• Title/Summary/Keyword: Batter

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Quality Characteristics and Consumer Acceptability of Brownies with Rice Bran Dietary Fiber (현미 식이섬유를 대체한 브라우니의 품질 및 관능적 특성)

  • Yeom, Kyung Hun;Kim, Ji Hyun;Lee, Jee Hyun;Bae, In Hyu;Chun, Soon Sil
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.45 no.12
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    • pp.1823-1829
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    • 2016
  • This study investigated the optimal percentage of brownies substituted with rice bran dietary fiber (3%, 6%, 9%, and 12%). The sample and control were compared for quality characteristics, specific gravity, viscosity, pH, moisture content, water activity, specific volume, color, textural characteristic, consumer acceptance, and CATA (check-all-that-apply). The specific gravity of the control sample was not significantly different among the samples. The viscosity was highest at the brownie containing 12% of rice bran dietary fiber. Moisture content and water activity were highest in the 6% sample. pH of control sample batter was highest, but reduced with increasing amounts of rice bran dietary fiber. For colors, lightness of the 6% sample batter was highest at 25.31, and redness and yellowness significantly increased with increasing amounts of rice bran dietary fiber. For textural characteristics, hardness, and chewiness significantly increased with increasing amounts of rice bran dietary fiber. Cohesiveness and resilience were not significantly different between samples. In the sensory evaluation, overall acceptability was highest in the control group and lowest for the 12% sample. In the frequency analysis of the CATA, as rice bran dietary fiber was added, the amount of bran flavor, oliy, and unpleasant increased while frequency of bitterness, sweetness, and chocolate taste decreased. In the principal component analysis, characteristics of unpleasant, oily, soybean flavor, and sweetness were strongly detected in the 12% sample. The control sample showed strong sweetness and bitterness. The results indicate that 3% to 6% rice bran dietary fiber is appropriate for production of brownies.

Quality Characteristics of Sponge Cake Prepared with Lentinus edodes Powder (표고버섯 분말을 첨가한 Sponge Cake의 품질 특성)

  • Jo, Kyung-A;Lee, Young-Ju;Sim, Chang-Hwan;Kim, Kyung-Je;Chun, Soon-Sil
    • The Korean Journal of Food And Nutrition
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.218-225
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    • 2010
  • To make sponge cake using Lentinus edodes powder, which is useful and valuable as a functional food material, we tested samples with 3, 6, 9, and 12% L. edodes powder to ascert200ain the quality characteristic and make optimize preparation. Samples and L. edodes powder-free control sponge cakes were compared in terms of quality characteristics including batter viscosity and specific gravity, moisture content, volume index, weight, color, textural characteristics, and sensory qualities, to determine the optimal ratio of L. edodes powder in the formulation. Viscosity and specific gravity of sample and control batter were not significantly different. Moisture content of the sample and control sponge cake also did not differ significantly, and weight of sample and control sponge cakes did not differ appreciably. The volume index of the samples displayed contrasting values, increasing with 3~6% L. edodes powder and decreasing with 9~12% powder. L, a, and b crust color values of samples sponge cakes were lower than those of control cakes. The L and a values of the control cakes was maximal, with values progressively decreasing with incorporation of more L. edodes powder. The b value decreased by 3% with the addition of up 6% L. edodes powder with no further decrease thereafter. L. edodes powder was the lower value. So was the color a, and L. edodes powder increased, a-values decreased. 3% difference was shown in b, the color and none between the samples with 6~12%. L. edodes powder showed lower values making a comparison with the control. Hardness and fracturablility were not appreciably affected by 3% L. edodes powder, but was affected by concentrations 6%. Fracturability og sample sponge cakes was consistently lower than control cakes. Fracturability made little difference in 3% samples, but it was not the same with more than 6% L. edodes powder samples; the samples showed lower value than the control. Adhesiveness was not significantly affected. Chewiness was lower in all sample cakes except those prepared with 3% L. edodes powder. Use of L. edodes powder conferreds higher resilience values as compared to thecontrols. Sensory attributes of color, flavor, softness and overall acceptability were the highest in control sponge cakes, as the amount of L. edodes powder increased, the acceptability decreased. L. edodes-flavor, pleasant taste and off-flavor were the lowest in control cakes, and values increased as the amount of L. edodes powder increased. The control sponge cakes showed the highest values in egg-flavor and moistness, which progressively increased as added L. edodes powder increased. The results indicate that control sponge cakes displayed were. the highest overall acceptability, with acceptability decreasing and it decreased as L. edodes powder content increased. However, 3~6% L. edodes powder can produce an acceptable product, and may be used as anoptimized mixture ratio.

Effect of Rosemary and Clove Essential Oils on Quality and Flavor Compounds of Fried Korean Native Chicken Thigh Meat (로즈마리와 클로브 에센셜 오일의 항산화 특성과 토종닭 후라이드 치킨의 품질특성 및 풍미성분에 미치는 영향)

  • Soomin Oh;Yousung Jung;Sangrok Lee;Hee-Jeong Lee;Dongwook Kim;Hyo-Jun Choo;Dong-Jin Shin;Aera Jang
    • Korean Journal of Poultry Science
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    • v.50 no.3
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    • pp.143-159
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    • 2023
  • The study aimed to evaluate the antioxidative effects of rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis L.) and clove (Syzgyium aromaticum L.) essential oils on fried Korean native thigh meat, including their impact on processed characteristics and flavor compounds. Clove essential oil showed higher DPPH scavenging activity, FRAP and total phenol content compared to rosemary essential oil (P<0.05). The treatments with the addition of 0.005% and 0.01% rosemary (0.005RB and 0.01RB) and clove (0.005CB and 0.01CB) essential oils to the batter weight compared to control that did not include essential oils in batter. The addition of rosemary and clove essential oils to fried Korean native chicken thigh meat did not significant affect proximate composition, pH, TBARS, sensory characteristics. Except for 0.005CB, treatments adding essential oils decreased cooking loss (P<0.05) and 0.005CB showed significantly higher pick-up value than control. Addition of clove essential oil in fried Korean native chicken thigh meat resulted in higher levels of arachidonic acid compared to control (P<0.05). Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) analysis showed that addition of rosemary essential oil might mask its own VOCs, while clove essential oil addition reduced some pyrazine compounds. Although addition of rosemary and clove essential oil did not have significant sensory characteristics on fried Korean native chicken thigh meat, instrumental analysis revealed changes in the compounds that influenced flavor. Further studies are required to evaluate the stability of flavor and sensory characteristics of fried Korean native chicken thigh meat with added essential oils during storage.

Quality characteristics of sponge cake with buckwheat powder (메밀가루를 첨가한 스펀지 케이크의 품질특성)

  • Lee, Seon-Ho;Bae, Jong-Ho
    • Food Science and Preservation
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.204-210
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    • 2015
  • This study investigated the quality characteristics of sponge cake by introduction of buckwheat powder (BP). Cake batter was prepared by substituting wheat flour with an equivalent amount of BP based on weight. Sponge cakes were prepared with different amounts of BP (0, 10, 20, and 30%, respectively). Their physicochemical and sensory properties were tested. The specific gravity was not affected by the addition of BP (10~30%) (p<0.05). The lightness (L value) and yellowness (b value) of the crumb significantly decreased with the increase in the BP contents (p<0.05), whereas the redness (a value) increased (p<0.05). As the increase in the amount of BP addition, the hardness, cake volume (mL), baking loss rate (%), and specific volume (mL/g) significantly decreased (p<0.05). On the contrary, the cake weight increased. In the sensory evaluation, no significant differences in terms of color, taste, texture, flavor, and overall acceptance were observed among the different amout of BP addition (0~20%) (p<0.05). Overall, the sponge cake prepared with the addition of 20% BP was recommended to use due to its advantages in functional property.

Quality Characteristics of Sponge Cake Supplemented with Soy Fiber Flour (콩섬유 복합분을 첨가한 스펀지 케이크의 품질 특성)

  • Park, Ji-Young;Park, Young-Seo;Chang, Hak-Gil
    • Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology
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    • v.40 no.4
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    • pp.412-418
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    • 2008
  • The replacement of wheat flour with 4 to 24% soy fiber FIBRIM(R)1450 was evaluated to determine its effect on the properties of sponge cake. The volume and specific loaf volume decreased as the amount of soy fiber increased. In addition, the protein content and water holding capacity (WHC) were negatively correlated with the specific gravity of batter and the specific loaf volume of sponge cake, whereas there was no correlation between the mixograph characteristics and specific loaf volume of sponge cake in response to the addition of soy fiber. Furthermore, the symmetry and uniformity indices were not influenced by the addition of soy fiber. However, the L values of sponge cake crust and crumb decreased with increasing amounts of soy fiber, whereas a and b values were not affected. Additionally, the hardness, gumminess, and chewiness of the sponge cake all showed positive correlations with the protein content, sedimentation value, WHC and alkaline water retention capacity. Finally, the results of sensory evaluation indicated that external and internal colors, grain, texture, and flavor were not influenced by the addition of soy fiber, but that supplementation with over 20% soy fiber resulted in a slight decrease in taste and overall acceptability.

Quality Characteristics of Muffins added with Amaranth Leaf Powder (아마란스잎 분말을 첨가한 머핀의 품질특성)

  • Choi, Sang-ho
    • Culinary science and hospitality research
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.51-64
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    • 2016
  • The purpose of this study was to examine the qualities of muffins with 0, 3, 6, 9, and 12% amaranth leaf powder. The specific gravity of muffins prepared by adding amaranth leaf powder was higher than that of the control group. The pH of batter and muffins were decreased with the addition of amaranth leaf powder. The height, weight, volume, and specific loaf volume of muffins were decreased, while the baking loss rate of muffins was increased by the addition of amaranth leaf powder. The moisture content of the samples with amaranth leaf powder was lower than that of the control group. DPPH radical scavenging activity of the control group was 16.23%, whereas the samples with amaranth leaf powder ranged from 23.06~33.63%. In crumb color, the L and a value were decreased, although b value was increased significantly by the addition of amaranth leaves powder. The hardness, springiness, cohesiveness, chewiness, and brittleness of the textural properties of muffins were significantly decreased by the addition of amaranth leaf powder. Sensory evaluation scores in terms of after swallowing, appearance, odor, taste, texture, and overall preference of groups with 3% and 6% of amaranth leaf powder did not show any significant difference when compared to the control group. Based on the above results, using less than 6% of the amaranth leaf powder appears proper to make muffins.

Quality Characteristics of Pound Cakes Added with Perilla Leaves (Perilla frutescens var. japonica HARA) Powder (들깻잎 분말을 첨가한 파운드케이크의 품질 특성)

  • Kim, Na-Young
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.40 no.2
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    • pp.267-273
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    • 2011
  • The study investigated the quality of pound cake added with various concentrations of perilla leaves (Perilla frutescens var. japonica HARA) powder. Pound cake were prepared by addition of 0, 5, 10 and 15% powder to the flour of basic formulation. The pH of the batter and cake decreased with increasing perilla leaves powder concentration. The baking loss rate of the pound cake tended to increase by 7.13~7.42%. The height of pound cake added with perilla leaves powder decreased with increasing powder concentration. The lightness, redness, and yellowness values were significantly decreased with increases in perilla leaves powder except for redness of pound cake crumb. The pound cakes containing 5% perilla leaves powder had acceptable sensory evaluation, such as flavor, taste, moistureness, and overall preference. The hardness and gumminess tended to increase, while springiness and cohesiveness decreased with increases in perilla leaves powder. The retrogradation degree of pound cake prepared with perilla leaves powder for 7 days at $25^{\circ}C$ was higher than the control but there were no significant differences. For the antioxidative activity measured by DPPH (2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl) radical scavenging activity, pound cake added with 10% and 15% added perilla leaves powder showed high antioxidant activities. The results exhibited that adding the perilla leaves powder into the pound cake increased antioxidant activity with the highest quality improvement obtained by incorporating 5% (w/w) of perilla leaves powder into the pound cake formula.

Quality Characteristics of Pound Cakes Prepared with Flowering Cherry (Prunus serrulata L. var. spontanea Max. wils.) Fruit Powder during Storage (버찌(Fruit of Prunus serrulata L. var. spontanea Max. wils.) 분말을 첨가한 파운드케이크의 저장 중 품질 특성)

  • Kim, Kyoung-Hee;Hwang, Hye-Rim;Yun, Mi-Hyang;Jo, Ji-Eun;Kim, Mi-Seon;Yook, Hong-Sun
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.38 no.7
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    • pp.926-934
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    • 2009
  • The study investigated the quality of pound cake prepared with various concentrations of cherry powder (obtained from ground fruit of Prunus serrulata L. var. spontanea Max. wils.). Pound cake was evaluated for their sensory property and physical quality stored for 10 days at $25^{\circ}C$. The pH of the batter decreased with rising cherry powder concentration. The specific loaf volume and height decreased (from 2.95 to $2.60\;cm^3/g$) with increasing in cherry powder. The baking loss rate of the pound cake tended to increased by $11.47{\sim}12.67%$, but with no significant differences. The lightness, redness, and yellowness values were significantly decreased with increases in cherry powder except for redness of pound cake crumb. As the concentration of cherry powder increased, the mechanical characteristics of the pound cake did not differ significantly. The hardness tended to increase, while adhesiveness and springiness decreased with increases in powder. The retrogradation degree of pound cake prepared with cherry powder was higher than the control but there were no significant differences. For the antioxidative activity measured by DPPH (2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl) radical scavenging activity, pound cake prepared with 10% and 15% added cherry powder showed high antioxidant activities. The pound cakes containing 10 and 15% cherry powder had acceptable sensory properties, such as flavor, taste, softness, moisture, and overall acceptability. The results exhibited that adding the cherry powder into the pound cake increased antioxidant activity with the highest quality improvement obtained by incorporating 10% (w/w) of cherry powder into the pound cake formula.

Characteristics of Sponge Cakes with Replacement of Sucrose with Oligosaccharides and Sugar alcohols (올리고당과 당알콜을 이용한 스폰지 케익의 제조)

  • 김창순;이영순
    • Korean journal of food and cookery science
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.204-212
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    • 1997
  • The characteristics of sponge cakes prepared with replacement of 30, 50, 75, or 100% of sucrose with isomaltooligosaccharide (IOS), fructooligosanharide (FOS), maltitol symp (MS), or maltitol powder (MP), were examined through physical measurement and sensory evaluation. The specific gravities of foams and cake batters were not significantly different among samples (p .0.05). The use of IOS increased the viscosity of cake batter. The cakes containing IOS, FOS, MS, or MP were softer than control cakes (sucrose 100%). Especially cakes prepared with 30, 50% IOS, or 75, 100% MP, appeared to be fragile. When increasing levels of IOS or FOS were incorporated in the cake formula, cake crust color was getting darker than that of control cake, whereas cake containing maltitol was getting lighter as the levels of replacement increased. Generally, the volume of cake containing FOS were superior to that of control cake, whereas those of cakes containing above 50% MP were inferior. Sensory analysis of experimental cakes did not show significant differences from the control cake for softness, springiness and gumminess. Sweetness increased replacing the sucrose with FOS, MS or MP (30, 50%) and moistness increased using IOS, FOS, MS, or MP without agreement with moisture contents of cakes. Replacement of 30, 50% sucrose with MS or 30% with MP did not affect greatly the physical measurements or sensory characteristics studied.

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Effects of High Pressure and Binding Agents on the Quality Characteristics of Restructured Pork (초고압처리 및 결착제 첨가가 재구성 돈육의 품질특성에 미치는 효과)

  • Choi, Ye-Chul;Jung, Kyung-Hun;Chun, Ji-Yeon;Choi, Mi-Jung;Hong, Geun-Pyo
    • Food Science of Animal Resources
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    • v.33 no.5
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    • pp.664-671
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    • 2013
  • The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of high pressure treatment and type of binding agents on the quality characteristics of restructured pork. For binding agents, 2% (w/w) isolated soy protein (SP), 0.5% (w/w) wheat flour (WF) and 0.5% (w/w) ${\kappa}$-carrageenan (KC) were incorporated into meat batter with or without 0.5% (w/w) glucono-${\delta}$-lactone (GdL). The restructured pork was pressurized at varying pressure levels (0.1-450 MPa) for 3 min under ambient temperature and thermal treated at $75^{\circ}C$ for 30 min. As quality parameters of restructured pork, pH, water binding properties, instrumental color and texture profile analysis were determined and compared with control (C, no binder). For type of binders, SP exhibited the best water binding properties, however, the impact on textural properties were lesser than KC and WF. The addition of GdL decreased the pH of restructured pork down to 0.4 unit, while high pressure processing prevented the moisture loss caused from pH decrease by GdL. In particular, meat restructuring efficiency of SP as a binder improved under the presence of GdL. Therefore, the present study demonstrated the potential advantages of low amount of GdL (0.5%, w/w) combined with protein based binder (SP) and high pressure processing in restructuring meat particles.