• Title/Summary/Keyword: Active magnetic actuator

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Electromagnetic Actuator for Active Vibration Control of Precise System (초정밀 시스템의 능동 진동제어용 전자기 액츄에이터)

  • Lee, Joo-Hoon;Jeon, Jeong-Woo;Hwang, Don-Ha;Kang, Dong-Sik;Choi, Young-Kiu
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 2005.10b
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    • pp.228-230
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    • 2005
  • In this paper, we address an active vibration control system, which suppresses the vibration engaged by magnetically levitated stage. The stage system consists of a levitating platen with four permanent magnetic linear synchronous motors in parallel. Each motor generates vertical force for suspension against gravity and propulsion force horizontally as well. This stage can generate six degrees of freedom motion via the vertical and horizontal forces. In the stage system, which represents the settling-time critical system, the motion of the platen vibrates mechanically. We designed an active vibration control system for suppressing vibration due to the stage moving. The command feedforward with inertial feedback algorithm is used for solving stage system's critical problems. The components of the active vibration control system are accelerometers for detecting stage tables's vibrations, a digital controller with high precise signal converters. and electromagnetic actuators.

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Active Vibration Control Method Using Frequency Controllable Piezoelectric Transducer (주파수가변 압전 트랜스듀서를 이용한 능동제진법)

  • Kim, Jung-Soon;Kim, Moo-Joon;Ha, Kang-Lyeol;Kang, Sung-Hak
    • The Journal of the Acoustical Society of Korea
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    • v.26 no.1E
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    • pp.27-32
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    • 2007
  • Hydraulic actuator and electro-magnetic liner actuator have been used as typical active vibration control methods. However these methods have many kinds of disadvantages such as causing space limit, difficult maintenance, complicate structures, etc. The purpose of this paper was to study on the possibility of active vibration control using piezoelectric transducer. Piezoelectric transducer generated a vibration and GIC (General Impedance Converter) amplifier was adopted to give adjustable vibration signal to transducer and high amplitude of vibration. Resonance frequency of piezoelectric transducer was controlled by GIC amplifier and higher amplitude of vibration was achieved. Finally active vibration control using piezoelectric transducer was performed.

회전체 진동감소를 위한 마그네틱 댐퍼 설계 및 응용

  • 이봉기;김영배
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Precision Engineering Conference
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    • 1995.10a
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    • pp.769-772
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    • 1995
  • Most turbo machines, which operate at high speeds, such as gas turbines, jet engines, pumps, and compressors are prone to perrturbing vibrations. The best vibration control method for rotors is to eliminate destabilizing factors. Careful balancing application of "more stable" oil-lubricated bearing, such as tilting pad bearings or use of anti-swirl devices in seals, are examplse of passive vibration control methods. the use of magnetic bearing is an active control method. An obvious advantage of active control is that it provides damping (or modifies system stiffness or other parameters) only when there is a need for that, i.e., in emergency states, while not affecting the rotor normal operational conditions. Moreover, active control methods provide exact position control through on-line control. In this study, a magnetic actuator, digital contrliier using DSP, and bipolar operational power supply/amplifiers were developed to show the effectiveness of reducing robot vibration. Also the curve fitting procedure to obtain the transfer function of frequency dependent component was developed. Results presented in this dissertation will provide a well-defined technical parameters in designing magnetic damper system.er system.

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A Six Pole Permanent Magnet Biased Homopolar Magnetic Bearing with Fault-Tolerant Capability

  • Uhn Joo Na
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Industry Convergence
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    • v.26 no.2_1
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    • pp.231-238
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    • 2023
  • This paper develops the theory for a novel fault-tolerant, permanent magnet biased, 6-active-pole, homopolar magnetic bearing. The Lagrange Multiplier optimization with equality constraints is utilized to calculate the optimal distribution matrices for the failed bearing. some numerical examples of distribution matrices are provided to illustrate the new theory. Simulations show that very much the same dynamic responses (orbits or displacements) are maintained throughout failure events (up to any combination of 3 coils failed for the 6 pole magnetic bearing) while currents and fluxes change significantly. The overall load capacity of the bearing actuator is reduced as coils fail. The same magnetic forces are then preserved up to the load capacity of the failed bearing.

Study on the Air Bearings with Actively Controllable Magnetic Preloads for an Ultra-precision Linear Stage (초정밀 직선 이송계용 능동 자기예압 공기베어링에 관한 연구)

  • Ro, Seung-Kook;Kim, Soo-Hyun;Kwak, Yoon-Keun;Park, Chun-Hong
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Precision Engineering
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    • v.25 no.6
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    • pp.134-142
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    • 2008
  • In this paper, we propose a precise linear motion stage supported by magnetically preloaded air bearings. The eight aerostatic bearings with rectangular carbon porous pads were located only one side of vertical direction under the platen where four bearings are in both sides of horizontal direction as wrap-around-design, and this gives simpler configuration than which constrained by air bearings for all direction. Each of the magnetic actuators has a permanent magnet generating static magnetic flux far required preload and a coil to perturb the magnetic farce resulting adjustment of air- bearing clearance. The characteristics of porous aerostatic bearing are analyzed by numerical analysis, and analytic magnetic circuit model is driven for magnetic actuator to calculate preload and variation of force due to current. A 1-axis linear stage motorized with a coreless linear motor and a linear encoder was designed and built to verify this design concept. The load capacity, stiffness and preload force were examined and compared with analysis. With the active magnetic preloading actuators controlled with DSP board and PWM power amplifiers, the active on-line adjusting tests about the vertical, pitching and rolling motion were performed. It was shown that motion control far three DOF motions were linear and independent after calibration of the control gains.

Active control of flow over a sphere using electro-magnetic actuators (전자석 액츄에이터를 이용한 구 주위의 유동제어)

  • Park, Jin-Il;Choi, Hae-Cheon;Jeon, Woo-Pyung
    • Proceedings of the KSME Conference
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    • 2000.04b
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    • pp.497-501
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    • 2000
  • Flow over a sphere is controlled experimentally at $Re=10^5$ using electro-magnetic actuators. The electro-magnetic actuator developed in this study is composed of the permanent magnet electro-magnet membrane and slot. Eight actuators are placed inside the sphere at equally spaced intervals on a latitudinal plane and the position of the control slot is 76 from the stagnation point. Each actuator generates a periodic blowing and suction through the slot at variable frequencies of $10{\sim}140Hz$ and variable amplitudes by controlling electric signals applied to the electro-magnet. Drag on the sphere measured using a load cell is significantly reduced with control at the forcing frequencies larger than the natural shedding frequency $({\approx}14Hz\;at\;Re=10^5)$, whereas drag is slightly increased at the forcing frequency of 10Hz. It is shown from pressure measurement that the static pressure in the rear surface of the sphere is significantly increased with control, indicating that the separation is delayed due to control. Flow visualizations also show that the detaching shear layer is more attracted to the sphere center with control, the separation bubble size is significantly reduced, and motion inside the bubble is very weak, as compared to the case of uncontrolled flow.

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Design and Implementation of a Fault-Tolerant Magnetic Bearing System

  • Park, B.C.;Noh, M.D.;Ro, S.K.;Kyung, J.H.;Park, J.K.
    • KSTLE International Journal
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.37-42
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    • 2003
  • One of the obstacles for a magnetic bearing to be used in the wide range of industrial applications is the failure modes associated with magnetic bearings, which we don't expect for conventional passive bearings. These failure modes include electric power outage, power amplifier faults, position sensor faults, and the malfunction of controllers. Fault-tolerant magnetic bearing systems have been proposed so that the system can operate in spite of some faults in the system. In this paper, we designed a fault-tolerant magnetic bearing system for a turbo-molecular vacuum pump. The system can cope with the actuator/amplifier faults which are the most common faults in a magnetic bearing system. We implemented the existing fault-tolerant algorithms to experimentally prove the adequacy of the algorithms for industrial applications. As it turns out, the system can operate even with three simultaneously failing poles out of eight actuator poles.

Study on Hybrid type Optical Pickup Actuator for Tilt Control (틸트제어를 위한 하이브리드형 광픽업 구동기에 대한 연구)

  • Kim, Chul-Jin;Lee, Kyung-Taek;Shin, Chang-Hun;Park, No-Cheol;Park, Young-Pil
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society for Noise and Vibration Engineering Conference
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    • 2002.11b
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    • pp.782-787
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    • 2002
  • In optical disk drives (ODD), the demands of high data density and high speed have been increasing rapidly to achieve high data capacity and data transfer rate. The short wavelength laser, High NA objective lens, and high track following performance are needed to raise data density and data rate. For high-performance actuator, the improvement of linearity and acceleration become more important. Also, 3-axis actuator for active tilt compensation is introduced to overcome the decrease in disk tilt tolerance which is induced by short wavelength laser. In this paper, a hybrid type 3-axis actuator is presented and a new yoke structure, which can reduce the interaction between yoke and moving magnet, is designed to keep the efficiency of magnetic circuit. Experimental results show the validity of the yoke in the hybrid type actuator.

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A Design and Control of an Active Magnetic Bearing System (능동형 자기 베어링 시스템의 설계 및 제어)

  • 김종문;최영규
    • The Transactions of the Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers B
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    • v.53 no.2
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    • pp.82-89
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    • 2004
  • In this paper, an active magnetic bearing(AMB) system is designed and controlled using a digital Proportional-Integral-Derivative(PID) control concept. The plant dynamics consisting of actuator and rigid rotor dynamics are described. A digital PID controller with a global control and a local control concept is designed and implemented using digital signal processor. Some experiments are conducted with each global control and local control concept. These include start-up test, impulse test, whirl response, and generator load test. The experimental results and comparison between those of a global control and a local control indicate that the global control of concept has impressive static and dynamic control performance for the prototype considered. From the whirl test, the developed system set can be controlled within about $\pm10\mu\textrm{m}$ gap variation at the rotational speed of 6000rpm and generate the AC power of frequency of $60\textrm{Hz}$, voltage of 100V and current of 0.8$\textit{A}$.