• Title/Summary/Keyword: Age of Building

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Employment Support Experience of Mature Nursing Students (만학도 간호대학생의 취업지원 경험)

  • Min-Hee Lee;Na-Eun Kim;Jae-Eun Choi;Jin-Hyang Yang
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.9 no.5
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    • pp.35-45
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    • 2023
  • This study aimed to deeply understand the employment support experience of mature nursing students. We interviewed 8 mature nursing students in universities in K and D, and analyzed the data through Colaizzi's method which was one of the phenomenological research method. It was composed of 4 themes and 8 sub-themes. The participants were preparing for employment by making efforts to increase the conformity of employment conditions while facing limitations to employment such as age. In addition, they were making efforts to find employment by finding their strengths as mature students, strengthening their will to work, and building a foundation for becoming professional nurses. Therefore, it is necessary to establish an institutional foundation and develop a programme to support the employment of mature nursing students, and carry out specific and empirical follow-up studies.

Monitoring Diet and Health Related Content in Terrestrial TV Programs for Young Children (식생활 및 건강관련 지상파 TV 유아 프로그램 모니터링)

  • Moon, Hyun-Kyung;Min, Ji-Hye;Kim, Jeong-Nam
    • Korean Journal of Health Education and Promotion
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    • v.27 no.3
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    • pp.85-96
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    • 2010
  • Objectives: Television is the most influencing mass media. It has taken an important part in our daily life as the information source. Transmitted informations are the important sources for building one's conscience, value and behavior for all age groups from young children to aged. Methods: In this paper, all land-based TV programs for young children has been monitored by quantity and quality from July 1st 2008 'till December 31st. General programs for young children have been monitored by its theme, type, contents delivery method, proportion of diet and health information in the program, and appropriateness. For the analysis, SPSS was used. Results: Young children's program 2,771 programs and 47,169 minutes during the period were monitored. From programs for young children about 'general' and 'cooking', there were 48programs(30.6%) that has contents about dishes, 47programs(29.9%) about food and nutrition, 34programs(21.7%) about life habits. From the programs, diet and health has been delivered by 'practical exercise(38.9%)', by 'cartoon & puppet show(31.2%)', followed by 'explanation from experts(15.3%)', 'song & movement(8.9%)', and 'simple introduction(4.4%)'. From programs for young children about 'general' and 'cooking', there were 157programs that has contents about ideas and delivery method being considered, 'appropriate(45.7%)' for giving positive and 'inappropriate(54.3%)' for its negative influence to young children, the need of improvement was suggested. Conclusion: Considering the importance of infancy in one's lifetime, not only specific field but each program for young children itself should be monitored by experts of each field. A plan on how to deliver accurate content effectively to young children should be searched in various ways.

An Analysis of the Factors Influencing Sales Price of Multi-Household Houses in Chang-won City (창원시 다가구주택의 매매가격에 영향을 미치는 요인 분석)

  • Oh, Sae-Joon
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • v.10 no.3
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    • pp.193-201
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    • 2019
  • The public's interest regarding multi-household houses, one of the small-scale housings used as profit earning property, has been increasing. Previous studies regarding price, such as the rent and sales price of multi-household houses', however, were difficult to find. Thus, this study set forth to find out what characteristics influence the sales price of multi-household houses so as to provide further suggestions to investors' decision makings and developers' strategy establishments. The data was retrieved from multi-household sales transacted in Changwon City. Through empirical analysis, this paper found that prices were high in Euichang-gu and Seongsan-gu, and meaningful variables in terms of locations were distance from major trade areas(-), distance from main streets(-), and Corner site(+). Meaningful variables related to household characteristics were total floor area(+), Studio type(+), Southern exposure(+), Building age(-), and Full-furnished(+).

A Study of the Relationship between City Branding and Event Content (도시 브랜딩과 이벤트 콘텐츠의 관계에 대한 연구)

  • Lim, Haewen
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.21 no.7
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    • pp.328-339
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    • 2021
  • In the age of global competition, city brand is a significant element for establishing a city's competitiveness. City branding is the process of building a storytelling about cities' content. Among the various contents that differentiate cities, this study seeks to discuss the role of an event and a city brand in the process of city branding based on the city marketing and event tourism literatures. This research uses grounded theory and a case study to examine Seoul exploring the changes in the Hi Seoul Festival and the Hi Seoul city brand over the last two decades. The qualitative research includes a secondary data analysis based on case studies from domestic and foreign regions and their festivals. The analytical results indicted three limitations: inconsistency, a lack of identity, and political leverage. Based on the limitations, this study discusses the importance of the connection between city identity and event content, suggesting implications for moving forward toward a stable Seoul city branding strategy for the Seoul Metropolitan Government.

Asset Effects on Depression among Older Adults: Focusing on the Mediation Effects of Social Activities (노인의 자산이 우울에 미치는 영향: 사회활동의 매개효과를 중심으로)

  • Kang, Sion;Han, Chang-Keun
    • 한국노년학
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    • v.37 no.2
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    • pp.415-430
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    • 2017
  • This study aims to examine whether assets matter for depression among older adults and whether the relationship between assets and depression is mediated by social activities. The research questions are based on asset effect theory, stakeholder theory, and activity theory. This study used the 5th wave of KLoSA data which is a nationally representative data in Korea. Research findings are summarized as follows: First, we found the negative relationship between assets and depression of older adults. Second, The relationship between assets and depression was partially mediated by social activities of older adults. The findings suggest that older adults with assets are more likely to participate in social activities and accordingly their depression is likely to decline. Based on the empirical findings, we can propose that asset-building programs targeting older adults should be developed and that the financial education and saving chances should be given to middle-aged adults who need to prepare old age in the long-term perspective.

Novel nomogram-based integrated gonadotropin therapy individualization in in vitro fertilization/intracytoplasmic sperm injection: A modeling approach

  • Ebid, Abdel Hameed IM;Motaleb, Sara M Abdel;Mostafa, Mahmoud I;Soliman, Mahmoud MA
    • Clinical and Experimental Reproductive Medicine
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    • v.48 no.2
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    • pp.163-173
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    • 2021
  • Objective: This study aimed to characterize a validated model for predicting oocyte retrieval in controlled ovarian stimulation (COS) and to construct model-based nomograms for assistance in clinical decision-making regarding the gonadotropin protocol and dose. Methods: This observational, retrospective, cohort study included 636 women with primary unexplained infertility and a normal menstrual cycle who were attempting assisted reproductive therapy for the first time. The enrolled women were split into an index group (n=497) for model building and a validation group (n=139). The primary outcome was absolute oocyte count. The dose-response relationship was tested using modified Poisson, negative binomial, hybrid Poisson-Emax, and linear models. The validation group was similarly analyzed, and its results were compared to that of the index group. Results: The Poisson model with the log-link function demonstrated superior predictive performance and precision (Akaike information criterion, 2,704; λ=8.27; relative standard error (λ)=2.02%). The covariate analysis included women's age (p<0.001), antral follicle count (p<0.001), basal follicle-stimulating hormone level (p<0.001), gonadotropin dose (p=0.042), and protocol type (p=0.002 and p<0.001 for short and antagonist protocols, respectively). The estimates from 500 bootstrap samples were close to those of the original model. The validation group showed model assessment metrics comparable to the index model. Based on the fitted model, a static nomogram was built to improve visualization. In addition, a dynamic electronic tool was created for convenience of use. Conclusion: Based on our validated model, nomograms were constructed to help clinicians individualize the stimulation protocol and gonadotropin doses in COS cycles.

A Study on Interactive Talking Companion Doll Robot System Using Big Data for the Elderly Living Alone (빅데이터를 이용한 독거노인 돌봄 AI 대화형 말동무 아가야(AGAYA) 로봇 시스템에 관한 연구)

  • Song, Moon-Sun
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.22 no.5
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    • pp.305-318
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    • 2022
  • We focused on the care effectiveness of the interactive AI robots. developed an AI toy robot called 'Agaya' to contribute to personalization with more human-centered care. First, by applying P-TTS technology, you can maximize intimacy by autonomously selecting the voice of the person you want to hear. Second, it is possible to heal in your own way with good memory storage and bring back memory function. Third, by having five senses of the role of eyes, nose, mouth, ears, and hands, seeking better personalised services. Fourth, it attempted to develop technologies such as warm temperature maintenance, aroma, sterilization and fine dust removal, convenient charging method. These skills will expand the effective use of interactive robots by elderly people and contribute to building a positive image of the elderly who can plan the remaining old age productively and independently

Building Polyphonic Narrative of (시각화전략을 통한 <지구를 지켜라>의 다성적 내러티브 구축)

  • Kim, Byeong-Jung
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.9 no.10
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    • pp.140-147
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    • 2009
  • The narrative in the post modern age specially changed the relationship between the writer and the audience. There has been discussions in digital story telling on the format where the audience directly get involved in the plot and change it. However, relevant research has a problem that makes it hard to be applied to unilateral narrative analysis. However, in this context, Save the Green Planet utilizes the narrative that emphasizes the role of the audience while keeping the media characteristics of the movie. Save the Green Planet is read in a monophonic manner by the audience. The audience is led, through different voices provided by the movie, to create another plot that is restructured by themselves other than the explicit plot. This paper aims to examine how the elements constituting the narrative of Save the Green Planet restructure a new plot, and examine the restructured narrative between the interaction of the two plots.

Is Information Distribution and Group Discussion Useful for the Deliberative Poll in Korea? (공론조사의 숙의 유도 방법 : 한국 상황에서의 문제점 검토)

  • Cho, Sung-Kyum;Cho, En-Hee
    • Survey Research
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.43-66
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    • 2007
  • This study attempts to identify the problems in applying the deliberative polling method within the Korean cultural context. The deliberative polling method uses information distribution and group discussion to encourage the poll participants to be informed on and deliberate the issues, so that they may express their elaborate informed opinions when surveyed after discussion. One of the criticisms is that having all the poll participants assemble in one location may result in lower level of poll participation and accordingly a less representative sample. Also, the assumption that group discussion will bring about deliberation has not been tested. Some research suggests that in certain Asian cultures, group discussion is not widely used for conflict resolution or consensus building. Thus this study proposes that the mere utilization of a group discussion method does not necessarily imply that the participants have actually deliberated the issues. A telephone survey of one thousand Koreans over the age of 20 was conducted. The survey results show that group discussion is not a common way to discuss controversial issues in Korea, and would contribute to a low participation rate. It is the conclusion of this study that alternative deliberation methods need to be developed.

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Big Data Governance Model for Smart Water Management (스마트 물관리를 위한 빅데이터 거버넌스 모델)

  • Choi, Young-Hwan;Cho, Wan-Sup;Lee, Kyung-Hee
    • The Journal of Bigdata
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    • v.3 no.2
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    • pp.1-10
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    • 2018
  • In the field of smart water management, there is an increasing demand for strengthening competitiveness through big data analysis. As a result, systematic management (Governance) of big data is becoming an important issue. Big data governance is a systematic approach to evaluating, directing and monitoring data management, such as data quality assurance, privacy protection, data lifetime management, data ownership and clarification of management rights. Failure to establish big data governance can lead to serious problems by using low quality data for critical decisions. In addition, personal privacy data can make Big Brother worry come true, and IT costs can skyrocket due to the neglect of data age management. Even if these technical problems are fixed, the big data effects will not be sustained unless there are organizations and personnel who are dedicated and responsible for data-related issues. In this paper, we propose a method of building data governance for smart water data management based on big data.