Design and Implementation of a Fault-Tolerant Magnetic Bearing System

  • Park, B.C. (Department of Mechatronics Engineering, Chungnam National University) ;
  • Noh, M.D. (Department of Mechatronics Engineering, Chungnam National University) ;
  • Ro, S.K. (Manufacturing Machinery Group, Korea Institute of Machinery and Material) ;
  • Kyung, J.H. (Manufacturing Machinery Group, Korea Institute of Machinery and Material) ;
  • Park, J.K. (Manufacturing Machinery Group, Korea Institute of Machinery and Materials)
  • Published : 2003.12.01


One of the obstacles for a magnetic bearing to be used in the wide range of industrial applications is the failure modes associated with magnetic bearings, which we don't expect for conventional passive bearings. These failure modes include electric power outage, power amplifier faults, position sensor faults, and the malfunction of controllers. Fault-tolerant magnetic bearing systems have been proposed so that the system can operate in spite of some faults in the system. In this paper, we designed a fault-tolerant magnetic bearing system for a turbo-molecular vacuum pump. The system can cope with the actuator/amplifier faults which are the most common faults in a magnetic bearing system. We implemented the existing fault-tolerant algorithms to experimentally prove the adequacy of the algorithms for industrial applications. As it turns out, the system can operate even with three simultaneously failing poles out of eight actuator poles.



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