• Title/Summary/Keyword: Accelerated aging behavior

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New Generation of Lead Free Paste Development

  • Albrecht Hans Juergen;Trodler K. G.
    • Proceedings of the International Microelectronics And Packaging Society Conference
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    • 2004.09a
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    • pp.233-241
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    • 2004
  • A new alloy definition will be presented concerning increasing demands for the board level reliability of miniaturized interconnections. The damage mechanism for LFBGA components on different board finishes is not quite understood. Further demands from mobile phones are the drop test, characterizing interface performance of different package constructions in relation to decreased pad constructions and therefore interfaces. The paper discusses the characterization of interfaces based on SnPb, SnPbXYZ, SnAgCu and SnAgCuInNd ball materials and SnAgCuInNd as solder paste, the stability after accelerated tests and the description of modified interfaces strictly related to the assembly conditions, dissolution behavior of finishes on board side and the influence of intermetallic formation. The type of intermetallic as well as the quantity of intermetallics are observed, primaliry the hardness, E modules describing the ability of strain/stress compensation. First results of board level reliability are presented after TCT-40/+150. Improvement steps from the ball formulation will be discussed in conjunction to the implementation of lead free materials In order to optimize ball materials for area array devices accelareted aging conditions like TCTs were used to analyze the board level reliability of different ball materials for BGA, LFBGA, CSP, Flip Chip. The paper outlines lead-free ball analysis in comparison to conventional solder balls for BGA and chip size packages. The important points of interest are the description of processability related to existing ball attach procedures, requirements of interconnection properties and the knowledge gained the board level reliability. Both are the primary acceptance criteria for implementation. Knowledge about melting characteristic, surface tension depend on temperature and organic vehicles, wetting behavior, electrical conductivity, thermal conductivity, specific heat, mechanical strength, creep and relaxation properties, interactions to preferred finishes (minor impurities), intermetallic growth, content of IMC, brittleness depend on solved elements/IMC, fatigue resistance, damage mechanism, affinity against oxygen, reduction potential, decontamination efforts, endo-/exothermic reactions, diffusion properties related to finishes or bare materials, isothermal fatigue, thermo-cyclic fatigue, corrosion properties, lifetime prediction based on board level results, compatibility with rework/repair solders, rework temperatures of modified solders (Impurities, change in the melting point or range), compatibility to components and laminates.

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New Generation of Lead Free Solder Spheres 'Landal - Seal'

  • Walter H.;Trodler K. G.
    • Proceedings of the International Microelectronics And Packaging Society Conference
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    • 2004.09a
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    • pp.211-219
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    • 2004
  • A new alloy definition will be presented concerning increasing demands for the board level reliability of miniaturized interconnections. The damage mechanism for LFBGA components on different board finishes is not quite understood. Further demands from mobile phones are the drop test, characterizing interface performance of different package constructions in relation to decreased pad constructions and therefore interfaces. The paper discusses the characterization of interfaces based on SnPb, SnPbXYZ, SnAgCu and SnAgCuInNd ball materials and SnAgCuInNd as solder paste, the stability after accelerated tests and the description of modified interfaces stric시y related to the assembly conditions, dissolution behavior of finishes on board side and the influence of intermetallic formation. The type of intermetallic as well as the quantity of intermetallics are observed, primaliry the hardness, E modules describing the ability of strain/stress compensation. First results of board level reliability are presented after TCT-40/+150. Improvement steps from the ball formulation will be discussed in conjunction to the implementation of lead free materials. In order to optimize ball materials for area array devices accelareted aging conditions like TCTs were used to analyze the board level reliability of different ball materials for BGA, LFBGA, CSP, Flip Chip. The paper outlines lead-free ball analysis in comparison to conventional solder balls for BGA and chip size packages. The important points of interest are the description of processability related to existing ball attach procedures, requirements of interconnection properties and the knowledge gained the board level reliability. Both are the primary acceptance criteria for implementation. Knowledge about melting characteristic, surface tension depend on temperature and organic vehicles, wetting behavior, electrical conductivity, thermal conductivity, specific heat, mechanical strength, creep and relaxation properties, interactions to preferred finishes (minor impurities), intermetallic growth, content of IMC, brittleness depend on solved elements/IMC, fatigue resistance, damage mechanism, affinity against oxygen, reduction potential, decontamination efforts, endo-/exothermic reactions, diffusion properties related to finishes or bare materials, isothermal fatigue, thermo-cyclic fatigue, corrosion properties, lifetime prediction based on board level results, compatibility with rework/repair solders, rework temperatures of modified solders (Impurities, change in the melting point or range), compatibility to components and laminates.

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Transition Temperature Evaluation of 1Cr-1Mo-0.25V Steel Using Miniaturized Charpy Impact Specimen (소형 샤르피 충격시험편을 이용한 1Cr-1Mo-0.25V강의 천이온도 평가)

  • Nahm Seung Hoon;Kim Si Cheon;Lee Hae Moo
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Gas
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    • v.2 no.4
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    • pp.42-46
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    • 1998
  • Miniaturized specimen technology Permits mechanical behavior to be determined using a minimum volume of material. The technology is useful in case of not collecting a large amount of materials from industrial equipments. Five kinds of accelerated degradation materials were prepared by isothermal aging heat treatment at $630^{\circ}C$. Three kinds of specimens were prepared for impact testing. In order to increase plastic constraint of subsize specimen, side-groove was introduced. Results between subsize and full size impact testing were compared. Size effects correlations were developed for the impact properties of turbine rotor material. These correlations successfully predict the ductile brittle transition temperature (DBTT) of full size Charpy impact specimens based on subsize specimen data.

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A Study on Material Degradation and Fretting Fatigue Behavior (재질 열화와 프레팅 피로거동 평가에 관한 연구)

  • Gwon, Jae-Do;Seong, Sang-Seok;Choe, Seong-Jong
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers A
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    • v.25 no.8
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    • pp.1287-1293
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    • 2001
  • Fretting is a potential degradation mechanism of structural components and equipments exposed to various environments and loading conditions. The fretting degradation, for example, for example, can be observed in equipments of nuclear, fossil as well as petroleum chemical plants exposed to special environments and loading conditions. It is well known that a cast stainless steel(CF8M) used in a primary reactor coolant(RCS) degrades seriously when that material is exposed to temperature range from 290$\^{C}$∼390$\^{C}$ for long period. This degradation can be resulted into a catastrophical failure of components. In the present paper, the characteristics of the fretting fatigue are investigated using the artificially aged CF8M specimen. The specimen of CF8M are prepared by an artificially accelerated aging technique holding 180hr at 430$\^{C}$ respectively. Through the investigations, the simple fatigue endurance limit of the virgin specimen is not altered from that obtained from the fatigue tests imposed the fretting fatigue. The similar tests are performed using the degraded specimen. The results are not changed from those of the virgin specimen. The significant effects of fretting fatigue imposed on both virgin and degraded specimen on the fatigue strength are not found.

Carbonation Behavior Evaluation of OPC Concrete Considering Effect of Aging and Loading Conditions (재령 및 하중효과를 고려한 OPC 콘크리트의 탄산화 거동 평가)

  • Hwang, Sang-Hyeon;Yoon, Yong-Sik;Kwon, Seung-Jun
    • Journal of the Korea institute for structural maintenance and inspection
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.122-129
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    • 2019
  • The movement of deterioration agents such as a chloride ion, etc. in concrete varies with loading conditions and micro-structure developed by age effect. In this paper, the carbonation behavior by accelerated carbonation test is evaluated considering curing periods(28 days, 91 days, and 365 days) and loading conditions. Carbonation velocity coefficients are obtained referred to KS F 2584. In the control case without loading condition, carbonation velocity coefficient of 91 days decreases to 50.0 % level and that of 365 days decreases to 44.8 % level than that of 28 days curing condition. In 28 curing days, carbonation velocity coefficients changed level of 103.9 ~ 108.8 % in tensile region and 91.9~104.6 % in compressive region by loading conditions. Carbonation velocity coefficients in the 30 % and 60 % tensile loading case at 28 days decreases to 47.3 % and 52.5 % level compared to control case after 1 year. Furthermore, 45.8 % and 44.9 % level of carbonation velocity coefficients are evaluated for 30 % and 60 % compressive loading conditions compared to control case after 1 year. Carbonation velocity coefficient decreases in the 30 % compressive loading level due to effective pore compaction and it increases afterwards due to micro-cracking. In the tensile loading condition, unlike the behavior of compressive region, it linearly increases with increasing loading level.