• Title/Summary/Keyword: Array chip

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A design on low-power and small-area EEPROM for UHF RFID tag chips (UHF RFID 태그 칩용 저전력, 저면적 비동기식 EEPROM 설계)

  • Baek, Seung-Myun;Lee, Jae-Hyung;Song, Sung-Young;Kim, Jong-Hee;Park, Mu-Hun;Ha, Pan-Bong;Kim, Young-Hee
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.11 no.12
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    • pp.2366-2373
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    • 2007
  • In this paper, a low-power and small-area asynchronous 1 kilobit EEPROM for passive UHF RFID tag chips is designed with $0.18{\mu}m$ EEPROM cells. As small area solutions, command and address buffers are removed since we design asynchronous I/O interface and data output buffer is also removed by using separate I/O. To supply stably high voltages VPP and VPPL used in the cell array from low voltage VDD, Dickson charge pump is designed with schottky diodes instead of a PN junction diodes. On that account, we can decrease the number of stages of the charge pump, which can decrease layout area of charge pump. As a low-power solution, we can reduce write current by using the proposed VPPL power switching circuit which selects each needed voltage at either program or write mode. A test chip of asynchronous 1 kilobit EEPROM is fabricated, and its layout area is $554.8{\times}306.9{\mu}m2$., 11% smaller than its synchronous counterpart.

Genome-wide analysis of Hanwoo and Chikso populations using the BovineSNP50 genotyping array

  • Song, Jun?Seok;Seong, Ha?Seung;Choi, Bong?Hwan;Lee, Chang?Woo;Hwang, Nam?Hyun;Lim, Dajeong;Lee, Joon?Hee;Kim, Jin Soo;Kim, Jeong?Dae;Park, Yeon?Soo;Choi, Jung?Woo;Kim, Jong?Bok
    • Genes and Genomics
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    • v.40 no.12
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    • pp.1373-1382
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    • 2018
  • Hanwoo and Chikso are classified as Korean native cattle breeds that are currently registered with the Food and Agriculture Organization. However, there is still a lack of genomic studies to compare Hanwoo to Chikso populations. The objective of this study was to perform genome-wide analysis of Hanwoo and Chikso populations, investigating the genetic relationships between these two populations. We genotyped a total of 319 cattle including 214 Hanwoo and 105 Chikso sampled from Gangwon Province Livestock Technology Research Institute, using the Illumina Bovine SNP50K Beadchip. After performing quality control on the initially generated datasets, we assessed linkage disequilibrium patterns for all the possible SNP pairs within 1 Mb apart. Overall, average $r^2$ values in Hanwoo (0.048) were lower than Chikso (0.074) population. The genetic relationship between the populations was further assured by the principal component analysis, exhibiting clear clusters in each of the Hanwoo and Chikso populations, respectively. Overall heterozygosity for Hanwoo (0.359) was slightly higher than Chikso (0.345) and inbreeding coefficient was also a bit higher in Hanwoo (-0.015) than Chikso (-0.035). The average $F_{ST}$ value was 0.036 between Hanwoo and Chikso, indicating little genetic differentiation between those two breeds. Furthermore, we found potential selection signatures including LRP1B and NTRK2 genes that might be implicated with meat and reproductive traits in cattle. In this study, the results showed that both Hanwoo and Chikso populations were not under severe level of inbreeding. Although the principal component analysis exhibited clear clusters in each of the populations, we did not see any clear evidence that those two populations are highly differentiated each other.

Design of Poly-Fuse OTP IP Using Multibit Cells (Multibit 셀을 이용한 Poly-Fuse OTP IP 설계)

  • Dongseob kim;Longhua Li;Panbong Ha;Younghee Kim
    • The Journal of Korea Institute of Information, Electronics, and Communication Technology
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.266-274
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    • 2024
  • In this paper, we designed a low-area 32-bit PF (Poly-fuse) OTP IP, a non-volatile memory that stores data required for analog circuit trimming and calibration. Since one OTP cell is constructed using two PFs in one select transistor, a 1cell-2bit multibit PF OTP cell that can program 2bits of data is proposed. The bitcell size of the proposed 1cell-2bit PF OTP cell is 1/2 of 12.69㎛ × 3.48㎛ (=44.161㎛2), reducing the cell area by 33% compared to that of the existing PF OTP cell. In addition, in this paper, a new 1 row × 32 column cell array circuit and core circuit (WL driving circuit, BL driving circuit, BL switch circuit, and DL sense amplifier circuit) are proposed to meet the operation of the proposed multbit cell. The layout size of the 32bit OTP IP using the proposed multibit cell is 238.47㎛ × 156.52㎛ (=0.0373㎛2) is reduced by about 33% compared that of the existing 32bit PF OTP IP using a single bitcell, which is 386.87㎛ × 144.87㎛ (=0.056㎛2). The 32-bit PF OTP IP, designed with 10 years of data retention time in mind, is designed with a minimum programmed PF sensing resistance of 10.5㏀ in the detection read mode and of 5.3 ㏀ in the read mode, respectively, as a result of post-layout simulation of the test chip.

Four-Channel Differential CMOS Optical Transimpedance Amplifier Arrays for Panoramic Scan LADAR Systems (파노라믹 스캔 라이다 시스템용 4-채널 차동 CMOS 광트랜스 임피던스 증폭기 어레이)

  • Kim, Sang Gyun;Jung, Seung Hwan;Kim, Seung Hoon;Ying, Xiao;Choi, Hanbyul;Hong, Chaerin;Lee, Kyungmin;Eo, Yun Seong;Park, Sung Min
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics and Information Engineers
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    • v.51 no.9
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    • pp.82-90
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    • 2014
  • In this paper, a couple of 4-channel differential transimpedance amplifier arrays are realized in a standard 0.18um CMOS technology for the applications of linear LADAR(laser detection and ranging) systems. Each array targets 1.25-Gb/s operations, where the current-mode chip consists of current-mirror input stage, a single-to-differential amplifier, and an output buffer. The input stage exploits the local feedback current-mirror configuration for low input resistance and low noise characteristics. Measurements demonstrate that each channel achieves $69-dB{\Omega}$ transimpedance gain, 2.2-GHz bandwidth, 21.5-pA/sqrt(Hz) average noise current spectral density (corresponding to the optical sensitivity of -20.5-dBm), and the 4-channel total power dissipation of 147.6-mW from a single 1.8-V supply. The measured eye-diagrams confirms wide and clear eye-openings for 1.25-Gb/s operations. Meanwhile, the voltage-mode chip consists of inverter input stage for low noise characteristics, a single-to-differential amplifier, and an output buffer. Test chips reveal that each channel achieves $73-dB{\Omega}$ transimpedance gain, 1.1-GHz bandwidth, 13.2-pA/sqrt(Hz) average noise current spectral density (corresponding to the optical sensitivity of -22.8-dBm), and the 4-channel total power dissipation of 138.4-mW from a single 1.8-V supply. The measured eye-diagrams confirms wide and clear eye-openings for 1.25-Gb/s operations.

Design of a Bit-Serial Divider in GF(2$^{m}$ ) for Elliptic Curve Cryptosystem (타원곡선 암호시스템을 위한 GF(2$^{m}$ )상의 비트-시리얼 나눗셈기 설계)

  • 김창훈;홍춘표;김남식;권순학
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.27 no.12C
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    • pp.1288-1298
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    • 2002
  • To implement elliptic curve cryptosystem in GF(2$\^$m/) at high speed, a fast divider is required. Although bit-parallel architecture is well suited for high speed division operations, elliptic curve cryptosystem requires large m(at least 163) to support a sufficient security. In other words, since the bit-parallel architecture has an area complexity of 0(m$\^$m/), it is not suited for this application. In this paper, we propose a new serial-in serial-out systolic array for computing division operations in GF(2$\^$m/) using the standard basis representation. Based on a modified version of tile binary extended greatest common divisor algorithm, we obtain a new data dependence graph and design an efficient bit-serial systolic divider. The proposed divider has 0(m) time complexity and 0(m) area complexity. If input data come in continuously, the proposed divider can produce division results at a rate of one per m clock cycles, after an initial delay of 5m-2 cycles. Analysis shows that the proposed divider provides a significant reduction in both chip area and computational delay time compared to previously proposed systolic dividers with the same I/O format. Since the proposed divider can perform division operations at high speed with the reduced chip area, it is well suited for division circuit of elliptic curve cryptosystem. Furthermore, since the proposed architecture does not restrict the choice of irreducible polynomial, and has a unidirectional data flow and regularity, it provides a high flexibility and scalability with respect to the field size m.