The Process of Racialization in the Hybrid Age-focusing on Chang Rae Lee's Aloft

혼종화 시대의 인종화 프로세스-이창래의 『비상』을 중심으로

  • Received : 2014.03.14
  • Accepted : 2014.04.18
  • Published : 2014.04.30


The macro structural perspective of how race was formed nationally, politically, and socially has greatly contributed in revealing the ills of racialism until now, likewise, the dichotomous form of Asian-American literature corresponding to such perspective has made great contribution in awakening people's awareness of race. While acknowledging the contribution of such macro perspectives, we must take note that today's racialism is becoming materialized in different aspects. The tendency of present racial formation is that the recognition of race is spread out lightly but widely in everyday lives and is revealed through the perception of our body. While publicly stating that society is color-blind and inequality significantly resolved, racialism emerges in the personal and everyday aspects. Not erased but diluted and spread out more widely, and the more diluted, harder to erase, racialism has penetrated into the perception of our lives. Racialism works not as a conspicuous discrimination but as a common sense that is 'naturally' absorbed into our perception and perspective. Chang Rae Lee's Aloft shows the process of such racial formation in our age of hybridization. This study tries to clarify why present racial formation must be analyzed in the macro perceptual perspective and show how the racial perception in the narrative of the white dominant narrator, Jerry, becomes the field where he lives and how it is spread through his perception. Through the theories of Judith Butler and Linda M. Alcoff, this study analyzes how people are got to self-identification with the racialization through reiteration and what the relationship is between racial formation and the subject's performativity in Aloft. The study concludes that revealing such current processes of racial formation perceptively is not thinking it 'natural' and inevitable but the process of bringing about a change in it.



Supported by : 한국연구재단