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Genetic parameters for marbling and body score in Anglonubian goats using Bayesian inference via threshold and linear models

  • Figueiredo Filho, Luiz Antonio Silva;Sarmento, Jose Lindenberg Rocha;Campelo, Jose Elivalto Guimaraes;de Oliveira Almeida, Marcos Jacob;de Sousa, Antonio Junior;da Silva Santos, Natanael Pereira;da Silva Costa, Marcio;Torres, Tatiana Saraiva;Sena, Luciano Silva
    • Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences
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    • v.31 no.9
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    • pp.1407-1414
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    • 2018
  • Objective: The aim of this study was to estimate (co) variance components and genetic parameters for categorical carcass traits using Bayesian inference via mixed linear and threshold animal models in Anglonubian goats. Methods: Data were obtained from Anglonubian goats reared in the Brazilian Mid-North region. The traits in study were body condition score, marbling in the rib eye, ribeye area, fat thickness of the sternum, hip height, leg perimeter, and body weight. The numerator relationship matrix contained information from 793 animals. The single- and two-trait analyses were performed to estimate (co) variance components and genetic parameters via linear and threshold animal models. For estimation of genetic parameters, chains with 2 and 4 million cycles were tested. An 1,000,000-cycle initial burn-in was considered with values taken every 250 cycles, in a total of 4,000 samples. Convergence was monitored by Geweke criteria and Monte Carlo error chain. Results: Threshold model best fits categorical data since it is more efficient to detect genetic variability. In two-trait analysis the contribution of the increase in information and the correlations between traits contributed to increase the estimated values for (co) variance components and heritability, in comparison to single-trait analysis. Heritability estimates for the study traits were from low to moderate magnitude. Conclusion: Direct selection of the continuous distribution of traits such as thickness sternal fat and hip height allows obtaining the indirect selection for marbling of ribeye.

Study on the Influence of Wheel Arches, Wheels, and Side Mirrors on Aerodynamic Performance of a Fast Cruising Passenger Car (고속 주행 시 Wheel Arch, Wheel & Side Mirror가 자동차의 공력성능에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구)

  • Song, Ki-Sun;Kang, Seung-On;Park, Hoon-Il;Kee, Jung-Do;Kim, Kyu-Hong;Lee, Dong-Ho
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Automotive Engineers
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    • v.20 no.5
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    • pp.26-35
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    • 2012
  • This paper investigates the influence on the aerodynamic performance of a passenger cruising very fast by some specific car body parts such as side mirrors, wheel arches and wheels designed hardly regarding aerodynamics. The magnitude of the contribution of each part is analyzed via on the CFD simulations. YF SONATA, a sedan of Hyundai Motors Company, plays a major role as the baseline car in this research, representing all passenger car. The CFD analysis condition consists of 6 different cases depending on whether each part exists or not. According to the CFD results, there were confirmed that additionally to the body parts' own drag, the car body went through somewhat the consequential increment of the drag by them. Among the 3 parts, wheel is the magnate that not only has the maximal drag but drives the drag of the passenger car to increase most steeply and the next is the side mirror.

Kinematical Analysis of Handball Step Shoot according to Attack Position (공격위치에 따른 핸드볼 스텝슛의 운동학적 분석)

  • Kang, Sang-Hack
    • Korean Journal of Applied Biomechanics
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.55-66
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    • 2005
  • The present study used a video analysis system to quantify the kinematical data of step shoot motion by male university handball players. From the results of analyzing dynamic variables of step shoot motion according to shooting direction were drawn conclusions as follows. 1. The height of release was proportional to the height of players, and the height of release appeared low in left-side attacks. This is probably because the left-right-throwing angle is larger in left-side attacks than that in center attacks and right-side attacks and, as a result, the throwing arm is lowered down in throwing. 2. The leftward inclination angle of the body was larger in order of right-side attacks > center attacks > left side attacks. 3. Players' throwing form was close to three quarter style in left-side attacks. In center and right-side attacks, the arm was somewhat more upright but still it was more three quarter style than overhand style. 4. The front-rear throwing angle at the moment of release was much higher in right-side attacks than in left-side ones. This is probably because the point of time for releasing the ball is usually late in right-side attacks and, as a result, the front-rear throwing angle becomes quite large. 5. The contribution of body parts on the ball speed was higher in order of the forearm > upper arm, hand > shoulder joint. 6. In players whose distance between the two legs at the moment of release, their body usually did not incline to the side much. Thus it is considered necessary to correct the right leg in their shooting motion. 7. According to the result of analyzing throwing form, the speed of the ball at the moment of leaving the hand was faster in right-side attacks than in left-side and center attacks.

Experimental Studies on the Antipyretic, Analgetic, Anticonvulsive effects of the Woo-Whang-Po-Lyong-Whan to Rats and Mice (우황포용환(牛黃抱龍丸)이 Rat 및 Mouse의 해열(解熱).진통(鎭通) 진경작용(鎭經作用)에 미치는 영향)

  • Koo Jong-Hoon;Koo Bon-Hong
    • The Journal of Pediatrics of Korean Medicine
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.1-12
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    • 1986
  • The Woo-Whang-po-Lyong-Whan has been used as one of the traditional medicines in the field of pediatrics so far since Song dynasty, and still it is widely being used nowadays. It might be considered to be a contribution to do further basic experimental studies on antipyretic, anticonvulsive and analgetic action of the Woo-Whang-po-Lyong-Whan. So it's pharmacological studies were carried out comparing to control drugs. ?Following conclusions were obtained. 1. It's antipyretic action was compared to that of aspirin by Writhing response using acetic acid-method. Mice were given one twentith, one tenth and one fifth tablets of the Woo-Whang-po-Lyong-Whan per Kg of body weight, respecitively. Writhing syndrome frequencies were noted as 38.4 in control group. and 18.0±12, 13.17±2.28, 7.33±12 in above esperimental groups, respectively. In aspirin group it was 18.5±1.0 when 2mg aspirin per body weight of mice was given. So it was recognized that antipyretic action of the Woo-Whang-Po-Lyong-Whan become remarkable by increasing amounts of the Woo-Whang-Po-Lyong-Whan. ?2. Antipyretic action in normal temperature mice group was not significant by increasing concentration of the Woo-Whang-Po-Lyong-Whan, but body temperature dropping in normal mice group was slightly noted than control. group, but less temperature dropping was noted than aminopyrin group. ?3. In fever provocated rats groups using Salmonella typhimurium, antipyretic action of the Woo-Whang-Po-Lyong-Whan was not observed significantly than control group. And slight antipyretic action was noted in aminopyrin group. So that antipyretic action of the Woo-Whang-Po-Lyong-Whan was not significant than those of general antipyretic used nowadays, but slower action was recognized. ?4. Anticonvulsive action of the Woo-Whang-Po-Lyong-Whan was studies comparing to that of phenobarbital. Action was not remarkable than phenobarbital, but was significant than control group. No significant intesifying action was noted by increasing amounts of the Woo-Whang-Po- Lyong-Whang.

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A study of archival body of knowledge in the United States (미국의 기록관리학 지식 범주에 관한 연구)

  • Chung, Yeon-Kyoung
    • Journal of Korean Society of Archives and Records Management
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    • v.3 no.2
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    • pp.34-51
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    • 2003
  • The purposes of this study are to categorize the archival body of knowledge based on the analysis of two guidelines and websites of 10 archival graduate programs in the United States, and to make suggestions for the development of archival education in Korea. Basic knowledge, core knowledge, complementary knowledge, practical knowledge, and research knowledge are found as components of the archival body of knowledge. The basic knowledge is the ability to understand general circumstances related to records and archives. The core one is to master the required competence as archivists. The complementary one is to understand other disciplinary backgrounds and their various research methods. The practical one is to be obtained from field experiences and the research one is to make a scholastic contribution through a deep research process. Curriculum development for preservation, electronic records management, use of computer technologies, archival services and advocacy, more interdisciplinary courses and internship programs are suggested as important factors for the future archival education. And cooperative research and appointment of more faculty members are also suggested. Finally, the development of guideline for Korean archival graduate programs are strongly suggested.

Correlation of Nutrient Intake, Obesity-related Anthropometrics, and Blood Lipid Status with Instant Coffee-mix Intakes in Gangneung and Samcheok Residents (강릉과 삼척지역 주민의 커피믹스 섭취 여부에 따른 영양섭취실태 및 비만관련 신체계측치, 혈중지질패턴과의 상호관련성)

  • Kim, Eun Kyung;Choe, Jeong Sook;Kim, Eun Kyung
    • Korean Journal of Community Nutrition
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.134-141
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    • 2013
  • This study was conducted to investigate instant coffee-mix intakes and its relations with anthropometric measurements, nutrient intake, and blood lipid in Gangneung and Samcheok residents. Coffee-mix is a mixture of instant coffee, sugar and coffee-creamer. It is a standardized convenience food in Korea. Recently, Koreans appear to consume too much of instant coffee-mix. The respondents of this study were 218 Koreans (Gangneung region 133, Samcheok region 85). The average age was 56.0 years (male), 57.5 years (female). They were divided into 2 groups, the instant coffee-mix drinkers and the non-drinkers. The nutrient intake and anthropometric measurements and their relations with coffee-mix intakes were analyzed (nutrient intakes were calculated by converting per 1,000 kcal and adjusted by age, region). As for male, body fat was significantly higher in coffee-mix drinkers (18.1 kg, 25.0%) than in non-drinkers (17.1 kg, 23.8%). In the case of females, serum triglyceride was significantly higher in coffee-mix drinkers (109.1 mg/dL) than in nondrinkers (102.9 mg/dL). Coffee-mix intakes and coffee-mix's contributions to energy were higher for participants from Samcheok (21.2 g, 4.7%) than those from Gangneung (16.6 g, 3.4%). In addition, for Samcheok, coffee-mix's contribution to energy was significantly higher in male (5.6%) than in female (4.2%). Coffee-mix intakes and energy contribution of coffee-mix were not significantly correlated with anthropometric measurements. Only HDL-cholestrol showed significantly negative correlation with coffee-mix's contributions to energy. Based on the above results, we conclude that usual instant coffee-mix intake may increase intakes of sugar and fat and exert negative effects on serum lipids. Therefore, it is needed to control too much instant coffee-mix intake in the dietary management of rural residents.

Kate Middleton's Royal Fashion Style Analysis (케이트 미들턴의 로열 패션(Royal Fashion) 스타일 분석)

  • Lee, Seunghee;Kim, Jiyoung
    • Journal of Fashion Business
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.1-19
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze the fashion style of Kate Middleton, the Royal Family, and to examine the social and cultural influence of Middleton fashion. We selected 314 photographs collected from a Google site and Gettyimages.com April 2011-December 2016 as the final research subjects. We categorized the situation by domestic events, royal events, diplomatic activities, and social contribution activities, and analyzed fashion styles focusing on item composition, color, material, silhouette, detail, trimming, and length. As a result of the study, the one piece was the highest in the combination of items, and the color was the most in white. The color tones were mostly vivid, and the material texture was silky. The image was classic, and the dress code was high in semi-formal. In a situational style, the coat was the most common at the Royal Family events and blue or white of the light tones appeared in the formal style of the classic image. In domestic events, there were many silky textures of modern image, and vivid, strong tonal knee length H line dress was the most prevalent. During diplomatic activities, various colors such as red, green, gray appeared in addition to blue or white and in social contribution activities, many dresses of vivid and dark tones of red appeared in the dress code as semi-formal. In conclusion, the stylistic features of Kate Middleton and the Royal Family are largely in the form of royal and noble, low cost and chic, and body-conscious styling.

The three most significant contributions of criminological theories to our theoretical understanding of criminal behavior made since 1985 (범죄학 이론의 발전에 영향을 미친 이론들에 대한 고찰: -1985년 이후의 중요한 범죄이론을 중심으로-)

  • Jang, Duck-Hyung
    • Korean Security Journal
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    • no.42
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    • pp.449-468
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    • 2015
  • It is important to identify and discuss what the most vial contributions of criminological theories. In the field of criminology, most significant contributions or advancement have been made on the various issues such as age, the integration of structural and procedural level theories, other theoretical integration debates. However, it is hard to find ant systematic study exploring such a contribution in criminological theories. This study, therefore, has a purpose to discuss three most significant contributions to our theoretical understanding of criminal behavior made since 1985. To accomplish the study purpose, this study choose the followed three theoretical contributions; the emergence of life course theory, the revision of social disorganization theory, and the introduction of social structure and social Learning (SSSL) model. The three theoretical works will be introduced and discussed regarding other theoretical integration trends in the body of this study. The conclusion, contribution of this current study has been discussed in the last conclusion and discussion section.

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The Process of Racialization in the Hybrid Age-focusing on Chang Rae Lee's Aloft (혼종화 시대의 인종화 프로세스-이창래의 『비상』을 중심으로)

  • Lee, Seonju
    • English & American cultural studies
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.141-167
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    • 2014
  • The macro structural perspective of how race was formed nationally, politically, and socially has greatly contributed in revealing the ills of racialism until now, likewise, the dichotomous form of Asian-American literature corresponding to such perspective has made great contribution in awakening people's awareness of race. While acknowledging the contribution of such macro perspectives, we must take note that today's racialism is becoming materialized in different aspects. The tendency of present racial formation is that the recognition of race is spread out lightly but widely in everyday lives and is revealed through the perception of our body. While publicly stating that society is color-blind and inequality significantly resolved, racialism emerges in the personal and everyday aspects. Not erased but diluted and spread out more widely, and the more diluted, harder to erase, racialism has penetrated into the perception of our lives. Racialism works not as a conspicuous discrimination but as a common sense that is 'naturally' absorbed into our perception and perspective. Chang Rae Lee's Aloft shows the process of such racial formation in our age of hybridization. This study tries to clarify why present racial formation must be analyzed in the macro perceptual perspective and show how the racial perception in the narrative of the white dominant narrator, Jerry, becomes the field where he lives and how it is spread through his perception. Through the theories of Judith Butler and Linda M. Alcoff, this study analyzes how people are got to self-identification with the racialization through reiteration and what the relationship is between racial formation and the subject's performativity in Aloft. The study concludes that revealing such current processes of racial formation perceptively is not thinking it 'natural' and inevitable but the process of bringing about a change in it.

Effects of Energy System Contribution on Isokinetic Muscle Strength in Various Sport Events Athletes (무산소, 유산소 운동종목별 엘리트선수의 등속성 근기능에 미치는 영향)

  • Kwon, Hyeong-Tae;Kim, Ki-Hoon
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.19 no.10
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    • pp.272-279
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    • 2018
  • This study was conducted to compare the muscle strength, muscle power, and H/Q ratio according to energy system contribution in athletes participating in various sports. Subjects of the study were assigned into an Anaerobic Exercise Group (AEG, n=60; Short-Distance, Weight Lifting, Jumping, Throwing, Bowling, Golf) and an Endurance Exercise Group (EEG, n=60; Modern Pentathlon, Field Hockey, Handball, Cycle, Boxing, Rowing) groups. Isokinetic peak torque/body weight% and flexor/extensor ratio at 60, 180 deg/sec of knee extension and flexion were measured using an cybex 770. Data analysis was conducted using an independent t-test and one-way ANOVA. Based on the results of this study, there was higher extension, flexion strength and flexion power in the AEG than the EEG (p<0.05). We also confirmed higher muscle strength and muscle power in short distance and jumping athletes than other athletes participating in other events (p<0.05). However, there was no significant difference within the endurance exercise group. The HS ratio was within a stable range of 50% to 60% in all events. Collectively, the outcomes of this study indicate that routine physiological and performance testing can provide measurable benefits for elite athletes and their coaches.