significantly better qualitatively and quantitatively against five state-of-the-art methods.

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A Study on The Identification of Blur Parameters from a Motion Blurred Image (모션 블러된 이미지로부터 블러 파라미터를 추출하는 기법에 대한 연구)

  • Yang, Hong-Taek;Hwang, Joo-Yeon;Paik, Doo-Won
    • 한국HCI학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2008.02a
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    • pp.693-696
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    • 2008
  • Motion blurs are caused by relative motion between the camera and the scene. The blurred image needs to be restored because undesired blur effect degrades the quality of the image. In this paper, we propose a new method for the identification of blur parameters. Experiment shows that the proposed method identifies blur extent regardless of the size of the blur and the object in the original image.

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The Improvement of Blur Phenomenon at Laser Beam Scanner (레이저 빔 스캔 시스템의 Blur현상 개선)

  • Roh, Jin Ki;Kim, Hye Jin;Kim, Kab Il
    • The Transactions of The Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers
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    • v.63 no.9
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    • pp.1281-1285
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    • 2014
  • Recently, as the wide spread of smart phone, pico projector which is used at the smart phone is appeared as a portable display device. In this paper, among several pico projectors, laser beam scanner module is dealt with in which laser is used as light source, and mems-mirror is used as optical panel. In this device, screen image quality is a special issue, and blur effect is a typical adverse effect to the quality of this device. So the enhancement of this blur effect has an important factor of the quality of the device. The definition of the blur and the main source of the blur are studied and the simulation results and way of improvement are also suggested.

A Design of Over-driving Controller to Reduce Motion Blur (Motion Blur를 줄이기 위한 Over-driving Controller 설계)

  • Nam, Ki-Hun;Shin, Yong-Seb
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea SD
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    • v.47 no.4
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    • pp.1-6
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    • 2010
  • We can see the motion blur phenomenon on theedge of the moving picture when it moves in the LCDs. To reduce this phenomenon, we suggested a new over-deriving method, implemented on the board XUP Virtex-2 Pro Development System by using Virtex-2 Pro XUP XC2VP30 and improved the Motion Blur. In this method, we did not use additional parts except for a SDRAM. Hardware implementation for IP and data interface were handled in software. In this paper, we used the moving bar and the moving video image as a design model. We also showed that the afterimage was reduced and the vivid moving images was displayed. through this method.