• Title/Summary/Keyword: Adjacent Object

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A Study on Optimum Design for Railway Alignment in Curve (곡선부 최적 선형 설계기법에 관한 연구)

  • Um, Ju-Hwan;Yang, Sin-Chu;Kim, Eun-Kyum
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Railway
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.597-603
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    • 2009
  • In this study, Based on the optimization developed in Um et al. (2009), optimum design method of the alignment when building new lines and renewing existing ones is presented. The object function used for optimization is passenger comfort ($P_{CT}$) which was proposed in BSI (2006). Other aspects of track/vehicle interaction will be treated in boundary conditions. And track/vehicle interaction analysis is peformed using KTX-II model. From the analysis results, it was found that the optimum alignments are affected by the angle (I) between adjacent straight lines and $R-L_t$ combinations. Also the dynamic analysis confirms well the results from the simplified analysis. However, In the most cases, the $P_{CT}$ values in the dynamic analysis are higher than the simplified $P_{CT}$ values. If both methods are used when optimizing the alignment, it will be possible to design the alignments more rapidly and reliably.

Characteristics of Weather and Climate over the Okhotsk Sea

  • KIM Young Seup;HAN Young Ho;CHEONG Hyeong Bin;DASHKO Nina A.;PESTEREVA Nina M.;VARLAMOV Sergey M.
    • Korean Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
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    • v.30 no.6
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    • pp.974-983
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    • 1997
  • The Okhotsk Sea is unique natural object with climatic peculiarities. The climate of the Okhotsk Sea results from the general distribution of solar radiation during a year, and the characteristics of the atmospheric circulation that varies through a year: In cold half year the main pressure formations are Siberian high and Aleutian low. Asian low centered on Afghanistan dominates over the Asian continent in summer. The North-Pacific sea surface is under effect of permanent North Pacific high. The changes in their position from year to year are very significant. The anticyclonic activity over the Far Eastern Seas is one of the main factors for the formation of weather anomalies over the adjacent territories. The analysis of summer weather characteristics over the coast of Okhotsk and East Sea using the data obtained from Hydrometeorological stations during $1949\~1990$ showed that, to a great extent, distribution of the air temperature depends on thermal state of the Okhotsk Sea and atmospheric circulation over it. We show some relations between weather characteristics and the intensity of atmospheric action center for the North Pacific high in summer when its ridge propagates to Okhotsk Sea. Correlation coefficients between air pressure over the Okhotsk Sea and air temperature for the coastal areas reach up to 0.7. Analysis of the spatial-temporal distribution of main meteorological values over the Okhotsk Sea such as air pressure, and air temperature are also performed.

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A Study on Feature-Based Multi-Resolution Modelling - Part II: System Implementation and Criteria for Level of Detail (특징형상기반 다중해상도 모델링에 관한 연구 - Part II: 시스템 구현 및 상세수준 판단기준)

  • Lee K.Y.;Lee S.H.
    • Korean Journal of Computational Design and Engineering
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    • v.10 no.6
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    • pp.444-454
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    • 2005
  • Recently, the requirements of multi-resolution models of a solid model, which represent an object at multiple levels of feature detail, are increasing for engineering tasks such as analysis, network-based collaborative design, and virtual prototyping and manufacturing. The research on this area has focused on several topics: topological frameworks for representing multi-resolution solid models, criteria for the level of detail (LOD), and generation of valid models after rearrangement of features. As a solution to the feature rearrangement problem, the new concept of the effective zone of a feature is introduced in the former part of the paper. In this paper, we propose a feature-based non-manifold modeling system to provide multi-resolution models of a feature-based solid or non-manifold model on the basis of the effective feature zones. To facilitate the implementation, we introduce the class of the multi-resolution feature whose attributes contain all necessary information to build a multi-resolution solid model and extract LOD models from it. In addition, two methods are introduced to accelerate the extraction of LOD models from the multi-resolution modeling database: the one is using an NMT model, known as a merged set, to represent multi-resolution models, and the other is storing differences between adjacent LOD models to accelerate the transition to the other LOD. We also suggest the volume of the feature, regardless of feature type, as a criterion for the LOD. This criterion can be used in a wide range of applications, since there is no distinction between additive and subtractive features unlike the previous method.

Similarity-based Dynamic Clustering Using Radar Reflectivity Data (퍼지모델을 이용한 유사성 기반의 동적 클러스터링)

  • Lee, Han-Soo;Kim, Su-Dae;Kim, Yong-Hyun;Kim, Sung-Shin
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2011.10a
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    • pp.219-222
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    • 2011
  • There are number of methods that track the movement of an object or the change of state, such as Kalman filter, particle filter, dynamic clustering, and so on. Amongst these method, dynamic clustering method is an useful way to track cluster across multiple data frames and analyze their trend. In this paper we suggest the similarity-based dynamic clustering method, and verifies it's performance by simulation. Proposed dynamic clustering method is how to determine the same clusters for each continuative frame. The same clusters have similar characteristics across adjacent frames. The change pattern of cluster's characteristics in each time frame is throughly studied. Clusters in each time frames are matched against each others to see their similarity. Mamdani fuzzy model is used to determine similarity based matching algorithm. The proposed algorithm is applied to radar reflectivity data over time domain. We were able to observe time dependent characteristic of the clusters.

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A study on the harmonization for developing ENC consistency (전자해도 일관성 향상을 위한 Harmonization 방안 연구)

  • Ko, Hyun-Joo;Oh, Se-Woong;Sim, Woo-Sung;Suh, Sang-Hyun;Youn, Chung
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Navigation and Port Research Conference
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    • 2012.10a
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    • pp.115-116
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    • 2012
  • ENC internationality is emphasized by promoting coordination between international organizations recently. However, as a uniform chart pattern is more than ncecessary for save and comfortable navigation between adjacent countries, it is expected to require base technology to solve this problems. In this study, we define each other's different needs and object of Harmonization and identify the base technology by analyzing the case of foreign coutries' Harmonization to come up with an effective counterplan. In addition we analyze and arrange the difference between Korea and other countries in the point of the topic classified from examples of other countries. In conclusion, the effects are drawn from that by conducting this analyzing.

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Correction of Rotated Frames in Video Sequences Using Modified Mojette Transform (변형된 모젯 변환을 이용한 동영상에서의 회전 프레임 보정)

  • Kim, Ji-Hong
    • Journal of Korea Multimedia Society
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.42-49
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    • 2013
  • The camera motion is accompanied with the translation and/or the rotation of objects in frames of a video sequence. An unnecessary rotation of objects declines the quality of the moving pictures and in addition is a primary cause of the viewers' fatigue. In this paper, a novel method for correcting rotated frames in video sequences is presented, where the modified Mojette transform is applied to the motion-compensated area in each frame. The Mojette transform is one of discrete Radon transforms, and is modified for correcting the rotated frames as follows. First, the bin values in the Mojette transform are determined by using pixels on the projection line and the interpolation of pixels adjacent to the line. Second, the bin values are calculated only at some area determined by the motion estimation between current and reference frames. Finally, only one bin at each projection is computed for reducing the amount of the calculation in the Mojette transform. Through the simulation carried out on various test video sequences, it is shown that the proposed scheme has good performance for correcting the rotation of frames in moving pictures.

Knowledge Structures to Simulate the Spatial Behavior of Intelligent Virtual Humans (지능형 가상인간의 공간적 행동을 모사하기 위한 지식구조)

  • Hong, Seung-Wan;Park, Jong-Hee
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.20 no.12
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    • pp.230-240
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    • 2020
  • To develop a virtual world-based immersive tutoring system, we would like to develop a simulation in the spatial aspect to maximize the diversity and realism of the situation. This implementation requires the modeling of virtual space as well as the knowledge and intelligent thinking functions of virtual humans. First, information structures are needed to simulate the hierarchical and multifaceted composition of space and the corresponding knowledge of virtual humans. Specifically, four structures for 2.5D spatial distribution expression, complex spatial relationship expression, object expression, and temporal and spatial representation of events are developed respectively. It then uses these expressed knowledge to develop the spatial thinking function of virtual humans needed to make spatial movement. In general, events have a chain effect on adjacent or connected objects through force, resulting in a variety of situations and reflected in the planning of the next action by the virtual humans involved. For this purpose, the development of events according to historical trends is recorded on the representation structure of time and space. It embodies typical events to demonstrate the feasibility of independent behavior in complex spaces among virtual people.

Detection Ability of Occlusion Object in Deep Learning Algorithm depending on Image Qualities (영상품질별 학습기반 알고리즘 폐색영역 객체 검출 능력 분석)

  • LEE, Jeong-Min;HAM, Geon-Woo;BAE, Kyoung-Ho;PARK, Hong-Ki
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.82-98
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    • 2019
  • The importance of spatial information is rapidly rising. In particular, 3D spatial information construction and modeling for Real World Objects, such as smart cities and digital twins, has become an important core technology. The constructed 3D spatial information is used in various fields such as land management, landscape analysis, environment and welfare service. Three-dimensional modeling with image has the hig visibility and reality of objects by generating texturing. However, some texturing might have occlusion area inevitably generated due to physical deposits such as roadside trees, adjacent objects, vehicles, banners, etc. at the time of acquiring image Such occlusion area is a major cause of the deterioration of reality and accuracy of the constructed 3D modeling. Various studies have been conducted to solve the occlusion area. Recently the researches of deep learning algorithm have been conducted for detecting and resolving the occlusion area. For deep learning algorithm, sufficient training data is required, and the collected training data quality directly affects the performance and the result of the deep learning. Therefore, this study analyzed the ability of detecting the occlusion area of the image using various image quality to verify the performance and the result of deep learning according to the quality of the learning data. An image containing an object that causes occlusion is generated for each artificial and quantified image quality and applied to the implemented deep learning algorithm. The study found that the image quality for adjusting brightness was lower at 0.56 detection ratio for brighter images and that the image quality for pixel size and artificial noise control decreased rapidly from images adjusted from the main image to the middle level. In the F-measure performance evaluation method, the change in noise-controlled image resolution was the highest at 0.53 points. The ability to detect occlusion zones by image quality will be used as a valuable criterion for actual application of deep learning in the future. In the acquiring image, it is expected to contribute a lot to the practical application of deep learning by providing a certain level of image acquisition.

River Basin based Region Reconstruction and it's Regulation Analysis: A Case of Gangwon Province (하천 유역권에 의한 권역구분과 권역별 규제지역 분석 - 강원도 지역을 대상으로 -)

  • Kim, Chang-Hwan;Bae, Sun-Hak
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.20-33
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    • 2006
  • Changing of industry structure and development of traffic and telecommunications requires a change of the knowledge about the space where the human beings reside. Step by step the world is being divided into specified utility blocks. Today there is a limit that only one local government can compete with another region in the world. This study provides decision support tools with the use of GIS on the regional level for regions competition. GIS establishes regions and analyzes their geographic environment data, which will help in local-government problem solving and provide framework data for similar regions to become the community. The wide-area GIS application can present an objective and rational basis for regulation of inefficient investments and excessive competition between adjacent regions. The study area is Gangwon-do. Considering specific features of Gangwon-do which preserved high-quality environment resources, river basins were taken as a basis among natural regional elements. The main object of analysis conducted were the facts relevant to environmental regulation. The Gangwon-do consists of three regions in this study: Yongdong region, North-Hangang region and South-Hangang region. The analysis of each region regulation cases showed the following: in Youngdong region the forests regulation rate is high, in North-Hangang region the military installations protection sector's rate as well as regulation rate for water resources protection is relatively high, in South-Hangang region the forest and water resources regulation rate is high. The percentage of forests and water regulation rate appeared to be rather high in Gangwon-do, which means that the value of forest and water resources there is very high.

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Color Image Segmentation Using Adaptive Quantization and Sequential Region-Merging Method (적응적 양자화와 순차적 병합 기법을 사용한 컬러 영상 분할)

  • Kwak, Nae-Joung;Kim, Young-Gil;Kwon, Dong-Jin;Ahn, Jae-Hyeong
    • Journal of Korea Multimedia Society
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    • v.8 no.4
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    • pp.473-481
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    • 2005
  • In this paper, we propose an image segmentation method preserving object's boundaries by using the number of quantized colors and merging regions using adaptive threshold values. First of all, the proposed method quantizes an original image by a vector quantization and the number of quantized colors is determined differently using PSNR each image. We obtain initial regions from the quantized image, merge initial regions in CIE Lab color space and RGB color space step by step and segment the image into semantic regions. In each merging step, we use color distance between adjacent regions as similarity-measure. Threshold values for region-merging are determined adaptively according to the global mean of the color difference between the original image and its split-regions and the mean of those variations. Also, if the segmented image of RGB color space doesn't split into semantic objects, we merge the image again in the CIE Lab color space as post-processing. Whether the post-processing is done is determined by using the color distance between initial regions of the image and the segmented image of RGB color space. Experiment results show that the proposed method splits an original image into main objects and boundaries of the segmented image are preserved. Also, the proposed method provides better results for objective measure than the conventional method.

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