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Development of Quality of Life Measurement for Cancer Patients (암환자의 삶의 질 도구개발)

  • Tae, Young Sook;Kang, Eun-Sil;Lee, Myung Hwa;Park, Geum Ja
    • Korean Journal of Adult Nursing
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.741-757
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    • 2000
  • This study was undertaken to develop an instrument to be used for measuring the concept of quality of life of Korean patients with cancer multidimensionary and correctly. It can contribute in holistic nursing care for Korean cancer patients and also provide and validate basic data to help oncology nurses measure the outcome of nursing intervention correctly. To develop this instrument, the researchers first estabilished a conceptual framework based on the results of qualitative data analysis and indepth interview method Development of the scale was conducted using a method in which 31 items were assessed by subjects' self report using linear analogue scales. The subjects were 79 D.M. patients, 103 patients with acute illness, and 91 cancer patients residing in Busan, Korea. Data were collected during the period from July, 24 to August 14, 2000. This instrument consisted of 31 items with a self report scale. This instrument covered 4 dimensions of cancer patients : 1) physical wellbeing 2) psychological wellbeing 3) social wellbeing and 4)spiritual wellbeing. Each item had a possible score of 10. The reliability of the scale was tested with Cronbach's alpha. Validity was evaluated by examining the relationships of this scale, Youn's Quality of Life Questionnare scores and the Simple Quality of Life scale. Two separate runs of multiple regression were used to predict scores on the Simple Quality of Life measurement. Further validation was obtained by examining the correlation between the instrument subscores and Youn's Quality of Life measurement subscore for convergence of this scale. Examination of the discriminant. power of the instrument was done using ANOVA test. The results are summarized as follows: 1. The reliability of the instrument for the quality of life was 0.8321(Cronbach's alpha.), physical wellbeing dimension 0.6343, psychological wellbeing dimension 0.6501, spiritual wellbeing dimension 0.5883. 2. This instrument had a high correlation with Youn's Quality of Life measurement(r= 0.636) in cancer patients, whereas it had a low correlation with Simple Quality of Life measurement(r=0.455) in cancer patients. In the D.M. patients, the instrument correlated with both the Youn's Quality of Life measurement and Simple Quality of life measurement(r=0.313, r= 0.407) and in the acute stage patients, the instrument had no correlation. 3. Multiple regression of individual items on the Simple Quality of Life scores accounted for 56.8% of the variance in the Simple Quality of Life measurement, whereas, Youn's Quality of Life measurement scores accounts for 31.7%. 4. The correlations collected from the three group had the same patterns of variations but especially the instrument developed in this study had higher disciminant power than that of Youn's Quality of Life Measurement.

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A Study on the Post-Evaluation of Landscape Design Competition based on Ground Theory - Case of Gwanggyo Lake Park in Korea - (근거이론을 활용한 조경현상설계의 사후평가 - 광교호수공원을 사례로 -)

  • Hong, Youn-Soon;Park, Jae-Min
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.44 no.5
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    • pp.92-102
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    • 2016
  • While there have many completions of large parks recently under development, there has been a dearth of quality assessments. Studies focused on post-evaluation have been made to resolve this, but most of these are biased toward user satisfaction after completion and therefore behaviour analysis has limitations on solving problemsduring the actual design implementation processes. Therefore, this study examined the internal phenomenon and structure of the implementation process of design competition through the ground theory and microscopic independent perspective. As a result, maintaining the identity and differentiation of parks derived from the preserved design competition scheme contributed greatly to completeness and satisfaction. Outcomes were mainly caused by the trust of public officials as the ordering organization, the will of policy decision-makers, and the competence of operational enterprises, etc. Negative factors such as undermining the whole concept of the park and landscape occurred as external pressure and related subjects intruded on change design factors due to variations in social conditions. Additionally, illogical construction processes occurred, such as a reinvestigation of the budget for restoration after damaging on original landscape. There have been needs for the improvement of the work processing system. On balance, an interventional role is very important in the park construction process, especially the PA and operation committee in terms of maintaining the basic direction, landscape design supervision for detailed designs, and expert construction management on LA in terms of rational work management in the field. The study, using the microscopic perspective of the designer and ground theory, deliver significant meaning as an early study by suggesting alternative methods for the after-evaluation of large parks and structurally looking into main influence factors driven during the construction process.

A study on the basic design of bypass valve using CAE technology (CAE 기반 바이패스 밸브 기본설계에 대한 연구)

  • Oh, Jae-Won;Min, Cheon-Hong;Cho, Su-Gil;Park, Sang-Hyun;Kang, Kwan-Gu;Kim, Seong-Soon;Hong, Sup;Kim, Hyung-Woo
    • Journal of Advanced Marine Engineering and Technology
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    • v.40 no.7
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    • pp.663-670
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    • 2016
  • This paper introduces the concept of the computer-aided engineering(CAE) design method for a bypass valve in a system that is used for the safe lifting of mineral resources in deep-seabed mining. Although the bypass valve has a simple mechanism, its design is very difficult because of various influencing factors. This equipment, which has a complex design process, should be developed by CAE-based design method. The method can perform the design, design verification, and virtual experiment at the same time. In this study, the CAE-based method for the design of the bypass valve has been developed using fluid dynamics, multi-body dynamics, and optimization method.

A Study on Improvement Plan for Building Up Smart Literacy Core Competencies of Pre-Service Teachers (예비 교사의 스마트 리터러시 핵심 역량 강화를 위한 개선 방향 연구)

  • Jeon, Mi-Yeon;Kim, Mi-Yeon;Kim, Eui-Jeong
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2013.05a
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    • pp.421-426
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    • 2013
  • Under the education system which is shifting to smart circumstances the level of literacy competencies of pre-service teachers who carry out teaching and learning in the future will be drawn in this study. Because above all the role of inservice teachers is so important that smart education may be smoothly carried out and established, this study has been done for the purpose of establishing the understanding of smart literacy of pre-service teachers who carry out smart education in education field in the future and proposing what competencies be needed. To achieve this goal, first, examined the understanding of smart literacy of pre-service teachers on a basic research. Second, analyzed the competencies level of pre-service teachers on the basis of the index of core competencies for smart education. Third, proposed improvement plan for building up smart literacy core competencies of pre-service teachers. The subjects of this study were surveyed pre-service teachers in a college of education. On the grounds of study it is necessary that define a concept of smart literacy applicable to pre-service teachers and derive standard indexes of core competencies for smart education, also study proposed the requisite curriculum which is capable of fulfilling smart literacy core competencies and improvement plan for building up smart literacy core competencies which is able to reinforce field adaptability as smart education carried out in the high-tech learning circumstances like real education field.

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An Adaptive Decision-Feedback Equalizer Architecture using RB Complex-Number Filter and chip-set design (RB 복소수 필터를 이용한 적응 결정귀환 등화기 구조 및 칩셋 설계)

  • Kim, Ho Ha;An, Byeong Gyu;Sin, Gyeong Uk
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.24 no.12A
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    • pp.2015-2024
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    • 1999
  • Presented in this paper are a new complex-umber filter architecture, which is suitable for an efficient implementation of baseband signal processing of digital communication systems, and a chip-set design of adaptive decision-feedback equalizer (ADFE) employing the proposed structure. The basic concept behind the approach proposed in this paper is to apply redundant binary (RB) arithmetic instead of conventional 2’s complement arithmetic in order to achieve an efficient realization of complex-number multiplication and accumulation. With the proposed way, an N-tap complex-number filter can be realized using 2N RB multipliers and 2N-2 RB adders, and each filter tap has its critical delay of $T_{m.RB}+T_{a.RB}$ (where $T_{m.RB}, T_{a.RB}$are delays of a RB multiplier and a RB adder, respectively), making the filter structure simple, as well as resulting in enhanced speed by means of reduced arithmetic operations. To demonstrate the proposed idea, a prototype ADFE chip-set, FFEM (Feed-Forward Equalizer Module) and DFEM (Decision-Feedback Equalizer Module) that can be cascaded to implement longer filter taps, has been designed. Each module is composed of two complex-number filter taps with their LMS coefficient update circuits, and contains about 26,000 gates. The chip-set was modeled and verified using COSSAP and VHDL, and synthesized using 0.8- μm SOG (Sea-Of-Gate) cell library.

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A Study of the Automatic Extraction of Hypernyms arid Hyponyms from the Corpus (코퍼스를 이용한 상하위어 추출 연구)

  • Pang, Chan-Seong;Lee, Hae-Yun
    • Korean Journal of Cognitive Science
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.143-161
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    • 2008
  • The goal of this paper is to extract the hyponymy relation between words in the corpus. Adopting the basic algorithm of Hearst (1992), I propose a method of pattern-based extraction of semantic relations from the corpus. To this end, I set up a list of hypernym-hyponym pairs from Sejong Electronic Dictionary. This list is supplemented with the superordinate-subordinate terms of CoroNet. Then, I extracted all the sentences from the corpus that include hypemym-hyponym pairs of the list. From these extracted sentences, I collected all the sentences that contain meaningful constructions that occur systematically in the corpus. As a result, we could obtain 21 generalized patterns. Using the PERL program, we collected sentences of each of the 21 patterns. 57% of the sentences are turned out to have hyponymy relation. The proposed method in this paper is simpler and more advanced than that in Cederberg and Widdows (2003), in that using a word net or an electronic dictionary is generally considered to be efficient for information retrieval. The patterns extracted by this method are helpful when we look fer appropriate documents during information retrieval, and they are used to expand the concept networks like ontologies or thesauruses. However, the word order of Korean is relatively free and it is difficult to capture various expressions of a fired pattern. In the future, we should investigate more semantic relations than hyponymy, so that we can extract various patterns from the corpus.

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Application of Flood Discharge for Gumgang Watershed Using GIS-based K-DRUM (GIS기반 K-DRUM을 이용한 금강권 대유역 홍수유출 적용)

  • Park, Jin-Hyeog;Hur, Young-Teck
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.11-20
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    • 2010
  • The distributed rainfall-runoff model which is developed in the country requires a lot of time and effort to generate input data. Also, it takes a lot of time to calculate discharge by numerical analysis based on kinematic wave theory in runoff process. Therefore, most river basins using the distributed model are of limited scale, such as small river basins. However, recently, the necessity of integrated watershed management has been increasing due to change of watershed management concept and discharge calculation of whole river basin, including upstream and downstream of dam. Thus, in this study, the feasibility of the GIS based physical distributed rainfall-runoff model, K-DRUM(K-water hydrologic & hydraulic Distributed RUnoff Model) which has been developed by own technology was reviewed in the flood discharge process for the Geum River basin, including Yongdam and Daecheong Dam Watersheds. GIS hydrological parameters were extracted from basic GIS data such as DEM, land cover and soil map, and used as input data of the model. Problems in running time and inaccuracy setting using the existing trial and error method were solved by applying an auto calibration method in setting initial soil moisture conditions. The accuracy of discharge analysis for application of the method was evaluated using VER, QER and Total Error in case of the typhoon 'Ewiniar' event. and the calculation results shows a good agreement with observed data.

Reliability Analysis of a Quay Wall Constructed on the Deep-Cement-Mixed Ground(Part I: External Stability of the Improved Soil System) (심층혼합처리지반에 설치된 안벽의 신뢰성해석(Part I: 개량지반의 외부안정))

  • Huh, Jung-Won;Park, Ock-Joo;Kim, Young-Sang;Hur, Dong-Soo
    • Journal of Korean Society of Coastal and Ocean Engineers
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.79-87
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    • 2010
  • This is the first of the two papers dealing with reliability analyses for external and internal stability of a quay wall constructed on a special foundation. A new practical reliability analysis method is proposed in this paper to evaluate the quantitative risk associated with external stability of a quay wall constructed on the deep cement mixed ground. The method can consider uncertainties in various design variables. For the risk estimation to external stability of the improved soil-quay wall, three corresponding limit state functions of sliding, overturning and bearing capacity are fully defined by introducing concept of the secondary random variable. Three representative reliability methods, MVFOSM, FORM and MCS are then applied to evaluate the failure probabilities of the three limit state functions explicitly expressed in terms of the basic and secondary random variables. From the reliability analysis results, the failure probabilities obtained from the three approaches are very close to each other, and the sliding failure mode appears to be the most critical when the earthquake loading is under consideration.

A Study on Thermal Performance of Plate Cooler for Cooling Medium Speed Engine Lubricant Oil (선박용 중속엔진 오일냉각용 판형쿨러의 전열성능에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Jae-Hong
    • Journal of the Korean Applied Science and Technology
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    • v.37 no.1
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    • pp.83-90
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    • 2020
  • Plate heat exchangers(PHE) have been commercialized since the 1920s. Since then, although the basic concept of PHEs has changed little, its design and construction have progressed significantly to accommodate higher temperatures, higher pressures, and large heat exchanging capacities. The development trend of PHEs is consistent with heat plate developments with better thermal efficiency, lower pressure drop, and good flow distribution. The purpose of this paper is to introduce the main development processes of a plate cooler for medium-speed engine lubricant oil cooling in vessels which is in line with the development trend of PHEs and to provide its thermal performance data that were found out during experimental tests. The plate cooler in this study cannot measure the wall temperatures directly due to its structural characteristics, so the heat transfer coefficients were calculated using the modified Wilson Plot method. The water-to-water tests were first conducted experimentally to figure out the characteristics of heat transfer coefficients and pressure drops on the water side and then the water-to-oil tests followed to obtain the heat transfer coefficients on the oil side. The test results showed that heat transfer coefficients and pressure drops on both water and oil side increased with flow rates, and it was also found that all the development targets of the plate cooler in this study were achieved successfully.

Parametric Numerical Study on the Performance of Helical Tidal Stream Turbines (헬리컬 터빈의 설계인자에 따른 성능 연구)

  • Han, Jun-Sun;Choi, Da-Hye;Hyun, Beom-Soo;Kim, Moon-Chan;Rhee, Shin-Hyung;Song, Mu-Seok
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Marine Environment & Energy
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.114-120
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    • 2011
  • The characteristics of a helical turbine to be used for tidal stream energy conversion have been numerically studied with varying a few design parameters. The helical turbines were proposed aiming at mitgating the well known poor cut-in characteristics and the structural vibration caused by the fluctuating torque, and the basic concept is introducing some twisting angle of the vertical blade along the rotation axis of the turbine. Among many potential controling parameters, we focused, in this paper, on the twisting angle and the height to diameter ratio of the turbine, and, based on the numerical experiment, We tried to propose a configuration of such turbine for which better performance can be expected. The three-dimensional unsteady RANS equations were solved by using the commercial CFD software, FLUENT with k-${\omega}$ SST turbulence model, and the grid was generated by GAMBIT. It is shown that there are a range of the twisting angle producing better efficiency with less vibration and the minimum height to diameter ratio above which the efficiency does not improve considerably.