• Title/Summary/Keyword: Antihypertensive Effect

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A study on the antihypertensive effect and mechanism of Siegesbeckia pubescens aqua-acupuncture treatment in spontaneously hypertensive rats (희염약침자극이 자발성(自發性) 고혈압(高血壓) 흰쥐의 혈압(血壓)에 미치는 영향(影響) 및 강압기전(降壓機轉)에 대(對)한 연구(硏究))

  • Nam, Sang-Soo;Park, Dong-Seok
    • The Journal of Korean Medicine
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.218-237
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    • 1997
  • In order to investigate the antihypertentive effects and its mechanism of the Siegesbeckia pubescens aqua-acupuncture treatment, experiments were performed on immediate and continuous antihypertensive effects, vasodilatation-autonomic nerve block, diuretic activity, and angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitory activity. The results were as follows; 1. Acupuncture treatment group showed significantly immediate antihypertensive effects in 4 hours after treatment. Normal saline aqua-acupuncture treatment group showed significantly immediate antihypertensive effects in 2, 4 and 6 hours after treatment. Siegesbeckia pubescens aqua-acupuncture treatment group showed significantly immediate antihypertensive effects in 30 minutes, 1, 2, 4 and 6 hours after treatment. 2. Siegesbeckia pubescens aqua-acupuncture treatment group showed significantly continuous antihypertensive effects in 6, 8, 9 and 10 days after treatment. 3. Siegesbeckia pubescens aqua-acupuncture extract solution showed significantly vasodilatatory and sympathetic nerve block effects with concentration of $10^{-6},\;10^{-5},\;10^{-4},\;10^{-3}g/m{\ell}$. 4. Oral administration group of the Siegesbeckia pubescens aqua-acupuncture extract solution didn't show no significantly diuretic effects. 5. Siegesbeckia pubescens aqua-acupuncture extract solution showed 28.8% angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitory activity.

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The Effect of 6-Hydroxydopamine on the Hypotensive Action and Contractile Force of Isolated Vas Deferens Smooth Muscle by Clonidine (Clonidine의 혈압강하및 적출정관 평활근수축에 미치는 6-Hydroxydopamine의 영향)

  • 윤재순;장문희
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    • v.31 no.2
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    • pp.82-91
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    • 1987
  • The effect of neurotoxic compound 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA) on the change in blood pressure and contractile response of Vas deference by centrally acting agents has been studied in normal and DOCA-salt induced hypertensive rats. The treatment of neonatal rats with 6-OHDA (2$\times$100mg, 250mg Kg$^{-1}$s.c) significantly inhibited the antihypertensive and relaxant effects of Vas deference of clonidine(100$\mu\textrm{g}$ Kg$^{-1}$iv.). The simultaneous administration of desipramine with clonidine into neonatal rats decreased the antihypertensive response of clonidine although treated did not affect the relaxative response of Vas deference. Furthermore, the antihypertensive and relaxant responses of clonidine were reduced by the neonatal rats with 6-OHDA regardless of the administration of desipramine. When neonatal rats were administered with 6-OHDA, the development of DOCA-salt hypertension was prevented. These results suggest that 6-OHDA, clonidine and desipramine hada significant effect on the development and the inhibition of central hypertension mediating the central adrenergic neuron due to their affinity to the central nervous system.

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Pharmacological Studies on the Antihypertensive Effects of Cinnarizine Coadministered with Propranolol or Metoprolol(I) -Effects on Blood Pressure Change- (Cinnarizine을 Propranolol이나 Metoprolol과 병용할 때의 혈압(血壓) 강하(降下) 효과(效果)에 관한 약리학적(藥理學的) 연구(硏究)(I) -혈압(血壓) 변화(變化)에 대한 효과-)

  • Huh, In-Hoi;Ann, Hyung-Soo
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    • v.28 no.5
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    • pp.249-256
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    • 1984
  • The effects of $Ca^{2+}-antagonist$, cinnarizine, on the antihypertensive effects of propranolol and metoprolol were investigated in normal cat (i. v.) and SHR (p. o.). Cinnarizine increased the antihypertensive effect of propranolol, but not of metoprolol. It inhibited the heart rate decreasing effects of propranolol and metoprolol slightly. It decreased the norepinephrine-induced blood pressure increasing effect and isoproterenol-induced blood pressure decreasing effect when coadministered with metoprolol orally for 4 weeks in SHRs.

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Antihypertensive Effects of Enantiomers of Amlodipine Camsylate, a Novel Salt of Amlodipine

  • Oh, Kwang-Seok;Kim, Maeng-Sup;Lee, Byung-Ho
    • Biomolecules & Therapeutics
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.40-45
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    • 2007
  • The vascular relaxant effects on isolated rat aorta of amlodipine camsylates (S-, R-enantiomer, and R/S-racemate), were evaluated and compared with that of S-amlodipine besylate. Furthermore, antihypertensive effects were measured in spontaneously hypertensive rat (SHR). The S-amlodipine camsylate concentration-dependently inhibited $Ca^{2+}$-induced contraction of rat aorta with a very slow onset of action (reached its maximum at 3.5h; $ED_{50}:\;1.50\;{\pm}\;0.24$ nM), having a potency 2-fold higher than those of R/S-amlodipine camsylate $(ED_{50}:\;3.36\;{\pm}\;0.91\;nM)$ and similar to those of S-amlodipine besylate $(ED_{50}:\;1.44\;{\pm}\;0.14\;nM)$, whereas the R-amlodipine camsylate has 590-fold lower vasorelaxant activity $(ED_{50}:\;886.4\;{\pm}\;49.7\;nM)$. In SHR, orally administered S-amlodipine camsylate produced a dose-dependent and long-lasting (>>10 h) antihypertensive effect $(ED_{20}:\;0.89\;mg/kg)$, with a potency 2-fold higher than those of R/S-amlodipine camsylate $(ED_{20}:\;1.82\;mg/kg)$ and similar to those of S-amlodipine besylate $(ED_{20}:\;0.71\;mg/kg)$. In contrast, the R-amlodipine camsylate has no effect even-though administrated high concentration 10 mg/kg. These results suggest that S-amlodipine camsylate has the potency and long-lasting antihypertensive activity as single enantiomer drug, and its antihypertensive effect is not significantly different to that of S-amlodipine besylate.

Cardiovascular Actions of KR-30006 and KR-1008, a New Dihydropyridine derivatives (새로운 Dihydropyridine 유도체, KR-30006과 KR-1008의 심장순환계 약리작용)

  • Lee, Byung-Ho;Jung, Yee-Sook;Kwon, Kwang-Il;Zee, Ok-Pyo
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    • v.33 no.3
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    • pp.167-174
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    • 1989
  • KR-1008 and KR-30006 are 1,4-dihydropyridine derivatives, new vasodilatory calcium antagonists from KRICT. Calcium antagonistic properties of the compounds were studied in the isolated heart (Langendorff preparation), pulmonary artery (vasodilation), and in the papillary muscle (negative inotropic effect) of the guinea pig. Antihypertensive effect were also investigated after i.v. or oral administration in the SHR (spontaneously hypertensive rat). They produced a sigificant inhibition of Ca-induced contraction in the guinea pig pulmonary artery at the concentrations of above $10^{-8}M$. The negative inotropic effect of the electrically stimulated papillary muscle appeared from the concentration of $10^{-6}M$, which is about hundred times higer than the concentration of vasodilation effect. Left ventricular pressure also decreased from the concentration of $3\;{\times}\;10^{-6}M$ in KR-1008 and KR-3006 in the Langendorff heart preparations. Coronary flow rate increased from $10^{-6}M$ in KR-1008 and nicardipine and appeared no change in KR-30006. The antihypertensive effect of KR-1008 (EC 20: $2.9\;{\mu}g/kg$) was potent more than nicardipine (EC 20: $3.4\;{\mu}g/kg$) and than Kr-30006 (EC 20: $6.8\;{\mu}g/kg$) was, after i.v. bolus injection in the anesthetized SHR. The antihypertensive effect in the conscious SHR appeared 30 minutes after oral administration of 10 mg/kg and persisted 4 hrs in KR-1008 and 12 hrs in KR-30006. Heart rate tended to increase for 0.5-1 hr after oral administration of the test compounds.

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Antihypertensive Effect of Wild Mountain Ginseng Cultured Root Extract in Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats (Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats에 있어서 산삼배양근 추출물의 항고혈압 효과)

  • Yang, Deok-Chun;In, Jun-Gyo;Lee, Bum-Soo;Han, Seung-Ho;Kim, Eun-Jeong;Kim, Kil-Soo
    • Journal of Physiology & Pathology in Korean Medicine
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    • v.22 no.6
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    • pp.1482-1486
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    • 2008
  • The antihypertensive effects of the Wild Mountain Ginseng Cultured Root Extract (WMGCE) were investigated in spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR). Daily oral administration of the WMGCE (100 and 200 mg/kg) exhibited a significant decrease in blood pressure in SHR rats during for 8 weeks. The systolic blood pressure was dose- and time-dependently decreased significantly from the second weeks (p < 0.05) to the end of WMGCE treatment in SHR. The WMGCE decreased the plasma levels of sodium, potassium, chlorides, urea and osmolarity in SHR rats but no statistically significant change was observed. Furthermore, no significant changes were noted on heart weight, heart rate and diameter of aorta after WMGCE treatment in SHR. Our results suggest that daily oral administration of WMGCE at the dose of 100 and 200 mg/kg for 8 weeks exhibited antihypertensive activities.

Antihypertensive effect of an enzymatic hydrolysate from Styela clava flesh tissue in type 2 diabetic patients with hypertension

  • Ko, Seok-Chun;Jung, Won-Kyo;Lee, Seung-Hong;Lee, Dae Ho;Jeon, You-Jin
    • Nutrition Research and Practice
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    • v.11 no.5
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    • pp.396-401
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    • 2017
  • BACGROUND/OBJECTIVES: In this randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind study, we evaluated the antihypertensive effects of enzymatic hydrolysate from Styela clava flesh tissue in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) and hypertension. SUBJECTS/METHODS: S. clava flesh tissue hydrolysate (SFTH) (n = 34) and placebo (n = 22) were randomly allocated to the study subjects. Each subject ingested two test capsules (500 mg) containing powdered SFTH (SFTH group) or placebo capsules (placebo group) during four weeks. RESULTS: In the SFTH group, systolic and diastolic blood pressure decreased significantly 4 weeks after ingestion by 9.9 mmHg (P < 0.01) and 7.8 mmHg (P < 0.01), respectively. In addition, the SFTH group exhibited a significant decrease in hemoglobin $A_{1c}$ with a tendency toward improvement in homeostasis model assessment of insulin resistance, triglyceride, apolipoprotein B and plasma insulin levels after 4 weeks. No adverse effects were observed in other indexes, including biochemical and hematological parameters in both groups. CONCLUSION: The results of our study suggested that SFTH exerts a regulatory, antihypertensive effect in patients with T2DM and hypertension.

Purification of angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitory peptides and antihypertensive effect generated from Indonesian traditional fermented beef (Cangkuk)

  • Irdha Mirdhayati;Wieda Nurwidada Haritsah Zain;Abdul Fatah;Issei Yokoyama;Keizo Arihara
    • Animal Bioscience
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    • v.37 no.10
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    • pp.1799-1808
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    • 2024
  • Objective: Traditional fermented meat products can be considered a source of bioactive peptides. Cangkuk, a traditional Indonesian fermented beef product is one source of angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitory peptides. This study aimed to identify ACE-inhibitory peptides from Cangkuk and analyze their antihypertensive effects. Methods: The water-soluble fraction of Cangkuk was fractionated to obtain ACE-inhibitory peptides using an ethanol solvent at several concentrations and solid-phase extraction with an OASIS HLB cartridge followed by purification with reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography (RP-HPLC). HPLC-MS was used to identify target peptides, followed by automatic protein sequencer analysis to detect peptide sequences. Antihypertensive effects were analyzed on the water-soluble fraction and synthesized peptides. The animal model comprised 14-16-week-old male spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHRs) (~320 g average body weight) with mean systolic blood pressures (SBPs) higher than 190 mmHg. All oral doses of peptides were 1 mL in volume. Distilled water was used as a control. The antihypertensive activities of the sample and control were observed by measuring the SBP at 0, 2, 4, 6, 8 and 24 h after oral administration. Results: Two sequences of ACE inhibitory peptides were found, EAPLNPKANR (IC50 value of 44.6 µmol/L) and IVG (IC50 value of 97.3 µmol/L). The water-soluble fraction demonstrated an antihypertensive effect on SHRs after oral administration at 100 mg/kg body weight, maximally lowering the SBP by 14.9 mmHg 8 h after administration. The tripeptide IVG showed the highest reduction of SBP, 24.76±2.1 mmHg 8 h after administration. The decapeptide EAPLNPKANR showed the highest reduction of SBP, 21.0±1.9 mmHg, 8 h after administration. All the samples differed significantly from the control (p<0.01). Conclusion: Cangkuk has potential as a functional food ingredient acting as an antihypertensive agent.

Antihypertensive Effect of $\alpha-Methyldopa$ Administered Concurrent with Timolol or Labetalol in SHR. (SHR에 $\alpha-Methyldopa$를 Timolol 또는 Labetalol과 병용투여시 혈압강하효과에 관한 연구)

  • 김종기;허인회;김재완
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.57-64
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    • 1981
  • The antihypertensive effect of $\alpha-Methyldopa$ administered concurrently with timolol or labetalol were studied with spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR). Every drugs were administered orally once a day after prechecking the systolic blood pressure and heart rate of SHR. The blood pressure and heart rate of SHR were significantly decreased in groups of combination while those of non-combination groups were fallen slightly. Compared with control group, the significant changes of blood pressure was obseved in group of $\alpha-methyldopa$ with timolol(100mg+2mg/kg)and $\alpha-methyldopa$ with labetalol (100mg+12.5mg/kg). The group of $\alpha-methyldopa$ with timolo 1 (100mg + 1.0mg/kg) reduced blood Pressure in similar degree as manifested in group of $\alpha-methyldopa$ with labetalol (100mg + 50mg/kg). In the group that $\alpha-methyldopa$ was administered concurrently with timolol, the maximum antihypertensive effect and heart rate decreasing effect were appeared after 3hr and 1hr of administration respectively and those effects in group of $\alpha-methyldopa$ with labetalol were appeared after 6hr of administration. The acute oral toxicity test was performed using albino mice with $\alpha-methyldopa$ alone, $\alpha-methyldopa$ with timolol (100:1) and $\alpha-methyldopa$ with labetatol (4:1), and was found that the $LD_{50}$ of $\alpha-methyldopa$ alone was 1104 mg/kg, $\alpha-methyldopa$ with timolol (100:1) was 1115 mg/kg and $\alpha-methyldopa$ with labetalol (4:1) was 354mg/kg.

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Antioxidant, Antihypertensive, and Anti-Inflammatory Activities of Long-Term Ripened Cheddar Cheese Water-Soluble Extract

  • Woojin Ki;Gereltuya Renchinkhand;Hyoungcheol Bae;Myoung Soo Nam
    • Food Science of Animal Resources
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    • v.44 no.6
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    • pp.1373-1388
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    • 2024
  • During cheese ripening, the proteins in the cheese are broken down, and various functional peptides are produced. This research aimed to investigate the changes in peptides and their physiological activities during the long-term maturation of Cheddar cheese. Young (YC), medium (MC), and 3-year-aged extra-sharp (EC) Cheddar cheeses were extracted with water, and bioactive peptides were identified using ultra performance liquid chromatography-high resolution mass spectrometer. Peptides reported to have antioxidant, angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE)-inhibitory, and anti-inflammatory effects were identified and evaluated in the extracts. MC and EC showed stronger antioxidant activity than YC. The 2,2'-azino-bis-(3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic) acid inhibition rates of MC and EC were similar, but EC exhibited a higher 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl inhibition rate. The antihypertensive effect was found to increase owing to the appearance of peptides with ACE-inhibitory activity in MC and EC. Quantitative real time polymerase chain reaction and immunoblot were run to evaluate the anti-inflammatory effects. YC did not show anti-inflammatory activity, but MC and EC were shown to effectively inhibit inflammatory mRNA expression. The immunoblot results showed that EC did not inhibit IκBα phosphorylation, but had an inhibitory effect at the mRNA expression level. Overall, the peptides contained in aged Cheddar cheese were shown to have excellent antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and antihypertensive activities, and long-term ripening appeared to have a positive effect on these activities. This is presumed to have affected not only the already identified peptides but also unknown peptides; therefore, it is expected that the discovery of bioactive peptides will be possible through additional research.