• Title/Summary/Keyword: Action Decision

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A Study on the Development and Validation of Three Systems of Action Scale in Home Economics for Middle and High School Students (중⋅고등학생용 가정교과 세 행동체계 척도 개발 및 타당화 연구)

  • Choi, Seong Youn
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.35 no.3
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    • pp.67-96
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    • 2023
  • The purpose of this study was to develop and validate a scale that can grasp the reality of the three systems of action for middle and high school students in home economics. For this purpose, a total of 105 questions, 35 questions for each systems of action, were developed as a 5-point Likert scale in order to measure technical action, communicative action, and emancipative action as preliminary questions by reviewing domestic and international literature related to the three systems of action. The procedure for revising and supplementing the developed preliminary questions by reviewing the content validity of the home economics education expert was executed twice. A preliminary survey was conducted on middle and high school students with 70 developed preliminary questions, and 166 copies were collected. As a result of exploratory factor analysis of the collected questionnaires to test the validity of the scale, it was found that 38 questions 7 factors were appropriate. After constructing this survey based on the results of exploratory factor analysis, this survey was conducted on middle and high school students, and 548 copies were collected and a confirmatory factor analysis was performed. A total of 38 questions were finally selected through confirmatory factor analysis, including basic living ability 5 questions, self-management ability 4 questions, information processing ability 4 questions, communication/interpersonal ability 12 questions, critical thinking ability 3 questions, decision-making ability 7 questions, empowerment 3 questions. The Model Fit was χ2=1846.741(p<.001), CFI=0.865, TLI=0.853, RMSEA=0.058, and the Standardized Regression Weights for each question was more than 0.5, so it can be seen as a suitable measurement instrument for measuring the status of the three systems of action of middle and high school students in home economics. The three systems of action scales were found to have significant correlations with self-acceptance, future planning, intimacy, uniqueness, which are sub-factors of the self-identity scale, and social participation scales therefore confirmed that they have recognized concurrent validity.

A Bioethical Study of the Informed Consent for Organ Donor (장기공여를 위한 사전동의의 생의윤리학적 고찰)

  • Um, Young-Rhan;Han, Sung-Suk
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing Administration
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.475-487
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    • 1998
  • This is a study to search for the ethical basis for valid informed consent of organ donors. It is an admirable action that a person give his own body part or organ as a gift to another person. The organ for transplantation can be removed only when the donor consents voluntarily to donation. It is recently proposed as the need for organ transplantation is increased that organs can be harvested although the consent of deceased cannot be obtained. This may raise many moral issues because human beings all have an unalienable right to control their own bodies. The principle of autonomy is usually regarded as an ethical basis for informed consent. However, some people criticize that the principle of autonomy requires a person and his decision to be autonomous (but there are many patients who aren't autonomous due to their confusion or unconscious condition in a clinical situation). or this principle can foster indifference to patients needing help: thus respect for principles of care and beneficence is necessary. When we consider the complexity of making a decision about organ donation. the principle of autonomy should be replaced by the principle of respect for individual autonomy. as expressed by Childress (1990). This principle requires the care givers to respect the client's individual decisions. The elements of informed consent are threshold elements: competence to understand and decide. voluntariness in deciding: information elements: disclosure of material information. recommendation of a plan. understanding of disclosure and recommendation: and consent elements: decision in favor of a plan. authorization of the chosen plan. In cases of living donors. the elements of competence and voluntariness are more important than the others. So only an adult can give a recipient his own body part. but it should be forbidden to harvest from minors or protected adults (i.e. developmentally disabled person However. when organs are removed from a cadaver donor. we ought to respect the donor's decision. So we ought to try to seek donor cards or any documents expressing the donor's opinion about organ transplant. All health care givers ought to disclose donor information about organ transplantation clearly enough for the donor to understand it and to be able to weigh the harms and benefits. We are going to propose 'the subjective standard' as the ethical standard of disclosure. This standard will assure that patients have enough information to be able to decide autonomously from their own position. Care givers have to consider the method of disclosure because donors can be influenced by it positively or negatively, Establishment of the Hospital Committee is recommended. because medical professionals will have a chance to discuss the procedure of decision and the validity of harvesting a organ from a person.

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A Study on the Restoration Priority Decision Model of Oil Contaminated Military Sites (유류로 오염된 군사기지의 복원 우선순위 결정 모델 연구)

  • Roh, Kyung-Hee;Yang, Im-Suk;Han, Uk
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Soil and Groundwater Environment Conference
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    • 2000.05a
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    • pp.59-63
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    • 2000
  • At military bases, environmental restoration activities resulting from oil contamination are growing concerns of preventing adverse effects on human health and environments. Its technologies are still under developing stage through some countries such as United States and Germany. This study is focused on developing model for a decision-maker to assist the restoration priority under the situation of limited resources such as budget and time. The Model, named the Base Restoration Priority Decision model(BRP model), is composed of the three factors : oil contaminants receptors, and the potential migration pathways. Each risk rating of factor is combined in the 27 matrix blocks and set immediate, moderate, and delayed action category designated restoration priority. This is categorized to group sites into three degree using the simplest of assessment system. As a result, the model will be able to apply to the effective allocation of resources for the restoration by any decision-maker because the model is easy to understand. Also, the continuous study will have established risk assessment system for the restoration of contaminated military with this study as the starting point.

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Legal review on essential business of hospital business (병원사업에 있어서 "필수유지업무"에 관한 법리적 검토)

  • Park, Kyung-Choon
    • The Korean Society of Law and Medicine
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.343-405
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    • 2009
  • This paper is to discuss essential business of hospital business. While the labor world and ILO made continuous recommendation for improvements towards the compulsory arbitration system along with the controversy over unconstitutionality of the system, the Constitutional Court ruled that the system is constitutional on December 23, 1996(90hunba19) and on May 15, 2003 (2001hunga31). Despite this decision from the Constitutional Court, there has been much controversy over whether the compulsory arbitration system infringes the rights of collective action against the principle of trade union & labor relations adjustment which allows Commissioner of the Labor Relations Commission to decide on submission of arbitration by virtue of his/her authority in case where industrial disputes take place in the essential public-service businesses. The revision on the above provision was closely examined from the year 2003 and an agreement was made on the abolition of the compulsory arbitration system and the introduction of essential business with a grand compromise among labor unions, employers and the government on September 11, 2006 followed by revision(Essential business system enacted on January 1, 2008) of the Trade Union & Labor Relations Adjustment Act on December 30 in the same year. Accordingly, in order to perform the essential business, parties to labor relations must have an agreement or obtain a decision by the Labor Relations Commission before taking industrial actions. This paper firstly examined the concept of essential public-service businesses and essential business, legal meaning of essential business, procedures for making agreement and decision and legal effects. Secondly it intensively explored a theory against the principle of the legality which was raised from some part of society. In other words, it is claimed that a theory against the principle of the legality is not consistent with the rule of legislation and some abstract wording is against void for vagueness doctrine because part of crime constitution requirements is delegated to the Presidential Decree or to consultation among parties to labor relations. But analysis on the rule of legislation and void for vagueness doctrine reflected in the decision by the Constitutional Court led that argument for a theory against the principle of the legality is not reasonable. Close examination was done on a formal act of essential business agreement and necessity of prior agreement before submission of decision to the Labor Relations Commission which might have difficulties in performing work. In addition, an example agreement on hospital essential business is attached to help you understand this paper better.

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SMRT STnF Construction and Performance (서울특별시도시철도공사 STnF 구축과 성과)

  • Lee, Jong-Kye;Park, Jong-Hun;Kim, Ki-Chun
    • Proceedings of the KSR Conference
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    • 2011.10a
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    • pp.2573-2580
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    • 2011
  • SMRT(Seoul Metropolitan Rapid Transit Corporation) changed PC-oriented office system to Smart-Phone oriented mobile office system(STnF: SMRT Talk & Flash), and provided smart phone to all staffs. STnF make it possible not only voice communication between staff, but also to input and inquiry all kind of information related to work(ex: Facility maintenance, Rolling Stock management, office management, Finance, human resource etc.) based on smart phone. STnF conquers the limitation of time and space. All staffs can commute to the site directly to reduce moving time and to share information between staffs, so SMRT improve speed and reliability of work by making a quick decision and action on the spot. After introduction of STnF, within 1 year, the equipment failure ratio fell to 47%. Mobile office system reduced and level-off the step of approval. so enhanced civil customer service. Quantification and scientific movement of work make it fast evolution and development. These business improvement make it possible to put more outstanding manpower on new business and R&D project, and this contributes to company's management effectiveness.

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Classification System of EEG Signals for Mental Action (정신활동에 의한 EEG신호의 분류시스템)

  • 김민수;김기열;정대영;서희돈
    • Proceedings of the IEEK Conference
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    • 2003.07c
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    • pp.2875-2878
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    • 2003
  • In this paper, we propose an EEG-based mental state prediction method during a mental tasks. In the experimental task, a subject goes through the process of responding to visual stimulus, understanding the given problem, controlling hand motions, and hitting a key. Considering the subject's varying brain activities, we model subjects' mental states with defining selection time. EEG signals from four subjects were recorded while they performed three mental tasks. Feature vectors defined by these representations were classified with a standard, feed-forward neural network trained via the error back-propagation algorithm. We expect that the proposed detection method can be a basic technology for brain-computer interface by combining with left/right hand movement or cognitive decision discrimination methods.

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Social Awareness on the Function of Public Benefit of Agriculture and Rural Areas (농업.농촌의 공익기능에 대한 사회적 인식 연구)

  • Hwang, Jeong-Im;Kim, Eun-Ja;Rhee, Sang-Young
    • Journal of Agricultural Extension & Community Development
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.967-992
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    • 2009
  • The purpose of this study is to segment the social awareness on the function of public benefit of agriculture and rural areas by socio-economic and action/attitude characteristics, and to identify the influential variables in social awareness. The nationwide survey of 1,200 adults aged over 20 was conducted, and the data was analyzed by PASW statistics 17.0. One of the awareness variables was the degree of the consent to the preservation of the public beneficial function. This variable was segmented by the interest on related information, the criteria of buying agricultural products, occupation and age. And the other awareness variable was the willingness to pay for the preservation of the public beneficial function. This variable was segmented by the education, occupation, income and the experience of living in rural areas. According to the results, some suggestions for improving the social awareness on the public beneficial function of agriculture and rural areas were discussed.

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The Model of Motion Selection Considered with Emotion (감정을 고려한 행동선택 모델)

  • 김병관;김성주;서재용;조현찬;전홍태
    • Proceedings of the IEEK Conference
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    • 2003.07d
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    • pp.1287-1290
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    • 2003
  • Generally, it is known that human beings have both emotion and rationality. Especially, emotion is so subjective that human beings might act in different way for the same environment according to their own emotion. Emotion also plays very important role in communication with someone else For an agent, even though it is designed to act delicately, when it is designed without internal emotion, it can not interact dynamically just like human beings. In this paper, we suggest an agent which action is effected by not only rationality but also emotion to make it interact with human beings dynamically. It is composed of supervised learning, SOM (Self-Organizing Map) and fuzzy decision.

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The Model with the Changing Internal Emotion

  • Ha, Sang-Hyoung;Kim, Seong-Hyun;Kim, Byeong-Kwoan;Kim, Seong-Joo;Jeon, Hong-Tae
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Intelligent Systems Conference
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    • 2003.09a
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    • pp.276-279
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    • 2003
  • Generally, it is known that human beings have both emotion and rationality. Especially, emotion is so subjective that human beings might act in different way for the same environment according to their own emotion. Emotion also plays very important role in communication with someone else. For an agent, even though it is designed to act delicately, when it is designed without internal emotion, it can not interact dynamically just like human beings. In this paper, we suggest an agent which action is effected by not only rationality but also emotion to make it interact with human beings dynamically. It is composed of supervised learning, SOM (Self-Organizing Map) and fuzzy decision.

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The Study of Danger Rate for Improvement of Traffic Facilities (교통시설개선을 위한 위험도 도출에 관한 연구)

  • Sohn, Jin-hyeon
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Industry Convergence
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    • v.9 no.4
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    • pp.285-291
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    • 2006
  • A traffic accident is occurred by unbalance of reciprocal action of driver, vehicle and road conditions. To prevent the traffic accident, rapid and perfect road improvement is needed. But most of road improvement plans have insufficient budget. So decision maker has to determine the priority to invest. A model in this study, analyzing the effect of road conditions to the traffic accident, helps to decide the priority in road improvement. This study considered five danger indices ; 1) traffic volume, 2) speed variance, 3) vehicle mixing rate, 4) curved line radius, and 5) difference between design speed and running speed. Danger rate composed by five indices can be a scale of priority of improvement. The model in this study didn't consider all of factors about traffic accident. But this study can propose the methodology for traffic safety policy. For deriving the model, this study used data from highways in Korea and United States. Therefore the model has to apply the highways only.

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