• Title/Summary/Keyword: Adult College Students

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  • Song, Joo-Hun;Ryu, Young-Kyu;Oh, Chang-Ok
    • The korean journal of orthodontics
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    • v.24 no.4 s.47
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    • pp.773-785
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    • 1994
  • It has been generally believed that the impaction or eruption of mandibular third molars has significant correlations with the growth of the mandible, size of mandibular arch and size of teeth. The purpose of this study was to examine if there is any correlation between the status of eruption of mandibular third molars and the amount of mandibular crowding. The effect of missing of third moalrs to mandibular crowding was studied as well. 140 adult students of Yonsei University were selected and divided into three groups according to the status of mandibular third molars, Group 1) congenital missing group, Group 2) eruption group, and Group 3) impaction group. The tooth size, dimensions of the mandibular dental arch, and the amount of crowding were measured and compared. Results were as follows ; 1. There was no statistically significant difference in tooth size between the missing group and the eruption group(p<0.05). Impaction group showed larger total tooth material, inci- sal tooth material, and individual tooth size except central incisors compared to missing group (p<0.05). Impaction group showed larger total tooth material, incisal tooth material compared to eruption group as well(p<0.05). When individual tooth size was compared, impaction group had larger central incisors, canines, and second premolars than eruption group(p<0.05). 2. Missing group showed larger intermolar width than impaction group and it was stati- stically significant(p<0.05). 3. When compared the amount of total crowding, impaction group showed the largest am- ount of crowding, then eruption group, and missing group showed the least amount of crowding respectively(p<0.05). There was no statistically significant difference between missing stoup and eruption group in the amount of incisal crowding(p<0.05). Impaction group show- ed the largest amount of incisal crowding among all three groups(p<0.05).

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The Effect on grasp and pinch strength according to degree of elbow flexion in normal adult (성인의 주관절 굴곡 각도가 파악력과 핀치력에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, Cu-Rie;Kim, Keun-Jo;Kim, Bonn-Won
    • The Journal of Korean Academy of Orthopedic Manual Physical Therapy
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.25-33
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    • 2008
  • Purpose : This study was investigated the effect on grasp and pinch strength according to degree of flexion in elbow joint. Methods : Thirty male and thirty female students, aged 20 to 31 years were tested for using opened positioning with their shoulder abduction at $55^{\circ}$ and shoulder horizontal adduction at $30^{\circ}$ in four elbow flexion($0^{\circ}$, $45^{\circ}$, $90^{\circ}$, $135^{\circ}$). An electronic dynamometer(E-LINK V900s Evaluation System)and goniometer were used to measure grasp and pinch strength. Results : The average grasp strength of the dominant hand was strongest at elbow $45^{\circ}$ however, weakest at elbow $135^{\circ}$ flexion in both of male and female. The average pinch strength of the dominant hand was strongest at elbow $135^{\circ}$ flexion in both of male and female. The average pinch strength of dominant hand was weakest at elbow $45^{\circ}$ flexion in both of male and female. According to degree of elbow flexion in both of male and female, grasp and pinch strength was no significant statistically. In analyzing correlations, the grasp strength of male showed the most significant difference at elbow $45^{\circ}$ & $90^{\circ}$ flexion, and the pinch strength was most significant difference at elbow $0^{\circ}$ & $45^{\circ}$ flexion. Conclusion : In analyzing correlations, the grasp strength of female showed the most significant difference at elbow $90^{\circ}$ & $135^{\circ}$ flexion, and the pinch strength was most significant difference at elbow $45^{\circ}$ & $90^{\circ}$ flexion.

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The Effects of Unstable Adult Attachment, Self-compassion, and Emotional Recognition Clarity of Nursing Freshmen on Interpersonal Skills (간호학과 신입생의 불안정 성인애착과 자기자비, 정서인식명확성이 대인관계능력에 미치는 영향)

  • Mee-Ra Park;Jeong-Sook Kim;Nam-Joo Je;Ji-Won Yoon
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.217-226
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    • 2024
  • This study is a descriptive research study to figure out the effect of unstable an adult attachment, self-mercy and emotional recognition clarity on interpersonal skills targeting nursing freshman. From 27th of March 2023 to 7th of April 2023, data gathered from the nursing freshman of university in J city, G province were analyzed. Using IBM SPSS/25, the data was analyzed descriptive statistic t-test, ANOVA and multiple correlation analysis. Interpersonal skills have negative correlation with unstable adults attachment(r=-.19, p=.005), and also have positive correlation with self-mercy (r=.38, p<.001) and emotional recognition clarity (r=.28, p<.001). Using hierarchical multiple regression analysis of factors that effects on interpersonal skills of survey subjects, self-mercy was the factor predict one's interpersonal skills the most, extroverted, mixed and emotional recognition clarity in order. The higher self- mercy and emotional recognition clarity are, the bigger influences interpersonal skills have and 24.5% of explanatory power. For nursing school students, interpersonal skills was one of the essential qualities so various methods to improve their interpersonal skills should be figured out.

Recognition of Personal Health Record (개인보건정보기록에 대한 인지도)

  • Bae, Se-Eun;Kim, Ha-Yeon;Son, Hyeon-S.;Rhee, Hyun-Sill
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.1703-1710
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    • 2011
  • Objectives: Using a PHR(Personal Health Record) is very important for the management of chronic disease and health. The young age group in this study was asked to pretend that they were members in the old age group (adult group here after) in order to investigate the recognition level differences in such conditions. Methods: We conducted face to face surveys with two age groups. 131 Adults and 398 University students, from May 11 to 22 in 2009. The questionnaires were composed of 18 items. Results & Conclusion: Adults replied more favorably than University students in using PHR willingness(University group 3.3score, Adults 3.7score) and recommendation(university 3.1score, Adults 3.8score). Adults liked paper PHR (63.2%), whereas, University students favored electronic Personal Health Record (71.1%). University students were highly concerned about disclosing the information(4.5score) of their PHR. They thought the appropriate time of education for PHR is high school or University degree. Therefore, in the future, it is vital that a PHR for young age group should be begun in early education and that an ePHR should be developed.

A Study on the Curriculums of the Nursing Department of Junior Colleges in Seoul and Kyungin Area (간호교육 개선을 위한 교과과정 비교분석 - 서울$\cdot$경인지역 전문대학을 중심으로 -)

  • Lee Ae Kyung;Kim Jung Ae;Phang Suk Mung;Joo Mi Kung;Kim Young Hee;Chung Ann Soon;Choi Na Young;Chang Eun Jung
    • Journal of Korean Public Health Nursing
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.180-193
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    • 1997
  • This study was designed to set up more developed curriculum in Nursing department of a junior college. The sample for the study were fifteen curriculums of fifteen selected junior colleges in Seoul and Kyunggi area. The credits and hours of each curriculum were analyzed into means and compared with the one of the example college. The data were categorized into seven sections; cultural subject, basic medical science, major subjects such as Nursing, Fundamental Nursing, electives, teaching and non-teaching subjects, and clinical practice. The data were analyzed by means of descriptive statistics. The results of the study were as follows; 1. Credit hours of Cultural subjects of each college ranges from $5.8\%\;to\;25.7\%$ of the total graduate credit hours; most commonaly lectured subjects are English 05 colleges), Korean (11 colleges), psychology (10 colleges), and computer (10 colleges). 2. In the case of the example college, Anatomy and Psychology were jointed as one subject, Basic Nursing Science, and some more study in depth should be made to develop more of this type of conjunction among related subjects on basic medical science. 3. As for the mendatory subjects of the example college, subjects on Adult Nursing was fourteen credits (14 hours), which was higher than the average 12.9 hours of other colleges compared. 4. Credit hours of Basic Nursing Laboratory were eight to ten credits (12-18 hours), which was higher than actual class hours. As more and more hospitals test clinical aptitude when recruiting nurses, more emphasis should be paid to the clinical practice. 5. Among fifteen sample curriculums six to twelve electives were offered with twelve to twenty-three credits. Most commonly opened subjects were Physical Examination (5), Nursing English (14). and Geriatrics Nursing (13). Nursing English are considered to be more important in the view of clinical practice. and Oriental Nursing, Nursing Information and Health Insurance Management should be considered as specialized subjects. 6. Teaching and Non-teaching subjects In case of the example school. Clinical Emergency Medicine, Introduction to Emergency Medicine were offered for these non-teaching class students so they could prepare for the qualification examination. 7. Clinical Practice The average credit hours for clinical practice of the sample college were 20.9 credit hours $(66.5\%)$ and the example school offered twenty credit hours which was slightly lower than the other forteen.

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A Study on Development of Questionaire for Use in Epidmiologic Survey on Respiratory Illness in Korea (호흡기계(系) 질환의 역학적(疫學的) 조사방법 게발에 관한 연구(II) -한국(韓國) 실정에 맞는 설문조사서 개발-)

  • Ahn, Yoon-Ok;Kim, Keun-Youl;Kwon, E-Hyock
    • Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.57-73
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    • 1982
  • Questionaires on symptoms of respiratory disease have been used in Korea to elicit the probable health effects of air pollution in epidemiologic studies: The objectives of such studies often include comparing prevalence of symptoms of respiratory system between different population groups or between the same population groups, at different times. Unfortunately, little attention has, been paid to standardization of those questionaires, whether those are Korean. versions or not. Furthermore, no attempt to develop Korean ,questionaire on respiratory symptoms and relevant information has been made. Followed by 'a comparative study on responses to Korean version questionaires(English origin) of CMI, MRC, and ATS-DLD-78' two types of questionaires on respiratory symptoms and relevant information for Korean adult, which are short form (SUN-81-AS) and long forms (optional questions are added to the short one, SUN-81-AL), have been designed suitable to Korean background by authors (see Annex). The self-administered and closed-question questionaire were tested their validity and reliability by administration to l80 normal adults (medical and nursing students) and 60 clinical patients of Seoul National University Hospital, with spirometric exam. The results obtained and conclusions drawn are as follow: 1. It took less than 10 minutes to complete the questionaire SNU-81-AS and SNU-81-AL. 2. The test-retest reliability of each questions in AS and AL ,were observed as 92.7% and 92.1%, respectively. And all of the level of agreement are statistically significant with kappa statistic. 3. In addition to higher prevalence rate of symptoms in patients group compared, with, normal. group, the correlations between FEV 1.0/FVC predictive value(%) and number of symptoms were statistically significant inpatients group (See Fig. 1 and, Table 7). 4. The answer rate to optional questions in AL form among those who are not to do was about 10%, while the no-answer rate among who are to do was about 15% in Normal (medical and nursing students) group. 5. From the viewpoints of validity and reliability, the new Korean questionaire (SNU-81-AS and AL) developed by authors are to be recommendable to use in epidemiologic studies on respiratory illness in Korea. The self-administration, however, of optional questions in AL form may not assure the quality of data gathered.

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A Study on the Status of Physical Exercise of Community People in City Area (도시지역주민의 운동실태와 관련요인)

  • 한중호;남철현
    • Korean Journal of Health Education and Promotion
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.68-86
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    • 1991
  • This study was carried out to investigate consciousness level of physical exercise and analyze factors affection to the practice of exercise. The main purpose of the study was to give basic and necessary data in developing of program regarding to the physical exercise of the people and social athletics. This study was conducted by trained surveyers, for dweller in three cities(Seoul, Taegu and Ulsan) during January 4. 1990 to January 24. 1990. The results of this study can be summarized as follows 1. The subject of criticism an investigation for general charactristic be conducted in Seoul, Taegu and Ulsan city area an objective 417 person, 432 person and 366 person was among those comparatively little more by male was higher rate than female. Those in classification was adopted by age group 20 years old adult 41.3% of most higher rate, age group evaluation, were 24.9% and other group were 18.4% comprehensively appearanced by adult group has most many value rate. 2. An objective of investigation survey was made to personnel were comparative an educated level significantly higher such as college graduated 48.8% this rate of value has most higher, High school graduated ; 30.1% and middle School gratuated were 11.7%. In addition the native comes from large city, Farming and fishing villages an rural area rate were shown as 29.6%, 28.4% and 19.9% each other. There by classification of occupational job was shown by students has 27.4% are most higher significantly, also there sales and service field job appearanced 15.1% and expert technical job is 9.0% Although nonreligion person rate were 37.3%, buddist, Christianity, Roman Catholicism all them each other shown 33.6%, 16.7% and 12.4%. An evaluation in economic situation value rate was appearanced by middle class level 61.7% and higher and low level are 14.4% and 23.9% with each other and married were 59.2%. 3. The people resident in cities area has pratice of health development by exercise person were 43.5% and value of rate for male has exercise practice is 52.5%, was significantly higher than female has by age group 10 years old and age group 50 years old is 52.6% and 47.3% was comparative higher rate also age group 30 is 35.1% of low factor was indicated. Although evaluated an economic situation rate was higher level get more taken the practice of health develop exercise(higher level 60.0% and low level is 32.9%). Although by higher level of educated were more taken pratice of their proper physical exercise(college graduated rate ; 52.2% of most higher and high school graduted ; 39.7% and then middle school graduated is 19.1%) unmarried taken exercise rate ; 48.4% is significantly higher than married person rate ; 40.8%. Although objective of native area of exercise rate of Urban area cities ; 52.5% are significantly higher farming and fishing native person rate ; 40.4% shown is most low.

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A Study on the Subjectivity of Pain Management of Nurse (간호사의 통증관리에 대한 주관성 연구)

  • Park, Kyung Sook;Song, Mi Seung;Kim, Kyung Hee
    • Korean Journal of Adult Nursing
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.123-135
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    • 2001
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze the structural pattern of nurses' pain management with patients who experience pain. As a research method, the Q methodology, which is useful for an objective view of a highly abstract concept, was applied. The data collecting activity of this study was from August, 21st, 2000 to November, 24th 2000. The Q-population, the previous thesis and a literature review were done. Questions about pain management by the nurse on the patients, caregivers, nursing students, doctors, nurses, and others were asked in documentary work and in-depth interviews. In all, 223 units of the Q-population were formed, and the last 35 units of the Q-population were extracted. The data on the P-sample was collected from 41 nurses who worked in the medical and surgical units of a hospital that belonges to C university in Seoul. The research results were constituted in 3 types. Type I was the 'pattern of judging by objectivity'. The statement on which most of the people highly agreed for those patterns was shown by 'If patients said that they are suffering from pain, we sufficiently performed an assessment about the etiology, location, duration and degree'. For type I, the same pain was found in different locations according to the patients, so the etiology of the pain should be identified first place. Since ways of coping are different according to pain etiology, it was thought that it is important to assess sufficiently the pain etiology, location, duration, and degree. Therefore, when patients complain of pain, the pain etiology should be identified and assessed; according to the result, pain management should be performed systematically. Type II was the 'pattern of accepting by subjectivity'. The statement on which most of the people highly agreed for those patterns was shown as 'If patients said that they are suffering from pain, the medical treatment should be performed rapidly and speedily.' For type II, when the patient complains of pain, treatment should be performed quickly in order to prevent the condition getting worse, and it is thought that activity is a reasonable duty. Further, by trying to show empathy after pain is admitted and by understanding and coping rapidly with the pain of patients, an attitude which matched the altruistic morals of nurses is being shown. Type III was the 'pattern of worrying about', and the statement on which most of the people highly agreed for those patterns was shown is 'When there is a pain, to help patients to tolerate the pain to the highest degree.' In type III, the pain is a subjective expression, so there is a difference according to every individual. Therefore, actually if there is no measurement of pain, it could be exaggerated so nurses should help patients to tolerate it to the utmost. Even if there is a way to remove pain without an analgesic drug, nurses were reluctant to perform pain management as they possibly could. Through these research results, pain management of nurses was classified in 3 types, and structural characteristics in each type were discovered. Based upon the characteristics according to the type, an individualized pain management intervention strategy should be established and the follow up work performed.

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Apparel Market Segmentation by Clothing Variables and Lifestyle for Adult Women (의복변인에 의한 시장세분화와 라이프스타일과의 관계 -$20\∼30$대 여성의 의복시장을 중심으로-)

  • Won Sun;Kahng He Won
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.12 no.3 s.28
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    • pp.309-318
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    • 1988
  • The purposes of this study were: 1) to develop specific AIO variables(clothing variables) based on clothing behavior studies, 2) to segment apparel market by clothing variables, 3) to discribe the profile of each segment with clothing variables, lifestyle variables and demographic variables, 4) to Suggest effective strategies on apparel market of women's clothing. The Likert Type clothing questionnaires measured 6 aspects of clothing (fashion, conformity-individuality, practicality, aesthetics, modesty and brand consciousness & status symbols) dealing with activities, interests and opinions. In addition, lifestyle variables were measured with general AIO statements. The questionnaires were administered to 563 young women (students, career women and homemakers) living in Seoul. The data were analysed by factor analysis, ctustering analysis, multiple discriminant analysis, one-way ANOVA ana Duncan's multiple range test. The results of the study were as follow: 1) 4 factors emerged from factor analysis of clothing variables. Factor 1: lower interest in modesty and higher interest in aesthics, Factor 2: brand consciousness and status symbols, Factor 3: conformity, Factor4 : fashion. 2) Lifestyle variables clustered into 3 factors. Factor 1: positive social activity, Factor 2: family-oriented type, Factor S: materialism. 3) By cluster analysis of the 4 factors of the clothing variables, the apparel market of women's clothing was categorised into 3 segments (innovative aesthetics seeker group, brand and status symbols conscious group, clothing unconscious group). 4) The above three segmented groups were also significantly discriminated by lifestyle and demosraphic variables. 5) On the basis of the findings, effective marketing strategies of women's clothing were suggested.

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A Study on Model Development for Urban Community Nursing Center (일개 도시 지역사회 간호센터 모형개발을 위한 요구조사)

  • Yun, Soon-Nyoung
    • Research in Community and Public Health Nursing
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.260-271
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    • 2002
  • Objectives: The purpose of this study was to identify basic health needs of adult clients to develop a community nursing center model in Seoul. Methods: Data were collected using a questionnaire survey from 894 adults registered at a public health center who were health management members, and visiting 4 community nursing centers, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee during the period from July 1999 to January 2000. The data were analyzed using frequency, percentile, t-test, and ANOVA. Results: 1) The University of Wisconsin- Milwaukee School of Nursing has a long tradition of developing 4 community nursing centers with innovative health care programs. CNCs integrate the ability to implement and test effective intervention strategies with education, research, and practices of nursing students and faculty. They were designed to enhance the health status and quality of life for urban communities through the development of productive, outcome focused, collaborative partnerships among UWM-Nursing faculties and staff, other health and human service providers, consumers, and policy makers. It links the financial resources between UWM and 9 voluntary agencies and 12 public funding organizations including federal. state, and local governments. 2) Of the total health management members, 37.4% were reported to have at least one type of chronic disease such as hypertension, diabetes, and arthritis. Ten percent of them reported having obesity, and 44.2% reported lack of exercise. The health status of the subjects was within normal range in laboratory tests. However, female subjects showed more significant differences in obesity and cholesterol levels than male subjects. The subjects, who were in their 50s, showed more significant differences in obesity, SGOT, SGPT, and cholesterol levels than the subjects in other age groups. Conclusion: A community nursing center needs to be developed, that has a link between the nursing college and the public health center, with partnerships and a multidisciplinary approach. Based on the study results, exercise programs for middle aged adults are considered necessary. In particular, specific exercise programs for pre-menopausal women needs to be implemented in the future to prevent them from developing osteoporosis.

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